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Re: Help re: Dr Blais

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Ann. well - I hope this isn't a duplicate as I lost the message i was typing to

you before... Anyways what I was telling you is that the main benefit you will

get from using Dr. Blais is that you will actually receive the truth. The PS's,

and implant companies are into covering their butts BIGTIME now. Sure they are

offering $1200 which looks great. It is a lot of money especially to me right

now but think of it this way: If you use their testing people you will not

receive the truth and therefore will not be sure of your proper future medical

care as you really won't know what was in them. That " implant warranty " with

the manufacturers cost me the possibility of a lawsuit. in 99 I had a rupture -

I was scared crapless, recently married and broke, and my Ps offered to replace

it for free. I asked to get it for testing and they said that it had to go back

to Mentor and they would test it. Sure they did... the doctor wouldn't even

let me see if after it was replaced in the OR - I asked to see what it looked

like and was turned down. That should have been a sign but I was clueless back

then and so happy to have it replaced at no charge. A week after the repl a

nurse came in with a " oh yeah, by the way, you need to sign this - it is a

letter for your warranty from Mentor " . Me, of course being on post op narcotics

and assuming that she wouldn't lie to me signed the darn thing. It turned out

to be a letter stating that they replaced it for free and the fine print below

said that I was agreeing to not ever tke legal action against them due to the

defect in lieu of them paying for it. I ended up with a total of three separate

leaking implants (saline)and 4 operations. Since then I have spent well more

than that implant replacement would have ever cost me in doctors, testing,

medications, value of life, etc. If you let them test them and give you money

towards replacement I will bet that they will have you in the palms of their

hands - never able to sue them if it were to be necessary. Please think about

those consequences as I do it everyday.


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Please make sure when they dangle this carrot in front of you that you understand fully what that $1200 is about. As my understanding goes, the $1200 will only be given to you if you reimplant. That is the McGhan "warranty". It pays for the replacement implants. I could be wrong, but I would hate for you to give up your implants to McGhan, only to find out that you aren't going to get any money, or any answers.

Dr. Blais will analyze your implants. He will be able to tell you where they were faulty, what is wrong with them, if they are contaminated. In fact, his information will probably be more valuable to you than McGhans or your pathology lab will be, because he knows what to look for and he is uninvolved. I guess I am biased because I don't trust McGhan as far as I could throw them. And your pathology lab won't have a clue what to look for, other than to tell you that they looked at some scar tissue. I made that mistake and paid $200 for worthless information.

Again, I don't think you are going to get paid $1200. I think they are pulling your leg, unless you get reimplanted.


----- Original Message -----

From: nantynannie

Sent: Friday, March 05, 2004 10:31 AM

Subject: Help re: Dr Blais

I know this question has been answered before, but please be patient with me. My explant is on Monday and I am still not sure what to do with the implants. PS wants to send them to pathology and if he or pathology thinks they are leaking, back to Mcgahon (sp) to test. Then they give $1200 toward the explant. If I take them from PS Mcgahon will not pay. So if I take them from PS and send to Blais, what does he do and what does he test for? What is the benefit in this PLEASE??? Thanks again,Ann

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