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Re: Re: Dose of selenium

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That's awesome information. I'm low in T3, and didn't

know Selenium can correct this. I'm not on any Thyroid

meds. FT4 was midrange, FT3 low, TSH midrange.

Started Iodoral yesterday along with Selenium

supplement of 200 mcg. and then another 105 mcg. in a

vitamin/mineral supplement I take.

I'm splitting the dosage of the Selenium supplement

itself to twice a day alongside taking the Iodoral

twice a day. I may change this to a 4x a day for both

to spread more evenly for the body throughout the day.

Thanks for the great info Carol.

--- cbwillis9 <cbwillis9@...> wrote:

> The biggest benefit to selenium in moderate doses of

> 25-200 mcg is helping foster T3 for thyroid

> optimization,

> especially in those not medicated with a thyroid

> replacement

> that contains T3. A small amount can be quite

> adequate

> and effective. More is not necessarily better.


> As with any mineral, selenium can become toxic at

> some level for

> the individual. One has only to read a homeopathic

> materia

> medica to find that Selenium is one of the hottest

> temperatured

> remedies in the pharmacopaeia, a symptom one would

> find if

> thyroid were being produced in excess.... Then there

> the

> reverse effects that can happen if one gets too much

> of a

> thyroid stimulating substance, where the system goes

> hypothyroid or just somehow deranged in the process

> of trying

> to protect itself.


> Carol

> willis_protocols

> Article archive in Files, blog, Links, not a

> discussion group.



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Another benefit for Selenium is that it moves mercury out. It helps protect you from mercury damage. I just started taking 200 mcgs of Selenium to help with sensitivity issues. I am hoping that between this and the increased iodine I will lesson the effects of the vapor in my dentist's office since I am finding myself there almost every week lately with my son having orthodontic treatments.


Re: Dose of selenium

The biggest benefit to selenium in moderate doses of25-200 mcg is helping foster T3 for thyroid optimization,especially in those not medicated with a thyroid replacementthat contains T3. A small amount can be quite adequateand effective. More is not necessarily better. As with any mineral, selenium can become toxic at some level forthe individual. One has only to read a homeopathic materiamedica to find that Selenium is one of the hottest temperaturedremedies in the pharmacopaeia, a symptom one would find ifthyroid were being produced in excess.... Then there the reverse effects that can happen if one gets too much of a thyroid stimulating substance, where the system goeshypothyroid or just somehow deranged in the process of tryingto protect itself.Carolwillis_protocolsArticle archive in Files, blog, Links, not a discussion group.

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Significantly lower plasma selenium values 5 and 10 days after removal of

amalgam fillings. Amalgam fillings considerably contributed to the plasma and

urinary mercury levels.

http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/entrez/query.fcgi?cmd=Retrieve & db=pubmed & dopt=Abstra\

ct & list_uids=2368614

--- ladybugsandbees <ladybugsandbees@...> wrote:

> Another benefit for Selenium is that it moves mercury out. It helps protect

> you from mercury damage. I just started taking 200 mcgs of Selenium to help

> with sensitivity issues. I am hoping that between this and the increased

> iodine I will lesson the effects of the vapor in my dentist's office since I

> am finding myself there almost every week lately with my son having

> orthodontic treatments.


> Steph

> Re: Dose of selenium



> The biggest benefit to selenium in moderate doses of

> 25-200 mcg is helping foster T3 for thyroid optimization,

> especially in those not medicated with a thyroid replacement

> that contains T3. A small amount can be quite adequate

> and effective. More is not necessarily better.


> As with any mineral, selenium can become toxic at some level for

> the individual. One has only to read a homeopathic materia

> medica to find that Selenium is one of the hottest temperatured

> remedies in the pharmacopaeia, a symptom one would find if

> thyroid were being produced in excess.... Then there the

> reverse effects that can happen if one gets too much of a

> thyroid stimulating substance, where the system goes

> hypothyroid or just somehow deranged in the process of trying

> to protect itself.


> Carol

> willis_protocols

> Article archive in Files, blog, Links, not a discussion group.







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I don't know what my selenium levels are now. I had all my amalgams removed in May of this year. I did not take Selenium then. I am thinking that I should have added that to my regimine. Now that they are gone I am super sensitive to the vapor. My dentist runs special filters and takes extra precautions for me when I am there. I also take a ton of chelators to help lesson the effects. Taking selenium was by far the best protection so far.

Significantly lower plasma selenium values 5 and 10 days after removal ofamalgam fillings. Amalgam fillings considerably contributed to the plasma andurinary mercury levels.http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/entrez/query.fcgi?cmd=Retrieve & db=pubmed & dopt=Abstract & list_uids=2368614Messages in this topic (8) Reply (via web post) | Start a new topic


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Here are some typical amounts of selenium in the foods you mentioned from


Brazil nuts (one ounce = 6 nuts) 542 mcg

Spirulina (one ounce) 3 mcg

Wild Coho Salmon (one ounce) 10 mcg

I couldn't find blue-green algae, but I would guess it to be similar to spirulina. Remember these are averages. For example, Brazil nuts are highly variable. (See article by Chang: http://iodine4health.com/special/chang_selenium.htm )


----- Original Message -----

From: cbwillis9

One brazil nut supplies an MDRof selenium. Salmon, spirulina and other blue green algaeshave a lot of selenium.

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