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Re: Severe sigmoid diverticulosis

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Hi hon

So sorry you are feeling bad, I thought you might like to read this

paper I posted

http://www.pubmedcentral.nih.gov/picrender.fcgi?artid=1746690 & blobtype=pdf

it won't make you any better but at least it shows about the

autoimmune connection to these things.

I have breathing problems, and my dad died of COPD. Just to say I

understand the family connections you mention.

However I refuse to accept it as an inevitable I will get COPD, I will

research into everything and get all the latest research and try all

the possible preventative measures. I think I read somewhere that

iodine could help prevent it. In Japan the highest percentage smoking

population has the least lung problems and lung cancers, they believe

that the iodine in their diet helps. Well thyroid hormones are carried

as an iodine hormone, so we can always keep ourselves busy and

distracted (when you get rid of your pain hon) by looking into these

things. Get the sushi and seeweed out lol. Except it can be a rock and

a hard place if you have Hashis because iodine can cause problems.

There must be some way around that.

(((HUGS))) and I hope the doc can offer you some relief from the pain.

God bless



In thyroid treatment , " Carol "

<carol_fullbrook@...> wrote:


> Hi there Sheila

> Having a torrid time again with my tummy.. They told me at the

> hospital there was nothing that could be done for this. I am very fed

> up and also showing signs of COPD Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary

> Disease, this can be hereditry and my mother has it so did two of her

> brothers, I have seen the symptoms and am sure i have it also. I seem

> to get everything my mother has only younger, my mother is 71 this

> year i am 52 and feeling very pants. have an appointment with my dr.

> but to be honest do not want to complain of not being able to breath

> as i want my bowels sorted they are so painful it makes you cry.

> Well thats enought of me being sorry for myself, was looking for some

> advice as to what to say to the gp as they are crap as you know. The

> diverticulosis is down to the hypo, and funny i remember when it

> really started the constipation it was when I was expecting my first

> daughter she is now 28 years old.

> Its funny how you start to remember things that at the time meant


> I hope you are well.

> Carol


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Hi Carol

I am sorry to hear that you are feeling Pants again and that your doctor is not giving you the care and attention you need and that the doctors at the hospital are telling you there is nothing they can do for your severe sigmoid diverticulosis. It is well known that emotional stress can increase spasms of the colon and, perhaps, result in the formation of diverticuli. Stress should be controlled and treated if necessary. Have you thought of doing the 24 hour salivary adrenal stress profile to see what is happening to your cortisol and DHEA. If these are out of range, it is possible that with treatment and boosting your adrenals, the reduction in stress might help you. Are your doctors not giving you any medications that can be used to decrease spasm in the colon.

Have they not suggested any surgery to remove the diseased portion of the colon to stop these recurring episodes. Are you taking lots of fibre, fibre, bran and roughage as these are an important part of the diet. Certain types of fibre, such as wheat bran retain large quantities of water. This, in turn, provides bulkier stools. This type of large, soft stool may help decrease the pressure in the bowel over time. Bulking agents are available in most health food stores and can be very effective. Have you tried any of these? One that is very effective is psyllium husk, which I have taken in my time and it proved very effective.You need about 20 to 30 grams of fibre to keep your bowels functioning well. Have you ever thought of going on the Audrey Eyeton Eating Plan - where she concentrates on high doses of fibre in her diet.

I would mention your breathing problems to your doctor, if this heart related, you need to be discussing the implications of not getting the necessary treatment - especially as your Mother had COPD.

Sorry I can't be more help, but not knowing your doctor, not sure how best you could approach him. Just be honest, be firm, be assertive, tell him you are no longer going to put up with the suffering and need a second opinion (or in your case - a third opinion). Doctors should not be telling you they can do nothing more.

luv - Sheila

Severe sigmoid diverticulosis

Hi there SheilaHaving a torrid time again with my tummy.. They told me at thehospital there was nothing that could be done for this. I am very fedup and also showing signs of COPD Chronic Obstructive PulmonaryDisease, this can be hereditry and my mother has it so did two of herbrothers, I have seen the symptoms and am sure i have it also. I seemto get everything my mother has only younger, my mother is 71 thisyear i am 52 and feeling very pants. have an appointment with my dr.but to be honest do not want to complain of not being able to breathas i want my bowels sorted they are so painful it makes you cry.Well thats enought of me being sorry for myself, was looking for someadvice as to what to say to the gp as they are crap as you know. Thediverticulosis is down to the hypo, and funny i remember when itreally started the constipation it was when I was expecting my firstdaughter she is now 28 years old.Its funny how you start to remember things that at the time meant nothing.I hope you are well.Carol

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Thank you for replying Sheila, I am at the gps tomorrow and my husband

is coming with me, the diet of high fibre seems to make things even

worse for me, i have tried the psyllium husks and still have some they

gave me muchos pain. But at least my head is clear and that because of

you. We have agreed not to mention my cough as they will not operate

on someone with a cough and this bowel has to go. I have had enough

pain now. It is a year since they diagnosed me and all they ever gave

me was opening medicene, and that gave me pain as well, so that went

to the back of the cupboard.

I will tell them about my chest once i get my bowel sorted.

Anyway we are not taking no for an answer tomorrow and we will get a

referral, I want the bad bit out asap..

The breathing is not heart related i am sure.

Not sure about the culling of messages, I can never make my mind up as

to where to cull from. Sheila I am not stressed at all except that i

do not seem to be able to get correct treatment that stresses me.



> Hi Carol


> I am sorry to hear that you are feeling Pants again and that your

doctor is not giving you the care and attention you need and that the

doctors at the hospital are telling you there is nothing they can do

for your severe sigmoid diverticulosis. It is well known that

emotional stress can increase spasms of the colon and, perhaps, result

in the formation of diverticuli. Stress should be controlled and

treated if necessary. Have you thought of doing the 24 hour salivary

adrenal stress profile to see what is happening to your cortisol and

DHEA. If these are out of range, it is possible that with treatment

and boosting your adrenals, the reduction in stress might help you.

Are your doctors not giving you any medications that can be used to

decrease spasm in the colon.

> Have they not suggested any surgery to remove the diseased portion

of the colon to stop these recurring episodes. Are you taking lots of

fibre, fibre, bran and roughage as these are an important part of the

diet. Certain types of fibre, such as wheat bran retain large

quantities of water. This, in turn, provides bulkier stools. This type

of large, soft stool may help decrease the pressure in the bowel over

time. Bulking agents are available in most health food stores and can

be very effective. Have you tried any of these? One that is very

effective is psyllium husk, which I have taken in my time and it

proved very effective.You need about 20 to 30 grams of fibre to keep

your bowels functioning well. Have you ever thought of going on the

Audrey Eyeton Eating Plan - where she concentrates on high doses of

fibre in her diet.


> I would mention your breathing problems to your doctor, if this

heart related, you need to be discussing the implications of not

getting the necessary treatment - especially as your Mother had COPD.

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Good luck Carol - keep us posted, and I will keep everything crossed for you tomorrow.

Luv - Sheila

Thank you for replying Sheila, I am at the gps tomorrow and my husbandis coming with me, the diet of high fibre seems to make things evenworse for me, i have tried the psyllium husks and still have some theygave me muchos pain. But at least my head is clear and that because ofyou. We have agreed not to mention my cough as they will not operateon someone with a cough and this bowel has to go. I have had enoughpain now. It is a year since they diagnosed me and all they ever gaveme was opening medicene, and that gave me pain as well, so that wentto the back of the cupboard.I will tell them about my chest once i get my bowel sorted.Anyway we are not taking no for an answer tomorrow and we will get areferral, I want the bad bit out asap..The breathing is not heart related i am sure.Not sure about the culling of messages, I can never make my mind up asto where to cull from. Sheila I am not stressed at all except that ido not seem to be able to get correct treatment that stresses me.Carol>> Hi Carol> > I am sorry to hear that you are feeling Pants again and that yourdoctor is not giving you the care and attention you need and that thedoctors at the hospital are telling you there is nothing they can dofor your severe sigmoid diverticulosis. It is well known thatemotional stress can increase spasms of the colon and, perhaps, resultin the formation of diverticuli. Stress should be controlled andtreated if necessary. Have you thought of doing the 24 hour salivaryadrenal stress profile to see what is happening to your cortisol andDHEA. If these are out of range, it is possible that with treatmentand boosting your adrenals, the reduction in stress might help you.Are your doctors not giving you any medications that can be used todecrease spasm in the colon. > Have they not suggested any surgery to remove the diseased portionof the colon to stop these recurring episodes. Are you taking lots offibre, fibre, bran and roughage as these are an important part of thediet. Certain types of fibre, such as wheat bran retain largequantities of water. This, in turn, provides bulkier stools. This typeof large, soft stool may help decrease the pressure in the bowel overtime. Bulking agents are available in most health food stores and canbe very effective. Have you tried any of these? One that is veryeffective is psyllium husk, which I have taken in my time and itproved very effective.You need about 20 to 30 grams of fibre to keepyour bowels functioning well. Have you ever thought of going on theAudrey Eyeton Eating Plan - where she concentrates on high doses offibre in her diet.> > I would mention your breathing problems to your doctor, if thisheart related, you need to be discussing the implications of notgetting the necessary treatment - especially as your Mother had COPD.

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Sheila/Carol - just a minor point on this - psillium husks is available from many of the asian shops at a fraction of the price of the same from health food shops or supermarkets. 'Every little helps' as Tesco like to tell us!!


Are you taking lots of fibre, fibre, bran and roughage as these are an important part of the diet. Certain types of fibre, such as wheat bran retain large quantities of water. This, in turn, provides bulkier stools. This type of large, soft stool may help decrease the pressure in the bowel over time. Bulking agents are available in most health food stores and can be very effective. Have you tried any of these? One that is very effective is psyllium husk, which I have taken in my time and it proved very effective.You need about 20 to 30 grams of fibre to keep your bowels functioning well.

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Carol, it does not matter where you cull the messages (just so long as they are culled) because all the messages you are answering have already been seen, and if someone needs to refresh their memory, or missed it, they just need to go back and look through the recent messages with the same subject line.

See the example of this message.


Not sure about the culling of messages, I can never make my mind up asto where to cull from.

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