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Being one of the members of this group who did heal up really well

after explant I am with you all the way on taking the drugs if you

need them and just want you to know I support your taking the

methadone. I never got that one, but I would have tried it had they

suggested it, since all I know is I had pain that was so severe I

would just lie around and cry all the time had I not gotten help. It

was interesting the way things worked out for me with pain meds, and

due to my past issues with addiction to other substances(not pain

meds) I did run into some problems getting offf them. For anyone

without that past it should be easier to come off them but still may

be tricky. I did it though and anyone can. The thing people don't

realize about pain medication is that narcotics are less harmful to

the body than many of the so called safe pain meds like ibuprofen and

tylenol, that is the danger with lortab and percocet and those meds,

they have all that tylenol that can really hurt your liver and the

ibuprofen can eat away the lining of the stomach. To my knowledge(not

to brag but I know allot about medications) narcotic pain meds are

amongst the safest on our bodies, other than the side effects of how

they may alter your ability to say drive, or things like that (which

after taking them awhile they don't really do anymore) and they don't

seem to affect people who have REAL pain in that same way as far as

having a High to them, pain meds on people in real pain tend to not

have that effect, that is why most people with real pain don't become

addicted and once the pain is cured they come off them easily in a

few days, depeding on the med and the doseage etc. The pain meds were

a BIG TIME part of my healing and after getting to the right pain

management team and on the righ meds it was a lot better than playing

with those vicodin that were hard on my body and I needed to take 10x

as many to work like the small doses of oxycontin. Oxycontin, while

it has a bad rep and even here the pharmacist will look at you

sideways for getting a script of it, it is one of the most wonderful

pills to be made in a long time if it is not abused. It provides a

wonderful relief for long term chronic pain, with minimal side

effects and is still easy to quit if your doseage is under 60mg a

day. The most I ever took was one 20mg tab every 12 hours, much like

your methadone I am sure. Methadone is a wonderful med too, and it

has such a bad rep because it is used to help heroine addicts

withdraw, in reality, it is a time released narcotic pain reliever

that is only needed to be taken in small doses like you said 5mg

every 12 hours, to provide pain relief to chronic cases like yours

and other things such as cancer etc. These drugs are miracles for us

and the fact that they are easier on our liver than the over the

counter drugs tells you something about the way the pharmaceutical

companies work in america! IT MAKES ME ANGRY when I hear people knock

those of us who have needed these meds. It is nice and easy for

someone not in our pain to say " oh just take the natural stuff "

natural stuff is marvelous for alot of us, but for those of us in

chronic long term pain natural is not always going to work.

So anyhow, sorry for the rambling, just wanted you to know your not

alone, been there done that. And you can get off them, once the pain

goes away it is always easier to do that anyone thinks it will be.


In , " Pam " <nannapam37@y...> wrote:

> Iggy, I feel your pain sister and I don't just mean the physical

> pain, but the mental anguish that goes along with trying to get the

> doctors to understand that we're truly in pain and being made to


> like we are faking it or like you said, like we are junkies! I was

> on the Duragesic patch - 50mg and had one that leaked. When I


> and told the doctor she basically told me too bad! She wouldn't


> me any more until I came in for my next appt which meant I would


> gone 3 days without any pain meds! She said I wouldn't go into

> withdrawal and all that b.s. and I told her flat out that she was

> wrong and she told me to find another doctor! I cried for days and

> didn't know what to do. I tried to find another rheummy and no one

> could see me until January and this was at the end of October! I

> finally called a pain management clinic and they saw me and for the

> first time since I've been sick - 4 years now, I finally got


> to take me seriously (other than my gyn). I'm on methadone - 5mg

> every 12 hours and I'm getting a little bit of relief - not total,

> but enough to where I'm not laying on the couch all day crying.


> you get the pain management place to give you the prescriptions?


> does your doctor have to put her two cents in? She's not the


> in pain management, that's why they have doctors who specialize in

> it! I'm sure the women here that have gone all natural won't agree

> with getting the narcotics, but so far that's all I've known and

> after I get explanted I plan on weaning down and going as natural


> possible, but right now I need something strong for pain. And

> another good thing that came out of my doctor dumping me - actually

> the most awesome thing...after I cried for days I got up and got


> and decided to take charge of my life and found this group!!

> Something good always comes from something bad I truly believe.


> in there. I'll be praying for you.


> Pam



> > Hi, Im writing this, because if I don't I will get so depressed

> over

> > this. My Lord, I am made to feel ashamed because I suffer from

> > severe pain. Dont these docs know that I have lost my job, my

> > health, my bike rides w/my girl, my rollerblading w/ her, my


> > is so bad right now. And what more can I put up with? I am a

> mature

> > adult, I told the doc before pain management that I will only go


> > these pills until after my explant,(FEB), yet every month when I


> > to get these pills that first of all, nothing gets rid of the


> it

> > helps me function as a mother and housewife, thats it, and hour


> 2

> > tops of functioning. I have physical therapy, natural supps, I


> > many treatments, lidoderm pain patches that just numb the area,


> > beleive me I do not depend on just narcotics. I see the pain

> > specialist who faxes the scripts to my MD, what does she do? she

> > says, " this is too much " you will have to turn in your oxycodone

> > tablets for the new script, because they interact w/each other.

> FIrst

> > of all, that is not true, she is lying to me. they do not

> interact.

> > My scripts are for sustained release oxy and instant release oxy,

> > very low doses, but she thinks that she is doing me the biggest

> > favor, and makes me feel like a junkie when I go in to get these

> > scripts. Ladies, these do not work, they just help take the edge

> off

> > to function... I was the one who only wanted them short term, so

> why

> > do I get such treatment? Yes I complain all the time to my doc,


> > tell her the truth that I still am in pain, and I still dont


> > but she says, sorry, I cant do anymore for you. I want the


> > route 100% after explant, that was my choice... I have to go in

> > there tomorrow, and feel humiliated again.... I know this


> to

> > people w/chronic pain, Ive heard many stories, but it hurts so


> > that I am made to feel like a junkie. I dont drink, I never even

> > took tylenol until all this garbage started cropping up. Please

> say

> > a prayer for me, I do not have the mental strength to deal


> I

> > am so depressed right now, that I just want this all to end....

> > Please give me some encouragement, I cant deal w/this anymore, I

> dont

> > want pills, and all the cra*, I want mylife back...............


> > crying cuz I feel so much pain and sickness, that I want to give

> up.

> > Please help. Iggy

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