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Can anyone really explain what this is? It seems I can never get a straight



[ ] is worse better?


Many of you have mentioned herxing and I gather it's getting worse

when the bacteria die off? I'm doing much worse the muscles in my legs keep

contracting and they are very weak. How long does a 'herx' usualy last if it's

that? thanks,



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Holly: Mycoplasma's are a group of cell wall deficient bacteria.

There are many different ones. Some are commonly carried by the

general public. Mycoplasmas have been blamed as causative agents in

Arthritis, Gulf war syndrome, CFS/FM, etc.... Also seem to be a

(common?) co-infection in lyme disesase. They can require long

treatment. The usual one seems to be doxicycline.

It has also been proposed that mycoplasmas have been used and

manipulated to create biological warfare agents, and that it was

tested on inmates in texas prisons. I haven't a clue as to the

accuracy of that information.

It seems to me that the more common ones that are carried by

a large percentage of the population might be more opportunistic

infections than causative ones. Personally, I've chosen to ignore

them for the time being.

One interesting thing that I remember from when I cared about

mycoplasma was that Dr. Nicholson of mycoplasma fame said that

pennicillins would not only not kill it, but would make it thrive.

Jadin said the same thing about rickettsial infections, of which

Erlichia is one. Check http://www.google.com for

mycoplasma Nicholson or

road back foundation

for opinions on mycoplasma.


>Can anyone really explain what this is? It seems I can never get a

>straight answer.


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thank you I just was told a couple of months ago that I have it and have never

really understood what it was. I am on doxy so I wonder if it will kill it. who

know and I guess at the stages of everything I am in it really does not matter.

Re: [ ] micoplasma

Holly: Mycoplasma's are a group of cell wall deficient bacteria.

There are many different ones. Some are commonly carried by the

general public. Mycoplasmas have been blamed as causative agents in

Arthritis, Gulf war syndrome, CFS/FM, etc.... Also seem to be a

(common?) co-infection in lyme disesase. They can require long

treatment. The usual one seems to be doxicycline.

It has also been proposed that mycoplasmas have been used and

manipulated to create biological warfare agents, and that it was

tested on inmates in texas prisons. I haven't a clue as to the

accuracy of that information.

It seems to me that the more common ones that are carried by

a large percentage of the population might be more opportunistic

infections than causative ones. Personally, I've chosen to ignore

them for the time being.

One interesting thing that I remember from when I cared about

mycoplasma was that Dr. Nicholson of mycoplasma fame said that

pennicillins would not only not kill it, but would make it thrive.

Jadin said the same thing about rickettsial infections, of which

Erlichia is one. Check http://www.google.com for

mycoplasma Nicholson or

road back foundation

for opinions on mycoplasma.


>Can anyone really explain what this is? It seems I can never get a

>straight answer.


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  • 1 year later...


I did the whole silicone panel test, which tests for everything listed when you click on Immunology of silica and silicone test panel. You probably dont need to do the whole test panel, but maybe if you wanted you can just do a silicone antibody test instead of the whole panel test. I would call the lab at 800-950-4686 and see how much just to do an antibody test, its probably around $100.00. I did the whole panel test and all it basically told me was my immune system was in overdrive and my rheumatoid factor was elevated and my silicone antibodies were at borderline. I dont know if it is beneficial or not. Let me know if you need any other info.


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I can't seem to find the site where you can order the kits to get the

blood drawn and tested for micoplasma. I'm sure it's there, I'm just

not finding it. I had the doctor's name but misplaced that too! I'm

panicking because I'm getting explanted next week and I just want to

make sure I do everything right!

I found the Immunology Science lab and the test for Silicone. But,

do I need all of them? Help!!


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--- Hi Pam, try Garth Nicholson, I believe he is w/the Texas

molecular biology. so a search on Garth and you will find it!

blessings, Iggy

PS, I had my rheummy do the test, it is a PCR DNA test.

In , " Pam " <nannapam37@y...> wrote:

> I can't seem to find the site where you can order the kits to get


> blood drawn and tested for micoplasma. I'm sure it's there, I'm


> not finding it. I had the doctor's name but misplaced that too!


> panicking because I'm getting explanted next week and I just want


> make sure I do everything right!


> I found the Immunology Science lab and the test for Silicone. But,

> do I need all of them? Help!!


> Pam

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  • 10 months later...

Q for all. What do you do if Micoplasma test is negative ?Could it be because I

have been on and off various antibiotics for the last 4 years ? I had the test

done and it came back negative.

I even have the picture with the DNA bands showing; if anyone in Wash DC area

is interested the lab name is CLONGEN, tel - 301-916-0173. I had to pay out of

pocket but fortunately they have a discount for Micoplasma/ ureaplasma panel.

They have a web site. My insurance would not cover for it.

I do not know what to do next, what bugs to look for and in what manner. Any

oppinion would be appreciated.

Thank you, . (with RA for 10 years, now on AVELOX 400mg/day and on pain


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Re: rheumatic MICOPLASMA


> Q for all. What do you do if Micoplasma test is negative ?Could it be

because I have been on and off various antibiotics for the last 4 years ? I

had the test done and it came back negative.

> I even have the picture with the DNA bands showing; if anyone in Wash DC

area is interested the lab name is CLONGEN, tel - 301-916-0173. I had to pay

out of pocket but fortunately they have a discount for Micoplasma/

ureaplasma panel.

You must be tested for the full panel of mycoplasma species specific to

humans -not just one. There are special labs that do this testing and we've

listed several on our website www.rheumatic.org. The one closest to you

would be The Arthritis Research Center in Gaithersburg, MD. It is not at

all uncommon to have a negative reading the first time the test is run.

That happened to me, but after 8 or 9 months on the antibiotics, I finally

tested positive for three strains.

You need to have an ASO titer run as well, and if positive would need to

treat with a different antibiotic. In other words, mycoplasma is not the

only organism that can cause your problem. I suggest you read the

Frequently Asked Questions section on www.rheumatic.org for more detail.


They have a web site. My insurance would not cover for it.

> I do not know what to do next, what bugs to look for and in what manner.

Any oppinion would be appreciated.

> Thank you, . (with RA for 10 years, now on AVELOX 400mg/day and on

pain killers)




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