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Heavy metal toxicity

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I was tested for heavy metals. It was ordered by my naturopathic physician, and was processed through MetaMetrix Laboratories in Norcross, Georgia.


This was a 24 hour urine test, and the cost for the test ($99) included all the materials needed for proper collection, and pickup by Federal Express from my home for overnight delivery.

The results showed I had higher than recommended levels of mercury and arsenic. I originally wanted to test for platinum, but this particular lab did not test for it. I understand that there is a lab test for platinum by another lab, but do not know which one offhand.

The results helped me in my efforts to detox, which consisted of removing my 4 amalgam fillings, and using chelation therapy. Subsequent testing showed my levels of mercury and arsenic were definitely reduced. I feel it was well worth the effort. I wouldn't even mind doing it again, but would like to know if platinum may be an issue in undergoing any further tests.


----- Original Message -----

From: Sharon

Sent: Friday, February 13, 2004 7:53 AM

Subject: Heavy metal toxicity

Has anyone here been tested for heavy metals? (usually a 24 hour urine test)

I have heard that to get a accurate test, it must be a send-out to one specific lab. If you had it done, what were the results? Could the results be used to implicate problems with implants?



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  • 8 months later...

Comment on www.eas-health.com - they might try including more info on their


Re: Heavy Metal Toxicity



> Try product called ch-77 for mercury heavy metal detox a friend of mine

> who's Dad is 78 had heavy mercury and aluminium. He needed something that

> was gentle to the system. She had her dad tested before he took the


> and after and the results after 40 days - no heavy metal and no aluminium.

> Go to WWW.Sea-Health.com same place that sells vita Biosa.




> On 13.10.2004 19:25 Uhr, " mfalz13@... " <mfalz13@...> wrote:


> >

> > After seeing a new Holistic doctor today, I learned that I may have


> > metal toxicity or at least she'd like to test me for it. After 20 years


> > seeking help for this ongoing yeast condition, no one has ever addressed

> > potential mercury or metal toxicity. Has anyone had the 24 hour


> > done to

> > test for this? If so, what was the outcome and what are you doing for

> > treatment?

> >

> > thanks in advance,

> >

> >

> >

> >

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> This story keeps coming back - the most common cause of candida and

> fibromyalgia is mercury poisoning from amalgam fillings.

The natural way to remove heavy metals from the body is to increase

glutathione production. Glutathione, the body's main antioxidant and

detoxifier, is created from precursors that are the most plentiful in

cold-processed whey. Take it with selenium. The whey is also a rich

source of very bioavailable amino acids including all the essential


It takes 2 molecules of glutathione to escort 1 molecule of mercury

from the body, 3 for aluminum. Stands to reason that even amalgam

fillings might not be as big a problem to people with high cellular

glutathione levels.

Glutathione depletion stimulates infection and it's behind

degenerative illnesses too. More information on the diseases low

glutathione is associated with is here:


Note there are even cancer studies in which cold-processed whey alone

reduced cancer, 7 out of 7 patients in the prostate cancer study for



Duncan Crow

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I'm going to being a chelation treatment as soon as I get educated up on it, (I

agree Andy's protocol and way is the way to go-have been on the AM board for a

year now). Will be doing the full eval of my options. Although Andy Cutler

mentioned that he believes the root of the problem with it is in the

administration and dosing. He usually doesn't promote this though. And there

is a wave of interest sweeping the autistic community regarding using TD-DMPS.

Stemming from a research study that Dr. Buttar did with 31 children including

his son, with astonishing results. Dr. Buttar is very passionate, and feels it

shouldn't be called autism but mercury poisoning.

I would be interested in hearing what you have to say about the negativities

versus other chelation agents.



Re: Heavy metal toxicity

I would strongly agree, DO NOT DO DMPS. The stuff will kill you.

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You will find a lot of good information on the site noted below. Especially in

the FAQ section, a lot there. It's a very busy sight though. Here's their


Re: Heavy metal toxicity

First I would get Andy Cutler's book at www.noamalgam.com before you do

anything in mercury chelation. There's also like adult metal

chelation or frequent dose chelation that discuss mercury chelation? The 24

hour challenge test is useless way of knowing if you are mercury poisoned and if

it is through dmps injection you are risking your health

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TD-DMPS you do what you want, but it is dangerous. As far as Autistic

children, I will try to find you an article from a British Austism magazine

which is testing a natural product for the detox of mercury. Much safer and

better results

Kind regards

On 16.10.2004 3:23 Uhr, " Kari Trautman " <karitrautman@...> wrote:


> I'm going to being a chelation treatment as soon as I get educated up on it,

> (I agree Andy's protocol and way is the way to go-have been on the AM board

> for a year now). Will be doing the full eval of my options. Although Andy

> Cutler mentioned that he believes the root of the problem with it is in the

> administration and dosing. He usually doesn't promote this though. And there

> is a wave of interest sweeping the autistic community regarding using TD-DMPS.

> Stemming from a research study that Dr. Buttar did with 31 children including

> his son, with astonishing results. Dr. Buttar is very passionate, and feels

> it shouldn't be called autism but mercury poisoning.

> I would be interested in hearing what you have to say about the negativities

> versus other chelation agents.

> Thanks,

> Kari

> Re: Heavy metal toxicity



> I would strongly agree, DO NOT DO DMPS. The stuff will kill you.







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I hope that you can share this article on mercury with family and friends. I

think it was great. It can be found at



His article on the internet has a picture of the " famous smoking tooth "

Mercury on the Mind

by W. , Jr., MD <mailto:dwm@...%20>

by W. , Jr., MD

Although they afflict widely different age groups, autism and Alzheimer¡¦s

disease share a common cause: mercury. Dr. Boyd Haley, professor and chair

of the chemistry department at the University of Kentucky, and Dr. Bernard

Rimland, founder of the Autism Research Institute, presented evidence at

this year¡¦s Doctors for Disaster Preparedness meeting that connects mercury

with these diseases.

This heavy metal is highly poisonous. A Dartmouth professor studying the

chemical characteristics of an organic form of mercury ¡V dimethyl mercury ¡V

spilled two drops of it on her gloved hand. The first sign of mercury

poisoning occurred four months later when her speech began to be slurred.

This was followed by difficulty walking and loss of vision. She then fell

into a coma and died. Another person, attempting to smelt the silver in

dental amalgams he obtained (they are 35 percent silver, 50 percent mercury,

and 15 percent tin, zinc, and other metals), heated them in a frying pan.

The mercury vapor thus generated killed him quickly. The two other family

members in the house at the time also died.

Mercury is one proton (neutron and electron) heavier than gold ¡V the atomic

number of gold is 79; mercury, 80. It is distributed throughout the earth¡¦s

crust. Unlike other metals, mercury, in its elemental state, is liquid

(molten) at room temperature. And it releases a steady stream of gaseous

mercury atoms that linger in the atmosphere for months (eventually falling

back to earth and its oceans in an inorganic form in rain drops). Even when

in a solid state, combined with other metals as an alloy, mercury atoms

continually escape into the atmosphere. Once added to latex paint, put in

teething powder, used in making hats, as a fungicide on seeds, as an

antiseptic (Merthiolate), and as a treatment for syphilis (the cure was

worse than the disease), human exposure to mercury today comes principally

from three sources: dental amalgams, vaccines, and fish.

Elemental mercury when released by a dental amalgam is inhaled and (80

percent of it) absorbed by the lungs and retained in the body. Vaccine

makers add thimerosal (which is half ethyl mercury) to vaccines to prevent

bacterial contamination. This injected organic form of mercury is readily

taken up by brain and heart muscle cells. Fish harbor another organic form

of mercury ¡V methyl mercury, which is obtained from plankton that synthesize

it from inorganic mercury extracted from the sea.

Currently the two most important sources of mercury exposure for Americans

are dental amalgams and vaccinations. The Federal government¡¦s Centers for

Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) and Food and Drug Administration (FDA),

for reasons not explained, have chosen to ignore this fact. These agencies

and the National Institutes of Health (NIH) focus exclusively on mercury in

seafood, to the extent that the NIH will not fund studies that address

mercury in amalgams and vaccines.

In lockstep with the government, the American Dental Association (ADA)

claims that amalgams are safe, and the mercury in them poses no problem. The

(government-funded) Institute of Medicine (IOM) and various specialty

societies, notably the American Academy of Pediatrics (AAP), American

Academy of Family Physicians (AAFP), and the American Medical Association

(AMA), say the same thing about mercury in vaccines. There is growing

evidence, however, that mercury in vaccines and amalgams cause both autism

and Alzheimer¡¦s disease. The CDC and the FDA and the medical establishment,

led by its specialty societies, discount or ignore this evidence ¡V evidence

that includes privately funded epidemiological studies; research on how

mercury damages brain cells grown in culture; animal studies in rodents,

sheep, and primates; and clinical studies in children and adults.

Autism was discovered in 1943, in American children, twelve years after

ethyl mercury (thimerosal) was added to the pertussis vaccine. (The disease

was not seen in Europe until the 1950s, after thimerosal was added to

vaccines used there.) In a typical case, shortly before his 2nd birthday a

normally developing, healthy boy stops communicating with others and

withdraws into himself. He avoids eye contact and becomes strange and aloof.

His vision becomes blurred; and he develops various motor disturbances, such

as involuntary jerking of the arms and legs and walking on his toes. In

addition to these manifestations, Dr. Sallie Bernard and her colleagues, in

a study titled, " Autism: A Unique Type of Mercury Poisoning


m> , " describe the speech difficulties, unusual behavior (such as unprovoked

crying spells and head banging), various degrees of cognitive impairment,

gastrointestinal difficulties, and immune difficulties that these autistic

children can have. Mercury is most likely a causative factor in other

developmental disorders as well, such as delayed speech and attention

deficit hyperactivity disorder.

Investigators have shown

<http://www.medscimonit.com/pub/vol_10/no_3/3986.pdf> that there is a

direct relationship between increasing doses of mercury in vaccines and

autism. In the 1950s, with an immunization schedule limited to four vaccines

(against diphtheria, tetanus, pertussis, and smallpox), 1 in 10,000 children

developed this disease. As vaccines for other diseases were added, health

care providers began injecting increasingly larger doses of mercury into

children. Those born in 1981 were given 135 micrograms of mercury (on

average), and one case of autism occurred in every 2,600 children born that

year. With the addition of hepatitis B vaccine (injected on the day of

birth) and one for Haemophilus influenzae Type b, providers injected 246

micrograms of mercury into children born in 1996. Autism occurred in one out

of every 350 of these children. Today, providers follow an immunization

schedule <http://www2a.cdc.gov/nip/scheduler_le/schedule.asp> , prepared by

the CDC and approved by the AAP and AAFP, that includes 13 vaccines given,

with variable numbers of booster shots, 33 times before a child reaches the

age of 2 (when the development of the brain is completed). Autism now

afflicts 1 in 100 boys and 1 in 400 girls, and physicians diagnose 100,000

new cases of this disease every year in the U.S (using diagnostic criteria,

in the DSM-IV, that is more restrictive than the previous DSM-IIIR). Over

the last 30 years more than one million children have come down with this

disease, and currently one in every 68 families in America has an autistic


Mainstream medical journals, like Pediatrics and The New England Journal of

Medicine, only publish studies that claim thimerosal is safe. And it turns

out that these articles are written in large part by researchers in the pay

of vaccine makers, as the Coalition for Safe Minds

<http://www.safeminds.org/> (Sensible Action For Ending Mercury-Induced

Neurological Disorders), a private nonprofit organization, has shown


work.pdf> . Editors of these journals will not publish studies that show a

link between thimerosal and autism like " Thimerosal in Childhood Vaccines,

Neurodevelopment Disorders, and Heart Disease in the United States

<http://www.jpands.org/vol8no1/geier.pdf> " by Mark and Geier, which

documents a strong association between the amounts of mercury injected in

vaccines and autism. Such articles can only find acceptance in alternative

(i.e., " politically incorrect " ) journals like the Journal of American

Physicians and Surgeons <http://www.jpands.org/> , where this one was


The amount of damage a given dose of mercury can do to the brain (and also

the heart) depends on one¡¦s age, sex, and genetically determined ability to

excrete mercury. Young children with still developing brains are more

susceptible, and males are more vulnerable to a given dose of mercury

because testosterone enhances its neurotoxicity. Most important, however, is

one¡¦s genetically programmed ability to rid the body of mercury. The brain

has a house-cleaning protein that removes dangerous waste products, which

comes in three varieties: APO-E2, APO-E3, and APO-E4. The APO-E2 protein can

carry 2 atoms of mercury out of the brain; APO-3, one; and AOP-E4, none. The

genes we acquire from each parent determine which two we have. People with

two APO-E4 proteins (and thus no APO-E2 or -E3) have an 80 percent chance of

acquiring Alzheimer¡¦s disease. And according to one study, autistic children

have a huge preponderance of APO-E4 protein in their brains.

Alzheimer¡¦s disease was discovered in 1906, again in America, where dentists

used mercury-laden amalgams to fill cavities (dentists in Europe largely

avoided them). Today, more than 4 million Americans now have Alzheimer¡¦s

disease. It afflicts half of people over the age of 85 and 20 percent aged

75 to 84.

The first symptoms of this disease are difficulty concentrating and variable

degrees of memory loss, leading ultimately to devastating mental

deterioration. The brains of people with Alzheimer¡¦s disease shrink by 25

percent and have distinct pathologic hallmarks (neurofibillary tangles,

amyloid plaques, and phosphorylation of tau protein). Brain cells grown in

the laboratory develop the same three pathologic findings when exposed to

nanomolar (3.6 ¡Ñ 10-10 molar) doses of mercury, an amount approximating that

found in the brains of people who have a lot of amalgam fillings.

Dental amalgams are the main source of mercury in an adult¡¦s brain. An

average-sized amalgam filling contains 750,000 micrograms of mercury and

releases around 10 micrograms a day. Researchers put radiolabelled mercury

amalgams in the teeth of sheep and determined where escaped mercury went

with a scanner. They showed that mercury atoms exhaled through the nose

travel up filaments of the olfactory nerve to the hippocampus, which

controls memory, and to other critical areas in the brain. In another study

<http://www.holistic-dentistry.com/artalzeimer.asp> , rats given the same

concentration of mercury that people inhale from their amalgams develop the

pathologic markers of Alzheimer¡¦s disease. People with Alzheimer¡¦s disease

have mercury levels in their brains that are 2 to 3 times higher than that

seen in normal people.

The mercury in flu vaccines also plays a role in this disease. One

investigator has found

<http://suewidemark.freeservers.com/flushot-alzheimers.htm> that people who

received the flu vaccine each year for 3 to 5 years had a ten-fold greater

chance of developing Alzheimer¡¦s disease than people who had zero, 1, or 2


Another important factor with regard to mercury on the mind, which officials

at the CDC, FDA and the professors in the IOM do not consider, is

synergistic toxicity


3.htm> ¡V mercury¡¦s enhanced effect when other poisons are present. A small

dose of mercury that kills 1 in 100 rats and a dose of aluminum that will

kill 1 in 100 rats, when combined have a striking effect: all the rats die.

Doses of mercury that have a 1 percent mortality will have a 100 percent

mortality rate if some aluminum is there. Vaccines contain aluminum.

Why do officials at the CDC, FDA, and leaders of the medical and dental

establishment discount or ignore all these important facts? Some of them

being in the pay of vaccine makers is one reason. The specter of litigation

for having sanctioned thimerosal and amalgams and, in the case of the FDA,

not doing appropriate safety studies on them is another. But it is more

complicated than that. The hypothesis that mercury causes autism and

Alzheimer¡¦s disease is a new truth. And as Schopenhauer points out (see my

article <http://www.lewrockwell.com/miller/miller8.html> on him), each new

truth passes through three stages: First, it is ridiculed. Second, it is

violently opposed. And third, it is accepted as self-evident. The mercury

truth is now in the second stage.

In the 1790s Jenner observed that milk maids did not have pock marks

on their faces, like people did who had contracted and survived smallpox.

Milking cows with cowpox rendered them immune to smallpox. He took fluid

from the pustules of infected cows, injected it into children, and found

that it protected them, when exposed, from contracting smallpox. The medical

establishment of the day dismissed the idea of vaccinating people with cow

pus as nonsense; and Sir ph Banks, president of the British Royal

Society (the IOM of the day), told Jenner that he would ruin his reputation

if he tried to publish these findings, which were so much at variance with

established knowledge. When other doctors and informed individuals like

Jefferson recognized that " vaccination " did indeed work, its value

was, in time, accepted as self-evident. Jenner¡¦s vaccine saved millions of

lives and eradicated a disfiguring disease that has a 30 percent mortality

rate. (But laboratories in the U.S. and U.S.S.R. preserved the virus that

causes smallpox, and we now know that Soviet microbiologists grew vast

quantities of it in chicken eggs for use as a biological weapon

<http://www.lewrockwell.com/orig2/miller6.html> of mass destruction.)

Today the medical establishment, led by the AAP, AAFP, AMA, CDC, and IOM,

has gone to the other extreme. The accepted wisdom now is that vaccines are

a panacea. Health care providers start injecting them in infants on the day

of birth, and government officials seek to have them made mandatory for all

Americans. But some little-discussed facts belie their value. Deaths from

diphtheria, for example, declined 90 percent from 1900 to 1930, due to

better sanitation and nutrition, before there was a vaccine for this

disease. Likewise, the death rate for measles declined 95 percent (13.3 to

0.03 deaths per 100,000 population) between 1915 and 1958, before the

vaccine for measles vaccine was introduced in 1963. Viewed from a

risk/benefit perspective, providers and government officials downplay the

deleterious effects that vaccines can have on one¡¦s health and inflate their

benefits. The top medical textbook on the subject is Vaccines

<http://www.amazon.com/exec/obidos/tg/detail/-/0721696880/lewrockwell/> ,

edited by Drs. Plotkin and Orenstein. In the 1999 3rd Edition that I

reviewed (a slightly longer 4th Edition was published last year), its

authors confine their discussion of mercury in vaccines to two short

paragraphs in this 1,230-page book. They do not address concerns that have

been raised about its neurotoxicity.

Vaccine manufacturers have started removing thimerosal from vaccines. And

for the first time since the state began keeping records on this disease,

California has had a decrease,of 6 percent, in the annual number of children

over the age of 3 who have been diagnosed with autism. This occurred in

children born in 2000, when the phase-out of thimerosal in vaccines began.

Iowa has passed a law banning thimerosal in that state, and California has

done the same thing for pregnant women and children under 3 (the bill awaits

the governor¡¦s signature). But pharmaceutical companies still add thimerosal

in their Flu vaccines; and pediatricians are vaccinating children with their

remaining supply of thimerosal-containing vaccines, which the FDA has chosen

not to recall.

Taking mercury out of vaccines would substantially reduce the incidence of

autism, but this alone will not eliminate the disease. Giving too many

vaccines over too short a time to infants whose nervous system is not yet

fully developed can also trigger autism and its spectrum of disorders. As

Dr. Blaylock has shown (see Recommended Reading below), multiple vaccines

given close together over-stimulate the brain¡¦s immune system and, via the

mechanism of " bystander injury, " destroy brain cells.

Much more research needs to be done on the neurotoxicity of mercury and

excessive vaccination. Dr. Haley terms autism Mad Child Disease

<http://www.newsmax.com/archives/articles/2004/9/13/112130.shtml> . Finding

one cow in the U.S. with Mad Cow Disease, from Canada, prompted the Federal

government to spent millions of dollars examining other cows to see if they

had contracted it. With regard to Mad Child Disease, however, the government

spends $59.00 in research for every case of autism diagnosed in this


Avoiding flu shots that contain thimerosal, and having dentists stop

implanting mercury amalgams in people¡¦s mouths would lower the incidence of

Alzheimer¡¦s disease. If you have amalgam fillings, particularly if there is

a family history of Alzheimer¡¦s disease, you might consider having them

removed. Be sure to have a dentist do it who follows the protocol

<http://www.holisticmed.com/dental/amalgam/iaomt.txt> established by The

International Academy of Oral Medicine & Toxicology for safely removing


For the third source of mercury, follow the CDC¡¦s advice and don¡¦t eat

mercury-contaminated fish, especially if you are pregnant because mercury in

your bloodstream crosses the placenta and is concentrated in the fetus¡¦


Recommended Reading ¡V in addition to the online links provided above

An excellent review of thimerosal and autism, titled " Mercury in Medicine ¡V

Taking Unnecessary Risks, " is to be found, of all places, in the

Congressional Record. Prepared by its Subcommittee on Human Rights and

Wellness, this report was presented to the Committee on Government Reform,

chaired by Congressman Dan Burton (who has an autistic grandson).

Congressional Record, May 21, 2003, E1011¡VE1030

<http://www.aapsonline.org/vaccines/mercinmed.pdf> .

SafeMinds president, Lyn Redwood, presented testimony at a Congressional

hearing held on September 8, 2004 that exposes malfeasance by the CDC and

FDA related to thimerosal. It is titled " Truth Revealed: New Scientific

Discoveries Regarding Mercury in Medicine and Autism


imonyfullfinal.pdf> " and is posted on their website, safeminds.org

<http://www.safeminds.org/> . See also this organization¡¦s 84-page Report to



s.doc> titled, " A Brief Analysis of Recent Efforts in Medical Mercury

Induced Neurological and Autism Spectrum Disorders " (September 8, 2004).

" The Three Modern Faces of Mercury " ¡V in fish, vaccines, and dental amalgams

¡V by son in Environmental Health Perspectives Volume 110 |

Supplement 1 | February 2002 | pages 11¡V23


pdf> . This study provides an current-day perspective on mercury exposure,

post Calomel, Merthiolate, and Mad Hatters.

If your dentist parrots the American Dental Association stance on this

subject and says that " silver " ¡V i.e., mercury ¡V amalgams are perfectly

safe, insist that he or she read Dr. Boyd Haley¡¦s response to the president

of the ADA on his defense of dental amalgams. It is posted on this website

<http://www.whale.to/m/haley.html> . I sent it to my dentist who I had been

going to for a number of years. When he chose to ignore it, I changed

dentists ¡V to a mercury-free one and had him remove all my amalgam fillings.

" Mercury: the Silent Killer, " Chapter 3 in Health and Nutrition Secrets That

Can Save Your Life <http://www.russellblaylockmd.com/> by L.

Blaylock, M.D. As a board-certified neurosurgeon, Dr. Blaylock, like me, is

a member of the medical establishment. He now, however, studies and writes

about wellness and complementary/alternative medicine on a full-time basis.

Are Vaccines Safe and Effective?

<http://www.amazon.com/exec/obidos/tg/detail/-/1881217302/lewrockwell/> by

Neil Z. (2002). This 78-page (paperback) book is well worth reading,

especially if you have children or if you are being pressured to get a flu


For a comprehensive review, with 167 scientific references, on how vaccines

damage infants¡¦ and soldiers¡¦ brains (Gulf War Syndrome) when given too

close together, see Dr. Blaylock¡¦s " Interaction of Cytokines, Excitotoxins,

Reactive Nitrogen and Oxygen Species in Autism Spectrum Disorders " in the

Journal of the American Nutraceutical Association (JANA 2003;6[4]:21¡V35).

See also his study, " Chronic Microglial Activation and Excitotoxicity

Secondary to Excessive Immune Stimulation: Possible Factors in GulfWar

Syndrome and Autism <http://www.jpands.org/vol9no2/blaylock.pdf> " in the

Journal of American Physicians and Surgeons (JAPS 2004;9[2]:46¡V52). Dr.

Blaylock has written a simplified version of these studies for the general

public titled " Vaccines: the Hidden Dangers, " in his Blaylock Wellness

Report <http://www.newsmaxstore.com/newsletters/blaylock/> (Vol. 1, No. 1),

which is published monthly and can be purchased online.

September 29, 2004

(send him mail <mailto:dwm@...%20> ) is a cardiac

surgeon and Professor of Surgery at the University of Washington in Seattle

and a member of Doctors for Disaster Preparedness <http://www.oism.org/ddp/>

and writes articles on a variety of subjects for LewRockwell.com, including

bioterrorism.His web site is www.donaldmiller.com

<http://www.donaldmiller.com/> .

On 16.10.2004 3:37 Uhr, " Kari Trautman " <karitrautman@...> wrote:


> You will find a lot of good information on the site noted below. Especially

> in the FAQ section, a lot there. It's a very busy sight though. Here's their

> link:


> Re: Heavy metal toxicity




> First I would get Andy Cutler's book at www.noamalgam.com before you do

> anything in mercury chelation. There's also like adult metal

> chelation or frequent dose chelation that discuss mercury chelation? The 24

> hour challenge test is useless way of knowing if you are mercury poisoned and

> if it is through dmps injection you are risking your health





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  • 9 months later...
Guest guest

My son does all 3 forms of glutathione (GSH). He gets an IV every 2

weeks 600mg, a nebulizer every 5 days, and Transdermal GSH every day

for his heavy metal toxicity. Each form of GSH works in a different

way throughout the body. We did a genomics test that revealed that

his 6 year old body does not produce any glutathione. GSH is

necessary in the body for detoxification and also helps with the

sulyfation pathway. I was told by several doctors that

hypothyroidism is a red flag of heavy metal toxity which I have. I

believe that heavy metals play a role in candidasis as well.

Milk Thistle and artichoke extract helps support liver function. We

used to use Metal Free spray and PCA-rx spray with results but have

progressed to more aggressive chelating agents such as TD-DMPS, IV

EDTA, and DMSA. The problem with those is that they are

nondiscreminatory meaning that they cannot differentiate between

good minerals/metals and bad ones. You need to work with an

experienced doctor and do blood work every 2 months to monitor

levels and liver stress. Also, if you are worried about yeast you

will need to use the transdermal compounded forms of these agents so

they bypass the gut. DMSA is especially known to aggrevate yeast.


> I was told by a 'nutritionally-enlightened' MD that my test

results reveal I'm loaded with heavy metals and that my liver wasn't

functioning very well (supported by years of elevated liver enzyme

test results, which I don't doubt).


> He told me to stay away from chlorella since my liver wouldn't be

able to eliminate them. He recommended glutathione (IV, cream and

nebulizer -- inhalation machine).


> Also tested very high for serum ferritin (iron), for which IP-6

seems to work -- but slowly.


> This MD, and a message in this group's archive state that anti-

fungals tax the liver.


> My question is whether any of you have had success eliminating

heavy metals and if you have any experience with the following



> Heavy Metal Flush http://www.herbalhealer.com/drchi.html


> This product has been tested and proven in China to reduce heavy

metals such as aluminum, lead, cadmium, mercury and copper. The

great thing about this product is that is DOES NOT deplete the your

bodies good minerals. It can also be safely given to children and


> Ingredients: Smilax glabra, Sargassum, Allium salivum,

Glycyrrhiza, Chaenomeles, Rheum, and Glechoma

> Directions: 3 capsules, 3 times a day for at least two months.

This product is safe to take as a daily maintenance to help prevent

heavy metal build-up. 3 caps once a day. For children: 1 capsule per

40 pounds three times a day for 4 weeks. Take on an empty stomach if


> Large 350 mg. - 120 capsule bottle


> Thanks,

> Bill



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