Guest guest Posted November 14, 2003 Report Share Posted November 14, 2003 This is in regards to the girl that sadly last week lost her life, and her 2 friends that traveled with her by a drunk driver on I57 last Saturday. She was so young, almost 21, and a close cousin to my dearest friends. Please sign everyone. ----- Original Message ----- From: Kim22177@... carrie_mezo@... ; SKASALIN@... ; B9350T@... ; Rtb1020@... ; Bobbygcash@... ; ROACHTOO@... ; Hathaway@... ; juliejp61@... ; Mblaser4577@... ; Borah23@... ; Rach679@... ; Alphachi79@... Sent: Wednesday, November 12, 2003 8:41 AM Subject: Please read and send back! HELLO EVERYBODY!! I KNOW NOT ALL OF U KNOW ME, BUT MY NAME IS ERIN & I WAS MICHELLE'S BEST FRIEND. I WAS WONDERING IF ALL OF YOU CAN PLEASE PUT UR NAME UNDER THIS POEM AND SEND THIS EMAIL BACK TO ME. I WOULD REALLY WANT TO SAVE THIS EMAIL WITH EVERYBODY'S NAME ON IT THAT SHE LOVED DEARLY. I WOULD TRULY APPRECIATE IT. THANK YOU!! LOVE, ERIN...XXOO*I WENT TO A PARTY, MOM** please read all the way to the bottom and signyour name*I went to a party,And remembered what you said.You told me not to drink, MomSo I had a sprite instead.I felt proud of myself,The way you said I would,That I didn't drink and drive,Though some friends said I should.I made a healthy choice,And your advice to me was right,The party finally ended,And the kids drove out of sight.I got into my car,Sure to get home in one piece,I never knew what was coming, MomSomething I expected least.Now I'm lying on the pavement,And I hear the policeman say,The kid that caused this wreck was drunk,Mom, his voice seems far away.My own blood's all around me,As I try hard not to cry.I can hear the paramedic say,This girl is going to die.I'm sure the guy had no idea,While he was flying high,Because he chose to drink and drive,Now I would have to die.So why do people do it, MomKnowing that it ruins lives?And now the pain is cutting me,Like a hundred stabbing knives.Tell sister not to be afraid, MomTell daddy to be brave,And when I go to heaven,Put Daddy's Girl on my grave.Someone should have taught him,That it's wrong to drink and drive.Maybe if his parents had,I'd still be alive.My breath is getting shorter, MomI'm getting really scared.These are my final moments,And I'm so unprepared.I wish that you could hold me Mom,As I lie here and die.I wish that I could say, "I love you, Mom!"So I love you and good-bye.**MADD (Mothers Against Drunk Driving) IS HOPING TOGET 5,000 SIGNATURESON THIS, THEN PASS IT ON TO PRESIDENT BUSH.PLEASE SIGN.When this petition has reached 5,000, please returnit to:MADDP.O. Box 541688Dallas, TX 75354-16881-800-GET-MADD (1-800-438-6233)If you receive this petition and do nothing butdelete it, your selfishness knows no bounds. Signingis such a smalleffort to make. After you have read the poem, pleaseadd your name atthe bottom. And never forget,DON'T EVER DRINK AND DRIVE, not even once, thinkingthatit won't matter. IT DEFINITELY WILL MATTER!!!How to set it up:1. Copy the entire e-mail.2. Paste it into a new e-mail.3. SIGN YOUR NAME AT THE BOTTOM.4. Then send it to everyone you know.THE NAMES:1. Adam Ross Kalesperis2. Deanne Perozzi3. Raphal Nash4. Easter5. Chandler.6. Lamont7. Traci Arbisi8. Faye Hollenbeck9. Devin E. 10. Starla Shaver11. Theresa Brehm12. Brehm13. Barnett14. Hurst15. Kym Moschgat16. Hansen17. Matt Weston18. Bunch19. Lawson20. Byrd21. Chadwell22. Bonnie Morrical23. S24. Michele Zader.25. Marie Haines26. Keshia Marie Siders27. Amy Sue Tresenrider28. Tracie Balthaser29. Kaufman30. Newkirk31. AARON BLACKBURN32. M.B.33. Crystal Mckenzie34. Kate Laroche35. Callie Firman36. Christy 37. 38. Elena 39. Missy Burke40. McCalla41. Potrafke42. Eckel43. Cassandra Duggan44. Amy Liebisch45. Widmeyer46. Alisa Huth47. Pam Augustine48. Leanne Trdinich49. LeDonne50. Kennedy51. Mara Bennardo52. Wilt53. Pieta54. DiCosol55. Connie Carozza56. y57. Edm! unds58. Berecek59. Becky Porter60. Alana 61. Vermillion62. Spearing63. Gaye Sougstad64. Lynn Snider65. Shores66. Carol Conway67. Fair68. Alyssa Lloyd69. Wheeler70. Riedel71. Vaugh an72. le Seaman73. Ambrose74. Katy Mahannah75. Hall76. MIRANDA CUNDY!!77. Meg Kells-78. Kaiser79. Lincoln80. Randy81. Virgate82. Burbles83. Crystal Dambowsky84. freaken McEneany85. Krystal Scharn86. Lau!ra Rothrock87. Bethany Bucci88. Amy Satkevich89. Rich90. Reilly91. Tighe92. Jackie White93. Liz Farrell94. M.95. Anne Lowery96. Jo97. Cara Brenner98. Green99. 100. Chen101. Schererm102. Eisenberg103. SlickDan Goldstein104. Abby Kimmelman105. Alyssa Lee106. Hoffman107. Celia Kather108. Ginn109. Carly 110. Karis111. Alison Deffenbaugh112. Litzi Paredes113. Eldridge114. Reese115. 116. Showalter117. Meg Wooldridge118. T$chai119. Loan Nguyen120. Yorns121. McGowan122. Angie 123. The Troyfish of VT124. Corrigan of VT125. Dyanis Conrad126. Vasil! Popov127. Marie Huitt128. Jessi McMahan129. 130. 131. Fisher132. Sally J. -in memory of133. Harness134. Jan E. Conley135. Kari M.Fellers136. Dawn Love137. Staci 138. Blair139. Rhea140. Hammons141. Gallion142. Ben Morrow143. Burden144. a M. Smothers145. Wilchie146. 147. Rider148. Matt Masley-In memory of Alison, killed by drunk driver 01/09/1998.149. Deepak Deean150. Liz Dedrick151. Jessa152. Maureen (MO)153. Dawn O.154. M.Peewee155. R.Venus156. Cabral (stangman)157. 158. Christy Fairlie159. Snyder160. La161. h Reyes162. Castrejon163. L164. Yamauchi165. Lois Kuo166. Priscilla Kuo167. Mei W.W168. Gennie W. Alasagas169. P.J. R. Alasagas170. Charina 171. Nieves M. Ague172. Calley Redd173. andra Hart174. 175. Amber Neil176. Mandy 177. MIC HELLE REQUA178. Meghan Anne Meyer - In memory of & Kendall died from a drunk driver 1/01/96.179. LAUREN BUTTLAR180. e 181. Lorianna Moreno182. Kris Jensen - In memory of Pat Byrd, killed by a drunk driver on 01/01/99.183. Essig184. Haney - In memory of Shane & Saucedo killed-July, 2000 when they were driving drunk.185. Kim 186. Bellamy187. Jon McInturff188. Price189. Lesley Kuras190. n Blossom191. Jenna Cullinane192. Gritter193. Ben 194. Durell - In memory of the choad car...195. Rae Lengkeek196. Lott197. Deathriage198. Mao199. Leong200. Jill Burkholder201. Meghan Cloud202. SLS203. Roy204. KaserMara Bennardo 52y Kniffin205. Tom Miyashiro this is for u joe...206. Jet Bellefleur207. Pamichic208. Fionaap209. Ann McDermott210. Cerrito211. ny Horn212. 213. Saltsgiver214. Warrner215. Warrner216. Kayla JOY McKenzie217. Alison L.218. M. Malagari219. Amber Lynn Chesebrough220. Holly Chesebrough221. Daryl DuLong222. Lupa223. Todd J. Pipitone224. W. Davies225. Landis226. Dave Woods227. S.Whitney228. Sweeder229. Sanam de Lorme230. Lindsey Eigenbrode231. Meredith Keller232. Roubin233. ANGEL**234. Kathleen235. Rowe236. "T" 237. Abe 238. Dare239. Gullemette240. Ben Cormier241. Devon 242. 243. Amy244. Thibodeau245. Wallace246. Shanahan247. na Harmer248. E. Sundberg249. Sundberg250. Chandler251. King252. Nyleen Veigas253. Catrina Basset254. Ford255. Ashlie -In memory of my beloved Doe256. 257. Mark Pepperdine258. Colleen Pepperdine259. Waldrop260. Rebekah ez261. VonKahle - my brother was killed by drunk driver262. a Yager263. Shane s264. PFC Jamison Hurley Military Police Corps.U.S. ARMY265. PFC Brown Transportation Corps. U.S.ARMY266. Kyla 267. Angel Acevedo - in loving memory of Stofregen268. Maberry - In Memory of My Son - killed 7/16/2000 by a drunk driver269. Stafford - In Loving Memory of Stofregen270. Peyton Potter271. Shelton Potter272. Diane Calhoun273. Sgt Northrop, USMC274. Lcpl Broadstreet, USMC275. Ben Senter276. Chad White277. 278. 279. Dawn Hurley280. Baxter281. Dave Kothstein282. Whisler283. Whisler284. Whisler285. Dave Ivey286. Sheri Ivey287. Dave Ivey II288. Ivey289. Rose Ivey290. Dorie Masterstefone291. mccarrhaer292. maria Hamm293. rebecca Hamm294. Deana Montoro295. 296. Mark 297. Grace Kieley298. Becky Gatti299. Carolyn Showers300. Hatton301. TRACY ANGELO302. KURT ANGELO303. June Authier304. Robin Authier305. sarah frey306. Kathy Breneman307. Breneman308. Breneman309. Jim Cascio310. Kim Cascio311. Kate Wolgemuth312. Stefanie Heagy313. Ginger Heagy314. Barry Heagy315. Graham Heagy316. Gabe Heagy317. Heagy318. Heagy319. Heagy320. Heagy321. le Gehman322. Bechtel323. Vascellaro324. a Vascellaro325. Blount326. Blount327. Blount328. Ruth Blount329. Nolan Blount330. Blount331. Warner332. Paige Warner333. Dang Warner334. Mark Costrello335. Janna Yack336. Amy Brunner Aka Mr.P!nK (lol mis and nicky)337. Skye Ruf338. Deanna LaMasster(CABBAGEPRETZLE!!!)339. 340. 341. Tim Longenecker342. Joan 343. Watkins344. Gail A'Brunzo345. Lindsey A'Brunzo and Steve Harding--346. Destiny Sommer347. Meredith McMurtrie348. Lynne (Eckman) Henry349. Christy Knight350. Kimyia Varzi351. Patti Kim352. Kathy ChuserMara Bennardo 52353. Emma Otsuji354. K. Estrada355. Brent A. Osorio356. Ana J Alatorre357. Osorio358. Becky Pfeifer359. Alizabeth Pfeifer360. Raeanne Pfeifer361. Theresa Pfeifer362. D. Pfeifer363. Carol Pfeifer364. H.Pfeifer366. Quyen Pfeifer367. Asia Pfeifer368. Zion Pfeifer369. Tom Pfeifer370. Jolene Kostenbader,cm371. Kostenbader,cm372. Bela Gecsey, Costa Mesa, Ca373. Gecsey, Costa Mesa, Ca374. Kahn375. Mark Kahn376. Tina Garrett378. Adam Garrett/ Fire Fighter/Paramedic Belton, MO379. Victor L. , Collierville, TN.380. R. , Collierville, TN.381. .Memphis,Tn382. Buddy , Memphis,Tn383. Kelley Frans Memphis,Tn.384. Tammie Dawson, Memphis, Tn.385. Dale Dawson, Memphis, Tn.386. J.T. Norris, Memphis, TN387. Brown388. Kathy Garazin, IL389. Rae Hackett, IL390. Crane, Ft. Lauderdale, Fla.391. Jodie Goodman, Margate, FL392. Marc Goodman, Margate, FL393. Goodman, Margate, FL394. Goodman, Margate, FL395. Dorothy Gerson, Lauderhill, FL396. ine Dukoff, Lauderhill, FL397. Carr, Florida398. Sam Carr, Florida399. Bob Jeshiva, Florida400. Woods, Staten Island, NY401. Molski , Staten Island NY402. Janel Prospero, S. Hackensack, NJ403. Diane Brando, S. Hackensack, NJ404. Nick Brando, S. Hackensack, NJ405. Pellicano Hackensack,NJ406. Pellicano Hackensack,NJ407. Galbo408. Bud Galbo409. Jo Gauthier Hillsboro, NH410. Armand Gauthier411. Vigeant412. Jack Bush, NH413. Tammy Bush, NH414. Tabitha Bush, NH415. Elaine Fawce tt, MA416. Tibbetts, MA417. Alison Conroy, MA418. , MA419. Loader, MA420. Twiss, MA421. Hope Eldredge, MA422. Faye DeSaulnier, MA422. Lauchart, MA423. Scopetski, MA424. Debra , MA425. Darcie Hendrix, MA426. Brenna Bullis, ME427. Kathy Conte, ME428. leigh conte, ME429. Meghan Bullis*, ME430. Prentiss*ME,i hope we get 5,000431. Mallahan*,NH432. Jackie Routhier*ME, come on and sign it's easy!433. Janitta Degraffe,NH434. Martel ,NH435. Sara-Croka.436. Jeff Green a.k.a. Mr.Green437. Tera Shelton438. Shelton439. Deidre Boston, Ma440. Marge P atz441. Anita McNeely442. Janice Donovan, VA443. Pat Donovan, MA444. Francesca Marchione, MA445. Patty MacAuley, MA446. Brennan447. ne , MA448. Camille Ostman - a very lucky survivor of a drunk driver.Please help us to stop the senselessness of these deaths.449. Picano-Steinberg, CT450. The Waltons of CT451. K452. Logan, TX453. Don Logan Jr., TX454. Ernie Grab455. Grab,In Memory of my brother, AllanTerranova 8/9/1986456. Mari McCombs, 10yrs ER service, too many names to write them all.457. Samson, Monroe, CT458. Garrett Samson, Monroe, CT459. Gorham, andria, VA460. Gorham, andria, VA461. Gorham, andria, VA462. Elena Gorham, andria, VA463. Gorham, andria, VA464. Cheryl Gorham,465. L. ,466. Nadine Euler, Elkview, WV467. Schwinn, Deer Park, IL468. Kathleen Milewski, Fox River Grove, IL469. Debbie Milewski, Palatine, IL470. Jan Franzone, Sheboygan, WI471. Kim Stuecklen, Chicago, IL472.rMara Bennardo473. Morales, Chicago, IL474. Salcedo, IL475. J. , Chicago, IL.476. J. , Chgo, IL477. Geoffrey A. Drapcak, Elk Grove, IL478. Angie Nunez479. Rosemarie Jasso480. Alyssa Jasso481. Liz Pomianowski,OakLawn, IL.482. Orton483. Butera484. Debi s, Elmwood Park IL485. Joe Pullia486. Liz Reffke, Chicago IL487. Olga Llano488. Claudio489. Leo , Chicago IL490. Acosta, Chicago IL491. Duenas, Chicago IL492. Liz Mendoza493. C. Badus; Chicago, IL494. Rasmussen, Woodbury MN495. ellen Bach, Schaumburg IL496. , Round Rock, TX497. a , Round Rock, TX498. Stone, Waco, TX499. Donnell Stone, Leander, TX500. Philip , Leander, TX501. Sharon , Leander, TX502. Marilyn Banik, Waco, TX503. Eddie Banik, Waco, TX504. BJ Gardner, Clifton, TX505. Vandiver, CLifton, TX506. Tina Pate, Clifton, TX507. Pate, Clifton Tx508. Cara , Clifton/Spring, TX509. Rand510. Anne , NY511. Barroso, NY512. Jordan, NY513.Rosemary Paez,NY514. Lizette Bermudez, NY515.Yatliza Dan, NY516. , NY517. Kristan Webb, NY518. Ruiz, NY519.Sandy gonzalez,ny520. Arroyo, NY521.e Wall523. Taryn Wallon524. Lugo525. VAn Buren, Long Island, NY526. a Van Buren, NY527. Katrina Bissaillon, Albany, NY - Lost a cousin to a dunk driver. 528. Bissaillon. Albany, NY529. Debra DeFazio530. Pierson531. Tom Pierson532. Alvarez, IL533. Alvarez, IL544. Medina, IL545. Lois Renner, IL546. Karolee , LaGrange, IL547. Leni Letsou, IL548. Arhon Letsou, IL549. Eleni Letsou, IL550. andra Cholakian551. Melinda , Marietta, GA552. Peyton, San , CA553. Peyton, San , CA554. Pat , Marietta, GA555. Millican, Bunnell, FL556. Sharon Castellano, , FL557. Roberson, Middleburg, FL558. Glynn Robrson, Middleburg, FL559. Hudzinski, Green Cove Springs, FL560. Hudzinski, Green Cove Springs, FL561. Hudzinski II, Green Cove Springs, FL562. Hudzinski, Green Cove Springs, FL563. Hudzinski, Green Cove Springs, FL564. Studzinski, Fort Atkinson, WI565. ph Studzinski, Fort Atkinson, WI566. Studzinski, Fort Atkinson, WI567. Studzinski, Fort Atkinson, WI568. Debra Beck, ville, FL569. Baggett, ville, FL570. y , ville, FL580. Deonte , ville, FL581. Jimmy , Brockwell,Ar582. Bridget Fritts, Princeton, TX583. Shalonna , Ohio584. a 585. Bria 586. 587. Levi 588. Jade NY,NY589. Ana NY, NY590. Luigy aka O.N.E.591. A.k.a. BaByLuv LuVs MicKey592 LorelyA.k.a La BabyLuv593-Johanna A.K.A da innocent 1!594- 595-Colleen K.596-Kirsten597- Casey Kopp598 - Vickie Cat.599 - Brittany600 ~ P.601 - Ranas602 - F.603. Meagan A.604.~Ashealeaneay beth~605.~Catie 606.~Molly 607.~ 608.~Diane 609.~Doug 610. Kauffman611. Gibson612. Caroline Bower613. Caroline Kretsch614. 615 Tonia 616 Kaitlyne 617 Tessa 618 Jillian 619 Anahita Mostaghim610 na Mostaghim621 Saif Mostaghim622 Cyrus Mostghim623 Shiow-jy Fan624 Brittany 625 ;)626 na Dalrymple627 Hilda Dalrymple628 Lupita Munguia629 GPena630 M. -TX631 Chelsea Hill, TX632. ceani singler, ca633. Regina Hart N.J.634. Tori Labonte N.H.635. Kit LaBossiere636. LaBossiere637. Rob LaBossiere638. Mark Milsovic639. Dave - Erie, Pa640. Helen - Erie, Pa.641. - Lake City, Pa.642. Kathy - Erie, PA643. Amann - McKean, PA644. Carla Vogel - McKean, PA645. Fera- McKean, PA646. Sharon A.Wakeley-McKean,PA647. Madyson A. Wakeley-McKean,PA648. G. Wakeley Jr.-McKean, PA649. Tina M Graves-Girard PA650. Dawn & Family Noyer, IN651. susan and family lincoln park MI652. a A.pinchot lp mi653. Nagy654. Donna Nagy655. nagy656. na Nagy657. Tracey Sutich658. Debbie Sutich659. micheal Hellems660. Jessa Villers661. Nikki Shaw, Lincoln Park MI662.M.FOLLBAUM663. Kim Eickholdt664. Lorraine Ritchie, MI665. Jan Renwick667. Nikki Mroz668. Hunley669. nne Darakdjian670. Patty Lowther671. Semack672. Dombrowski673. Dombrowski674. Michele Virgili675. Vito Virgili676. Sue E. Virgili, Jefferson, PA -- for 677. Virgili678. Raquel Virgili679. 680. Darla 681. Tiberi682. LouAnn683. Babyak684. Chad Dice685. Donna Blough, Illinois686. Bruce Bllough, Illinois687. Diane Jurek, IL688> Alison Jurek, IL689. Abel690. Debra Abel691. Carolyn Forney692. Jerry Forney693. , Indiana694. , Indiana695. , Indiana696. Block, Indiana - in memory of all those who have lost their lives to dd697. Block, Indiana698. Amy Block, Indiana699. Joe Rokita, Indiana700. Block, Indiana701. Block, Indiana702. Block Jr, Indiana - in Memory of Rene Aldano killed by a drunk driver (his best friend) 8/19/99703. Belinda Janowski - Chicago, IL - In Loving Memory of Andy J. Samardzic, a life taken too soon. 5/16/03704. Megaro - Chicago, IL- R.I.P... Andy Smardzic ...we love you... 5/16/03705. Bochenek - for michelle 11/8/'re missed sweetie <3 706. Rotroff: for Salin....u were a sista & the bestest friend to me & ur ro ro will always love u..I'll miss u buttercup!! Piece of Pie!!.. Brothers..I'll never forget all of the good advice u gave me.. and kevin, ur laugh will never leave my mind!!---11-08-03 <3<3<3707. Kim Mucha; for Salin, Brothers, and Beukema: , my life will never be the same without you, but your kindness, sense of humor, and your enjoyment of life will live on in all of us. , you were a cousin to us; you were always there when we needed you. , if we ever needed a laugh, it was you who could do it. You will all be with us, always. 11/8/03 Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
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