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Re: Defective McGhan/Inamed Implant(s)

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I had mentor, so I couldn’t go on this. By the way, it is good to hear from you again! How have you been?

----- Original Message -----

From: indianasurvivor

Sent: Sunday, November 30, 2003 12:28 PM

Subject: Defective McGhan/Inamed Implant(s)

Hello ladies. I have spent the last two years recovering from health problems caused by defective saline implants. I am an attorney, and am interested in speaking with women who were implanted with a defective implant made by McGhan/Inamed. In my own case, Dr. Pierre Blais discovered a valve defect.If you have discovered that your McGhan/Inamed implant(s) had a manufacturing defect of some kind, and two years have NOT passed since the defect was discovered, please contact me as soon as possible at indysurvivor@.... Please indicate the following:1) who tested the implant(s)2) the date the defect(s) was discovered3) briefly describe the defect(s)4) whether the defective implant(s) was infected with bacteria/fungusMy inquiry is limited to implants manufactured by McGhan/Inamed, and only those defects that were discovered in the last two years, as suits for defects discovered prior to that time may be time-barred. (Statutes of Limitations for product liability actions may vary from state to state).It is not necessary to include your name or phone number at this time. Simply e-mail me with the above information, and any other information you wish to include. I look forward to hearing from each of you. Happy Holidays!

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  • 3 weeks later...

I'm relatively new to the list, but see that some of the files

include information on silicone. My question though to you, are you

just inquiring about 100% saline implants by McGhan? Mine are

McGhan, for lack of a better word are 50/50's, inside is

silicone/outside is saline.

In the class action lawsuit, they must have made a case for the

saline outer sack being safer, so I only was 50% screwed. Mine were

implanted in '86 & I'd lay money a lot of the symptoms I'v been

experiencing are directly related to them. So, I'm wondering if I

could sue against the 50% that were saline *evil grin*, since

silicone was the issue in the class action.

Thanks for any clarification, Ann

> Hello ladies. I have spent the last two years recovering from


> problems caused by defective saline implants. I am an attorney,


> am interested in speaking with women who were implanted with a

> defective implant made by McGhan/Inamed. In my own case, Dr.


> Blais discovered a valve defect.


> If you have discovered that your McGhan/Inamed implant(s) had a

> manufacturing defect of some kind, and two years have NOT passed

> since the defect was discovered, please contact me as soon as

> possible at indysurvivor@a... Please indicate the following:


> 1) who tested the implant(s)

> 2) the date the defect(s) was discovered

> 3) briefly describe the defect(s)

> 4) whether the defective implant(s) was infected with



> My inquiry is limited to implants manufactured by McGhan/Inamed,


> only those defects that were discovered in the last two years, as

> suits for defects discovered prior to that time may be time-


> (Statutes of Limitations for product liability actions may vary


> state to state).


> It is not necessary to include your name or phone number at this

> time. Simply e-mail me with the above information, and any other

> information you wish to include. I look forward to hearing from


> of you. Happy Holidays!

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Wow, Rogene,

Who was this neurologist, can you say? Is there any other info about the saline women being sicker? I know Dr. Blais told me this too, but gee, do you think anyone else believes this? Or even knows? Somewhere along the line this information needs to become understood...maybe it will come out in a class action???? (That would be cool.)

Anyway, it was my understanding that those who want to be a part of the DOW lawsuit can still register...I may be wrong, but I looked into this last year and heard that they had still not closed the doors on those who had implants before 1993 and are sick. There is going to be a final registration date, and I can't remember when that was going to be, but I do remember at the time that I posted about it, it seemed a year or so off. Anyone know? Sawyer?


----- Original Message -----

From: Rogene S

Sent: Friday, December 19, 2003 6:38 AM

Subject: Re: Re: Defective McGhan/Inamed Implant(s)


Are your symptoms implant related? . . . If they sound like those of the women here, they probably are . . . regardless of what's inside the implant, the envelope is silicone. . . The symptoms are almost the same.

One neurologist told our support group that he divided his patients folders by the severity of their illness and found the saline women were actually sicker. . . You see, if the implant is contaminated, and it ruptures, it's can be something akin to toxic shock. With the silicone women, a small amount of toxin are released over a longer period of time. . . . This doesn't address problems of individual sensitivity and the fact the outside of the implant may have been contaminated in the process of being inserted.

Regardless of saline or gel, the envelope is going to degrade over a period of time. (They have a five year shelf life) Dr. Melmed demonstrated this when he spoke to the FDA . . . He showed one implant that had been in place a short period of time . . . It looked virtually new . . .The next implant had been there longer . . . It had a lot more stretch . . The third was a long term implant . . He literally pulled it apart right there in front of the FDA.

As for legal recourse . . . slim to none . . . The way they structured the settlements required women who had implants before 1992 to register prior. If they didn't (and because the publicity saying the law suits were frivolous, many women didn't), they essentially were locked out.

If you did sign up, and were able to prove who your manufacturer was, you have a chance, depending on who your manufacturer was. The best way would be to contact the manufacturer directly first. DOW still hasn't settled. There may be a way to be included in that settlement (I doubt it though). The problem is finding an attorney willing to take your case. Cases were collected by small law firms, then "sold" to larger firms. The larger firms made a deal with the manufacturer's that, if the they could settle out of court, the law firms wouldn't take any more implant cases.

My suggestion to you is to forget about having a legal remedy and take care of yourself. Keeping those implants in when you are symptomatic is playing with fire.

I wish I could be more positive . . . But this isn't a positive thing. The only positive I know is that you can feel much better if you get those bags of poison removed. If you don't you could get far worse!

Hugs and prayers,


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Hi. You have to check with your attorney to see what you have signed, and what exactly he is representing you for. The type of implant is not as important, but rather the key is whether they were defectively manufactured. Write me back if you have more questions.


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