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Re:Was: I can't stand it ! Now questions

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--- Hi Fiona, Yes I only had saline implants, thats all, and I have

all the symptoms, and more and to the worse degree... Im not sure

what you mean my ITO prostesis , whats that?// I know these saline

bags on my chest are rancid and very toxic, cuz this is not me, and

one does not progress w/CFS and FM, and I am progressing rapidly and

declining in health... you will see my pics when all of this is

done,, until next week!!!!! Im so excited to get these bags out, and

get my body and life back... I use to model and exercise, I was so

fit, now my metabolic rate is that of a turtle, I am 2-3 sizes

bigger, never been this big before.... and Im just like swollen, and

stuff, I do not even eat, I feel too sick, im lucky to choke down a

protein bar and oyster crackers per day... so go figure.... It

just scares the hell out of me knowing that young girls are risking

their lives to have boobs, like I did.... This weak sick dying

feeling is sure not what young girls are prepared for... also, the

depression of losing yourself is almost unbearable... this can leave

any young lady open to wanting to hurt or kill herself.... Yes it

does get that bad, if I did not have my support here and my husband

and the Lord, I might of done something crazy, cuz of this horrible

dying feeling.. I know I will heal... praise God....... My PS did

not tell me that these were the risks, only capsulation was a risk or

infection.... YEA RIGHT!!!!!!!!! take care, everyone here will

answer any thing you need to get answered... Love and blessings, Iggy

In , " Fiona Parkinson " <fionap@i...>


> Hi Iggy,

> Good luck with the op ! Phew, you've been through a tough time,

huh ? Please

> bear with me guys, because of the way the silicone gel has affected

my brain

> I can't concentrate for very long, atleast not long enough to wade

thru the

> heaps of info on the Net. There are a few basic questions I would


> getting answers to, preferably from folks who started off with


> imlants and maybe then went to saline, but anyone is welcome to



> Firstly, those of you have only ever had saline....did you have any

of the

> following:

> Fatigue, Candida, memory loss/brain fog, skin problems, hair loss,

> muscle/bone/joint aches, headaches, weight gain, Thyroid problems,


> in extremities, visual disturbances etc ?


> Secondly, what are my options ITO prosthesis etc after explant to

look more

> normal ?


> Thanks everyone !


> Fiona



> ----- Original Message -----

> From: iggyangel7 <Iggys_girl@m...>

> < >

> Sent: Sunday, February 01, 2004 2:16 AM

> Subject: Re: I can't stand it !



> > --- Hi Fiona, and welcome! I had saline implants in four years


> > during that time I was studying for my RN degree, and I was a full

> > time caregiver for Alzheimers patients and hospice, and a mother


> > a wife, always handled everything well... w/in a few months of the

> > implants fatigue set in, I thought I was over doing everything, I


> > falling asleep in Biology class, it was embarassing... then

> > widespread body pain set in, then restless legs syndrome, CFS, FM


> > mycos stealth infection.... I can barely catch my breath... I am


> > disabled I cant work or finish my degree.. my explant is scheduled

> > for FEB 11 in Ohio w/Dr. Feng, My rheumotologist diagnosed me


> > this, I never was a sick person... I pray for a recovery after

> > explant...Fiona, I am so sick w/pain and fatigue I think I am

> > sometimes dying! I just need to keep my head straight and know


> > after they are out, I have a great chance of recovery!!!! I

hope to

> > chat w/you soon, and take care!!!! God bless, Iggy

> > In , " fionahorse2000 " <fionap@i...>

> > wrote:

> > > Hi all,

> > > And here I thought replacing my silicone implants with saline


> > > be OK...that's what I've been told, by drs and patients...do you

> > guys

> > > want to tell me you saline girls have had the very same prolems

> > I've

> > > had ?!!! Oh boy ! So the silicone " bags " are the problem then ?

> > Major

> > > mental recalibration needed on my part...how am I going to deal

> > with

> > > the way my breasts look after explantation ? Sorry, I'm a bit

> > > emotional right now...I wish there wasn't this 10 hour time diff

> > > between South Africa and the US, would have loved to talk to

> > someone,

> > > soon !!

> > >

> > >

> > >

> > > Fiona

> >

> >

> >

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