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Re: Pam, where are you?...Kathy

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Kathy, I know miracles can happen and prayer is the best medicine

there is. I'm just having a really hard time praying for him right

now. It's so hard to pray for someone you don't like, ya know? I

feel like I've prayed for him for 8 years now and nothing has

changed, so why bother! I know that's the wrong attitude and not

very Christian like! I'm trying, really I am.

I will definitely be praying for your daughter. Is she being treated

regularly by a doctor? I know they don't always know what they're

doing. Get a 2nd opinion or a 3rd! Better safe than sorry. I hate

it when my kids are sick. My little one went through a terrible time

when he was 2. He was in the hospital for a week 3 different times.

It was so scary especially because the doctors didn't know what was

wrong with him or how to treat him the 2nd and 3rd times. He kept

getting worse. All 3 times it ended up being a virus and he finally

shook it. But now every time he gets a virus he is down for a week

or more. But, they are getting fewer and further apart thank God!

I'll be praying!


> > > > Pam girl,

> > > > You've become so quiet! What's going on with you? Are you

> > feeling

> > > okay? I just went to our database to see when you were

> explanted,

> > > but you are not on there....and I can't remember when your

> explant

> > > was...I'm thinking maybe 6 weeks ago....that's why I am

> wondering

> > > about you!

> > > > Patty

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I am so sorry that things have been so difficult with your husband.

I know what you mean about how hard it is to pray for someone you

have so much bad feeling about. I think that is part of the point

of the prayers. God can change your heart towards him to help you

release the negative feelings you have. And that is a good thing!

Anger, hurt, frustration, dislike--those negative feelings keep us

from having maximum health. He may never change as a result of your

prayers, but it may help your health.

If you get divorced, please don't let him get custody of your son.

Your son needs you and your role modeling---not your husband's. Just

because he loves your son doesn't make him a good father. Do you

really want him raise him? It sounds like you are in a abusive

marriage. Continue to get your health back and pray for God to lead

you to the right people to help you. It sounds like he has you in

submission. If you cross him, does he get physically abusive? If

he does, then maybe you could find an organization for abused women

that will help you figure out how best to leave him with as little

problem as possible. I know here we have something called

WomenStrength. Organizations like this should be able to support

you and advise you. I will keep your situation in my prayers.

Hugs, kathy

- In , " Pam " <nannapam37@y...> wrote:

> Kathy, I know miracles can happen and prayer is the best medicine

> there is. I'm just having a really hard time praying for him


> now. It's so hard to pray for someone you don't like, ya know? I

> feel like I've prayed for him for 8 years now and nothing has

> changed, so why bother! I know that's the wrong attitude and not

> very Christian like! I'm trying, really I am.


> I will definitely be praying for your daughter. Is she being


> regularly by a doctor? I know they don't always know what they're

> doing. Get a 2nd opinion or a 3rd! Better safe than sorry. I


> it when my kids are sick. My little one went through a terrible


> when he was 2. He was in the hospital for a week 3 different


> It was so scary especially because the doctors didn't know what


> wrong with him or how to treat him the 2nd and 3rd times. He kept

> getting worse. All 3 times it ended up being a virus and he


> shook it. But now every time he gets a virus he is down for a


> or more. But, they are getting fewer and further apart thank God!


> I'll be praying!


> Pam



> > > > > Pam girl,

> > > > > You've become so quiet! What's going on with you? Are


> > > feeling

> > > > okay? I just went to our database to see when you were

> > explanted,

> > > > but you are not on there....and I can't remember when your

> > explant

> > > > was...I'm thinking maybe 6 weeks ago....that's why I am

> > wondering

> > > > about you!

> > > > > Patty

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You're right Kathy, I want to be the main influence in my son's

life. Him and I were baptized the summer before last. He was 5 and

the youngest child in our church ever to be baptized. He loves God

and he knows so much about the bible. For quite a while, he was the

only one that went to church with me. Then my husband would make

plans when it was church time to take him fishing or something fun,

so I lost my influence over him. Since my husband doesn't believe in

making a child go to church, I couldn't force him to go. He still

loves God, but he is easily distracted by his dad.

My husband isn't physically abusive, just mentally I guess. He

punishes all of us except for our little one when he's mad at me.

He'll ignore us and roll his eyes and grunt if you ask him a

question. We never know when he's going to be in a good mood or bad

mood. Most of the time it's bad. He has helped a lot around the

house since I've been sick. For the last 6 months he's done the

grocery shopping and for a year or more he's done most of the

vaccuming, mopping and heavy cleaning. I think he resents it though

so I would rather him not do anything at all.

I'm trying to pray...I know it will change my heart too - maybe

that's what I'm afraid of!


> > > > > > Pam girl,

> > > > > > You've become so quiet! What's going on with you? Are

> you

> > > > feeling

> > > > > okay? I just went to our database to see when you were

> > > explanted,

> > > > > but you are not on there....and I can't remember when your

> > > explant

> > > > > was...I'm thinking maybe 6 weeks ago....that's why I am

> > > wondering

> > > > > about you!

> > > > > > Patty

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