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pam & rogene

Thanks for the info. I haven’t been doing much detoxing Rogene as I don’t

know where to start – I guess I just keep waiting for this mess to go away.

I do drink a ton of water and have started fungal defense. As far as exercise

goes, I haven’t done much of that either as I just don’t have the time or

energy. I will work on it. Massage has proved to be a big help in the past but

I can’t afford it very often – maybe a few times a year which isn’t much

good. I am going to start eating better and a lot more garlic. Any ideas on

detox methods on a budget? I can’t afford to miss a lot of work sp I would

like to go slow and not herx too much.

Pam – thanks for your response. My original incision was armpit under the

muscle then several ops under the nipple then the explant was in the under

breast crease – I have had them all. I think I must have a serious muscle

issue under my arms do to the initial surgery & “pocket†creation. I was

soooo stupid to let him talk me into that. My arm strength has never been the

same – I can’t stretch them over my head at all w/ out sharp shooting pains.

Maybe I need an mri or something. I am so sick of testing anyways. My main

issue is the chronic tiredness and neck/head pain. I can handle the rest.

Any pain mgt or detox suggestions would be greatly appreciated –

Thanks for all of your help guys!

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IMHO, you're not going to feel much better until you do some detoxing and exercising. . . Fungal Defense is excellent. Grapefruit extract is also a good antifungal . . . Used by the drop, it's very inexpensive. . . . These all kill off negative organisms. But, you need to replace them with positive organisms. . . Primal Defense, Acidopholis and plain yougurt are good for rebuilding the beneficial organisms that keep the negative organisms in check.

Managing your diet is of utmost importance . . . especially avoiding sugar . .. Think of sugar as fertilizer for candida! . . . Poison for you! . . . Refined flour products are almost as bad. Use non-chlorinated water!

When it comes to price and effectiveness, you can't beat raw, crushed garlic! . . . It works very fast and is soooooo effective! . . . You just have to find a way to get around the smell! . . . But that can be done with just a little effort!

Something I recently started . . . Coconut oil. . . I've been following a mail list that discusses the uses of the oil . . . Coconut oil has an anti-microbal property. They were discussing the used of it as a body lotion, so, the past few nights, I rubbed it (about 1 tablespoon) over my entire body after a hot bath . . . It feels wonderfully silky and is soon absorbed completely. . . It's apparently effective . . . It has made my bowels very loose . . . not to the point of diaherea, but decidely different. Hopefully it will detox tissues more rapidly than oral products.

For pain relief, hot baths/showers are excellent. Add Espom Salts to the bath water for extra pain relief/detoxing. Stretch as much as you can in the bath or shower. Neck stretches especially! Muscles hold the stretch much better when warm. . Wear warm clothing . . . cold weather is horrible for FM. (I'm feeling it myself right now!) . . .

There are some massages you can do for yourself. If you have chest adhesions, you may be able to work on those yourself. Yoga is excellent for stretching! . . . Maybe someone can recommend a good yoga video/DVD. My hubby mounted two rails on the wall for me . . . One of them I stand with my back to, grip the rail behind me and lean forward. Excellent chest stretch! . . .the other bar is higher. I face that bar, then hold it and stretch by letting my body slump down. This one stretches tight arm and shoulder muscles.

Start easy with the exercise . . . But set goals so you keep progressing. Some of the exercises can be as simple as tightening and relaxing muscles while you work or talk on the phone. When you have an errand to run, plan it so you walk a few extra steps, take the stairs, etc. Gradually create new habits designed to benefit your body. Sweating is an excellent way to detox too.

When you feel horrible, it's doubly hard to get a handle on all this . . . But, think of it as a project that you MUST do. It won't be long before you begin to feel better, then it won't be such an effort.

Unfortunately, it won't be a quick fix - plan on working on it at least one year! . . . You will have to be disciplined in your approach. But, after you get into it and start feeling better, you will be able to tell the difference if/when you deviate from your program. If you keep a brief journal of how you feel, and which treatments you are using, you will begin to see improvement, and that will keep you motivated.

Hugs and prayers,


halvey70@... wrote:

pam & rogeneThanks for the info. I haven’t been doing much detoxing Rogene as I don’t know where to start – I guess I just keep waiting for this mess to go away. I do drink a ton of water and have started fungal defense. As far as exercise goes, I haven’t done much of that either as I just don’t have the time or energy. I will work on it. Massage has proved to be a big help in the past but I can’t afford it very often – maybe a few times a year which isn’t much good. I am going to start eating better and a lot more garlic. Any ideas on detox methods on a budget? I can’t afford to miss a lot of work sp I would like to go slow and not herx too much.Pam – thanks for your response. My original incision was armpit under the muscle then several ops under the nipple then the explant was in

the under breast crease – I have had them all. I think I must have a serious muscle issue under my arms do to the initial surgery & “pocket†creation. I was soooo stupid to let him talk me into that. My arm strength has never been the same – I can’t stretch them over my head at all w/ out sharp shooting pains. Maybe I need an mri or something. I am so sick of testing anyways. My main issue is the chronic tiredness and neck/head pain. I can handle the rest.Any pain mgt or detox suggestions would be greatly appreciated –Thanks for all of your help guys!

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Thanks for the info - I will try to start getting more exercise and control the

sugars. I went and bought some fresh garlic yesterday - cut a clove into chunks

and swallowed it like a pill. irritated my tummy a little and the smell was bad

but I will do it if it will work. I bought apples and tried that - any other

ideas for the smell? This is so tough right now w/ a toddler and work and these

@#$%$ sinus infections. I am so worn down. The fungal defense makes me

nauseated - any suggestions ther either? I got the water in check - my new

house has a big garden tub so I will try a lot of hot soaks. how much raw

garlic should I use, how much and how often -how long before you think will see

any progress? I bought some detox tea also that I haven't tried- better save

that for a weekend! sorry for all of the questions but you seem to know all of

the answers!! What else amy be good for detox in the bath? salts? I will

really do anyting at this point. I am going back to the ENT tomorrow for sinus

surgery followup and I know he is gonna put me on more antibiotics as this

infecting is really raging. i just don't know what to do with that



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I've got several books on garlic, and if you look in the files, I have an article on the use of garlic...I'll repost it for you. In answer to your question, the therapeutic amount of garlic recommended daily is 12 cloves....that is alot of garlic! Even I can't get that much. Do what you can. I have taken up to 10 cloves a day, and I stink to high heaven. So, you really have to gauge when you will be able to consume that much without offending the people around you. Of course, if you can get those you love to eat it with you, (even one clove) they won't be able to smell you.


You can do research on each of these herbs and food products to find out more

about their properties, but each have been found to have antimicrobial and/or

antiviral properties. Stoff, MD claims that the first step in healing is

to reduce your viral load, and put the viruses in remission. Making sure some or any of these are in your diet each day will bring you closer to that goal.

Raw Garlic Olive Leaf Extract



Citrus Seed Extract (including grapefruit seed extract)

Aloe Vera

Tea Tree Oil

Pau d'arco Coconut Oil





Extract of Shiitake mushrooms, called LEM (Lentinus edodes mycelium), other medicinal mushrooms are maitake and reishi)

Because I believe so much in the power of raw garlic, here is the information I have gathered on it so far:

Garlic is an awesome herb. I think we should be using it to help us fight whatever chronic infections we may have. Antibiotics cannot kill viruses. But there are other products that have anti-

viral activity, and I am exploring these. Garlic is one of them. Here is what I found out about garlic. You can also do an Internet search if you want to read more about garlic on your own. Some of this info will be taken directly out of books I have in my library. I'll list these at the end. Garlic is probably the most well-recognized medicinal herb. It is used by traditional medicines all over the world. The chemistry and pharmacology of garlic is well studied--over 1000 research papers have been published in the past 25 years. Garlic preparations are known for their antibiotic, antifungal and antiviral activity. During World War II, Russia ran out of antibiotics to treat its many

casualties so they reverted to the original antibiotic: raw garlic was rubbed

on the wound. It became known as "Russian Penicillin".

Dr. Weil says, "The best home remedy I have found for colds is to eat several cloves of raw garlic at the first onset of symptoms. Eating raw garlic does not

appeal to everyone, but garlic loses its antibiotic properties when you cook or dry it, and commercial garlic capsules do not preserve the full activity of the fresh bulb. You can make raw garlic more palatable by chopping it fine, mixing it with food, and eating it with a meal. Or, cut a clove into chunks and swallow them whole like pills. If it gives you flatulence, eat less. If

you eat garlic regularly, and have a good attitude about it you will not smell

of it. (Patty says, "Wow! a good attitude can keep you from smelling? It

never worked for me!") Chewing some fresh parsley after eating garlic also

minimizes the odor. According to studies reported in the Journal of the National Medical

Association, and Medical Hypotheses, garlic has been shown to be a powerful anti-biotic against gram-negative, gram-positive and acid-fast bacteria. It has even been shown to be effective against strains of bacteria that usually resist treatment, including staphylococcus, mycobacteria, salmonella, and the species of Proteus bacteria. Studies in the test tube show that garlic is effective against both the influenza B virus and the herpes virus hominis type I virus. Researchers have suggested that in the test tube, the garlic was shown to be directly effective against the viruses; in some experiments conducted in the body, part of the effectiveness of the garlic may be due to its effects on the immune system,

which then mounts an attack on the viruses, too. Numerous articles from American and foreign literature describe the inhibitory action of garlic (Allium sativum) on candida organisms. One tells of the effect of garlic juice on staphylococcus aureus and E. coli, as well as candida albicans. Candida albicans was found to be the most sensitive of these three organisms to garlic juice. Still another article noted that all but 2 out

of 26 strains of candida albicans were sensitive to aqueous dilutions of garlic extract. Here is Garlic's reputation for rejuvenating brain and immunity, according to Investigative Nutritionist Carper:

Remarkable new research in Japan reveals that eating garlic can restore brain functioning and immune functioning in aged rats, two faculties that typically deteriorate with age. Garlic may even help prevent and reverse Alzheimer's like senility, according to Dr. Hiroshi Saito, professor of pharmaceutical studies at the University of Tokyo, who has screened dozens of natural and synthetic products in a search for new drug treatments for senile dementia. He documented that garlic extract suppresses destruction of rat brain cells (neurons) and, more startling, even stimulates the branching of new brain neurons. Thus, garlic helps ensure brain cell survival and "leads to neural regeneration, " says Dr. Saito, meaning old brains can grow younger. Dr. Gilles Fillion of the Pasteur Institute in France says this about Garlic's Prozac like effects:

"I suspect garlic is anti-stress, anti-anxiety and acts as a sort of anti-

depressant like Prozac, although with a much milder effect. Eating garlic may just make you feel better." Dr. Fillion has found that garlic affects the release of serotonin--a ubiquitous brain chemical involved in regulating a wide

spectrum of moods and behavior, including anxiety, depression, pain, aggression, stress, sleep and memory. Higher levels of serotonin and serotonin activity in the brain tend to act as a tranquilizer to calm you down, induce sleep and relieve depression. Dr. Fillion believes garlic helps normalize the serotonin system. A Japanese study of mice once found that garlic extract was 60 percent effective as Valium in relieving stress.

My Holistic Herbal book says this:

Garlic is among the few herbs that have a universal usage an recognition. Its daily usage aids and supports the body in ways that no other herb does. It is one of the most effective anti-microbial plants available, acting on bacteria,

viruses, and alimentary parasites. The volatile oil is an effective agent and as it is largely excreted via the lungs, it is used in respiratory infections such as chronic bronchitis, catarrh, recurrent colds and influenza. It may be helpful in the treatment of whooping cough and as part of a broader approach to

bronchitic asthma. It may be used as a preventative for most infectious conditions, digestive as well as respiratory. For the digestive tract, garlic will support the development of natural bacteria flora whilst killing pathogenic organisms. In addition, it will reduce blood pressure when taken over a period of time as well as reducing blood cholesterol levels. It has been used externally for the treatment of ringworm and threadworm.

A clove should be eaten three times a day. If the smell becomes a problem, use garlic oil capsules. Take three once a day as a prophylactic or three times a day when an infection occurs. Another book I have says to derive garlic's legendary antiseptic powers, experts recommend a minimum of twelve whole cloves a day--preferably taken raw.

That's alot of garlic!

Here is a Ukranian remedy for old age debility:

Grind one pound of garlic, add it to a jar with the juice of twenty four lemons and leave covered for twenty four days. After which take one teaspoon at night. When I had a kidney infection recently, I got up in the middle of the night, and ate 5 whole large cloves of garlic. The next night when I got into bed with my husband told me I smelled like garlic. <sigh>.

Okay, I'm ready to eat some garlic anyway. Patty


Dr. Weil: Natural Health, Natural Medicine

Dr. Earl Mindell: Garlic, the Miracle Nutrient

Dr. Crook: The Yeast Connection

Burton Goldberg: Chronic Fatigue, Fibromyalgia & Environmental Illness

Carper: Stop Aging Now

Hoffman: Holistic Herbal

----- Original Message -----

From: halvey70@...

Sent: Wednesday, January 28, 2004 7:03 AM


ROGENEThanks for the info - I will try to start getting more exercise and control the sugars. I went and bought some fresh garlic yesterday - cut a clove into chunks and swallowed it like a pill. irritated my tummy a little and the smell was bad but I will do it if it will work. I bought apples and tried that - any other ideas for the smell? This is so tough right now w/ a toddler and work and these @#$%$ sinus infections. I am so worn down. The fungal defense makes me nauseated - any suggestions ther either? I got the water in check - my new house has a big garden tub so I will try a lot of hot soaks. how much raw garlic should I use, how much and how often -how long before you think will see any progress? I bought some detox tea also that I haven't tried- better save that for a weekend! sorry for all of the questions but you seem to know all of the answers!! What else amy be good for detox in the bath? salts? I will really do anyting at this point. I am going back to the ENT tomorrow for sinus surgery followup and I know he is gonna put me on more antibiotics as this infecting is really raging. i just don't know what to do with thatthanksshari

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There are so many ways to detox on a budget. I am probably the queen of cheap detoxing, as I prefer all natural remedies to purchased products, and have found ways to detox that have been very effective and very cheap. Your best detoxing agents are going to be what God gave us to begin with....clean water, clean air, exercise, organic fruits and vegetables, garlic, onions and other cleansing herbs, and then there are cheap therapies that use inexpensive products such as epsom salt baths, liver flushes using olive oil and grapefruit, and diets using grapes, watermelon, and other good-for-you foods. And then there is the cheapest detox of all....fasting. (You actually save money when you fast!) I have done fasting regularly during my healing process, fasting anywhere from 3 days to 10 days with water only, and a 2 week juice only fast. All have been instrumental in my healing, and I consider myself fully healed. I have no more symptoms at all, including my once ever present brain fog (it is gone! woo hoo!) I do have Hashimoto's, but with the thyroid treatment, I have gotten my life back fully..... to the point of once again being able to stay up late at night, instead of falling asleep soon after dinnertime.

Candida is another issue entirely, and needs a little more work, but you don't necessarily have to use expensive drugs to overcome it. Certain supplements will definitely help.

I'm posting some detoxing articles to help you get some ideas. I hope you find them helpful!


----- Original Message -----

From: halvey70@...

Sent: Tuesday, January 27, 2004 1:03 PM


pam & rogeneThanks for the info. I haven’t been doing much detoxing Rogene as I don’t know where to start – I guess I just keep waiting for this mess to go away. I do drink a ton of water and have started fungal defense. As far as exercise goes, I haven’t done much of that either as I just don’t have the time or energy. I will work on it. Massage has proved to be a big help in the past but I can’t afford it very often – maybe a few times a year which isn’t much good. I am going to start eating better and a lot more garlic. Any ideas on detox methods on a budget? I can’t afford to miss a lot of work sp I would like to go slow and not herx too much.Pam – thanks for your response. My original incision was armpit under the muscle then several ops under the nipple then the explant was in the under breast crease – I have had them all. I think I must have a serious muscle issue under my arms do to the initial surgery & “pocket†creation. I was soooo stupid to let him talk me into that. My arm strength has never been the same – I can’t stretch them over my head at all w/ out sharp shooting pains. Maybe I need an mri or something. I am so sick of testing anyways. My main issue is the chronic tiredness and neck/head pain. I can handle the rest.Any pain mgt or detox suggestions would be greatly appreciated –Thanks for all of your help guys!

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