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Re: how do you know when you have candidas?

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First thing I kept getting was urinary tract / bladder infections and piles.

I felt tired all the time, brain fog is also related to this, as well as a

funny phenomenen whereby I would have a reaction when I ate sugar/starch. I

would almost get drunk, as if I'd been drinking booze. I'd feel wobbly, and

would actually start slurring. This aparently is because of the alcohols

released by the bugs as they feed off the sugar - your system becomes a

fermenting wine vat and the fumes go to your head..I think I remember

reading it was ethanol that is produced. Dizziness, a strong craving for

sugar/carbs/ starches, especially late afternoon. Aches and pains

everywhere, digestive disorders, heartburn, mucus in stools, funny smelling

stools ( sorry !), nightmares, insomnia, so tired that I was in bed by 7 pm

every night....depression, weepiness, a general feeling of bing unwell, or

not quite yourself.......it's a long list, many of the symptoms being

similar to implant symptoms and a HOST of other illnesses, which is what

makes it so elusive to diagnose. During dark field they found tons of it in

my blood, and the Candida bugs " invited " a lot of other viral and fungal

strains into my body, which show up as long, stringy things floating in your

saliva/blood. My blood cells were all clumped together in strings ISO

swiming around happily, so less oxygen could attach to them, compounding the

problem. Use the saliva test discussed here before to check yourself for

candida, also stick out your tongue first thing am and see if you spot white

or yellowish furry looking stuff on the back of it.....if you are prone to

other fungal infections like Atlete's foot, you may well have Candida too. I

never had vaginal or oral thrush that I was aware of, yet had Candida..only

found out about the furry tongue thing afterwards...does this help ?


----- Original Message -----

From: debsings04 <debsings04@...>

< >

Sent: Thursday, February 19, 2004 4:12 AM

Subject: how do you know when you have candidas?

> Hey girls,


> how do know when you have candidas? What are you taking to treat it?

> What are your symptoms that describe candidas?



> Deb





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An internet search will bring up tons of info on candida infections and alternative treatments. Here is a very comprehensive site as an example, below. There are several ways to treat candida, and if you go to your health food store, you will be dizzy just from the selection of products available to take to treat it. But the most important thing you can do is take complete control of your diet and start to starve them, and then take things to kill them off....garlic is one of the most potent (raw, uncooked garlic in doses up to 12 cloves daily). Other supplements include grapefruit seed extract, coconut oil, olive leaf extract, caprylic acid, and oregano oil. When they start to die off, they release toxins, so you will feel terrible. But it is all part of the process of healing. Candida is one of the most stubborn infections you can deal with. It takes months of work to eradicate it. Good luck!


----- Original Message -----From: debsings04 <debsings04@...>< >Sent: Thursday, February 19, 2004 4:12 AMSubject: how do you know when you have candidas?> Hey girls,>> how do know when you have candidas? What are you taking to treat it?> What are your symptoms that describe candidas?>>> Deb

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Wow, do I ever remember that drunk feeling! It was horrible!

----- Original Message -----

From: Fiona Parkinson

Sent: Wednesday, February 18, 2004 10:37 PM

Subject: Re: how do you know when you have candidas?

First thing I kept getting was urinary tract / bladder infections and piles.I felt tired all the time, brain fog is also related to this, as well as afunny phenomenen whereby I would have a reaction when I ate sugar/starch. Iwould almost get drunk, as if I'd been drinking booze. I'd feel wobbly, andwould actually start slurring. This aparently is because of the alcoholsreleased by the bugs as they feed off the sugar - your system becomes afermenting wine vat and the fumes go to your head..I think I rememberreading it was ethanol that is produced. Dizziness, a strong craving forsugar/carbs/ starches, especially late afternoon. Aches and painseverywhere, digestive disorders, heartburn, mucus in stools, funny smellingstools ( sorry !), nightmares, insomnia, so tired that I was in bed by 7 pmevery night....depression, weepiness, a general feeling of bing unwell, ornot quite yourself.......it's a long list, many of the symptoms beingsimilar to implant symptoms and a HOST of other illnesses, which is whatmakes it so elusive to diagnose. During dark field they found tons of it inmy blood, and the Candida bugs "invited" a lot of other viral and fungalstrains into my body, which show up as long, stringy things floating in yoursaliva/blood. My blood cells were all clumped together in strings ISOswiming around happily, so less oxygen could attach to them, compounding theproblem. Use the saliva test discussed here before to check yourself forcandida, also stick out your tongue first thing am and see if you spot whiteor yellowish furry looking stuff on the back of it.....if you are prone toother fungal infections like Atlete's foot, you may well have Candida too. Inever had vaginal or oral thrush that I was aware of, yet had Candida..onlyfound out about the furry tongue thing afterwards...does this help ?Fiona

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