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Re: Iodine - MSG

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MSG will damage the thyroid and pituitary glands :


http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/3785512?dopt=Abstract & holding=npg

- http://www.msgtruth.org/pituitar.htm


The practice of meditation may be in conflict with

many folk's religious beliefs (I find this doubtful

but I am ready to take your word for this), but so it

the practice of taking supplements if you want to go

down that road.

I do not see how the importance of giving a chance to

your body to assimilate iodine would have to be done

off list on a IODINE forum ?!?


--- DeCubellis Ranch <decubellisranch@...>


> I would like to see where you are getting the info

> that msg will damage the

> thyroid and pituitary glands. Also, you may choose

> to use meditation, but

> this is a practice that conflicts with many folks'

> religious beliefs. If

> y'all want to discuss that, I suggest that it should

> be done off-list.





> ----- Original Message ----- >


> > MSG is a great culprit in damaging the thyroid and

> pituitary. It is

> > widely known that you can manipulate your blood pH

> through

> > meditation/breathing. This is NOT difficult and

> costs nothing. I am

> > surprised that it is not

> > discussed here.

> >

> >>

> >

> >

> >



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That was a very kind and thoughtful post Kalliopi! I would like to

try meditation and also Yoga (although my body, at this point, is not

very flexible, perhaps because of the thyroid being out of whack)?

Thank you for sharing your thoughts and




> I came here to get answers for my questions, and I have learnt a

lot thanks to the selfless

> dedication of many posters. There is a lot of love flowing through

these posts and a lot of

> hope.


> I would like to thank you all for your help. I do not intervene a

lot here because I feel

> somehow that I live in a very different world from most of the

posters, and that the ways

> most of the posters eat, drink and take medicine is extremely

remote from the way I eat,

> drink and take medicine. I get a kind of culture shock sometimes!

So I suppose it would be

> the same for the others who would read my posts!


> Were are trying to heal our thyroids with Iodine and there are a

lot of queries about

> dosage.

> There are worries about taking too much iodine or too little. Out

of the bulk of messages

> posted on our forum by people groping for a solution there are

those who seems to get

> less benefits from others. Some others do amazingly well. I have

been one of the lucky

> ones. I feel that I have been completely healed and I woul like to

express here my love and

> thanks.


> I would like to say as a contribution to the health of those who do

not do well on iodine, or

> who did well, then see the benefits disappear, that there are many

ways to look at the

> human body.

> Even if we take the scientific tests supposed to give a clear

vision of the state of the body,

> regularly new tests appear that contradict the previous ones, or

refine them, and that give

> a completely different image.

> The dosages and medicines of today will be completely obsolete or

forgotten in twenty

> years time.

> But the human body is born again and again through time. It

survived horrendous ordeals.

> There are MANY ways to get better, and MANY ways to get sick.

> Apart from Iodine, there are some other variables.


> Maybe those you do not do well on iodine are not living the same

kind of life as those who

> do well? It is true that our bodies are different, but the

circumstances of our lives are very

> varied. All athletes competing in the same field carry the same

type of body, molded by

> their practices. Their DNA may be different, but their bodies are


> Instead of looking to our ancestors for the primordial sin of

giving us a body that does not

> respond as it should to treatment it might be much more useful to

try to understand WHY

> the thyroid got sick.


> MSG is a great culprit in damaging the thyroid and pituitary. It is

in every processed food.

> I believe that this is one of the main reasons thyroids go wrong.

Taking iodine will give

> marvellous results, but how could they last if there is no ban on

MSG? I am sure many

> people on this forum do not even know when there is MSG in their

food. Groping for the

> dosage is then illusory. You can monitor the iodine intake in

detail, the results will vary

> widely depending on your diet at the time.


> Even the iodine intake is difficult to monitor! You can take it in

Iodoral with a specific

> numbers in mg, but obviously we are not all equal when it comes to

assimilation. Some

> have more NIS, some less.

> Blood pH is very important for the assimilation of all elements.

Iodine is one element which

> will not tolerate a wide variation of pH. pH has to be exactly

right for you to assimilate

> iodine. It is widely known that you can manipulate your blood pH


> meditation/breathing. This is NOT difficult and costs nothing. I am

surprised that it is not

> discussed here.


> In fact I am puzzled to see that these two aspects of iodine

supplementation do not seem

> to raise interest.

> Obviously, never mind the dosage, the Iodoral/Lugol's, Nascent

controversy, if you can't

> assimilate it well - well that's it, it is not very useful.

> Never mind the amount of Iodine you can assimilate, if you go on

ingesting MSG, you are

> killing your thyroid, amongst other things.

> I wish to attract your attention to this because these two points

have been very useful to

> me.

> Lots of warm wishes to all and many thanks!

> Kalliopi


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I totally disagree with your point, but I will not take up this group space

to discuss it.

The point is that this is an IODINE group. I join groups to discuss

religious/philosophical groups if I feel the desire to do so. If you want

to discuss meditation, then I'm sure there are dozens of groups that can

assist. This group is not about metaphysical activities, but taking iodine

and supporting nutrients.

----- Original Message -----

Intention has a awful lot to do

> with any practice.


> Dorothy

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In the interests of chemistry, I'd have to point out that Citric Acid

is NOT MSG. The article points out that some MSG might be

created during the fermentation process.

I'd also have to point out that MSG gets created by some

of the fermentation processes that the Price group

tends to support, and also while one is making broths,

which are also recommended by the same group. So

the article is correct: it IS hard to avoid. My theory is that

taking Vit C with a meal containing trace MSG will stop

the symptoms, but since I'm not MSG sensitive, I can't

prove that.

Anyway, citric acid is basically not bad stuff, and it's a

great flavoring agent. There's lots of citric acid in lemon juice.

On Sat, Jun 14, 2008 at 7:37 AM, Parashis

<artpages@...> wrote:

> This is so true. Citric Acid, so benin sounding, is msg. It is in so

> many foods for various reasons and now it will be sprayed on all our

> meats and vegetables and fruits to kill bacteria and improve shelf

> life.


> Here's an excellent site explaining citric acid etc.


> http://www.westonaprice.org/msg/msgfree.html


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I repeat: citric acid is NOT MSG.

They are very, very different chemicals.

Many fruits and vegies do have natural glutamates, notably tomatoes.

And cheese. If you want to avoid glutamates, you will have to do a lot of

research, and probably change your cooking styles (don't cook acid and

proteins together: i.e. no vinegar and meat, and no fermentation of proteins,

so no kimchi).

It's worth noting that there have been some studies that seem to indicate

that " Chinese restaurant syndrome " is NOT caused by MSG, but rather

by histamines, which are very high in Chinese food, and in many other

foods. Histamines are pretty common in foods too, but are disabled

by Vit C. Many cultures eat high vit C foods with their meal, so the

histamines wouldn't be a problem.



BTW, in the interests of keeping this related to iodine:

the coastal Asian cultures also use seaweed as part

of their meals. Seaweed has Vit C, it also has iodine,

which is very bio-reactive. My guess is, that if you

eat something like " fish sauce " (high in histamines and MSG)

and seaweed or small fish (which would be a normal part of the meal)

than you'd be fine. But put the fish sauce on a steak with mashed

potatoes, typical US fare, and you'd get a headache.

On Sat, Jun 14, 2008 at 3:04 PM, Boal <nancyboal@...> wrote:

> OMG.. I have been using lemon juice all the time.. Not anymore! TY


> ----- Original Message ----

> From:

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There is nothing wrong with saying

beware. You can find out more about MSG and thyroid and other ailments that MSG

may affect at: http://www.msgtruth.org/hypothyr.htm

Be mindful that the food companies that use MSG will refute everything

that is written negatively about MSG possibly enhancing health concerns.

Also a good article at http://www.anapsid.org/cnd/diffdx/msg.html

and http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/7246043

Robin, you are correct about diet.

The definition of insane is doing the same thing over and over but expecting

different results. Supplements, including iodine, are just that “supplements”

which means that healthy diet and lifestyle are ALWAYS the most important things

you can do to get your body well. Always! Many will take handfuls

of supplements and wonder “why” they experience no change and they

are usually the ones that go out and say “Natural medicine is quackery –

it did nothing for me!” It is imperative to lay a foundation and

that is what you put into your body for repair, support and healing.

In addition to iodine and in order to really get the body supported and healthy

the following should be considered:

1) Cleansing the liver/gallbladder,

digestive tract is imperative. The liver needs to be kept clean and

supported in order for hormone balance.

2) Parasite cleansing. It is estimated

that 85-90% of the population has an over-abundance of parasites.

3) Heavy metal detoxification.

4) Healthy Diet. (not fad diets –

they are not healthy)

5) Elimination of sugar, hydrogenated

oils, caffeine, hormone-laden meats and daily and pre-packaged foods which are

full of chemicals. Learn to read labels and do your research.

6) Food-grade supplementation.

If your supplements have added fillers, binders, etc. then you are getting


7) Lymphatic Drainage – The lymph

carries out toxins. Use dry skin-brushing, rebounding and deep breathing.

8) Personal Care Products – Many,

if not most contain chemicals that are known hormone disruptors. Don’t

be misled, these chemicals do get into your body and with most people using

between 8-15 personal care products daily, the chemicals can be very

problematic. Find personal care products that are safe.

9) Emotional Detoxification – Stress

and negative emotions (anger, jealousy, resentment, unhappiness, etc.) are more

dangerous than most disease. Find time for yourself EVERY day. Read

un up-lifting book, listen to good music, get in a quiet space, meditate (you

can be religious and meditate), Pilates, Yoga, massage, etc.

10) Environmental Detoxification –

Homes and offices can be environmentally toxic which WILL affect your health

and well-being. Do research about how to get your environment clean and

healthy. One thing for those with endocrine issues is “light”.

Use full-spectrum lighting for your home and your office.

11) Sleep – If you are sleep

deprived then your hormones will not get balanced. Sleeping in total

darkness is imperative along with being in bed before 10:30 PM. The body

does the most healing and repair work between the hours of 10:00 PM and 2:00


12) Sunshine – Again, along the

lines of light. Your body needs sunlight for Vitamin D production

(Vitamin D is really a hormone). That means 30-40 minutes every day

without sunglasses and sunscreen before 9:00 AM or after 3:00 PM on as much of

your body as is “legal.”

13) Exercise – 30-40 minutes

every day. Walking is great and will also help you to get some sun.

Exercise also helps with depression, stress and emotional conflict.

14) Natural hormone and adrenal support

– For many doing what is listed above will balance their hormones and

adrenals. If you need additional support then look at supplements that

specifically support the adrenals and hormones. Glandulars for adrenal

support are good and, of course iodine, natural progesterone and Vitex should

be researched for hormone imbalance.

Women have 5 elimination routes that

need to be fully functioning for good health. We eliminate toxins through

breathing, sweating, urination, defecation and menses. A very high

percentage of the population is constipated which means that the digestive

tract (where 75-80% of the immune system is located) is not functioning well.

If you are not experiencing 2-3 bowel movements daily, you are constipated. It

is interesting to note that we see the most health problems in women present

themselves AFTER menopause when a woman no longer experiences menses. And

the medical community is now trying to make it to where a woman can choose to

have only 2-3 periods a year. In the long run, this will add to more

health concerns – but good for the drug industry as I’m sure they

will come up with a drug to “meet the need.”

Hope this helps.

Be Well


From: iodine

[mailto:iodine ] On Behalf Of Robin


Sent: Saturday, June 14, 2008

10:10 PM


Subject: Re: Iodine - MSG

I do

think it is valid that when I take my very expensive iodine tabs, then go eat a

meal with msg, that I then proceed to flush my precious iodine down the toilet!

I wish that someone on this list had warned me about msg. And what is the use

of struggling to heal my glands, if my diet is going to be reversing all my

hard work? I sometimes feel I am taking one step forward and two steps back. I

am reading so many lists now trying to gather all the needed information to get

well, my head is spinning. This objection of yours is stressful to me. What is

wrong with someone saying " beware! " ?

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Thanks LorettaI'm going to keep your post and re-read it from time to time. There are a few things on that list I could improve on!-- Warmest Regards,Robin Little

In addition to iodine and in order to really get the body supported and

healthy the following should be considered:

1) Cleansing the liver/gallbladder, digestive tract is imperative.

The liver needs to be kept clean and supported in order for hormone balance.

2) Parasite cleansing. It is estimated that 85-90% of the population

has an over-abundance of parasites.

3) Heavy metal detoxification.

4) Healthy Diet. (not fad diets - they are not healthy)

5) Elimination of sugar, hydrogenated oils, caffeine, hormone-laden

meats and daily and pre-packaged foods which are full of chemicals. Learn

to read labels and do your research.

6) Food-grade supplementation. If your supplements have added

fillers, binders, etc. then you are getting chemicals.

7) Lymphatic Drainage - The lymph carries out toxins. Use dry

skin-brushing, rebounding and deep breathing.

8) Personal Care Products - Many, if not most contain chemicals that

are known hormone disruptors. Don't be misled, these chemicals do get into

your body and with most people using between 8-15 personal care products

daily, the chemicals can be very problematic. Find personal care products

that are safe.

9) Emotional Detoxification - Stress and negative emotions (anger,

jealousy, resentment, unhappiness, etc.) are more dangerous than most

disease. Find time for yourself EVERY day. Read un up-lifting book, listen

to good music, get in a quiet space, meditate (you can be religious and

meditate), Pilates, Yoga, massage, etc.

10) Environmental Detoxification - Homes and offices can be

environmentally toxic which WILL affect your health and well-being. Do

research about how to get your environment clean and healthy. One thing for

those with endocrine issues is " light " . Use full-spectrum lighting for your

home and your office.

11) Sleep - If you are sleep deprived then your hormones will not get

balanced. Sleeping in total darkness is imperative along with being in bed

before 10:30 PM. The body does the most healing and repair work between the

hours of 10:00 PM and 2:00 AM.

12) Sunshine - Again, along the lines of light. Your body needs sunlight

for Vitamin D production (Vitamin D is really a hormone). That means 30-40

minutes every day without sunglasses and sunscreen before 9:00 AM or after

3:00 PM on as much of your body as is " legal. "

13) Exercise - 30-40 minutes every day. Walking is great and will also

help you to get some sun. Exercise also helps with depression, stress and

emotional conflict.

14) Natural hormone and adrenal support - For many doing what is listed

above will balance their hormones and adrenals. If you need additional

support then look at supplements that specifically support the adrenals and

hormones. Glandulars for adrenal support are good and, of course iodine,

natural progesterone and Vitex should be researched for hormone imbalance.

Hope this helps.

Be Well


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Hi, and thanks for your refreshing post...It ain´t easy to stay

rigidly " on topic " in an iodine-group, since iodine is so deeply

involved in health and disease, going back in time as it does all the

way to the " primordial soupe " -days, when blue-green algeae

concentrated it from the surrounding sea-water up to a 1000-fold,

according to Dr. Venturi from Italy...rivalled, IMO in importance and

depth only by vitamin D, the " sunshine vitamin " , provided to living

organisms by sunshine...It is also, IMO, good to sometimes vitalize

the iodine-group a little with related relevant viewpoints to

avoid " group-think " , see:




> I came here to get answers for my questions, and I have learnt a

lot thanks to the selfless

> dedication of many posters. There is a lot of love flowing through

these posts and a lot of

> hope.


> I would like to thank you all for your help. I do not intervene a

lot here because I feel

> somehow that I live in a very different world from most of the

posters, and that the ways

> most of the posters eat, drink and take medicine is extremely

remote from the way I eat,

> drink and take medicine. I get a kind of culture shock sometimes!

So I suppose it would be

> the same for the others who would read my posts!


> Were are trying to heal our thyroids with Iodine and there are a

lot of queries about

> dosage.

> There are worries about taking too much iodine or too little. Out

of the bulk of messages

> posted on our forum by people groping for a solution there are

those who seems to get

> less benefits from others. Some others do amazingly well. I have

been one of the lucky

> ones. I feel that I have been completely healed and I woul like to

express here my love and

> thanks.


> I would like to say as a contribution to the health of those who do

not do well on iodine, or

> who did well, then see the benefits disappear, that there are many

ways to look at the

> human body.

> Even if we take the scientific tests supposed to give a clear

vision of the state of the body,

> regularly new tests appear that contradict the previous ones, or

refine them, and that give

> a completely different image.

> The dosages and medicines of today will be completely obsolete or

forgotten in twenty

> years time.

> But the human body is born again and again through time. It

survived horrendous ordeals.

> There are MANY ways to get better, and MANY ways to get sick.

> Apart from Iodine, there are some other variables.


> Maybe those you do not do well on iodine are not living the same

kind of life as those who

> do well? It is true that our bodies are different, but the

circumstances of our lives are very

> varied. All athletes competing in the same field carry the same

type of body, molded by

> their practices. Their DNA may be different, but their bodies are


> Instead of looking to our ancestors for the primordial sin of

giving us a body that does not

> respond as it should to treatment it might be much more useful to

try to understand WHY

> the thyroid got sick.


> MSG is a great culprit in damaging the thyroid and pituitary. It is

in every processed food.

> I believe that this is one of the main reasons thyroids go wrong.

Taking iodine will give

> marvellous results, but how could they last if there is no ban on

MSG? I am sure many

> people on this forum do not even know when there is MSG in their

food. Groping for the

> dosage is then illusory. You can monitor the iodine intake in

detail, the results will vary

> widely depending on your diet at the time.


> Even the iodine intake is difficult to monitor! You can take it in

Iodoral with a specific

> numbers in mg, but obviously we are not all equal when it comes to

assimilation. Some

> have more NIS, some less.

> Blood pH is very important for the assimilation of all elements.

Iodine is one element which

> will not tolerate a wide variation of pH. pH has to be exactly

right for you to assimilate

> iodine. It is widely known that you can manipulate your blood pH


> meditation/breathing. This is NOT difficult and costs nothing. I am

surprised that it is not

> discussed here.


> In fact I am puzzled to see that these two aspects of iodine

supplementation do not seem

> to raise interest.

> Obviously, never mind the dosage, the Iodoral/Lugol's, Nascent

controversy, if you can't

> assimilate it well - well that's it, it is not very useful.

> Never mind the amount of Iodine you can assimilate, if you go on

ingesting MSG, you are

> killing your thyroid, amongst other things.

> I wish to attract your attention to this because these two points

have been very useful to

> me.

> Lots of warm wishes to all and many thanks!

> Kalliopi


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Thankyou, doctor, for an almost complete " health-list " ...correct,

while probably almost impossible to uphold, while at the same time

upholding a job and make a living...? I guess getting rid of any

amalgam-fillings would come in under number three, " heavy metal

detoxification " ...? I also think avoiding fluoride-containing

products would fit in on the list? and perhaps under number

9, " emotional detoxification " , a link to a new theory could fit in...?

the " expectation fulfilment theory " , found here:


this theory to my mind does a very good job in explaining different

complicated persistent human behaviours...(including my own, of

course...) Anyway, I just couldn´t resist putting in my own " two

cent´s worth " here, since this somewhat " broadened view " upon iodine-

supplementation is reflecting the " environment " in which I place

iodine-supplementation, but I don´t know of any other group than this

one that deals with iodine...?



> There is nothing wrong with saying beware. You can find out more

about MSG

> and thyroid and other ailments that MSG may affect at:

> <http://www.msgtruth.org/hypothyr.htm>


> Be mindful that the food companies that use MSG will refute

everything that

> is written negatively about MSG possibly enhancing health

concerns. Also a

> good article at <http://www.anapsid.org/cnd/diffdx/msg.html>

> http://www.anapsid.org/cnd/diffdx/msg.html and

> <http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/7246043>

> http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/7246043




> Robin, you are correct about diet. The definition of insane is

doing the

> same thing over and over but expecting different results.


> including iodine, are just that " supplements " which means that

healthy diet

> and lifestyle are ALWAYS the most important things you can do to

get your

> body well. Always! Many will take handfuls of supplements and

wonder " why "

> they experience no change and they are usually the ones that go out

and say

> " Natural medicine is quackery - it did nothing for me! " It is

imperative to

> lay a foundation and that is what you put into your body for

repair, support

> and healing.


> In addition to iodine and in order to really get the body supported


> healthy the following should be considered:




> 1) Cleansing the liver/gallbladder, digestive tract is


> The liver needs to be kept clean and supported in order for hormone



> 2) Parasite cleansing. It is estimated that 85-90% of the


> has an over-abundance of parasites.


> 3) Heavy metal detoxification.


> 4) Healthy Diet. (not fad diets - they are not healthy)


> 5) Elimination of sugar, hydrogenated oils, caffeine, hormone-


> meats and daily and pre-packaged foods which are full of

chemicals. Learn

> to read labels and do your research.


> 6) Food-grade supplementation. If your supplements have added

> fillers, binders, etc. then you are getting chemicals.


> 7) Lymphatic Drainage - The lymph carries out toxins. Use dry

> skin-brushing, rebounding and deep breathing.


> 8) Personal Care Products - Many, if not most contain

chemicals that

> are known hormone disruptors. Don't be misled, these chemicals do

get into

> your body and with most people using between 8-15 personal care


> daily, the chemicals can be very problematic. Find personal care


> that are safe.


> 9) Emotional Detoxification - Stress and negative emotions


> jealousy, resentment, unhappiness, etc.) are more dangerous than


> disease. Find time for yourself EVERY day. Read un up-lifting

book, listen

> to good music, get in a quiet space, meditate (you can be religious


> meditate), Pilates, Yoga, massage, etc.


> 10) Environmental Detoxification - Homes and offices can be

> environmentally toxic which WILL affect your health and well-

being. Do

> research about how to get your environment clean and healthy. One

thing for

> those with endocrine issues is " light " . Use full-spectrum lighting

for your

> home and your office.


> 11) Sleep - If you are sleep deprived then your hormones will not


> balanced. Sleeping in total darkness is imperative along with

being in bed

> before 10:30 PM. The body does the most healing and repair work

between the

> hours of 10:00 PM and 2:00 AM.


> 12) Sunshine - Again, along the lines of light. Your body needs


> for Vitamin D production (Vitamin D is really a hormone). That

means 30-40

> minutes every day without sunglasses and sunscreen before 9:00 AM

or after

> 3:00 PM on as much of your body as is " legal. "


> 13) Exercise - 30-40 minutes every day. Walking is great and

will also

> help you to get some sun. Exercise also helps with depression,

stress and

> emotional conflict.


> 14) Natural hormone and adrenal support - For many doing what is


> above will balance their hormones and adrenals. If you need


> support then look at supplements that specifically support the

adrenals and

> hormones. Glandulars for adrenal support are good and, of course


> natural progesterone and Vitex should be researched for hormone





> Women have 5 elimination routes that need to be fully functioning

for good

> health. We eliminate toxins through breathing, sweating, urination,

> defecation and menses. A very high percentage of the population is

> constipated which means that the digestive tract (where 75-80% of

the immune

> system is located) is not functioning well. If you are not

experiencing 2-3

> bowel movements daily, you are constipated. It is interesting to

note that

> we see the most health problems in women present themselves AFTER


> when a woman no longer experiences menses. And the medical

community is now

> trying to make it to where a woman can choose to have only 2-3

periods a

> year. In the long run, this will add to more health concerns - but

good for

> the drug industry as I'm sure they will come up with a drug

to " meet the

> need. "


> Hope this helps.


> Be Well

> Loretta






> _____


> From: iodine [mailto:iodine ] On

Behalf Of

> Robin Little

> Sent: Saturday, June 14, 2008 10:10 PM

> iodine

> Subject: Re: Iodine - MSG




> I do think it is valid that when I take my very expensive iodine

tabs, then

> go eat a meal with msg, that I then proceed to flush my precious

iodine down

> the toilet!

> I wish that someone on this list had warned me about msg. And what

is the

> use of struggling to heal my glands, if my diet is going to be

reversing all

> my hard work? I sometimes feel I am taking one step forward and two


> back. I am reading so many lists now trying to gather all the needed

> information to get well, my head is spinning. This objection of

yours is

> stressful to me. What is wrong with someone saying " beware! " ?






> <http://geo./serv?


> d=24984/stime=1213499428>


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I think you are really confused about what this group is for. We are not

here to build a false consensus. If someone posts something as fact, it is

asked that they please give their source of information. This is the

opposite of groupthink. Many of us have cancer and we don't want to die

from it, so we came here to learn about iodine.

I joined this group because I have cancer and I don't want to get more

cancer--namely breast cancer. I came here for information about IODINE

because that is an important piece of the cancer fighting puzzle for me.

I am a member of other groups, I email people privately and do my own

research on thing unrelated to this particular group. We aren't talking

about being rigid as sometimes other health issues impact iodine usage, but

this is the iodine group. For those who would like to discuss other issues,

you can do what countless others have done and find another group

devoted to your chosen topic.

----- Original Message -----

Hi, and thanks for your refreshing post...It ain´t easy to stay

rigidly " on topic " in an iodine-group, since iodine is so deeply

involved in health and disease, going back in time as it does all the

way to the " primordial soupe " -days, when blue-green algeae

concentrated it from the surrounding sea-water up to a 1000-fold,

according to Dr. Venturi from Italy...rivalled, IMO in importance and

depth only by vitamin D, the " sunshine vitamin " , provided to living

organisms by sunshine...It is also, IMO, good to sometimes vitalize

the iodine-group a little with related relevant viewpoints to

avoid " group-think " , see:



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Hello Dr. Lanphier,Number six of you considerations, "6) Food-grade supplementation. If your supplements have added fillers, binders, etc. then you are getting chemicals."Do you have brand name recommendations you can give for food-grade supplements?Thanks so much,Pamela"Dr. Loretta Lanphier" <drlanphier@...> wrote: There is nothing wrong with saying beware. You can find out more about MSG and thyroid and other ailments that MSG may affect at: http://www.msgtruth.org/hypothyr.htm Be mindful that the food companies that use MSG will refute everything that is written negatively about MSG possibly enhancing health concerns. Also a good article at http://www.anapsid.org/cnd/diffdx/msg.html and http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/7246043 Robin, you are correct about diet. The definition of insane is doing the same thing over and over but expecting different results. Supplements, including iodine, are just that “supplements” which means that healthy diet and lifestyle are ALWAYS the most important things you can do to get your body

well. Always! Many will take handfuls of supplements and wonder “why” they experience no change and they are usually the ones that go out and say “Natural medicine is quackery – it did nothing for me!” It is imperative to lay a foundation and that is what you put into your body for repair, support and healing. In addition to iodine and in order to really get the body supported and healthy the following should be considered: 1) Cleansing the liver/gallbladder, digestive tract is imperative. The liver needs to be kept clean and supported in order for hormone balance. 2) Parasite cleansing. It is estimated that 85-90% of the population has an

over-abundance of parasites. 3) Heavy metal detoxification. 4) Healthy Diet. (not fad diets – they are not healthy) 5) Elimination of sugar, hydrogenated oils, caffeine, hormone-laden meats and daily and pre-packaged foods which are full of chemicals. Learn to read

labels and do your research. 6) Food-grade supplementation. If your supplements have added fillers, binders, etc. then you are getting chemicals. 7) Lymphatic Drainage – The lymph carries out toxins. Use dry skin-brushing, rebounding and deep breathing. 8) Personal Care Products – Many, if not most contain chemicals that are known hormone disruptors. Don’t be misled, these chemicals do get into your body and with most people using between 8-15 personal care products daily, the chemicals can be very problematic. Find personal care products that are safe. 9) Emotional Detoxification – Stress and negative emotions (anger, jealousy, resentment, unhappiness,

etc.) are more dangerous than most disease. Find time for yourself EVERY day. Read un up-lifting book, listen to good music, get in a quiet space, meditate (you can be religious and meditate), Pilates, Yoga, massage, etc. 10) Environmental Detoxification – Homes and offices can be environmentally toxic which WILL affect your health and well-being. Do research about how to get your environment clean and healthy. One

thing for those with endocrine issues is “light”. Use full-spectrum lighting for your home and your office. 11) Sleep – If you are sleep deprived then your hormones will not get balanced. Sleeping in total darkness is imperative along with being in bed before 10:30 PM. The body does the most healing and repair work between the hours of 10:00 PM and 2:00 AM. 12) Sunshine – Again, along the lines of light. Your body needs sunlight for Vitamin D production (Vitamin D is really a hormone). That means 30-40 minutes every day without sunglasses and sunscreen before 9:00 AM or after 3:00 PM on as much of your body as is “legal.” 13) Exercise – 30-40 minutes every day. Walking is great and will also help you to get some sun. Exercise also helps with depression, stress and emotional conflict. 14)

Natural hormone and adrenal support – For many doing what is listed above will balance their hormones and adrenals. If you need additional support then look at supplements that specifically support the adrenals and hormones. Glandulars for adrenal support are good and, of course iodine, natural progesterone and Vitex should be researched for hormone imbalance. Women have 5 elimination routes that need to be fully functioning for good health. We eliminate toxins through breathing, sweating, urination, defecation and menses. A very high

percentage of the population is constipated which means that the digestive tract (where 75-80% of the immune system is located) is not functioning well. If you are not experiencing 2-3 bowel movements daily, you are constipated. It is interesting to note that we see the most health problems in women present themselves AFTER menopause when a woman no longer experiences menses. And the medical community is now trying to make it to where a woman can choose to have only 2-3 periods a year. In the long run, this will add to more health concerns – but good for the drug industry as I’m sure they will come up with a drug to “meet the need.” Hope this helps. Be Well Loretta

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I'm eternally grateful for the OT conversations on this list. My daughter has 3


diseases, Type 1 diabetes, Hashi's and Celiac. Her Hashi's is under control

specifically due

to info I received on this list about a connection to Type 1 and Celiac disease.


sometimes it may not serve the needs of everyone, you just never know what info

may be

valuable to others. My daughter's health has been so positively enhanced by

this group

that I find it difficult to put into words. We sometimes need to be more open


about info that comes our way, one never knows the possibilities......



> I think you are really confused about what this group is for. We are not

> here to build a false consensus. If someone posts something as fact, it is

> asked that they please give their source of information. This is the

> opposite of groupthink. Many of us have cancer and we don't want to die

> from it, so we came here to learn about iodine.


> I joined this group because I have cancer and I don't want to get more

> cancer--namely breast cancer. I came here for information about IODINE

> because that is an important piece of the cancer fighting puzzle for me.


> I am a member of other groups, I email people privately and do my own

> research on thing unrelated to this particular group. We aren't talking

> about being rigid as sometimes other health issues impact iodine usage, but

> this is the iodine group. For those who would like to discuss other issues,

> you can do what countless others have done and find another group

> devoted to your chosen topic.



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I'm not closed minded because I am a moderator of the iodine group and ask

that we stick to its founding purpose.

I'll say it again, with those of us trying to recover from cancer, iodine

info is very important. It drives people away from the group to have dozens

of OT messages, and they may really need iodine to recover their health.

There are MANY other available to discuss other topics.

----- Original Message -----

We sometimes need to be more open minded

> about info that comes our way, one never knows the possibilities......


> Linn


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I am seconding this - as the person who designed this group to help with

iodine for healing. This group is about iodine.

There are 1485 groups listed about alternative medicine / health alone. You

can join one of them.


Quite frankly this group has gotten out of control this last week. I know

some like it but the purpose is to discuss IODINE and ONLY IODINE. Again I

will say that if we are discussing a complementary treatment to iodine like

B-Complex vitamins, Vit C etc I do allow topics to stray but this has

gotten really bad. I am going to have to start putting people on moderated

status (I don't like to do that because that is making it look like I am a

control freak which I am not - to make that clear). I run this group like

another group I am on for natural thyroid hormones which has worked well

which is why I modeled this after it. If the topic strays off and for too

long we are reigned back in. We are too big and too many want iodine and

not botox (although asked in the context of iodine originally), alternative

healing, zeolite, and more.

Someone please post a good iodine research article or some thing they have a

question on that relates to iodine.

Re: Re: Iodine - MSG

> I'm not closed minded because I am a moderator of the iodine group and ask

> that we stick to its founding purpose.


> I'll say it again, with those of us trying to recover from cancer, iodine

> info is very important. It drives people away from the group to have

> dozens

> of OT messages, and they may really need iodine to recover their health.

> There are MANY other available to discuss other topics.





> ----- Original Message -----



> We sometimes need to be more open minded

>> about info that comes our way, one never knows the possibilities......


>> Linn




> ------------------------------------






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Janie, I have answered you privately, as requested, to

avoid cluttering this forum.

Anyone interested in this information can email me


Be well :)


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Thank you for your WEALTH of information, Kallipoi!



> Janie, I have answered you privately, as requested, to

> avoid cluttering this forum.

> Anyone interested in this information can email me

> directly.

> Be well :)

> Kalliopi


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Hi. It took me some time to get my mind around this thought of me

being confused...since my main reason for posting and reading on the

internet is to learn new stuff, also about myself, I thought to

myself, " maybe she is right, maybe I am confused " ? What I came up

with was that ever since somewhere around the time after my parents

divorce I have adopted a habit of being ironic, using irony as a

means of " selfprotection " so to speak... Why? Well, the reasoning

behind this probably originated in connection with the events leading

up to my grandfather becoming hospitalized,

later " institutionalized " with the diagnosis schizophrenia...The

causes for this probably probes further than necessary into my own

family history, but could perhaps be the reason for my inheritance

of " general confusion " , (since schizophrenics are really confused...?)

manifesting itself as confusion over " what this group is for " ...I

hitherto have thought that it was about learning and talking freely

about everything that might be connected to iodine and health...

So,in my efforts to clear up this " confused state of mind " of mine,

and get my thinking straight, I hypothesized that perhaps iodine also

affects thinking and thoughtpatterns...? It probably does, since it

affects all the other organs of the body, so why not the brain and

it´s function?

So, following this line of thinking, I came to the conclusion that

since I previously, in my alledgedly inherited " confused " state of

mind read all the online-available writings on iodine I could find,

and via the writings of Dr. and Dr. Abraham aswell as many

others, and finally the iodineforhealth-website, wound up at this

messageboard to learn even more about iodine, and the effects of the

lack of it, and after having supplemented with iodine for over a year

and a half now, I now think that perhaps the size of this group,

aswell as all other groups, is regulated by " Dunbar´s number " , see:


meaning that at some point, all groups divide for some reason...?

After having read messages 1:1 and 1:2 from sunday june 15, I

understand that straying too far from the main subject of iodine is a

sensitive matter, and message 6a from saturday june 14 supposedly

does that when it brings up yoga, meditation and bodily PH-status as

relevant to iodine-supplementation, resulting in, as I understand it

after having recieved a personal email from the group-member, her

being put on a moderated status, it is my conclusion that for me to

get out of my confused state of mind and adopt " clear thinking " , I

will have to understand concepts such as " specialization " ... Since I

have for a long time been sympathetic to words such as

e.g. " wholeistic " , and have tried to integrate different ways and

approaches into a " bigger picture " , I am not a stranger to look

closer into, say the role of PH-status in iodinesupplementation, but

my clear thinking tells me that this is best done elsewhere than

this more specialized iodine-messageboard...Nothing wrong with being

specialized, I just connected this word previously with moneymaking

and jobs, scientific institutions and specialist-doctors etc.etc.,

not with " free " internet-groups...? But I´m learning new things all

the time... So, from now on I will make an effort to bring up topics

remotely related to iodine elsewhere, limit my postings to only

iodine, (quote from message 1:2, sun. june 15: " Quite frankly this

group has gotten out of control this last week. I know some like it

but the purpose is to discuss IODINE and ONLY IODINE. " end of quote.)

and I hope this link that I just found is not straying too far from

the main subject of the group, since it deals not only with the dying

of honeybees and iodine...but also with a new look into " the big

picture " ...


, hopefully clear thinking?


> I think you are really confused about what this group is for. We

are not

> here to build a false consensus. If someone posts something as

fact, it is

> asked that they please give their source of information. This is


> opposite of groupthink. Many of us have cancer and we don't want

to die

> from it, so we came here to learn about iodine.


> I joined this group because I have cancer and I don't want to get


> cancer--namely breast cancer. I came here for information about


> because that is an important piece of the cancer fighting puzzle

for me.


> I am a member of other groups, I email people privately and do my


> research on thing unrelated to this particular group. We aren't


> about being rigid as sometimes other health issues impact iodine

usage, but

> this is the iodine group. For those who would like to discuss

other issues,

> you can do what countless others have done and find another


> devoted to your chosen topic.




> ----- Original Message -----




> Hi, and thanks for your refreshing post...It ain´t easy to stay

> rigidly " on topic " in an iodine-group, since iodine is so deeply

> involved in health and disease, going back in time as it does all


> way to the " primordial soupe " -days, when blue-green algeae

> concentrated it from the surrounding sea-water up to a 1000-fold,

> according to Dr. Venturi from Italy...rivalled, IMO in importance


> depth only by vitamin D, the " sunshine vitamin " , provided to living

> organisms by sunshine...It is also, IMO, good to sometimes vitalize

> the iodine-group a little with related relevant viewpoints to

> avoid " group-think " , see:

> http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Groupthink

> .


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, thanks much for the link about what's killing the honeybees.

We on the list have been concerned about the use of methyl bromide on

crops, and what is being said here by that scientist makes perfect



> and I hope this link that I just found is not straying too far from

> the main subject of the group, since it deals not only with the dying

> of honeybees and iodine...but also with a new look into " the big

> picture " ...

> http://curezone.com/blogs/fm.asp?i=985423

> , hopefully clear thinking?


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