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Shari, I'm less than 2 months post-op and I still can't lift my hands

too far over my head. My implants were under the muscle and my

incisions were under my breasts and around the nipple but my capsule

was adhered to the chest wall, so there was a lot of dissecting that

had to be done. I think that because of all that the muscle is going

to take a lot longer to heal??? I really don't know. It seems like

after 9 months you should be pretty much healed. Anyone else have

any thoughts?? Have you talked to the explanting doctor? I would

talk to your doc and let him/her know. I also would ask them about

physical therapy. A physical therapist can help you get things

moving again very gently and slowly until you get all the movement

back. I'll go in for therapy too if mine doesn't resolve soon.

Do you have more than just muscle aches, headaches and neck

stiffness? I have pain everywhere and swelling in the " rheumatoid "

joints, dry eyes (confirmed through tear test). So I've been

diagnosed with Fibro and Rheumatoid Arthritis and Sjogren's Syndrome

along with a bunch of other stuff. I'm on some meds for the

arthritis but it hasn't helped. When I first got the implants I had

terrible neck stiffness, pain, and horrible headaches. Thank God

they only lasted about a month. I never related them to my implants

though, but they started about a month after getting them! Just tell

your doc everything that's going on from head to toe. Write a list

so you remember everything - that's what I have to do. My brain fog

is terrible. I forget so much!

Hope you feel better.


> Just wondering - with all of the posting lately on pain docs and

meds - is everyones chronic pain from fibromyalgia caused by the

implants or did they do something else to us? My symptoms are very

similar to everyones else but I was wondering what was causing all of

my pain. I know the fibro is part of it but is there maybe another

diagnosis that I am missing that I need to address w/ my do? My

explant was 9 months ago and I still can't lift my arms over my head -

the muscle pain in my chest and armpits(point of original incision)

hurt too badly to stretch them. does anyone else have this problem?

maybe something other than the fibro is wrong with me. The neck

stiffness and pain and the headaches are concerning me although I

know most of you have these too and then some. just wondering if

anyone has similar complaints w/ a different diagnosis.


> thanks shari

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