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Re: Lugol's and sleep

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WOW! I am sleeping and dreaming better too. And here I was thinking I wasn't getting any effect from taking 8 drops of Lugol's a day. I have had SEVERE insomnia for years. Can the addition of Lugol's make such a difference?? The 'tired but wired' feeling is waning. Could this be due to the addition of iodine? Love, PamelaLinn <linnmiller@...> wrote: I had the same reaction to iodine regarding dreaming and sleeping well. I have

taken B6 for many years for PMS symptoms. So for me it was definitely the iodine that made the difference.LinnOn Nov 13, 2006, at 10:11 AM, Skipper Beers wrote:>From: " Gikas" <skg59comcast (DOT) net>>lack of dreaming is a B6 deficiency. B6 should be taken to "dream recall" >and that's the dose you needWhat I said is on Lugol's Solution I started dreaming for the first time in many years. I dream almost every night now, which I can remember the first few minutes I'm awake. (But, then they fade awake like dreams.)So, lack of dreaming may also be iodine deficiency.Skipper.

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It was either Abraham or Brownstein that wrote that iodine helps hydrate the

cells and more minerals flood into them. This creates a need for additional

minerals in particular magnesium since most cells are starved for it. I

personally believe that the additional magnesium in the cells is what causes

the REM sleep that brings the dreams.

They also wrote " Magnesium and iodine deficiencies are the causes of autoimmune

thyroiditis, not EXCESS iodide. " Which I always found interesting.

--- Pamela <calblonde1@...> wrote:

> WOW! I am sleeping and dreaming better too. And here I was thinking I

> wasn't getting any effect from taking 8 drops of Lugol's a day.


> I have had SEVERE insomnia for years. Can the addition of Lugol's make

> such a difference??


> The 'tired but wired' feeling is waning. Could this be due to the addition

> of iodine?


> Love,

> Pamela


> Linn <linnmiller@...> wrote:

> I had the same reaction to iodine regarding dreaming

> and sleeping well. I have taken B6 for many years for PMS symptoms. So

> for me it was definitely the iodine that made the difference.



> Linn


> On Nov 13, 2006, at 10:11 AM, Skipper Beers wrote:


> >From: " Gikas " <skg59@...>


> >lack of dreaming is a B6 deficiency. B6 should be taken to " dream recall "

> >and that's the dose you need


> What I said is on Lugol's Solution I started dreaming for the first time in

> many years. I dream almost every night now, which I can remember the first

> few minutes I'm awake. (But, then they fade awake like dreams.)


> So, lack of dreaming may also be iodine deficiency.


> Skipper




> .











> ---------------------------------

> Everyone is raving about the all-new beta.



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can you reference where they wrote this?...as in " Iodine " , it only

speculates that iodine deficiency is one factor.



> They also wrote " Magnesium and iodine deficiencies are the causes of


> thyroiditis, not EXCESS iodide. "

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>From: <kennio@...>

>It was either Abraham or Brownstein that wrote that iodine helps hydrate


>cells and more minerals flood into them. This creates a need for


>minerals in particular magnesium since most cells are starved for it. I

>personally believe that the additional magnesium in the cells is what


>the REM sleep that brings the dreams.

See, I told you I was never deficient in magnesium : ) Perhaps my cells

couldn't utilize it, but I wasn't low. I guess from what you're saying, the

fact I'm now dreaming says I have adequate magnesium. Since magnesium is a

component of chloryphyl, I may not need to supplement.



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>From: " comdyne@... " <comdyne@...>

>If you want to dream id full color and remember many of them, take B6

The Lugol's seems to provide colored dreams. As for remembering them more

than a minute or two after waking up, why would one want to remember a dream

as if it were reality? Especially, since not all dreams are pleasant.



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The quote comes from one of the Townsend newsletter rebuttals to Alan R. Gaby,

MDs editorial criticizing them.

" Magnesium and iodine deficiencies are the causes of autoimmune thyroiditis,

not excess iodide. "


--- cindi22595 <cindi22595@...> wrote:

> can you reference where they wrote this?...as in " Iodine " , it only

> speculates that iodine deficiency is one factor.

> cindi



> >>

> > They also wrote " Magnesium and iodine deficiencies are the causes of

> autoimmune

> > thyroiditis, not EXCESS iodide. "






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ok, thanks...I'll look at that.

but in his book, Brownstein does not say this...but only says " I

believe " that iodine deficiency may be an important factor in

developing an autoimmune thyroid disorder...and he does list other

factors. Oddly in the list he gives, " hormonal " trigger isn't

mentioned and yet that seems to be the most noticeable triggering

factor among women in thyroid forums.



> The quote comes from one of the Townsend newsletter rebuttals to

Alan R. Gaby,

> MDs editorial criticizing them.


> " Magnesium and iodine deficiencies are the causes of autoimmune


> not excess iodide. "


> http://www.townsendletter.com/April2006/iodine0406.htm

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Because a lot of the time, dreams are addressing

things that people deal with every day IN reality.

Sometimes good solutions come that way.

Even in unpleasant dreams, too. For instance, an

unpleasant dream in which a person driving a car spins

out of control and crashes into a tree or off a cliff

can be symbolic of the person feeling out of control

during their waking lives. This can be a big warning

to the person (if they listen to it) that they really

need to start dealing with whatever stress is going on

in their awake lives that is causing them to feel they

have no control, or are out of control.

--- Skipper Beers <lsb149@...> wrote:

> >From: " comdyne@... " <comdyne@...>

> The Lugol's seems to provide colored dreams. As for

> remembering them more

> than a minute or two after waking up, why would one

> want to remember a dream

> as if it were reality? Especially, since not all

> dreams are pleasant.


> Skipper



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I always pay attention to my dreams. Dreams communicate impressions

to me about the supplements and diet am on or thinking about changing



On 11/14/06, JD <ybr1959@...> wrote:

> Because a lot of the time, dreams are addressing

> things that people deal with every day IN reality.

> Sometimes good solutions come that way.


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