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To Iggy

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Well Iggy I know that your post was to Dimonds and not me, but I have

to just jump in here and give my opinion anyhow, of course you don't

have to take my advice. When I was ill with implants I was still a

single mom living in a mobile home(it was pretty nice) and trying to

scrape by in the most expensive part of California(SF BAY AREA) and

so I really had no other choice but to take the pain meds and the

sleep meds or I was not going to be able to go to work everyday and

would lose everything, my home, my job etc. There was no chance of

going on disability or taking time off, I could not afford it, as it

was I was living from paycheck to paycheck and just scraping by. I

was not about to lose my home that i had worked so hard for, so I had

no other choice,I just had to take the medication to get to work

everyday. It served its purpose and I made it through all that and

eventually I did get off the meds, cept the sleep meds I do still

take when I need them. I am def not too proud to admit that i used

the narcotics for my chronic pain, I needed it so I did what I had to

do, I had to live my life, I could not just stay in bed, there was no

choice there for me, no one was there to help me out in those days,

so life went on and I survived and I did end up getting better in the

end anyhow. My point is that your really not in the best frame of

mind to just go off your meds right now and in my opinion in your

condition beating yourself up over this issue is not a good idea

right now. You can deal with all that later, once the implants are

out, why put yourself through all this misery right now? If the

medication helps you then take it and worry about this stuff later.

Sometimes you just have to take it day by day girl. There is no point

in staying up at night suffering, and in the end only you will suffer

girl, why do it? The other thing you need to remember, and that is

that drugs like darvocet are weak and probably your gonna end up

either needing twice as much, which will just be harder on your body,

or you will just end up not effectively treating the pain. The way I

looked at it was in the long run I was doing my body more good by

taking the stronger stuff, that was long acting and that I could take

less of, and that really helped the pain. You need to take those meds

on time, not skip doses, or you will end up hurting all the time

anyhow. It is a personal choice and you can do what you feel you need

to, just remember that there is no point in suffereing if you don't

have to. I mean there is help out there. The fact is that when your

dealing with pain medications your going to have to live with the

rules and the regulations that come along with them. If you know that

your taking them for the right reasons, then don't worry about what

anyone else thinks. Just know in your heart that when the implants

are gone you will be able to start weaning off them and that you can

head in the right direction that you want to be heading in.

It really is not a good time to try to carry so much of this burden

on your shoulders girl. Lighten up on yourself. If taking the pain

meds is giving you relief that is all that matters right now. If on

the other hand they are not really helping then I would not take

them. For me it was the right thing to do. I never even missed any

work due to implants except for the short time I was off(i think one

week) when I had my explant. So I managed to keep that mobile home,

which worked out great after I got married I was able to sell it for

a nice little profit and start my new married life with a nice little

nest egg! People that take prescription medications are not bad

people, and just because some people abuse it and ruin it for those

who need it does not mean that it is something to be ashamed or feel

guilty about.

You do what feels right for you either way girl. It is your body, and

your life. I just feel that you need to go easy on yourself.

hang in there

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  • 3 months later...
Guest guest

--- Hi, I know I need to... But what do I say the diagnosis is?

IMplants or fM or mycos? SHould I have FEng or the rheummy do the

paperwork,,,, Most people are denied benefits w/FM and such,,, but

if I explain the implants, they know Ill be healing soon... what do

you think??? Thanks, Iggy

Ill fill you in after wed w/my new natural doc, And thanks for being

there for me, Im so sensitive right now, its crazy.... Love Iggy

In , " dimonds68 " <XENA6881@a...> wrote:

> Hello Iggy, My advice would be to go on disablity. I know it is a

> real bummer, and feels like a huge loss. (been there too) BUT I so

> believe it will help you to heal better. I think going back to work

> when you are not feeling good somedays, will put a strain on you

> mentally and physically and can harm your healing, which in turn


> make you sicker. Go to your new Dr. who will help you, and do your

> detoxing. Then maybe one day down the road when you are feeling

> better mentally and physically, you can go back to work. Best of

> luck....'hugs'dimonds

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