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Anyone recommend a pain specialist in Phoenix or sdale area?

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I explant in FEB, and I feel led to get a new specialist, one that

will not push me aside, and not be afraid to treat pain. I have been

bedridden for almost a week now due to the pain. My current doc and

pain doc refuse to do more, saying that Ill have surgery soon and

should feel better then. Believe me, I am on the lowest doses of

meds possible. I do not believe that I should have to suffer because

of someone's ignorance to treat me. My doc said she will help me

find one also, but I feel that they really do not care about me. We

usually get pushed aside when dealing w/these multiple connective

tissue diseases, due to implants, it seems as if not too many people

want to deal w/this issue of illness. They wont even give me anything

for insomnia, which is so hard for me. any info please respond,

BLessins, Iggy

PS, I just pray for a Good pain doc that will treat me w/respect and

treat my pain as a reality not a phantom pain that some of these docs

think we have.

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Dear Iggy

I wish I could help you with a referal but I am in Idaho so I can't!

Gosh I am so upset after reading your post! I cannot believe that

your Dr is treating you this way, I mean not even something for

sleep! Oh my gosh that upsets me so bad. Being that I have been in

your exact situation I feel your pain girl! First of all have you

tried ambien? It is awesome for sleep. I take it and I have tried

them all, this one is the best for me. I know you can buy it online,

but you pay more for it because they charge you for a Dr's

consultation. It may be worth it for you if your in a bad way though!

If you do a search for Ambien or on line pharmacy's you should find

it really easy enough. You only have to take one or some people even

half of one tiny pill, they are 10mg pills. You take it about an hour

before bedtime and they usually leave you feeling ok the next day,

not hung over. I have had no bad side effects at all from this drug.

I am the insomnia queen so if it works for me I am sure this one

would help you allot. Of course there are natural things too that

work sometimes for me. There is a supplement called Aluna, that is

herbal, it has valerian root in it. There is also valerian tea, but

the problem with that one for me, drinking tea before bedtime I

usually am going to be waking up to pee in the night. The Aluna tabs

are better, they don't always work for me though. I have had sleep

problems many years, and I know from experience that lack of sleep,

esp with fibro or the mixed CTD stuff we have can really affect our

pain levels. When I was really sick and could not sleep I would

always be in more pain, it was a vicious cycle! Lack of sleep, more

pain, leading to being less able to sleep, leading to more pain, etc


Do you mind my asking what pain medication they have you on right

now? I found that the 20mg tabs of the oxycontin slow release,one

every 12 hours, combined with 5mg oxycodone immediate release for any

breakthrough, maybe 2 or 3 times a day was the best combination for

my pain when it was at its worse. This worked effectively, along with

plenty of magnesium and MSM and calcium. I would also take hot baths

in epsom salts, these are awesome and really inexpensive. If your

taking something like vicodin or percocet, your probably not getting

the right amount of the pain meds to keep you pain free for very

long. Those meds are more effective for people who need brief

treatment of pain, post operative and stuff like that. For long term,

chronic pain the duragesic fentanyl patches are very effective too,

these are harder to get them to give you, and are really expensive. I

have never tried the patches because I found enough control with the

oxycontin. A good pain Dr will figure out what ones are best for you.

My advice would be to look in the phone book, under physicians, then

under pain specialist to see what you have in town. Your in a bigger

city than me and they have at least 4 pain specialists here in my

town with population of 50,000 people so I would guess you should

have several in your area.You can also call a local hospital, and

maybe try a post operative floor and just ask the secretary who

answers if she happens to be aware of any pain specialists in the

area. The only thing is sometimes you will need a referal, so in that

case you may need to talk to your current Dr and see if they are

willing to do that for you. Or you can just ask your Dr if he can

give you the name of another pain specialist becuase you want a

second opinion, or tell them straight up that your not getting relief

and feel that they are not addressing all of your issues. I know that

may seem really hard to do, and it can be intimidating, but we need

to stick up for ourselves to these Dr's. Don't let them get away with

not treating you properly Iggy! Do you have someone that can go with

you to talk to them for support? That can help sometimes too, to have

someone else just be there that is on your side, or even possibly get

someone to talk for you.I know that I had a hard time talking to Dr's

when I was so ill, esp when no one believe me. I would often cry and

be unable to speak, it was horrible. I finally started taking my mom

with me so if I broke down she could talk for me.

Shoot Iggy I wish so much that there was more I could do for you! I

wish we were in the same town, girl I would be right there for you!

Anyhow, that is about all i can come up with right now. I really

really have been and will continue to keep you in my thoughts and

prayers girl!

Let me know if your in need of anything that I can help with, and

don't forget that you can always email me or call me at home. My

number is 208-522-1137. Please don't hesitate to call if you need to



In , " iggyangel7 " <Iggys_girl@m...>


> I explant in FEB, and I feel led to get a new specialist, one that

> will not push me aside, and not be afraid to treat pain. I have


> bedridden for almost a week now due to the pain. My current doc


> pain doc refuse to do more, saying that Ill have surgery soon and

> should feel better then. Believe me, I am on the lowest doses of

> meds possible. I do not believe that I should have to suffer


> of someone's ignorance to treat me. My doc said she will help me

> find one also, but I feel that they really do not care about me.


> usually get pushed aside when dealing w/these multiple connective

> tissue diseases, due to implants, it seems as if not too many


> want to deal w/this issue of illness. They wont even give me


> for insomnia, which is so hard for me. any info please respond,

> BLessins, Iggy

> PS, I just pray for a Good pain doc that will treat me w/respect


> treat my pain as a reality not a phantom pain that some of these


> think we have.

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---Thanks for your kind words.. My doc is getting another

pain doctor for me, but its been over a week, but I know these things

take time. I have a few I found online for FM and CT diseases, so I

will call them today. Thanks again, blessings, and I will call you

if I feel I need to, thanks so much, you're so sweet! Blessings,


In , " naturalbeauty38 "

<naturalbeauty38@y...> wrote:

> Dear Iggy

> I wish I could help you with a referal but I am in Idaho so I can't!

> Gosh I am so upset after reading your post! I cannot believe that

> your Dr is treating you this way, I mean not even something for

> sleep! Oh my gosh that upsets me so bad. Being that I have been in

> your exact situation I feel your pain girl! First of all have you

> tried ambien? It is awesome for sleep. I take it and I have tried

> them all, this one is the best for me. I know you can buy it


> but you pay more for it because they charge you for a Dr's

> consultation. It may be worth it for you if your in a bad way


> If you do a search for Ambien or on line pharmacy's you should find

> it really easy enough. You only have to take one or some people


> half of one tiny pill, they are 10mg pills. You take it about an


> before bedtime and they usually leave you feeling ok the next day,

> not hung over. I have had no bad side effects at all from this


> I am the insomnia queen so if it works for me I am sure this one

> would help you allot. Of course there are natural things too that

> work sometimes for me. There is a supplement called Aluna, that is

> herbal, it has valerian root in it. There is also valerian tea, but

> the problem with that one for me, drinking tea before bedtime I

> usually am going to be waking up to pee in the night. The Aluna


> are better, they don't always work for me though. I have had sleep

> problems many years, and I know from experience that lack of sleep,

> esp with fibro or the mixed CTD stuff we have can really affect our

> pain levels. When I was really sick and could not sleep I would

> always be in more pain, it was a vicious cycle! Lack of sleep, more

> pain, leading to being less able to sleep, leading to more pain,


> etc.

> Do you mind my asking what pain medication they have you on right

> now? I found that the 20mg tabs of the oxycontin slow release,one

> every 12 hours, combined with 5mg oxycodone immediate release for


> breakthrough, maybe 2 or 3 times a day was the best combination for

> my pain when it was at its worse. This worked effectively, along


> plenty of magnesium and MSM and calcium. I would also take hot


> in epsom salts, these are awesome and really inexpensive. If your

> taking something like vicodin or percocet, your probably not


> the right amount of the pain meds to keep you pain free for very

> long. Those meds are more effective for people who need brief

> treatment of pain, post operative and stuff like that. For long


> chronic pain the duragesic fentanyl patches are very effective too,

> these are harder to get them to give you, and are really expensive.


> have never tried the patches because I found enough control with


> oxycontin. A good pain Dr will figure out what ones are best for



> My advice would be to look in the phone book, under physicians,


> under pain specialist to see what you have in town. Your in a


> city than me and they have at least 4 pain specialists here in my

> town with population of 50,000 people so I would guess you should

> have several in your area.You can also call a local hospital, and

> maybe try a post operative floor and just ask the secretary who

> answers if she happens to be aware of any pain specialists in the

> area. The only thing is sometimes you will need a referal, so in


> case you may need to talk to your current Dr and see if they are

> willing to do that for you. Or you can just ask your Dr if he can

> give you the name of another pain specialist becuase you want a

> second opinion, or tell them straight up that your not getting


> and feel that they are not addressing all of your issues. I know


> may seem really hard to do, and it can be intimidating, but we need

> to stick up for ourselves to these Dr's. Don't let them get away


> not treating you properly Iggy! Do you have someone that can go


> you to talk to them for support? That can help sometimes too, to


> someone else just be there that is on your side, or even possibly


> someone to talk for you.I know that I had a hard time talking to


> when I was so ill, esp when no one believe me. I would often cry


> be unable to speak, it was horrible. I finally started taking my


> with me so if I broke down she could talk for me.

> Shoot Iggy I wish so much that there was more I could do for you! I

> wish we were in the same town, girl I would be right there for you!

> Anyhow, that is about all i can come up with right now. I really

> really have been and will continue to keep you in my thoughts and

> prayers girl!

> Let me know if your in need of anything that I can help with, and

> don't forget that you can always email me or call me at home. My

> number is 208-522-1137. Please don't hesitate to call if you need


> talk!

> Hugs











> In , " iggyangel7 " <Iggys_girl@m...>

> wrote:

> > I explant in FEB, and I feel led to get a new specialist, one


> > will not push me aside, and not be afraid to treat pain. I have

> been

> > bedridden for almost a week now due to the pain. My current doc

> and

> > pain doc refuse to do more, saying that Ill have surgery soon and

> > should feel better then. Believe me, I am on the lowest doses of

> > meds possible. I do not believe that I should have to suffer

> because

> > of someone's ignorance to treat me. My doc said she will help


> > find one also, but I feel that they really do not care about me.

> We

> > usually get pushed aside when dealing w/these multiple connective

> > tissue diseases, due to implants, it seems as if not too many

> people

> > want to deal w/this issue of illness. They wont even give me

> anything

> > for insomnia, which is so hard for me. any info please respond,

> > BLessins, Iggy

> > PS, I just pray for a Good pain doc that will treat me w/respect

> and

> > treat my pain as a reality not a phantom pain that some of these

> docs

> > think we have.

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I'm praying for you iggy. If you need help to get to sleep , or feel you need meds, this coming from med free girl-me-, then you need them to function. I pray that you will find a compassionate doctor that will help you out with your pain, and insominia, and give you something to help. its really all about functionig right now. Do whatever it takes to get you to your explant date, and don’t feel guilty about needing meds. I love you girl, and hope you will find a good doctor, I know its hard, they are so hard to find. Blessings

----- Original Message -----

From: iggyangel7

Sent: Friday, December 12, 2003 10:24 AM

Subject: Re: Anyone recommend a pain specialist in Phoenix or sdale area?

---Thanks for your kind words.. My doc is getting another pain doctor for me, but its been over a week, but I know these things take time. I have a few I found online for FM and CT diseases, so I will call them today. Thanks again, blessings, and I will call you if I feel I need to, thanks so much, you're so sweet! Blessings, Iggy In , "naturalbeauty38" <naturalbeauty38@y...> wrote:> Dear Iggy> I wish I could help you with a referal but I am in Idaho so I can't!> Gosh I am so upset after reading your post! I cannot believe that > your Dr is treating you this way, I mean not even something for > sleep! Oh my gosh that upsets me so bad. Being that I have been in > your exact situation I feel your pain girl! First of all have you > tried ambien? It is awesome for sleep. I take it and I have tried > them all, this one is the best for me. I know you can buy it online, > but you pay more for it because they charge you for a Dr's > consultation. It may be worth it for you if your in a bad way though! > If you do a search for Ambien or on line pharmacy's you should find > it really easy enough. You only have to take one or some people even > half of one tiny pill, they are 10mg pills. You take it about an hour > before bedtime and they usually leave you feeling ok the next day, > not hung over. I have had no bad side effects at all from this drug. > I am the insomnia queen so if it works for me I am sure this one > would help you allot. Of course there are natural things too that > work sometimes for me. There is a supplement called Aluna, that is > herbal, it has valerian root in it. There is also valerian tea, but > the problem with that one for me, drinking tea before bedtime I > usually am going to be waking up to pee in the night. The Aluna tabs > are better, they don't always work for me though. I have had sleep > problems many years, and I know from experience that lack of sleep, > esp with fibro or the mixed CTD stuff we have can really affect our > pain levels. When I was really sick and could not sleep I would > always be in more pain, it was a vicious cycle! Lack of sleep, more > pain, leading to being less able to sleep, leading to more pain, etc > etc.> Do you mind my asking what pain medication they have you on right > now? I found that the 20mg tabs of the oxycontin slow release,one > every 12 hours, combined with 5mg oxycodone immediate release for any > breakthrough, maybe 2 or 3 times a day was the best combination for > my pain when it was at its worse. This worked effectively, along with > plenty of magnesium and MSM and calcium. I would also take hot baths > in epsom salts, these are awesome and really inexpensive. If your > taking something like vicodin or percocet, your probably not getting > the right amount of the pain meds to keep you pain free for very > long. Those meds are more effective for people who need brief > treatment of pain, post operative and stuff like that. For long term, > chronic pain the duragesic fentanyl patches are very effective too, > these are harder to get them to give you, and are really expensive. I > have never tried the patches because I found enough control with the > oxycontin. A good pain Dr will figure out what ones are best for you. > > My advice would be to look in the phone book, under physicians, then > under pain specialist to see what you have in town. Your in a bigger > city than me and they have at least 4 pain specialists here in my > town with population of 50,000 people so I would guess you should > have several in your area.You can also call a local hospital, and > maybe try a post operative floor and just ask the secretary who > answers if she happens to be aware of any pain specialists in the > area. The only thing is sometimes you will need a referal, so in that > case you may need to talk to your current Dr and see if they are > willing to do that for you. Or you can just ask your Dr if he can > give you the name of another pain specialist becuase you want a > second opinion, or tell them straight up that your not getting relief > and feel that they are not addressing all of your issues. I know that > may seem really hard to do, and it can be intimidating, but we need > to stick up for ourselves to these Dr's. Don't let them get away with > not treating you properly Iggy! Do you have someone that can go with > you to talk to them for support? That can help sometimes too, to have > someone else just be there that is on your side, or even possibly get > someone to talk for you.I know that I had a hard time talking to Dr's > when I was so ill, esp when no one believe me. I would often cry and > be unable to speak, it was horrible. I finally started taking my mom > with me so if I broke down she could talk for me. > Shoot Iggy I wish so much that there was more I could do for you! I > wish we were in the same town, girl I would be right there for you! > Anyhow, that is about all i can come up with right now. I really > really have been and will continue to keep you in my thoughts and > prayers girl!> Let me know if your in need of anything that I can help with, and > don't forget that you can always email me or call me at home. My > number is 208-522-1137. Please don't hesitate to call if you need to > talk!> Hugs> > > > > > > > > > > In , "iggyangel7" <Iggys_girl@m...> > wrote:> > I explant in FEB, and I feel led to get a new specialist, one that > > will not push me aside, and not be afraid to treat pain. I have > been > > bedridden for almost a week now due to the pain. My current doc > and > > pain doc refuse to do more, saying that Ill have surgery soon and > > should feel better then. Believe me, I am on the lowest doses of > > meds possible. I do not believe that I should have to suffer > because > > of someone's ignorance to treat me. My doc said she will help me > > find one also, but I feel that they really do not care about me. > We > > usually get pushed aside when dealing w/these multiple connective > > tissue diseases, due to implants, it seems as if not too many > people > > want to deal w/this issue of illness. They wont even give me > anything > > for insomnia, which is so hard for me. any info please respond, > > BLessins, Iggy> > PS, I just pray for a Good pain doc that will treat me w/respect > and > > treat my pain as a reality not a phantom pain that some of these > docs > > think we have.

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