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Hello everyone, I've just joined up today. My name's Ruth and I'm 23,

got two kids and a hubby. I haven't been diagnosed with thyroid

disease or anything, doctors don't know whats wrong with me, I've

spent the past five years been told that I'm just depressed and tired

because I have children, to an extent I was wondering whether that

really was the case until I realised that its not normal to need so

much sleep, especially at my age and that feeling like I've got flu

constantly os deffo not. The doc has taken me off anti-depressants

after finally realising that it's not depression. My hubby went down

to see him and told him exactly how I spend each day and to do

something else he'd kick up a fuss ha ha. I had to threaten him with

writing letters of complaint before he'd do any blood tests, even

then they were just basic ones and all found to be 'normal'. Doc then

decided to refer me to a consultant as he admitted he's at a total

loss with me. He has mentioned CFS/ME but didnt commit himself to

that, reading up on those conditions though I find alot of people

think that CFS/ME is related to thyroid dysfunction and could be

symptoms of something rather than a stand-alone condition. Doc warned

me that referral to consultant was to general medicine and they may

not be able to help any more than him so not to have any hope. The

appointment will also take months to come, of course. Doc said

they'll do more blood tests. He wouldn't refer me to an endo because

he said he couldn't justify it. Here are the symptoms I typed out for

doc if you're interested;

Too hot or too cold, never `just right'.

Hands and feet nearly always cold.

Slower nail and hair growth.


Quite severe PMS/PMT

Difficulty waking up even after a good nights sleep.

Wake up with a blocked nose and a `fuzzy head.

Constantly tired, need for excessive sleep but never feel refreshed.

Muscles and joints ache, feel weak and exhausted.

Recurrent thrush.

Weight loss seems to be impossible after losing quite a lot of

weight, have reached a `plateau'.

Always thirsty, even after large amounts of drinks.

Waking two or three times a night to urinate despite restricting

fluids before bedtime.

Feel `jittery' and dizzy if not eaten anything for a couple of hours.

Find it hard to hold a conversation, mind drifts and don't `hear'

what has been said. Daydream a lot, not really `here' half the time.

Heavier periods and shorter cycle.

Ringing in ears, static noise, sometimes have problems hearing.

Stomach cramps/bloating.

Water retention, ankles and wrists swell.

Bruise really easily.

Feel irritable.

Weight gain despite loss of appetite.

Poor memory.

Pre-eclampsia during both of my pregnancies. Unusual to have it twice.

Low milk supply after both of my babies' births, tried for months

after they were born to breastfeed, tried pumping, herbal remedies,

breasting councillors, nothing improved supply.

Have blacked out on a couple of occasions, fear for my children's

safety when this happens when I'm on my own with them.

Stabbing pains just below ribs on the right hand side, very similar

to when I had pre-eclampsia.

Shooting pains in legs when walking up stairs etc.

Joints 'click' and are stiff.

Find it hard to brush my hair in the morning, muscles in arms are

stiff and can't hold arms up for long.

Slightest bit of exertion causes exhaustion. If I overdo it, I wake

up the next day with severe aches and pains all over my body and I

have flu-like symptoms (shivering, fever, headaches etc), this lasts

for one or two days. Sometimes I have to stay in bed.

Having read up on the internet about various illnesses I realise that

these symptoms could be a number of things but my intuition says

thyroid and it may sound silly but two psychic mediums that are my

hubbys friends (he's a medium too) said to me years ago about a

problem with my throat which I dismissed because I thought they meant

sore throat ha ha. This could be nothing but I've learnt not to

ignore niggling voice inside my head else I get into trouble. However

doc has all but dismissed the possibility because of thyroid test

results, he did TSH only to begin with, then TSH free t3 and t4 at my

insistance. I didn't get figures for these tests but he doc said they

were normal. Because I'm not getting anywhere with doc I've booked to

see a homeopath on monday to see what she thinks, I'm cautious about

homeopathy as i've thought alot about 'placebo' effects but hope that

it will help me as homeopathy is about getting to the root of

problems rather than treating symptoms as in conventional medicine.

It's worth a try anyway! Thanks for listening, Ruth.

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Hi Ruth,

You story screams thyroid to me. It is perfectly possible to have thyroid disease with all the symptoms and still have TSH in the normal range.

Can you ask your GP to refer you to Dr. Skinner ( private) if he won't then Dr. Peatfield- contact details on the webste.

> doc has all but dismissed the possibility because of thyroid test > results, he did TSH only to begin with, then TSH free t3 and t4 at my > insistance. I didn't get figures for these tests but he doc said they > were normal. Thanks for listening, Ruth. > > > She said what? About who? Shameful celebrity quotes on Search Star!

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