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Pam, I read your last post. I am so SORRY that you have been thru

so much with your marriage and your health! I have never been

married, but have stayed with quite a few BAD men myself, so I can

relate to your story. I have SOOOO BEEN there! I cannot tell you

what to do. BUT you do really need to leave him. As far as income I

would think you can get a good amount of$$$ for child support/plus

some money from disablity to make it on your own. I know it must be

tough for your kids too. But coming from a family where my parents

divorced and I was young, I do remember being relieved that they

were not together anymore, because I knew they did not love

eachother. My sister's and I till this day feel like they 'should

have not stayed together so long for US', because they just

pretended to like eachother and in the long run it was so

uncomfortable for us. They were making the whole family miserable.

It will be a great burden lifted from your shoulder once he is gone

from you life, and not abusing you anymore. Change takes time, and

in time your heart and health will improve. I know how this whole

experience is a life altering one, but you will get thru and things

will change for the better. This is a time for you to make choices

to surrond yourself with people who make you feel good about

yourself, and who treat you as you would treat them. I too have had

a life altering experience from this illness. I was forced to move

out of State, to another State where I knew like 3 people, and lost

all I have, and now have just begun to start over. I also used to

make and have ALOT of $$$$$$, now I dont' have $$$$$$. I now have a

new boyfriend. One who treats me kind. What a twist of fate

from 'being bueatiful, Cool, tough and wild , I always had a shitty

boyfriend(boy I had made so many wrong decsicions with men!) Now I

am forced to become a different person. One who is a 'better, kinder

person, and more patient. This is a time for you to surround

yourself with better people and start a new life, and take care of

YOU(and of course your kids) I hope and pray that you will find a

new and more peaceful life also! Sorry to ramble, but hope this

encourages you to face the unknown and get thru your tough time.!

Peace dimonds68

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  • 2 months later...
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Pam, Thank you so much for your advice. I always thought that going #2 once a day or every other day was normal. My husb. is in there a long time but I thought that was a gross guy thing!

A colonic is when you go to a place that is like a spa,and they tell you how to work this machine and then they leave. It's a thin tube of warm water that flows into your tush and all the bad stuff (toxins) are supposed to come flowing out. I heard it was very relaxing-it felt just like when I was trying to push out my baby! The lady had to come back in and hold my hand and wipe up all my vomit. I felt so embarrassed.

She said that I had so many toxins in my body, that it was like big rocks in there. I'm scared about going back on Mon. but hopefully it will be much better.

I'm so glad that you started feeling a little better. I'm trying to detox, but I feel really confused. I have lots of brain fog and I sleep so much!

Love, Daryl

Re: I'm pooped out today!!

Daryl, I have no clue what colonics are other than big enemas?? Is that right? Anyway, I have had a terrible time with constipation. For months all I have had is - sorry to be gross here - but it is gross...little balls of hard stool - 3 or 4 of them 2 or 3 times a day. The only reason they come out is because it is so full in there they basically fall out! I am so sorry to be so disgusting! I look like I'm 6 months pregnant and I'm sure this is what is contributing to making me feel so terrible. So I've tried doing warm water enemas and fleets enemas. Each time the water went in and hardly any of it came out. I got nauseated and felt like throwing up. The next morning after doing the fleet enemas I was swollen everywhere - even my eyelids. I think that things were just so dry and stuck in there that the fluid absorbed and just stayed in there.

Anyway, I've tried Citrucel fiber and it makes me feel worse and didn't make me go. I've tried just about everything until just a few days ago. I bought a box of raisin bran and a box of Fiber-One cereal ( reminded me that this is the highest fiber cereal on the market). So I eat 2 cups of each a day and I've actually cleared out most of the hard stuff and it's starting to move easier. I know you're probably doing the no sugar diet, but I can't do that - at least not yet. I don't know if this is helpful to you or not, but I just wanted to let you know we're in the same boat and I know how you feel.


Daryl <daryljean@...> wrote:

I don't want to put anyone off of colonics because they help so many people, but I just got my 1st one and I had some problems! I wondered if anyone else here has been through this. Everyone told me that they don't hurt, and you'll feel great afterward, even my husb. went to this place last week to get one to check it out for me.

I was a little nervous, but I was really hoping for some pain relief. I'll try not to be graphic because it's embarrassing to talk about.

When the water started going in, nothing was happening-I started getting very hot and dizzy-then the stomach cramps started, really painful-I rang the call button and when she came in, I told her what was happening-she

said that all the water was inside but there was nothing coming out (I'm sorry, I know this is gross)

I started sweating and pushing as hard as I could-luckily, the owner

used to have a very bad candida problem, and said that her first 3 colonics were very difficult. She kept telling me to just let it happen, but it didn't! I threw up all over my gown and started crying, I said that I just wanted it out-she was holding my hand and told me to stick with it cause it seemed like I had alot of toxins. This went on for at least 15 min.and then I saw these rock-like things go into the machine. She said that she could tell I had been eating raw veggies all week and they don't digest in my stomach so I should stop. Because of my detoxing. I was eating big salads every day, I figured raw is the best way to get all the vitamins. Things seem to get more and more complicated every day...

So, I stayed there on the mat for about 20 more min. because I felt too shaky to drive. I looked like such a mess, I had mascara running all down my face and I was embarrassed to see the owner again! She acted like it was an every day thing. She did say that it will get better every time, and it would really help me. I made an appt. for Mon. but I'm terrified that it is going to feel like that again.

Has anyone ever experienced something like that? I felt like I was going to explode! Should I go back? She knows a good herbalist who helped her with Candida, so I will call him.

One more thing, has anyone heard of a powder drink product called Ambrotose? It's made by Mannatech, and I've had 3 different people tell me that it changed their lives.

Thanks for being my friends and understanding all this weird stuff that I'm going through, you're the best!

Love, Daryl

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