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----- Original Message ----- From: McDHealthScience@...


Sent: Saturday, November 15, 2003 7:50 AM

Subject: Newsletter--Center for Metabolic Health: Nov. 15, 2003

===================================NEWS from theCENTER for METABOLIC HEALTH, LLCDr. C. Lowe & Dr. Honeyman-LoweNovember 15, 2003--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------If you would prefer not to receive our newsletter, send us a return e-mail at McDHealthScience@.... Just write "remove" in the subject line.-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------To read this newsletter in color and with links at drlowe.com, go to:http://www.drlowe.com/emailnewsletter/2003archive.htm----------------------------------------------------------------------------------1. Anti-Armour Propaganda: Why Forest Pharmaceuticals is Quiet About It2. Thyroid UK Petitions 10 Downing Street to Stop Water Fluoridation3. Dr. Durrant-Peatfield's Views on Fluoridation of Water4. Most Requested Articles Available in 4-Booklet Set=============================================(1) ANTI-ARMOUR PROPAGANDA CAMPAIGN: WHY FOREST PHARMACEUTICALS IS QUIET ABOUT ITby Dr. C. Lowe------------------------------------------------------------------------In the last few months, several people have written to me asking the same two questions about Armour Thyroid: First, "Is Armour dangerous?" and second, "Is Armour about to be taken off the market?" The typical answer I've given is posted at http://www.drlowe.com/QandA/askdrlowe/mostrecent.htm. Scroll down to "November 12, 2003."These questions are in response to a propaganda campaign that's underway to discredit Armour as a safe and effective thyroid hormone product. The propaganda has also prompted a third question from a few doctors and patients: "Why does Forest Pharmaceuticals, the company that markets Armour, remain quiet, never defending the product?Since I had this same question, I phoned an official at Forest Pharmaceuticals to get an answer. What she told me should comfort those who've been concerned about Armour being taken off the market. According to her, Forest has no intention of stopping production of Armour."Why," I asked her, "does Forest never reply to Armour's critics?"She explained, "Other companies such as Abbott Laboratories [marketer of Synthroid] have sales reps who actively promote the companies' products. We don't have reps or even a department that promotes or markets Armour, and that's why we don't give rebuttals or do counter-detailing."I asked what "counter-detailing" is. She said it's a marketing practice some drug companies use to outsell competitive drugs of other companies. This isn't the first time other companies have used counter-detailing against Armour. "We've heard it all before," she said. "We've heard for years that Armour is being taken off the market, and people phone and ask us about it. I guess we're just immune to it now." She assured me that sales of Armour have not been down and the future for the product is bright.Patients and doctors should seriously consider the implication of Forest not having to market Armour. Those of us who have open-mindedly evaluated its effectiveness have reached the same conclusion: Clinical results from the use of Armour are far superior to those of Synthroid and other T4 products. Armour's effectiveness will keep the product selling well, as it has for a hundred years. In contrast, Abbott Laboratories will have to keep aggressively promoting sales of Synthroid—if it's to continue selling.==================================(2) LYN MYNOTT & THYROID UKPETITION 10 DOWNING STREET TOSTOP FLOURIDATION OF WATER IN UK---------------------------------------------------------On October 30, 2003, Lyn Mynott, Chairwoman of Thyroid UK, and others delivered a petition to UK Prime Minister Tony Blair at 10 Downing St. The petition protests Blair's proposed nationwide fluoridation of water supplies. Thyroid UK protests the proposal for several reasons, as explained in a letter to Thyroid UK members:(a) Government ministers have given Thyroid UK no assurances that they would seriously consider the available scientific evidence of the potential harm from fluoridation. Instead, ministers are uninformed, or they deliberately ignore or suppress the facts.(B) No credible evidence shows that fluorides in water improve dental health; instead, some scientific evidence shows that the fluorides worsen dental health. All European countries except Spain have discontinued water fluoridation.© Despite assurances from the British Medical Association and British Dental Association, fluorides are clearly toxic to humans. They disrupt the thyroid system in several ways and damage bone and teeth.(d) Fluoridation of water is a blatant abuse of human rights and is being proposed for a political reason.The petition, signed by several hundred thyroid patients, states: "Dear Mr Blair: I suffer from and receive treatment for thyroid disease. Having carefully considered all the evidence, it is clear to me that fluoridation of the public water supply will confer little or no benefit to the dental health of the nation. Fluorides are recognized Schedule 2 Poisons, and the evidence of their toxicity, even in small doses, is overwhelming. In particular, they are widely known to damage the production, control, and use of thyroid hormone in the body, which will have a serious effect on my health.I therefore formally deny you my permission to compel me, against articles 3, 5 and 8 of the European Convention of Human Rights, and against my own wishes, to be medicated with fluoride additives in the public water supply." Thyroid UK recommends that concerned individuals visit the website of the National Pure Water Association: www.npwa.freeserve.co.uk. We strongly recommend Thyroid UK's website: http://www.thyroiduk.orgPatron: Rosen; Chairwoman: Lyn Mynott; Treasurer/Secretary: Eileen Elks. Medical Advisers: Dr. Barry Durrant-Peatfield, Dr. Honeyman-Lowe, Dr. Lowe, Dr. Myhill, and Dr. E. Teitelbaum.===================================(3) DR. DURRANT-PEATFIELD'S VIEWS ONFLUORIDATION OF WATER—HARM TOTHE THYROID SYSTEM AND MORE ----------------------------------------------------------In an article at Shomon's thyroid website, Dr. Barry Durrant-Peatfield writes, "To condemn an entire population, already having marginal levels of iodine, to inevitable progressive failure of their thyroid system by fluoridating the water, borders on criminal lunacy." As always, Dr. Durrant-Peatfield delivers his message eloquently and persuasively. http://thyroid.about.com/b/a/040397.htmDr. Durrant-Peatfield covers fluoridation plus much more in his book "The Great Thyroid Scandal & How to Survive It." Dr. Lowe writes, "Every patient struggling with thyroid and/or adrenal disorders will benefit immensely from Dr. Durrant-Peatfield's extraordinary book. http://www.baronsdownpublishing.com================================(4) 4-BOOKLET SET NOW AVAILABLE FROM MCDOWELL PUBLISHING CO. ----------------------------------------------McDowell Publishing Company has now made available in a 4-booklet set the most requested articles by Dr. Lowe and his coauthors. Read about the set at: http://www.McDowellPublishing.com/4booklets/4booklets.htm================================"The Metabolic Treatment of Fibromyalgia" by Dr. Lowe in collaboration with Jackie Yellin. Hailed by many as the most comprehensive and extensively detailed book ever written on hypothyroidism, thyroid hormone resistance, and fibromyalgia. http://www.McDowellPublishing.com---------------------------------------------------------"Your Guide to Metabolic Health"By Dr. Honeyman-Lowe & Dr. C. Lowe. A by-the-numbers book for patients' self-guided metabolic rehab. http://www.McDowellPublishing.com/ygmh.htm---------------------------------------------------------==============CLINICAL CARE-----------------------To inquire about long-distance consulting services or treatment at the Center for Metabolic Health, please contact Diane . You can reach her by e-mail at MetabolicHealth@..., or by telephone at (303) 413-9100.Sponsored by,Dr. C. LoweDr. Honeyman-LoweCenter for Metabolic Health1800 30th Street, Suite 217-A, Boulder, CO 80301 USATel (303) 413-9100 Fax (303) 413-9101 MetabolicHealth@...© 2003 C. Lowe & Honeyman-Lowe. All rights reserved. This Center for Metabolic Health, LLC Email Newsletter may be copied and distributed subject to three conditions: (1) All text within the full document or any section copied must be copied without modification with all pages included. (2) All copies must contain the following copyright notice: "© 2003 C. Lowe & Honeyman-Lowe." (3) Neither this full document nor any section of it may be distributed for profit.

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