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Re: Post Op Pain and Hearing through CI

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I have been having a hard time not knowing if I am supposed to be hearing the

way I am hearing through this CI . I am struggling to understand and found after

the last mapping that my tinnitus changed to a high pitched ring instead of how

it was before switch on , could it be that the switch on influenced the change

in the tinnitus? I also have ringing after I sneeze.

I am not sure but it feels like maybe the CI is too loud because I keep

adjusting it to low , and like to turn it up in quiet places or turen down

volume on the U tube also which i never done before .I have had to wait until

this Wednesday to go for further mapping .At this time I am not sure about it

all .I DO NOT LIKE the loud beep sound when I switch on and every time I adjust

the volume it also makes a loud sound , is there anything that can be done about

this? It is not natural at all!

All I hear is beeps still and some sounds are carrying through , like tap tap of

keyboard which was beep beep beep before, Dogs paws clipping on pavement coming

through clear,I never heard them before. Water tap turning on is very obvious,

intrusive and alarming to hear ! Plastic bags are the worst ( actually the beeps

are changing a bit but something is missing ). Birds are having a sound which

amazed me, effective if I put it up loud in the nature and actually hearing some

melody,the wind rustling the leaves comes right into my head !Hearing birds was

incredible to hear the first time . But I am wanting more and I cannot hear

anything other than these sounds predominantly.

There is no base ! And if I just try to listen with only the CI it is very hard

to discern what is being said . A distant electronic warble . Voices can just be

heard but they sound monotonous and electronic and distant,only if I put

attention into hearing I can start to hear Duck a bit more , yet there is

some speech recognition but still it is electronic synthesizer sound.This is

nothing like how my hearing aid hears sounds, but then my HA cannot hear the

subtle sounds I am discerning too.

I found that playing notes on the piano , I could hear a difference between a

few very high pitched notes (an Ahha moment) but below this scale in the lower

notes it became monotonous and having no discernable recognition of notes

changing .

I have another mapping on this Wednesday. I do notice I am recognizing CH and Sh

sounds and the Sssuh in spoken words .

I first wore a hearing aid when I was 5 years old and that was 40 years ago. I

have been told it will improve and will probably be much better after three

months, but right now I am feeling a little dissatisfied about what I am hearing

because it is only sounding either quite soft.Like I am hearing the soft rubbing

sound of my hand on the blanket last night yet it is loud! That I never heard

before too, or the slippers rubbing on the carpet .Its mostly sound and whistles

beeps and some electronic speech , but it is not recognizable especially speech


Could it be that my audiologist has just made my mapping for high pitched sounds

? And that because I am not hearing these sounds for such a long time I am just

hearing these sounds predominately. Is it to do with the way how she has mapped

it? so that I can hear more sounds in other variety later? I don't know.

Any feedback would be welcome . My face is getting better I feel that the

muscles are starting to go back to normal , but still there is some stiffness

and tenderness in the right jaw and eating is still a chore. I get shooting

pains from time to time , but I believe it maybe the facial nerve firing up

coming back to life . Where the incision started just above the ear is still a

sensitive spot .I am happy to be off most of my medicines too . Still a lot of

work to do .

Cheers ,

Marco from OZ.

> >> > >

> >> > > sounds like there may be some facial nerve involvement.....

> >> >

> >> > That's what I was thinking, too. That is a possibility with CI

> >> > surgery. I hope that's not it.

> >> >

> >>

> >

> >

> >

> >

> > ------------------------------------

> >

> >

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