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Re: Re: Those hubby hands...

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Hi all,

Now this is quite personal and makes me blush, but hey, we're all grown up here and maybe it might just add fractionally to our overall understanding of things.....

I have silicone, am awaiting explant. My husband and I have been doing an experiment: I asked him not to fondle my breasts ( it's been about 3 weeks now), because I was concerned that any movement might escalate the silicone seepage...and guess what ? Since he's stopped, many of my symptoms have eased up quite a bit....now this could just be a coincidence, but I believe there is a link....I've also been careful when washing myself, and dressing etc.....what do you guys think ?


----- Original Message -----

From: michelle king

Sent: Friday, February 06, 2004 10:10 PM

Subject: Re: Re: heart pain & short update on my health (fromKacey)

Kacey, I remember when I was in as much pain as you. that was my onset. Oh, I'm worlds better now. I remember when I couldn't type or write either. wow, what a memory jogger. thanks for reminding me how much I've improved. Dear, I feel so badly for you but you will get better. As Patty said you have so much hope because you are so young. Now donn't get discouraged. This is my experience. I got real bad all of a sudden, like you are now, and it was over a year that I got any better. But see I still had my implants in. I am so clueless that I had silicone. I actually got lots better even with the implants in. My body was fighting it. My point is though I think we have to be sick for awhile before we get better. But we do get better, we all do. Now that I've had my implants out since Aug. I'm much better. Get your thyroid checked implants have a tendency to knock our thyroids out. see, in my case why I think I actually started getting better is: #1 I come from good stock and was always very healthy, #2 I think a capsule formed around the leaking silicone and saved me. do I have any question my problems came from implants; not one minute. I look forward to tatal recovery as long as I stay close to god he will provide me the answers. Honey, I know love is great, and I'm not exactly old 44, but becareful because you body is very sensitive right now and much affected positively and negatively by your emotions. do you know this fibromyalgia thing has a lot to do with emotions. Oh, have you been diagnosed with FM? Don't panic, it sounds like what you're discribing, its the basic soup of symptoms. Can also be thyroid they cause the same symptoms. I suggest you get on an antidepressant. they helped me a lot at first. Patty's right about the pain meds. & nb sp;the cause a reverse effect. bBoy did I just learn that. Never being addicted to them before, became so and had to withdraw. Patty said they affect your immune system I so believe that. I actually wen down hill fast on pain meds. I hurt so much more, more symptoms BIG TIME. Now off them just 10 days from a pill and 3 weeks from pain patch and am dinomite. try ibuprophen, 800mg 3x's per day and flexeril 10 to 30 mgs. a day for a nonnarcotic muscle relaxer. If you worried about weight gain watch it they'll try to put you on amitriptolene or elavil (same thing), big weight gainer. The ingredient in it that works is the antidepressant. And don't get me wrong, I wasn't depressed either, but it helps fibromyalgia. and don't let anybody tell you its all in your head, you got sick before all this. It's just that thats what drs. do to us, say we got FM because we're depressed. As for me I became d epressed when I got the FM. Yeap, cripple whole nine yeards, Hang in there baby girl, your my girls' age, write again, and keep your hands to yourself, ha ha, have fun God bless, kaceybu02 <kaceyalong@...> wrote: Patty,Thanks so much for your message. I haven't been able to type much due to all of my pain, and it's been so hard not to be able to communicate this way (I can't write either). I hate that I'm on Prednisone. I'm scared of it too, I've already got Osteopenia from being on it for a year. My osteopathic doc has been weaning me down from 5 and 10 mg down to 2mg. daily. But I have been doing absolutely awful and no amount of pain meds are helping. He is the most anti-prednisone person I've ever met and it really shocked me when he prescribed 60 mg. yesterday, 40mg today, 20 tomorrow, and 5mg until I see him on Tuesday. He is very worried about me as I'm seemingly getting worse and nothing's helping. I'm pretty worried as well. I'm typing ferociously because I don't know how long I'll be able to use my hands tonight, how they'll hurt because of typing tomorrow, and when will be the next time that I'll be able to use them at all.I'm so ready to start improving, but I know I've only had my implants out since September 2003.I didn't know that Prednisone could hurt my ability to lose weight. I know it makes it harder because I'm usually so hungry, but I've been able to really control it. My weight hasn't really changed at all once I've been under treatments (thank God! I really don't think I could handled getting fatter on top of everything else).Thanks so much for caring about all of us like you do! And I really do think love helps heal lots of things :)Kacey> Kacey,> How long have you been on the prednisone? > > I don't know if you've seen the information on prednisone that discusses it's toxicity, but please, look it up! I would highly encourage you to get off the prednisone as soon as you are able. It is a very nasty drug. I know it helps with inflammation, but I've heard it suggested by naturopathic oriented doctors that it should only be used in life threatening situations, because it is so toxic. It will leave you unable to lose weight, and it basically damages your immune system--knocks it out so that you won't have an inflammatory response. It helps with symptoms, but in the end, prevents healing. > > Here is what natural health guru Dr. Weil has to say:> http://www.drweil.com/app/cda/drw_cda.html-command=TodayQA-questionId=74996> > Conventional doctors use immunosuppressive drugs such as prednisone (a corticostero id), to control severe symptoms. While these may be necessary for short periods, long-term use is not wise, because they can reduce the chance that the disease will go into remission naturally.> In another post about migraines, he says:> Don't take prednisone or steroids to prevent attacks; the potential dangers outweigh the benefits. > > I know you are going a natural route, and that is very, very important. I know I may have been the exception in that I got better without ever having to take a single pain pill or any immunosuppressive drugs, but then again, could it be that I have healed as well as I did because I let my body heal naturally? I don't know. I understand that the pain is unbearable at times for so many of you, and I do sympathize with all of you in that position. Just please, please, try to get off any toxic drugs as soon as you are able. I think it is so i mportant for long term healing. You are so young yet....you have a better chance than older women to help your immune system bounce back....> > By the way, congratulations on your new boyfriend! Love, in itself, can be so very healing.> Hugs,> Patty> ----- Original Message ----- > From: kaceybu02 > > Sent: Tuesday, February 03, 2004 10:51 PM> Subject: Re: heart pain & short update on my health (from Kacey)> > > Hi Fiona,> > Yeah, 21...not a great time to become disabled...but then again, > what age would it be convenient. As far as how I'm doing now, I was > explanted in Sept. 2003, and immidiately afterwards I saw > improvement in my pain. However, I'v e been trying to detox my body, > blood, intestines, organs...everything, and have since seemingly > dealt with more pain. Currently I can't physically write, and > typing is often too difficult as well. I know I'm suppose to get > worse as toxins and everything are "dying off", but it's still hard > to deal with all of the pain. I am working with my Osteopathic > specialist (Dr. Gonino of Rowlett, TX) to try to detox and also > to come up with pain meds that actually alleviate pain. Tylenol > doesn't cut it, and I've found that 3 Darvocets (like Vicadin)/day > along with a Celebrex and 2mg of Prednisone don't quite do it for me > either. Hopefully tomorrow when I go in for my Hydrogen Peroxide > IV, the doctor will pres cribe some stronger pain meds.> > But despite all of my pain, I am extremely hopeful. I know that I > am in good hands. Oh, when I refer to pain, it's located in my all > joints/bones/muscles. The burning in my breasts and ribs have > subsided a lot after explant...and heart problems/shortness of > breath seem to be more under control as well (I'm also on oxygen for > an hour a day). > > I know I sound like a complete mess, but I truly am a happy person > most of the time. I know I will be better eventually, and I'm > trying to enjoy my time back at home with my parents and 7 siblings > as much as possible (nope, can't take care of myself yet either). > And I'm also happier than I've ever been, as I have just recently > started dating the most wondeful man I've ever met. I couldn't ask > for anyone more supportive, caring, or who could love me better :) > So I know that this "distraction" really helps me bear all of my > pain.> > Thanks for asking about me and best wishes in your search for the > right care and doctors,> Kacey

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I agree - My salines would build up scar tissue horribly - my hubby and I had a routine at night when we watched TV for him to massage them to break it down so they were softer. When I became pregnant w/ my son we stopped once I started swelling - for the pregnancy and the months thereafter that I nursed my baby I felt much better. Once I realized my illnesses were implant related I wouldn't let him touch them for fear of releasing more crap into my system


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