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this may sound crazy but the better I feel the more my ears ring-- I guess

it is the sound my brain make when it is happy.



From: rhbailey@...

Dear Mushindoc,

You wrote, " Tinnitus can usually be controlled with enzyme and herbal

therapy. If anyone wants an article on the protocol, send a self


envelope to:

Jace Medical... "

You don't sign your name, so I wonder--do you sell these enzymes and


Do you have tinnitus? I can give you the names of some audiologists who

specialize in tinnitus treatment, if you have tinnitus. Tinnitus can


so severe that people commit suicide because of it, so I'd be leary of



Sue B.


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  • 10 months later...
Guest guest

Hi, Somish, Debbie & all,

>thanks, that's very, very interesting. i'd like to add here that now

>i'm not so sure it was the aspirin - the ringing seems to periodically

>intensify and then let up - maybe it's the bromelain, or just " change " -

>something else going on.

For me, the tinnitus is correlated with how tired I am overall. During good

times there is only one soft tone in one ear; by the time I am really beat

it is loud, doble tone in one & loud single tone in the other. From that, it

takes about 2 days to recover back to the good level - same as with energy.



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  • 1 month later...
Guest guest

There are also literature articles & clinician reports that suggest the

effectiveness of clinical hypnosis. Typically, not a cure but a reduction

in perceived noise. Of course, it is critical that a medical examination

be done first to r/o medical causation (eg. a tumor).

Granville, Ph.D.

London Ontario


At 04:16 PM 8/7/2000 -0400, you wrote:

>Some of you, through personal experience or that of family or friends, may

>be very familiar with the fairly common disorder known as Tinnitus, a

>persistent type of periodic or sustained ringing in the ears that can make

>life a real misery. The most common opinion is that little can be done to

>assist the sufferer, but some therapists have found thatTinnitus Retraining

>Therapy (TRT) may be of definite value.

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Guest guest

Thanks for the info Mel. I have very severe tinnitus, so I'm hoping to

implement some of this treatment. I've never even heard of this before - I

assumed it was something you had to live with.

>Some of you, through personal experience or that of family or friends, may

>be very familiar with the fairly common disorder known as Tinnitus, a

>persistent type of periodic or sustained ringing in the ears that can make

>life a real misery. The most common opinion is that little can be done to

>assist the sufferer, but some therapists have found thatTinnitus Retraining

>Therapy (TRT) may be of definite value.

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  • 6 months later...

There is a doctor in Santiago de Chile who uses a " pine resin "

derivative to treat tinnitus. Upon further investigation, we discovered

it was DMSO.


> This is ot but one of these is 'sure' to work! DMSO will take


> way in, so first maybe put some GSE (grapefruit seed extract diluted


> down) around the ear and then apply a little DMSO to carry it deep


> the head. Or if the DMSO scares you, then put the diluted GSE on a

> q-tip and put in the ear or use a dropper. Just antibiotic ointment

> rubbed around the outside of the ear usually helps a lot, esp. if you

> qtip the ear canal as well. Tape a therapeutic magnet over the ear


> a while if you have one. Peroxide in the ear for 15 to 20 min. on


> side will help anything I ever heard of-won't cure everything though.


> vitamins, esp. from brewer's yeast, taken over a period of time (maybe


> month) can cure some tinnitus and can't hurt anything.

> Re the GSE----I just found out about this on one of the lists and,

> although they raved about it, they still understated it. It is just

> wonderful. Even my husband is requesting large doses. And we had to

> threaten severe bodily harm to get him to take the first dose. It is

> easing inflammation and soreness for him in a large way. I still


> he has cancer, but he won't go get a diagnosis. But if he can be

> comfortable, then that is sure better than nothing.

> I have read that DMSO will carry anything on the skin straight to the

> bond so be careful what you use it with.

> Hope some of this helps. Best wishes, pj The GSE is taking care of

> my son's acne very nicely. Mostly gone now. We are all taking it

> internally. Be sure to read the directions as it ABSOLUTELY MUST be

> diluted whether used externally or internally.



> OxyPLUS is an unmoderated e-ring dealing with oxidative therapies, and

other alternative self-help subjects.




> This list is the 1st Amendment in action. The things you will find

here are for information and research purposes only. We are people

sharing information we believe in. If you act on ideas found here, you

do so at your own risk. Self-help requires intelligence, common sense,

and the ability to take responsibility for your own actions. By joining

the list you agree to hold yourself FULLY responsible FOR yourself. Do

not use any ideas found here without consulting a medical professional,

unless you are a researcher or health care provider.


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Henry is correct. One time I had some knee pain that wouldn't respond to the

usual treatments, so I thought I would try some DMSO mixed with cayenne pepper.

Needless to say, the next ten hours or so were some of the most excruciatingly

painful of my entire life! Nothing, no nothing would stop the pain. Moral --- BE

CAREFUL what you mix DMSO with!



This is ot but one of these is 'sure' to work! DMSO will take anything

way in, so first maybe put some GSE (grapefruit seed extract diluted way

down) around the ear and then apply a little DMSO to carry it deep into

the head. Or if the DMSO scares you, then put the diluted GSE on a

q-tip and put in the ear or use a dropper. Just antibiotic ointment

rubbed around the outside of the ear usually helps a lot, esp. if you

qtip the ear canal as well. Tape a therapeutic magnet over the ear for

a while if you have one. Peroxide in the ear for 15 to 20 min. on each

side will help anything I ever heard of-won't cure everything though. B

vitamins, esp. from brewer's yeast, taken over a period of time (maybe a

month) can cure some tinnitus and can't hurt anything.

Re the GSE----I just found out about this on one of the lists and,

although they raved about it, they still understated it. It is just

wonderful. Even my husband is requesting large doses. And we had to

threaten severe bodily harm to get him to take the first dose. It is

easing inflammation and soreness for him in a large way. I still think

he has cancer, but he won't go get a diagnosis. But if he can be

comfortable, then that is sure better than nothing.

I have read that DMSO will carry anything on the skin straight to the

bond so be careful what you use it with.

Hope some of this helps. Best wishes, pj The GSE is taking care of

my son's acne very nicely. Mostly gone now. We are all taking it

internally. Be sure to read the directions as it ABSOLUTELY MUST be

diluted whether used externally or internally.

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Where can I obtain a zapper, and the info on use, benefits, applications,



> For acne, he is taking it internally. He takes 15 drops two to three

> times a day. We try for an empty stomach, but he is a 6' 2 " sixteen

> year old, so that time frame is difficult to find! And about the

> DMSO---- I meant to say it will take anything on the skin all the way to

> the bone, not 'bond'. I have found many great health helpers on the

> net, but I think GSE is probably the greatest since zappers, and green

> hull black walnut tincture. pj Also, if you want to use antibiotic

> ointment, we just put a small gob on the q tip and rub the ear canal as

> far down as is comfortable, in addition to rubbing it in good all around

> the ear. I think it kills off some of the critters in the porous bone

> around the ear. Also, we have taken 30 drops of the GSE in about 8

> ounces of orange juice in a single dose. After reading up on it some,

> it seems that it can be taken that way with no ill effect. But I

> personally don't think I will use it that way very often. I think the

> nutribiotic web site is where I read a lot about it.



> OxyPLUS is an unmoderated e-ring dealing with oxidative therapies, and

other alternative self-help subjects.




> This list is the 1st Amendment in action. The things you will find here

are for information and research purposes only. We are people sharing

information we believe in. If you act on ideas found here, you do so at your

own risk. Self-help requires intelligence, common sense, and the ability to

take responsibility for your own actions. By joining the list you agree to

hold yourself FULLY responsible FOR yourself. Do not use any ideas found

here without consulting a medical professional, unless you are a researcher

or health care provider.


> You can unsubscribe via e-mail by sending A NEW e-mail to the following



the message! :


> oxyplus-unsubscribeegroups


> oxyplus-normalonelist - switch your subscription to normal mode.


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Try http://www.sotainstruments.com/order.html or


....Ron Inda

> Where can I obtain a zapper, and the info on use, benefits,


> etc?

> tinnitus



> > For acne, he is taking it internally. He takes 15 drops two to


> > times a day. We try for an empty stomach, but he is a 6' 2 "


> > year old, so that time frame is difficult to find! And about the

> > DMSO---- I meant to say it will take anything on the skin all the

way to

> > the bone, not 'bond'. I have found many great health helpers

on the

> > net, but I think GSE is probably the greatest since zappers, and


> > hull black walnut tincture. pj Also, if you want to use


> > ointment, we just put a small gob on the q tip and rub the ear

canal as

> > far down as is comfortable, in addition to rubbing it in good all


> > the ear. I think it kills off some of the critters in the porous


> > around the ear. Also, we have taken 30 drops of the GSE in

about 8

> > ounces of orange juice in a single dose. After reading up on it


> > it seems that it can be taken that way with no ill effect. But I

> > personally don't think I will use it that way very often. I

think the

> > nutribiotic web site is where I read a lot about it.

> >

> >

> > OxyPLUS is an unmoderated e-ring dealing with oxidative

therapies, and

> other alternative self-help subjects.

> >


> >

> > This list is the 1st Amendment in action. The things you will

find here

> are for information and research purposes only. We are people


> information we believe in. If you act on ideas found here, you do

so at your

> own risk. Self-help requires intelligence, common sense, and the

ability to

> take responsibility for your own actions. By joining the list you

agree to

> hold yourself FULLY responsible FOR yourself. Do not use any ideas


> here without consulting a medical professional, unless you are a


> or health care provider.

> >

> > You can unsubscribe via e-mail by sending A NEW e-mail to the


> address - NOT TO THE OXYPLUS LIST! -



> the message! :

> >

> > oxyplus-unsubscribeegroups

> >

> > oxyplus-normalonelist - switch your subscription to

normal mode.

> >

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  • 8 months later...

Ginkgo is ok for all.


BlankBe careful what you do about tinnitus, you might be suffering from

Menier's (SP?) Disease. Symptoms include nausea and vomiting, decline in

your hearing, being off balance and of course tinnitus. Menier's is


the fluctuating disease. Sometimes you have all the symptoms, sometimes

only one, sometimes none. I walked with this for years not knowing and

ended up with operations in both ears. In my left ear, I have lost a huge

percentage of my hearing due to not having it checked it out soon enough.

And yes, salt does make a huge difference. It makes the noise more.


Biloba and Vit E both causes a reduction in the noise level but as far as


know, both are avoids.

Lots of love.

Hilda Vosloo

Cell: 082 922 9136

Fax: 27-12-5492621

Email: hildavosloo@...

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Do you have any more info on this Menier's (sp) disease? I have heard

of it, years ago though. I get a little dizzy occasionally, have

headaches that sometimes cause very mild nausea. I already know that

I have a reduced level of hearing. That was diagnosed years ago. I

know I complained earlier this year of my eardrum " quivering " and

making me feel sick. Then I'd get pressure in my ears that would feel

like they would explode that would give me bad headaches. My doctor

prescribed Claritin and Flonase. They don't seem to help though. So,

I went to see a Ear, Nose & Throat Specialist. He said my Eustachian

tubes are very swollen and I have a post nasal drip. He said the

Claritan and Flonase kept me from going into full blown infection.

He sprayed something up my nose and was surprised that it didn't " do

the trick " . So he has me on another prescription and nasal spray.

Liquipid (I think) and Rhinocort spray. I have to let him know next

week how I am doing. (so far no difference) He said depending on how

I fare with this he may have to do further tests, including a hearing

test. He even mentioned tubes in my ears.

I am off wheat and dairy. I am just so surprised that this is going

on. My diet, because I am doing the hi-protein/low carb, is even more

restrictive than just the ER plan. I eat meat (beef & chicken,

grilled or baked). I eat salad, mostly Romaine, with mayo dressing -

it is 0 carbs. I eat egg occasionally. Any clues if it is my diet?

I take 3 enhanced energy vitamins per day, plus a calcium/magnesium

tablet, and vitamin C daily. Plus my cardio-complete, the red yeast

rice capsule. However, the ear problems started before I started

ALL or ANY of these supplements.


deb in New ORleans

In @y..., " Hilda Vosloo " <bethesda@x> wrote:

> BlankBe careful what you do about tinnitus, you might be suffering


> Menier's (SP?) Disease. Symptoms include nausea and vomiting,

decline in

> your hearing, being off balance and of course tinnitus. Menier's is


> the fluctuating disease. Sometimes you have all the symptoms,


> only one, sometimes none. I walked with this for years not knowing


> ended up with operations in both ears. In my left ear, I have lost

a huge

> percentage of my hearing due to not having it checked it out soon


> And yes, salt does make a huge difference. It makes the noise more.


> Biloba and Vit E both causes a reduction in the noise level but as

far as I

> know, both are avoids.


> Lots of love.


> Hilda Vosloo

> Cell: 082 922 9136

> Fax: 27-12-5492621

> Email: hildavosloo@y...







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CORN - corn is usually a biggie for reactions in the

head and sinus area.

Ginger is very good for nausea and motion problems.

Nature's Way has a good formula that has helped a

couple people I know. " Motion Mate " it has ginger and

other stuff. Tumeric is very good for inflamation.

You may have to be strict on the diet for months to

get your head to clear up.


--- mitchede@... wrote:

> Do you have any more info on this Menier's (sp)

> disease? I have heard

> of it, years ago though. I get a little dizzy

> occasionally, have

> headaches that sometimes cause very mild nausea. I

> already know that

> I have a reduced level of hearing. That was

> diagnosed years ago. I

> know I complained earlier this year of my eardrum

> " quivering " and

> making me feel sick. Then I'd get pressure in my

> ears that would feel

> like they would explode that would give me bad

> headaches. My doctor

> prescribed Claritin and Flonase. They don't seem to

> help though. So,

> I went to see a Ear, Nose & Throat Specialist. He

> said my Eustachian

> tubes are very swollen and I have a post nasal drip.

> He said the

> Claritan and Flonase kept me from going into full

> blown infection.

> He sprayed something up my nose and was surprised

> that it didn't " do

> the trick " . So he has me on another prescription

> and nasal spray.

> Liquipid (I think) and Rhinocort spray. I have to

> let him know next

> week how I am doing. (so far no difference) He

> said depending on how

> I fare with this he may have to do further tests,

> including a hearing

> test. He even mentioned tubes in my ears.


> I am off wheat and dairy. I am just so surprised

> that this is going

> on. My diet, because I am doing the hi-protein/low

> carb, is even more

> restrictive than just the ER plan. I eat meat (beef

> & chicken,

> grilled or baked). I eat salad, mostly Romaine,

> with mayo dressing -

> it is 0 carbs. I eat egg occasionally. Any clues

> if it is my diet?


> I take 3 enhanced energy vitamins per day, plus a

> calcium/magnesium

> tablet, and vitamin C daily. Plus my

> cardio-complete, the red yeast

> rice capsule. However, the ear problems started

> before I started

> ALL or ANY of these supplements.


> Help!


> deb in New ORleans


> > [Non-text portions of this message have been

> removed]




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Deb, I would get a second opinion if I were you. Ask the doctor to

specifically check for Meniers. What you are going through is exactly what

I had. Ironically, the South African doctors misdiagnosed every time. It

was an American doctor practising in SA who got me right. Pity is was too

late for my one ear. And stay away from tubes as far as you can. They

damage the eardrum.

Meniers in simple terms is basically the following: in your inner ear you

have a little sack with fluid which circulates with your blood circulation.

When this sack fills up too much and drains too slow, the fluid runs into

the middle ear, causing all these weird symptoms. With the operation, they

fit a small little Teflon tube from the sack into the blood stream to help

with the draining. That is why the operation is called a Endolymphatic sack

decompression. This is why Gingko and Vit E are prescribed - to up the

blood circulation.

If you don't do anything about this (if this is what you have), eventually

the fluid in the middle ear builds up a pressure, causing damage to the

eardrum. This is what happened in my left ear. Now I have little hearing

in it and a constant noise that will never go away.

Please have yours checked!

Hilda Vosloo

Bethesda cc

Cell: 082 922 9136

Fax: 27-12-5492621

Email: hildavosloo@...

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  • 8 months later...
Guest guest


Always great to be able to just "toss off" having helped a client deal with depression and other symptoms!!

Tinnitus is one of those things that sometimes responds to NF, sometimes doesn't. It is often related to high levels of sustained stress, so T3/T4 would be a reasonable starting place.


-----Original Message-----From: Mark Waller [mailto:mrwaller@...]Sent: Tuesday, July 16, 2002 10:22 AM Subject: tinnitus

I have a man I have been treating for depression and other symptoms. After doing a complete assessment, we went to work and successfully treated his issues. Now he would like to work on his problem with tinnitus. Everything I’ve read seems to indicate that t3/t4 is the way to go. Anyone have any input on this?


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Guest guest

You take the credit my friend.


I have a man I

have been treating for depression and other symptoms. After doing a complete

assessment, we went to work and successfully treated his issues. Now he would

like to work on his problem with tinnitus. Everything I’ve read seems to

indicate that t3/t4 is the way to go. Anyone have any input on this?


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Guest guest

The client always takes the credit. The trainer onsite is the one who has to read what is happening and decide what to do, so you are beside the client. I'm happy if the model I have used for years was helpful to any of you in doing your work, but giving me credit is like giving credit to Naismith for the Lakers winning the NBA championship.


-----Original Message-----From: Mark Waller [mailto:mrwaller@...]Sent: Tuesday, July 16, 2002 11:06 AM Subject: RE: tinnitus

You take the credit my friend.

-----Original Message-----From: Van Deusen [mailto:pvdadp@...] Sent: Tuesday, July 16, 2002 7:38 AM Subject: RE: tinnitus


Always great to be able to just "toss off" having helped a client deal with depression and other symptoms!!

Tinnitus is one of those things that sometimes responds to NF, sometimes doesn't. It is often related to high levels of sustained stress, so T3/T4 would be a reasonable starting place.


-----Original Message-----From: Mark Waller [mailto:mrwaller@...]Sent: Tuesday, July 16, 2002 10:22 AM Subject: tinnitus

I have a man I have been treating for depression and other symptoms. After doing a complete assessment, we went to work and successfully treated his issues. Now he would like to work on his problem with tinnitus. Everything I’ve read seems to indicate that t3/t4 is the way to go. Anyone have any input on this?


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Guest guest


Same as always with T3/T4: very low frequencies (2-5 Hz) down and starting with SMR as your augment and reducing the training frequency until you find something that feels like it works.


-----Original Message-----From: lgoldhamme@... [mailto:lgoldhamme@...]Sent: Thursday, July 18, 2002 2:12 AM Subject: Re: tinnitusPete, What do you recommend training at T3/T4? Frequencies up/down?Thanks,Lynn

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  • 4 months later...

I have had episodes of tinnitus throughout my ten + years of CFIDS.

Usually, nothing at all helps, and after many weeks or months it just

relieves itself. I don't have much ringing, but a buzzing, the

sensation that there is water in my ear all the time, and a

fluttering/humming sensation that is hard to describe. Anyway, I

recently had an episode, and I decided to see what the health food

store had to offer for ear problems. They didn't have anything in the

adult section, but in the kids' section had a homeopathic remedy and a

supplement called " Ear-a-saurus " -- dinosaur shaped chewable ear

tablets. Since they looked tasty, I decided to buy them. Basically,

the only ingredient is xylitol, which support normals levels of

bacteria in the ear. I didn't expect them to work but they DID. I

had to go through at least half a bottle (I took twice the dose for

kids) before I really noticed a difference, but the tinnitus is

totally gone, and generally it lasts for much longer than it did this

time, so I'm fairly sure it wasn't a fluke. I recommend you find

something with xylitol in it. It is sometimes used as a sweetener in

diabetic gum or candy. The dinosaur pills are also cool though.

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Youl may want to check out Xlear, a Xylitol nasal wash(www.xlear.com). What

I've read about it shows it to be useful for infections in the ears, allergies,

etc...And you can also buy xylitol in powder form from Beyond A Century, it's

much cheaper that way. However I don't think of it as supporting bacteria,

rather(at least with xylitol gum) it is a sweetener that tooth decay causing

bacteria don't/can't trive on.

Re: Tinnitus

I have had episodes of tinnitus throughout my ten + years of CFIDS.

Usually, nothing at all helps, and after many weeks or months it just

relieves itself. I don't have much ringing, but a buzzing, the

sensation that there is water in my ear all the time, and a

fluttering/humming sensation that is hard to describe. Anyway, I

recently had an episode, and I decided to see what the health food

store had to offer for ear problems. They didn't have anything in the

adult section, but in the kids' section had a homeopathic remedy and a

supplement called " Ear-a-saurus " -- dinosaur shaped chewable ear

tablets. Since they looked tasty, I decided to buy them. Basically,

the only ingredient is xylitol, which support normals levels of

bacteria in the ear. I didn't expect them to work but they DID. I

had to go through at least half a bottle (I took twice the dose for

kids) before I really noticed a difference, but the tinnitus is

totally gone, and generally it lasts for much longer than it did this

time, so I'm fairly sure it wasn't a fluke. I recommend you find

something with xylitol in it. It is sometimes used as a sweetener in

diabetic gum or candy. The dinosaur pills are also cool though.

This list is intended for patients to share personal experiences with each

other, not to give medical advice. If you are interested in any treatment

discussed here, please consult your doctor.

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  • 1 month later...

Thanks for the feedback re tinnitus protocols...this individual has

experienced intense ringing in his ears since childhood...he's now in his

30s...both his grandfather and father have had the same experience.?! I'll

let you know if I get any good results! Ciao,

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Pete and Melis

Remember that tinnitus is a very frequent side effect of many Meds, also

sleeping less than needed.

As you say, my 2 cents!



Has anyone had success in treating tinnitus? I have a client who is

interested in trying NF but I have not done this type of work before...any

suggestions? Thanks,

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I've had some results with T3/T4 (it's often stress-related) and some with C4/A2

SMR training. Also done exactly the same thing with other clients with no

success at all. It's been pretty tricky in my experience. Anyone else have any




Has anyone had success in treating tinnitus? I have a client who is

interested in trying NF but I have not done this type of work before...any

suggestions? Thanks,

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My experience has been similar to Pete's


Re: tinnitus


I've had some results with T3/T4 (it's often stress-related) and some

with C4/A2 SMR training. Also done exactly the same thing with other

clients with no success at all. It's been pretty tricky in my

experience. Anyone else have any luck?



Has anyone had success in treating tinnitus? I have a client who is

interested in trying NF but I have not done this type of work


suggestions? Thanks,

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As always, worth much more than 2 cents.

How about Parkinson's? Have you worked with that? Any success re-activating

the Dopamine system?


Re: tinnitus

Pete and Melis

Remember that tinnitus is a very frequent side effect of many Meds, also

sleeping less than needed.

As you say, my 2 cents!

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No , Parkinson clients have lost the 85% Dopaminergic Neurons of the

Susbstantia Nigra. I have no experience in treating the Movements issues, yes

on the emotional level. Is devastating. But I think That any protocol that BOOST

mesolimbic Dopamine will help Them, ,also the AVS , we have seen in our BRAIN

TOPOS that AVS 10HZ, that activates a lot of Dopamine patterns trough the

Broadman 17 and 18, (O1 O2)

with Light & sound at 10 HZ. This goes directly to the Thalamus via the geniculo

calcarine fassiculum, and to theThalamic pacemakers.

This 50% increase in Alpha may reprsent the increase of the Dopamine Boosting

becasue of the exhilarating feeling that also there is attached to it.

2 cents more!


We have to do somethig. Beggning from 45 years old we loose the 13% of

Dopaminergic Neurons each 10 years, so to 65 we had lost 26% of them .....to

much! for 65. I am 47 and dont like that!

That is the tremor we see in that age usually ...and the attached lost of " Joy

of Living that Dopamine produces!!!

In Short....DOPAMINE is great! Pete, its luck of reward effect, is the root of

ADD, ADHD, the " greed for Novelties " , alcoholism and Other drug addictions.

On the other hand, unfortunate people that are born with a genetic

hipersensibility in the 4 Post synaptic Dopamine receptors D1, D2 D3 D4,

specially the genetic failure of D2, are prone surelly to Psychotic Disorders

like, Schizophrenia.

Re: tinnitus

Pete and Melis

Remember that tinnitus is a very frequent side effect of many Meds, also

sleeping less than needed.

As you say, my 2 cents!

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