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Re: children and iodine

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From leaflady.org:

There were twins in this group of children, and their mother said to me, "

Dr. Jarvis, what am I going to do? One of these girls is a race horse and

the other is a farm horse. I mean that one is nervous, high strung, and

irritable and won't accept discipline...Tell me, how are we going to live

with this girl? "

" Lets' turn to Vermont folk medicine, " I said, " and use Lugol's solution of

iodine to release the continued activity of the energy expending mechanism

in her body. Any time her motor shifts into high and she shows the increased

speed by becoming a discipline problem, add a teaspoonful of apple cider

vinegar to a glass of water in order to make the water in the glass acid in

reaction. Then add two drops of Lugol's solution of iodine tot he glass of

water, and after the mixture is stirred have her drink it. Give it to her

whenever, she seems to need it to get into lower gear. It can be done

anytime during the day, at meals or between meals. "

Two weeks later the mother reported that her race horse daughter quieted

down within two hours after the dosage I had recommended was given, and with

the continued help of the solution she was able to control the child easily.

Sometimes she gave it everyday if it seemed to be needed, or at longer

intervals if there were no outbursts.

Elaine, mother to two race horses!

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Good story. But I couldn't find it on www.leaflady.org. Do you by any chance have the exact page where you found it? Zoe

Re: children and iodine

From leaflady.org:There were twins in this group of children, and their mother said to me, "Dr. Jarvis, what am I going to do? One of these girls is a race horse andthe other is a farm horse. I mean that one is nervous, high strung, andirritable and won't accept discipline...Tell me, how are we going to livewith this girl?""Lets' turn to Vermont folk medicine," I said, " and use Lugol's solution ofiodine to release the continued activity of the energy expending mechanismin her body. Any time her motor shifts into high and she shows the increasedspeed by becoming a discipline problem, add a teaspoonful of apple cidervinegar to a glass of water in order to make the water in the glass acid inreaction. Then add two drops of Lugol's solution of iodine tot he glass ofwater, and after the mixture is stirred have her drink it. Give it to herwhenever, she seems to need it to get into lower gear. It can be doneanytime during the day, at meals or between meals."Two weeks later the mother reported that her race horse daughter quieteddown within two hours after the dosage I had recommended was given, and withthe continued help of the solution she was able to control the child easily.Sometimes she gave it everyday if it seemed to be needed, or at longerintervals if there were no outbursts.Elaine, mother to two race horses!

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  • 9 months later...

My kids are 4 & 7 years. I took their basal temps and they were in the low 96 range. I talked to Dr. Brownstein and he told me to give them 2 drops of Detoxified Iodine in their water/juice 3 times a week. I have been doing this and my kids do not complain of being cold as often. I do need to take their temps again because I have an appt next week with Dr. B. www.iodinesource.com is the website for the iodine I believe.

Children and Iodine

I have a friend who is experiencing wonderful results taking iodoral. She wonders whether it would be good for her grandchildren. How would you know if they need iodine or would you maybe just give them a drop of lugols a day or something? They are aged 6 and 8.ThanksToni

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I would be giving

them a drop of Lugol’s a day. It could go in their orange or apple juice.

One drop won’t change the taste too much. I have hope that my daughter will

choose to give it to her children after I have taught her about iodine deficiency.

I would like to know if anyone on the list is giving Lugol’s to their children.



iodine [mailto:iodine ] On Behalf Of ilt404

Sent: Thursday, November 30, 2006

7:29 PM


Subject: Children and


I have a friend who is experiencing wonderful results

taking iodoral.

She wonders whether it would be good for her grandchildren. How would

you know if they need iodine or would you maybe just give them a drop

of lugols a day or something? They are aged 6 and 8.



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>From: " Kallie " <4optimallife@...>

>I would be giving them a drop of Lugol's a day. It could go in their


>or apple juice. One drop won't change the taste too much. I have hope


>my daughter will choose to give it to her children after I have taught her

>about iodine deficiency. I would like to know if anyone on the list is

>giving Lugol's to their children.

I add 4 or 5 drops to a gallon of milk. Or juice, when they have some in

the fridge. I don't tell them. They don't know.



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Does anyone know how one drop of Lugol's compares to one drop of Detoxified Iodine?  AnnOn 30-Nov-06, at 7:44 PM, ladybugsandbees wrote:My kids are 4 & 7 years.  I took their basal temps and they were in the low 96 range.  I talked to Dr. Brownstein and he told me to give them 2 drops of Detoxified Iodine in their water/juice 3 times a week.  I have been doing this and my kids do not complain of being cold as often.  I do need to take their temps again because I have an appt next week with Dr.  B.  www.iodinesource.com is the website for the iodine I believe.   Children and IodineI have a friend who is experiencing wonderful results taking iodoral. She wonders whether it would be good for her grandchildren. How would you know if they need iodine or would you maybe just give them a drop of lugols a day or something? They are aged 6 and 8.ThanksToni

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Detoxified Iodine is also called Atomidine. Here is the info from Wikopedia:


Dr. B uses it when he has patients that have allergic reactions to Lugols.

B.Read my ThyCa Journey Blog: http://ds-ladybugsandbees.blogspot.com/

Children and Iodine

I have a friend who is experiencing wonderful results taking iodoral. She wonders whether it would be good for her grandchildren. How would you know if they need iodine or would you maybe just give them a drop of lugols a day or something? They are aged 6 and 8.ThanksToni

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This is Lina and I am from Malaysia. Me and my 10 years daugther Shermaine took this Detoxified Iodine for almost 2 years now and it is wonderful and I am pregnant for my 2nd baby and I still took the iodine 2 - 3 drops in the morning for 3 days in a week and I feel great. For more information go to www.iodinesource.com or www.caycesoncepts.com there is more information you need to know and you can talk or write to Phil . Lina Ann <noliro@...> wrote: Does anyone know how one drop of Lugol's compares to one drop of Detoxified Iodine? Ann On 30-Nov-06, at 7:44 PM, ladybugsandbees wrote: My kids are 4 & 7 years. I took

their basal temps and they were in the low 96 range. I talked to Dr. Brownstein and he told me to give them 2 drops of Detoxified Iodine in their water/juice 3 times a week. I have been doing this and my kids do not complain of being cold as often. I do need to take their temps again because I have an appt next week with Dr. B. www.iodinesource.com is the website for the iodine I believe. Children and Iodine I have a friend who is experiencing wonderful results taking iodoral. She wonders whether it would be good for her grandchildren. How would you know if they need iodine or would you maybe just give them a drop of lugols a day or something? They are aged 6 and 8.ThanksToni "Don't screw around with things you don't understand -- you could lose your ass".

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I gave Detoxified Iodine to my 10 years daughter 2 drops a day 2 - 3

times a week and it is wonderful. She never complain the smell but

she like it.




-- In iodine , " Kallie " <4optimallife@...>



> I would be giving them a drop of Lugol's a day. It could go in

their orange

> or apple juice. One drop won't change the taste too much. I have

hope that

> my daughter will choose to give it to her children after I have

taught her

> about iodine deficiency. I would like to know if anyone on the

list is

> giving Lugol's to their children.






> Kallie


> _____


> From: iodine [mailto:iodine ] On

Behalf Of

> ilt404

> Sent: Thursday, November 30, 2006 7:29 PM

> iodine

> Subject: Children and Iodine




> I have a friend who is experiencing wonderful results taking


> She wonders whether it would be good for her grandchildren. How


> you know if they need iodine or would you maybe just give them a


> of lugols a day or something? They are aged 6 and 8.

> Thanks

> Toni


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My thirteen year old daughter was complaining of being cold all the time, and her temps were a bit low in the 96 range. I have her taking one Ioderol a day, along with some Virgin Coconut Oil in her Cocoa. She has been complaining of being cold a lot less lately also. :o)

Children and Iodine

I have a friend who is experiencing wonderful results taking iodoral. She wonders whether it would be good for her grandchildren. How would you know if they need iodine or would you maybe just give them a drop of lugols a day or something? They are aged 6 and 8.ThanksToni

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more cayce info..who recommended atomidine and thyroid extract not

be used together according to the last sentence....but does the

first sentence refute that? looks like cayce also recommended small




Atomidine and thyroid extract were both recommended 25% of the time

for true hypothyroid conditions. In many other cases

of " incoordination of the glands, " atomidine was recommended almost

exclusively. It appears that thyroid extract was sometimes needed

when the gland was underproducing thyroid.

Thyroid replacement by means of thyroid extract requires medical

supervision. Thyroid extract (U.S.P. thyroid) is a prescription

medication. Self-prescribed thyroid medication can be dangerous.

An overdose of thyroid medication can cause heart irregularities and

other problems such as osteoporosis.

Even Atomidine must be used with care. It is probably best used

under the advice of a sympathetic physician. Small doses of iodine

can stimulate (and, according to Cayce, normalize) thyroid

function. Large doses of iodine can suppress thyroid function.

This is why bottles of Atomidine caution not to take internally

except under the advice of a physician.

According to the Cayce readings, Atomidine and thyroid extract

were not to be used together. The combination could result in

excess stimulation and worsen a glandular imbalance.


> This is Lina and I am from Malaysia. Me and my 10 years

daugther Shermaine took this Detoxified Iodine for almost 2 years

now and it is wonderful and I am pregnant for my 2nd baby and I

still took the iodine 2 - 3 drops in the morning for 3 days in a

week and I feel great. For more information go to

www.iodinesource.com or www.caycesoncepts.com there is more

information you need to know and you can talk or write to Phil


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There is an issue with one web address. It should be www.cayceconcepts.com

Children and Iodine

I have a friend who is experiencing wonderful results taking iodoral. She wonders whe! ther it would be good for her grandchildren. How would you know if they need iodine or would you maybe just give them a drop of lugols a day or something? They are aged 6 and 8.ThanksToni

"Don't screw around with things you don't understand -- you could lose your ass".

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My kids both have low temps. I jsut brought them back to my broda doc this week, my daughters basal temps are 97.7 on 1.5 grains of Armour. She rxed .5 grain for my 5 year old son, whose temps range from 97 basal down to 95.8! Incidentally, on the day his was 98.5, mine wsa also around 96.something and all three of us had a headache. On this day, his behavior was the WORST, he was a total wildman. Around 10:30 am, he had been quite literally bouncing himself off the walls for quite some time, so I snagged him in mid-run, stuffed the thermometer in his mouth, and his temp was 96.5!

I wonder if adding a drop of Lugols to his juice daily would help? I would love to avoid getting them on Thyroid hormone ifpossible, if all they need is something like iodine.

Best,http://www.ChestnutHillDesigns.comhttp://www.CurlyRescue.comView my Blog ~ http://shellyct.blogspot.com/

If you hate a person, you hate something in him that is part of yourself. What isn't part of ourselves doesn't disturb us. -- Hermann Hesse

Children and Iodine

I have a friend who is experiencing wonderful results taking iodoral. She wonders whether it would be good for her grandchildren. How would you know if they need iodine or would you maybe just give them a drop of lugols a day or something? They are aged 6 and 8.ThanksToni

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Try the detoxified iodine www.iodinesource.com its

very good for your kids!


--- Ives <mives@...> wrote:

> My kids both have low temps. I jsut brought them

> back to my broda doc this week, my daughters

> basal temps are 97.7 on 1.5 grains of Armour. She

> rxed .5 grain for my 5 year old son, whose temps

> range from 97 basal down to 95.8! Incidentally, on

> the day his was 98.5, mine wsa also around

> 96.something and all three of us had a headache. On

> this day, his behavior was the WORST, he was a total

> wildman. Around 10:30 am, he had been quite

> literally bouncing himself off the walls for quite

> some time, so I snagged him in mid-run, stuffed the

> thermometer in his mouth, and his temp was 96.5!


> I wonder if adding a drop of Lugols to his juice

> daily would help? I would love to avoid getting

> them on Thyroid hormone ifpossible, if all they need

> is something like iodine.


> Best,


> http://www.ChestnutHillDesigns.com

> http://www.CurlyRescue.com

> View my Blog ~ http://shellyct.blogspot.com/


> If you hate a person, you hate something in him that

> is part of yourself. What isn't part of ourselves

> doesn't disturb us.

> -- Hermann Hesse


> Children and Iodine



> I have a friend who is experiencing wonderful

> results taking iodoral.

> She wonders whether it would be good for her

> grandchildren. How would

> you know if they need iodine or would you maybe

> just give them a drop

> of lugols a day or something? They are aged 6

> and 8.

> Thanks

> Toni











> No virus found in this incoming message.

> Checked by AVG Free Edition.

> Version: 7.1.409 / Virus Database: 268.15.3/562 -

> Release Date: 12/1/2006


" Don't screw around with things you don't understand -- you could lose your

ass " .



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You might consider ordering the loading tests for your kids. You can do

it if they are 5 years old or older. The loading dose is different

depending on the age of the child so you have to work that out ahead of

time. Then you can ask Dr. Flechas for a recommendation. I did it for my

son and he tested really low. He is has just started on 1/2 iodoral per



At 10:38 AM 12/2/2006, you wrote:

My kids both have

low temps. I jsut brought them back to my broda doc this

week, my daughters basal temps are 97.7 on 1.5 grains of Armour. She rxed

..5 grain for my 5 year old son, whose temps range from 97 basal down to

95.8! Incidentally, on the day his was 98.5, mine wsa also around

96.something and all three of us had a headache. On this day, his

behavior was the WORST, he was a total wildman. Around 10:30 am, he had

been quite literally bouncing himself off the walls for quite some time,

so I snagged him in mid-run, stuffed the thermometer in his mouth, and

his temp was 96.5!

I wonder if adding a drop of Lugols to his juice daily would

help? I would love to avoid getting them on Thyroid hormone

ifpossible, if all they need is something like iodine.




View my Blog ~


If you hate a person, you hate something in him that is part of yourself.

What isn't part of ourselves doesn't disturb us.


Hermann Hesse

Children and Iodine

I have a friend who is experiencing wonderful results taking iodoral.

She wonders whether it would be good for her grandchildren. How would

you know if they need iodine or would you maybe just give them a drop

of lugols a day or something? They are aged 6 and 8.



No virus found in this incoming message.

Checked by AVG Free Edition.

Version: 7.1.409 / Virus Database: 268.15.3/562 - Release Date: 12/1/2006

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> My kids both have low temps. I jsut brought them back to my broda

doc this week, my daughters basal temps are 97.7 on 1.5 grains

of Armour. She rxed .5 grain for my 5 year old son, whose temps range

from 97 basal down to 95.8! Incidentally, on the day his was 98.5,

mine wsa also around 96.something and all three of us had a headache.

On this day, his behavior was the WORST, he was a total wildman.

Around 10:30 am, he had been quite literally bouncing himself off the

walls for quite some time, so I snagged him in mid-run, stuffed the

thermometer in his mouth, and his temp was 96.5!

So you're saying your kids are MORE hyper when their temps are

lowest?!!! That's VERY interesting, considering that my daughter with

years of low temps is outrageously hyper, and since we moved to the

goiter belt, my previously calm, quiet son has low temps & has started

to be hyper.

Can't start my daughter on iodine presently, because her progesterone

is off the charts, but I hadn't really thought about my son.

Unfortunately he was on the back burner until I get my health & my

daughter's figured out. But perhaps I should give iodine a try for him.

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Yep, that's exactly what I'm saying.

My personal little theory, is that they act hyper in an attempt to get their

metabolism up and increase their core temperature.




View my Blog ~ http://shellyct.blogspot.com/

If you hate a person, you hate something in him that is part of yourself.

What isn't part of ourselves doesn't disturb us.

-- Hermann Hesse

> So you're saying your kids are MORE hyper when their temps are

> lowest?!!! That's VERY interesting, considering that my daughter with

> years of low temps is outrageously hyper, and since we moved to the

> goiter belt, my previously calm, quiet son has low temps & has started

> to be hyper.

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>From: " Ives " <mives@...>

>Yep, that's exactly what I'm saying.


>My personal little theory, is that they act hyper in an attempt to get


>metabolism up and increase their core temperature.


In " Vermont Folk Medicine " , DC Jarvis wrote how a drop of iodine would calm

a hyper child. That's probably on the Jcrows.com website still in the

article titled " The Usefulness of Iodine. "

Also, lack of sleep makes them fight it all the time, which makes them

hyper. My wife had a daycare, children with bedtime would seem hyper, then

set them down in front of a TV they'd go into coma like sleep. When tired,

part of their bad attitude can come from fighting sleep.



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Sorry if this has already been answered but I am a little behind in my

email and they are arriving all out of order. Anyway, how do you give it

to your kids? I have giving it from time to time to my son in juice

but I remember a discussion on this list that vitamin C will interfere

with absorption. I am not sure I am remembering it correctly.


At 10:52 AM 12/2/2006, you wrote:

Try the detoxified iodine



very good for your kids!


--- Ives <mives@...> wrote:

> My kids both have low temps. I jsut brought them

> back to my broda doc this week, my daughters

> basal temps are 97.7 on 1.5 grains of Armour. She

> rxed .5 grain for my 5 year old son, whose temps

> range from 97 basal down to 95.8! Incidentally, on

> the day his was 98.5, mine wsa also around

> 96.something and all three of us had a headache. On

> this day, his behavior was the WORST, he was a total

> wildman. Around 10:30 am, he had been quite

> literally bouncing himself off the walls for quite

> some time, so I snagged him in mid-run, stuffed the

> thermometer in his mouth, and his temp was 96.5!


> I wonder if adding a drop of Lugols to his juice

> daily would help? I would love to avoid getting

> them on Thyroid hormone ifpossible, if all they need

> is something like iodine.


> Best,


> http://www.ChestnutHillDesigns.com

> http://www.CurlyRescue.com

> View my Blog ~ http://shellyct.blogspot.com/


> If you hate a person, you hate something in him that

> is part of yourself. What isn't part of ourselves

> doesn't disturb us.

> -- Hermann Hesse


> Children and Iodine



> I have a friend who is experiencing wonderful

> results taking iodoral.

> She wonders whether it would be good for her

> grandchildren. How would

> you know if they need iodine or would you maybe

> just give them a drop

> of lugols a day or something? They are aged 6

> and 8.

> Thanks

> Toni











> No virus found in this incoming message.

> Checked by AVG Free Edition.

> Version: 7.1.409 / Virus Database: 268.15.3/562 -

> Release Date: 12/1/2006


" Don't screw around with things you don't understand -- you could lose your ass " .


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Vitamin C interferes with SELENIUM absorption. Iodine is supposed to be helpful for IODINE absorption. Zoe

Re: Children and Iodine

Sorry if this has already been answered but I am a little behind in my email and they are arriving all out of order. Anyway, how do you give it to your kids? I have giving it from time to time to my son in juice but I remember a discussion on this list that vitamin C will interfere with absorption. I am not sure I am remembering it correctly.IreneAt 10:52 AM 12/2/2006, you wrote:

Try the detoxified iodine www.iodinesource.com itsvery good for your kids!

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Thanks !





> My kids are 4 & 7 years. I took their basal temps and they were in the

low 96 range.

I talked to Dr. Brownstein and he told me to give them 2 drops of Detoxified

Iodine in their

water/juice 3 times a week. I have been doing this and my kids do not complain

of being

cold as often. I do need to take their temps again because I have an appt next

week with

Dr. B. www.iodinesource.com is the website for the iodine I believe.




> Children and Iodine



> I have a friend who is experiencing wonderful results taking iodoral.

> She wonders whe! ther it would be good for her grandchildren. How


> you know if they need iodine or would you maybe just give them a drop

> of lugols a day or something? They are aged 6 and 8.

> Thanks

> Toni










> " Don't screw around with things you don't understand -- you could lose your

ass " .










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  • 1 year later...
Guest guest

My children both lost their swollen thyroids. I was thinking about this

winter with them and they were both only sick with colds each once and most

other years it was all year long. Colds lasting 2 weeks or more. This year

they each had one that lasted about 3-4 days. They were not bad just light

runny noses and no major chest issues like normal. My kids have been much

more healthy.

children and iodine

> Hi group; I am a mother of two boys (8 and 11) I have had very good

> results with iodine on myself. Now I am trying out Lugols on the boys.

> Sore troat; painting with Lugols on the skin; next morning gone.

> Same with earache; first 2 drops of H2O2 3% in the ear, then Lugols

> painted outside the ear. Much better next morning, never developed to

> an infection.

> I now give them one drop Lugols a day as a prevention. Orange juice or

> Lemon drinks cover the taste completely. No illness since I started

> the regimen (2months)and this is the worst part of the year where we

> live (Norway;after a long winter) Any other mother out there with good

> (or not) results ?




> ------------------------------------






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Guest guest

Do you have any experience with iodine deficiency / low thyroid in

boys ; what are their symptoms? I suspect cold intolerance / fever

convultions / issue with temperature in general could be an iodine

deficiency, in addition to many low grade infections.

Both have had these issues and I never figured out why (until now?)

and I have tried about everything

In iodine , " ladybugsandbees " <ladybugsandbees@...>



> My children both lost their swollen thyroids. I was thinking about


> winter with them and they were both only sick with colds each once

and most

> other years it was all year long. Colds lasting 2 weeks or more.

This year

> they each had one that lasted about 3-4 days. They were not bad

just light

> runny noses and no major chest issues like normal. My kids have

been much

> more healthy.





> children and iodine



> > Hi group; I am a mother of two boys (8 and 11) I have had very


> > results with iodine on myself. Now I am trying out Lugols on the


> > Sore troat; painting with Lugols on the skin; next morning gone.

> > Same with earache; first 2 drops of H2O2 3% in the ear, then


> > painted outside the ear. Much better next morning, never

developed to

> > an infection.

> > I now give them one drop Lugols a day as a prevention. Orange

juice or

> > Lemon drinks cover the taste completely. No illness since I


> > the regimen (2months)and this is the worst part of the year where


> > live (Norway;after a long winter) Any other mother out there

with good

> > (or not) results ?

> >

> >

> >

> > ------------------------------------

> >

> >

> >

> >

> >

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Guest guest

I don't have an answer for you. I started my kids on iodine to help with

thyroid. We ended up on Armour along with Iodoral at the point where they

were really bad. Since we did them together it's hard saying what did what.


children and iodine



>> > Hi group; I am a mother of two boys (8 and 11) I have had very

> good

>> > results with iodine on myself. Now I am trying out Lugols on the

> boys.

>> > Sore troat; painting with Lugols on the skin; next morning gone.

>> > Same with earache; first 2 drops of H2O2 3% in the ear, then

> Lugols

>> > painted outside the ear. Much better next morning, never

> developed to

>> > an infection.

>> > I now give them one drop Lugols a day as a prevention. Orange

> juice or

>> > Lemon drinks cover the taste completely. No illness since I

> started

>> > the regimen (2months)and this is the worst part of the year where

> we

>> > live (Norway;after a long winter) Any other mother out there

> with good

>> > (or not) results ?

>> >

>> >

>> >

>> > ------------------------------------

>> >

>> >

>> >

>> >

>> >

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Guest guest

, beware the citrus flavored drinks, they contain bromines, which block iodine. Wish I could go back and give my kids some iodine, I think they would have had an easier time of growing up, and it would have been better for me too!

-- Warmest Regards,Robin Little

I now give them one drop Lugols a day as a prevention. Orange juice or

Lemon drinks cover the taste completely.

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