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Re: Iodine test and detox of mercury protocol

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Fortunately, we are on well water and therefore do not have the

concerns of chlorine or fluoride in our water.

My general dentist removed the fillings. There was nothing special

done in regards to vapor or a dental dam. Wish I had known then

what I know now! I do still have a mouth full of mercury and am

quite reluctant to have anymore removed at this time with what I

just went through. I do, however, plan on seeing someone that

specializes in the procedure to lesson further mercury exposure in

the future. Can you tell me what quantities of selenium,

glutathione, sulfer and C I should take for effective detox? Is

there anything else I can do? How much of the DMSA, MSM, would you


I am currently back up to 24mg a day of Prolamine Iodine. I never

went up to the recommended (by a nutritionist/friend) amount of 50mg

a day out of fear of everything that I had been reading regarding

too much iodine. I worked up to 36mg a day, stayed there for three

months, and starting cutting back hoping that that had my levels

sufficient. I had been down to about 9mg a day when I had the last

filling removed. Nothing was really said about other nutrients as

I had told my friend I was on a multivitamin—SuperMom by Beeyouthful—

have you heard of them and what do you think? I have, however, taken

these on an on-again, off-again basis. He also knew that I try to

eat as nutritious as possible, organic vegetables, been making my

own bread for about five years now, try to eat mostly raw, do a lot

of sprouts, etc.

I have only slightly limited goitrogens because so many of them are

so very nutritious. Also, I reasoned that I am taking the extra

iodine to help offset it.

What is the TPO Ab and Tg Ab test you mentioned? Does it have to be

ordered by a doctor? My friend/nutritionist can not order any tests

and my endo is very difficult to get in to see, let alone cooperate

with me.

Thanks again so much for your help and any information you can give.


> ladybugsandbees <ladybugsandbees@...> wrote:



> > Wow, am I feeling stupid!! How did you read my first post?

Am I

> > missing something here? Thanks



> I have issues with getting all the messages. Some go to a spam

folder which is a pain to sign into so I never know if I get all

messages or not. I have the settings for my id to go directly

to my e-mail address instead of having to read from the web.


> >

> > Here is my post from about a hour ago:

> >

> > Hi,

> > I have been on iodine supplementation for about 8 months now


> > thyroid non-toxic nodules. They have been shrinking (and

> > disappearing) since I started supplementation.

> >

> > My first question is in regards to the reason the nodules


> > appeared. With my symptoms I believe my thyroid had been


> > for years with TSH levels being around 2.5, not high enough

for my

> > MD to take notice. In September of last I cut my finger on a

> > granular chlorine bucket. It healed pretty quickly but I did


> > realize until about 1 month later (maybe a little longer)

there was

> > something still in there. What I cut out of my finger

appeared to be

> > either a granule of chlorine or a small bead shaped piece of


> > bucket. In November I noticed a choking sensation whenever


> > a t-shirt and found a lump on my neck in the area of the


> > Tests revealed multi-nodules on both lobes consisting of both


> > and liquid composition. Biopsies show no malignancy. Could


> > particle found in my finger have been the culprit in the


> > of the nodules or is it simply coincidental?


> Well, chloride is a thyroid hormone inhibitor which is why you

should avoid cooking with city water or even drinking it. Also

bathing in it is toxic as well. It may be related. I don't know.

You were probably just headed toward thyroid nodules anyway and it

just happened at the same time.


> >

> > My second question is in regards to the iodine

supplementation, to

> > which I have many questions but will limit it here for now.

Since I

> > have been on the iodine supplementation I have felt great

with many

> > hypo and hyper symptoms subsiding (it seems I have been


> > between the two extremes). I have stopped on several

occasions due

> > to controversial research I have been doing on iodine

> > supplementation. In doing so, within just a very short

period of

> > time I feel terrible again (no tolerance to cold being the


> > thing to return). I have had to have two mercury fillings


> > within the last six months (since my last blood work for TSH

> > levels). After having the last filling removed (which was a


> > large one) and feeling so bad afterward I did research

finding that

> > I all the symptoms of mercury toxicity.


> Who removed them - was it a dentist trained in removal or just

a regular dentist. If they were not removed safely you were probably

exposed to mercury vapor in the drilling removal and if a dental dam

was not used you swallowed particles. Both will expose you. Mercury

is a thyroid hormone inhibitor. It piggybacks on many hormones

rendering them useless because they don't " look " like what the body

is looking for. You should take lots of selenium to help with this.

Glutathione and sulfer help as well. Iodine also detoxes mercury so

all of this may be a factor. Also make sure you are getting enough

Vit C.



> My blood work done up at

> > the beginning of December showed my TSH levels were up to 4.5


> > now my endocrinologist wants to test for autoimmune-

thyroiditis. My

> > question is, would not the iodine supplementation have

protected me

> > from the mercury? And why would the TSH levels be rising if


> > iodine is working?


> How much iodine are you taking? Are you taking all the

supporting nutrients. Iodine will not protect you unless you are A)

taking enough and B) getting all the required nutrients and C)

avoiding goitrogens / toxins that compete. It is a good idea to get

your TPO Ab and Tg Ab tested.


> >

> > Another question: I am currently doing a heavy metal cleanse


> > Renew. Is this a good one?


> I am not familiar with it. Do you still have amalgams in your

mouth? I use DMSA, MSM and Selenium to detox. I had 11 amalgams





> >

> >

> >

> >> >>

> >> >> I don't know. That test isn't an exact science for the

way you

> >> > are trying

> >> >> to interpret it. It's not designed to do that.

> >> >>

> >> >> I don't have your other post. Sorry.

> >> >>

> >> >>

> >> >>

> >> >>

> >

> >

> >

> >

> >

> >

> >

> >

> >

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--- surprisedbyjoytoo <surprisedbyjoytoo@...>



> Fortunately, we are on well water and therefore do

> not have the

> concerns of chlorine or fluoride in our water.


Have you tested the water for Fluoride? I have well

water as well and my dentist said there still could be

fluoride in the water. I never did do the test though

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No, we have not tested. It does not make sense that it would be

there since fluoride (and chlorine) is only put in at the water

plants and travels through public water pipes, etc. to its

destination. They are not treating the aquifers as far as I know.

We are far enough removed from any public water systems, unless it

is occurring naturally in the soil we should not have the type that

is added to water. Of course we do have it in our foods that are

treated with fluoridated, chlorinated water...ugh :o(




> >

> > Fortunately, we are on well water and therefore do

> > not have the

> > concerns of chlorine or fluoride in our water.

> =======================

> Have you tested the water for Fluoride? I have well

> water as well and my dentist said there still could be

> fluoride in the water. I never did do the test though



> 2008 walking miles

> Goal 600 miles for 2008

> January miles - 12 miles

> Year - 12 miles






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