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Re: Hello and my story! Venting beware !

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Hi ,

Thanks for sharing your story with us. Yes, shortness of breath is one of the things I've had. I've never, ever had asthma, but had a severe attack one day while running around in an arena with my horse. It was frightening as there was no-one around to help, I couldn't breathe at all. Also occassionally experienced the palpitations you mentioned, so no, it's not just all in your head as so many people would have us believe.

I call this sick experimenting free-for-all that the companies are subjecting us to, "the system". The system IS using us as guinea pigs, and I for one, am sick and tired of all the lies ! We get told so-and-so have developed a new drug that treats X.

WRONG !!! Here's a more accurate version: So-and-so is still busy developing the drug, and making people pay for the priviledge of being used as their guinea pigs by buying the meds OTC. As and when complications arise, so -and-so will use that information to modify their product, and then still have the cheek to re-launch the rubbish as " a new and improved formula" which usually costs a new and doubled price....but God forbid that any of the fat cats sitting on the board of directors of so-and-so company should glance behind them at the human carnage of sick and dying people dropping in their wake...no sirreee !!

In South Africa the laws are quite lax regarding supplements, and some of the supposedly mega potent supplements being sold is nothing more that that good old standby, mainly filler with a few teeny tiny micrograms of vitamens in them..does nothing for my health, but strangely enough, my money was the real thing, and they were mighty happy to relieve me of it....

I am deeply, deeply grateful for having had implants. Yup, you read right ! It taught me to NEVER believe what a doctor says,

ALWAYS check and question any claims by anyone regarding the safety or efficacy of a product/procedure, and most importantly, to listen to my gut feel and my own body. ISO just eating supper because that's what's there, I tune in to myself and see what my body really wants. It truly surprises me sometimes, as I've suddenly craved raw veggies, or something I don't usually eat. Quite often, my body tells me it's actually not hungry, thanks very much, but please check again in about 2 hours...and never has it told me it wants something that's bad, like crisps or candy.

THE most important thing my implants have made me realise, is that I'm in the drivers's seat of my body, I need to go study the manual on how to operate this thing, how often it needs an oil change, and what kind of gas it runs on best, and not just leave it in the hands of others to tell me what I need. It just irks me to see what nonsense they teach kids in school about what constitutes healthy eating...the brainwashing starts early, if they could rent

an ad space inside mothers' wombs to market junk food to the unborn babies I'm pretty sure they would do just that. So , we would love for you to share your knowledge of all things natural with us, I think almost all of us here are open to new and natural ways to help get better.

Fiona (who doesn't quite know what brought this soliloque on...)

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You are so very right in what you say. My implant hell has

also taught me to not believe everything the medical profession has to say and to take charge of my own body

and health. Thanks for expressing yourself so well!


Fiona Parkinson <fionap@...> wrote:

Hi ,

Thanks for sharing your story with us. Yes, shortness of breath is one of the things I've had. I've never, ever had asthma, but had a severe attack one day while running around in an arena with my horse. It was frightening as there was no-one around to help, I couldn't breathe at all. Also occassionally experienced the palpitations you mentioned, so no, it's not just all in your head as so many people would have us believe.

I call this sick experimenting free-for-all that the companies are subjecting us to, "the system". The system IS using us as guinea pigs, and I for one, am sick and tired of all the lies ! We get told so-and-so have developed a new drug that treats X.

WRONG !!! Here's a more accurate version: So-and-so is still busy developing the drug, and making people pay for the priviledge of being used as their guinea pigs by buying the meds OTC. As and when complications arise, so -and-so will use that information to modify their product, and then still have the cheek to re-launch the rubbish as " a new and improved formula" which usually costs a new and doubled price....but God forbid that any of the fat cats sitting on the board of directors of so-and-so company should glance behind them at the human carnage of sick and dying people dropping in their wake...no sirreee !!

In South Africa the laws are quite lax regarding supplements, and some of the supposedly mega potent supplements being sold is nothing more that that good old standby, mainly filler with a few teeny tiny micrograms of vitamens in them..does nothing for my health, but strangely enough, my money was the real thing, and they were mighty happy to relieve me of it....

I am deeply, deeply grateful for having had implants. Yup, you read right ! It taught me to NEVER believe what a doctor says,

ALWAYS check and question any claims by anyone regarding the safety or efficacy of a product/procedure, and most importantly, to listen to my gut feel and my own body. ISO just eating supper because that's what's there, I tune in to myself and see what my body really wants. It truly surprises me sometimes, as I've suddenly craved raw veggies, or something I don't usually eat. Quite often, my body tells me it's actually not hungry, thanks very much, but please check again in about 2 hours...and never has it told me it wants something that's bad, like crisps or candy.

THE most important thing my implants have made me realise, is that I'm in the drivers's seat of my body, I need to go study the manual on how to operate this thing, how often it needs an oil change, and what kind of gas it runs on best, and not just leave it in the hands of others to tell me what I need. It just irks me to see what nonsense they teach kids in school about what constitutes healthy eating...the brainwashing starts early, if they could rent

an ad space inside mothers' wombs to market junk food to the unborn babies I'm pretty sure they would do just that. So , we would love for you to share your knowledge of all things natural with us, I think almost all of us here are open to new and natural ways to help get better.

Fiona (who doesn't quite know what brought this soliloque on...)

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