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Re: Fw: Please welcome ... daughter serious complicatoins from saline

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I find it very interesting that this implanted woman was found to have hepatitis C, but no one could figure out where she got it from. Does anyone else find that odd? I have heard of several other implanted celebrities (Pam , Naomi Judd) who ended up with hepatitis,and wondered what was going on....we know implants can harm the liver. I just wonder about that....

I hope has found some help for her daughter...anyone hear back from her?


----- Original Message -----

From: ~*Patty*~

Sent: Thursday, February 05, 2004 8:26 PM

Subject: Fw: Please welcome ... daughter serious complicatoins from saline

Another sad story...let's help where we can...write to JIest@...----- Original Message -----From: "ilena rose" <ilena2000@...><JIest@...>Sent: Thursday, February 05, 2004 8:10 PMSubject: Please welcome ... daughter serious complicatoins from saline> ,>> I'm going to forward your request to a small group of women from mysupport> group ...>> You might find that the Saline Support Group would be very useful ... itis> run by very knowledgeable and loving women ...>> Best to you and your daughter ...> Ilena>>>> From: JIest@...> ilena2000@...> Subject: my daughter's problems> Date: Thu, 5 Feb 2004 15:59:23 EST>> Hello,> I found your web site and hope you can help me and my daughter. My> daughter,> who is 25, had saline implants put in in June, 2002. The surgery went> smoothly and she experienced no problems. Around April of 2003, she began> having> achy joints in her hands, and she discovered an enlarged lymph node under> her> left armpit. We were concerned about the node, but not too concernedabout> the> joints because she was under a lot of stress at that time.>> She was stressed because she was getting married in August of 2003 and> things> were not going well. She and I were constantly battling over one thing or> another, her fiance flunked out of law school and wasn't looking for work,> and> she was considering canceling the wedding. My husband and I figured that> after> the wedding, things would settle down and after a relaxing honeymoon in> Hawaii, she would feel fine. However, that didn't happen.>> Not only did her pain increase, she was so sore in the morning that she> couldn't form a fist with her hands, she started having problems breathing> deeply> and was in emergency , but no problem was discovered, her feet began to> hurt,> her fingers and toes turned white from cold, etc. She saw arheumatologist,> a> surgeon, and an infectious disease specialist. She underwent every testand> xray possible, and it was discovered she had hepatitis C, but no onecaould> figure out where she got that. She had her lymph node biopsied and> everything was> normal, but all her nodes were somewhat enlarged. The rheumatologist> thought> she might have an autoimmune disease, but the hepatitis specialist thought> her symptons were typical of hepatitis. My daughter , who was once a> healthy,> athletic girl even in college, was in constant pain and getting worseevery> day> with all sorts of odd problems.>> I began doing research and I felt a lot of her symptons were similar to> those> of women who had had problems with implants. My daughter told everydoctor> she saw about the implants and asked if there was any connection, and they> all> said no. My daughter's medical insurance recently changed so she had to> begin> all over. She now has a rheumatologist who is positive she has lupus.She> put her on high blood pressure medicine to relieve the problems with the> Reynaud's in her fingers and toes, but she became sick and dizzy, so nowshe> is> supposed to go on a lower dosage medicine and if that doesn't work shewants> her> to go on Prozac. She's also on a medicine for Lupus that is also amedicine> for malaria which might cause blindness and she's on an anti imflammatory> drug.> She doesn't like taking medication constantly, and I don't blame her,and> I> don't like the long term effects of some of these drugs.>> The only relief she has had was from accupuncture and oriental medicine.> She> does a deep breathing exercise every morning to strength her immunesystems> and she knows that helps. The accupunturists, one of whom is an MD,thinks> that the implants are causing her problems and her body is trying to rid> itself> of the foreign body. They were hoping that their treatments would allowher> to> keep her implants. Eventhough she was better for a few months, she hasbeen> getting worse again.>> My daughter and I know that even if she has the implants removed, there is> no> assurance that her autoimmune problems will decrease. Do you know of any> doctors, preferably in the Orange County area, who might be more objective> regarding the possibility of a connection between her symptons andimplants?> She> needs a medical person to honestly talk with her. She has been turned off> by the> chat rooms because she feels they are too agressive and militant.>> I would appreciate any help you could give us. Thank you>>

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Hep C was one of the first things they tested me for...of course it was negative. It is odd though. Scary how many things it (silicone) can effect in our bodies.

I emailed her and haven't gotten a response. I was hoping the daughter would feel comfortable talking to me or just emailing me because we are exactly the same age, but I haven't heard from them.


From: " ~*Patty*~ " <redeemed7@...>


Date: Mon, 16 Feb 2004 09:39:04 -0800

< >

Subject: Re: Fw: Please welcome ... daughter serious complicatoins from saline

I find it very interesting that this implanted woman was found to have hepatitis C, but no one could figure out where she got it from. Does anyone else find that odd? I have heard of several other implanted celebrities (Pam , Naomi Judd) who ended up with hepatitis,and wondered what was going on....we know implants can harm the liver. I just wonder about that....

I hope has found some help for her daughter...anyone hear back from her?


----- Original Message -----

From: ~*Patty*~ <mailto:redeemed7@...>

Sent: Thursday, February 05, 2004 8:26 PM

Subject: Fw: Please welcome ... daughter serious complicatoins from saline

Another sad story...let's help where we can...write to JIest@...

----- Original Message -----

From: " ilena rose " <ilena2000@...>


Sent: Thursday, February 05, 2004 8:10 PM

Subject: Please welcome ... daughter serious complicatoins from saline

> ,


> I'm going to forward your request to a small group of women from my


> group ...


> You might find that the Saline Support Group would be very useful ... it


> run by very knowledgeable and loving women ...


> Best to you and your daughter ...

> Ilena




> From: JIest@...

> ilena2000@...

> Subject: my daughter's problems

> Date: Thu, 5 Feb 2004 15:59:23 EST


> Hello,

> I found your web site and hope you can help me and my daughter. My

> daughter,

> who is 25, had saline implants put in in June, 2002. The surgery went

> smoothly and she experienced no problems. Around April of 2003, she began

> having

> achy joints in her hands, and she discovered an enlarged lymph node under

> her

> left armpit. We were concerned about the node, but not too concerned


> the

> joints because she was under a lot of stress at that time.


> She was stressed because she was getting married in August of 2003 and

> things

> were not going well. She and I were constantly battling over one thing or

> another, her fiance flunked out of law school and wasn't looking for work,

> and

> she was considering canceling the wedding. My husband and I figured that

> after

> the wedding, things would settle down and after a relaxing honeymoon in

> Hawaii, she would feel fine. However, that didn't happen.


> Not only did her pain increase, she was so sore in the morning that she

> couldn't form a fist with her hands, she started having problems breathing

> deeply

> and was in emergency , but no problem was discovered, her feet began to

> hurt,

> her fingers and toes turned white from cold, etc. She saw a


> a

> surgeon, and an infectious disease specialist. She underwent every test


> xray possible, and it was discovered she had hepatitis C, but no one


> figure out where she got that. She had her lymph node biopsied and

> everything was

> normal, but all her nodes were somewhat enlarged. The rheumatologist

> thought

> she might have an autoimmune disease, but the hepatitis specialist thought

> her symptons were typical of hepatitis. My daughter , who was once a

> healthy,

> athletic girl even in college, was in constant pain and getting worse


> day

> with all sorts of odd problems.


> I began doing research and I felt a lot of her symptons were similar to

> those

> of women who had had problems with implants. My daughter told every


> she saw about the implants and asked if there was any connection, and they

> all

> said no. My daughter's medical insurance recently changed so she had to

> begin

> all over. She now has a rheumatologist who is positive she has lupus.


> put her on high blood pressure medicine to relieve the problems with the

> Reynaud's in her fingers and toes, but she became sick and dizzy, so now


> is

> supposed to go on a lower dosage medicine and if that doesn't work she


> her

> to go on Prozac. She's also on a medicine for Lupus that is also a


> for malaria which might cause blindness and she's on an anti imflammatory

> drug.

> She doesn't like taking medication constantly, and I don't blame her,


> I

> don't like the long term effects of some of these drugs.


> The only relief she has had was from accupuncture and oriental medicine.

> She

> does a deep breathing exercise every morning to strength her immune


> and she knows that helps. The accupunturists, one of whom is an MD,


> that the implants are causing her problems and her body is trying to rid

> itself

> of the foreign body. They were hoping that their treatments would allow


> to

> keep her implants. Eventhough she was better for a few months, she has


> getting worse again.


> My daughter and I know that even if she has the implants removed, there is

> no

> assurance that her autoimmune problems will decrease. Do you know of any

> doctors, preferably in the Orange County area, who might be more objective

> regarding the possibility of a connection between her symptons and


> She

> needs a medical person to honestly talk with her. She has been turned off

> by the

> chat rooms because she feels they are too agressive and militant.


> I would appreciate any help you could give us. Thank you



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