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The following herbs are the most effective for parasite elimination:

Black Walnut Hulls


Clove Stems


Pumpkin Seeds





Male Fern

Cranberry Powder

Grape Seed Extract

(Most of these herbs can easily be found at my favorite source for

organic herbs.)

The 3 most important herbs on this list are: Black Walnut Hulls,

Wormwood and Cloves.

Black Walnut Hulls

Black Walnut is a rich source of the trace mineral chromium and is

also high in iodine. Its inner bark, leaves, fruit and unripe husk

are used in herbology. The tree grows widely in the western U.S. and

Canada and is native to the hardwood forests of the Central

Mississippi Valley and the Appalachian region of North America. It

is a large tree and can sometimes reach a height of 100 feet and 4-5

feet in diameter.

Black Walnut is both anti-fungal and anti-parasite and acts as a

laxative which expells worms and parasites from the body. Black

Walnut oxygenates the blood which helps to kill parasites. Black

Walnut aids in expelling tapeworms, pinworms, and ringworm. It has

also been shown to be specific for treatment of Candida Albicans.

Black walnut extract is a powerful vermifuge agent for treating

parasite conditions. Black walnut extract greatly assists the

removal of parasites from extracellular fluids, such as the blood

and lymph, and in organs such as the liver, kidneys, brain, heart

and intestinal tract.


The wormwood shrub grows wild in Europe, North Africa, and western

Asia. It is now cultivated in North America as well. The leaves and

flowers, and the oil obtained from them, are all used in herbal

medicine. Wormwood should be used cautiously. It may anesthetize a

worm enough that it looses its grip on the intestines so that it can

be eliminated. This said, wormwood has some other properties that

qualify it for an antiparasitic protocol: it reduces stomach pain

and helps to relieve the anemia that often accompanies

parasitization of red blood cells.


For parasite cleansing, it is necessary to use fresh cloves that

have not been irradiated. Most spices are irradiated with 35,000 the

amount of radiation permitted in a chest x-ray. This is supposedly

done to eradicate bacteria, but spices are generally excellent

bactericides so the irradiation is merely a way of destroying the

precious properties of spices. Non-irradiated spices are available

from most high-end health foods stores. My favorite source for non-

irradiated spices on the internet is here. Cloves are antiseptic,

bactericidal, and antiparasitic.

The best price I have found on the internet for Black Walnut is

here My favorite source for cloves is here You can find Wormwood


When parasites die off, their dying bodies generate ammonia and can

cause a toxic reaction. Doing a liver cleanse will help reduce

toxicity and eliminate toxic reactions from parasite die-off that

could otherwise adversely affect the liver.

Coffee enemas work extremely well in reducing toxicity and

eliminating adverse reactions caused by toxic overload.

Once the parasites are gone

Since parasites thrive in the absence of proper intestinal flora,

once we are rid of the parasites it is wise to repopulate the body

with intestinal flora. Chlorinated water and diarrhea cause

destruction and loss of friendly flora so every effort should be

made to rebuild the flora. Turmeric greatly assists this work as do

supplements of acidophilus, bifidus, bulgaricus, and other


Destroying parasites, while making sure that the body's immune

system is supported throughout this process, and rejuvenating the

large intestine are the main steps and may take weeks or months.

Since the parasites may have caused anemia, blood building may also

be necessary. Perforation of organs is another possible complication

of infection. Rejuvenative herbs for the liver, kidneys, intestines,

and even the brain may also be advisable.

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My experience, doing a parasite cleanse helped with my pains immediately- In my

opinion, the clove has an effect as a pain reliever, but in a different way. I

think that herb causes blood circulation.

tina83862 <tina83862@...> wrote:

The following herbs are the most effective for parasite elimination:

Black Walnut Hulls


Clove Stems


Pumpkin Seeds





Male Fern

Cranberry Powder

Grape Seed Extract

(Most of these herbs can easily be found at my favorite source for

organic herbs.)

The 3 most important herbs on this list are: Black Walnut Hulls,

Wormwood and Cloves.

Black Walnut Hulls

Black Walnut is a rich source of the trace mineral chromium and is

also high in iodine. Its inner bark, leaves, fruit and unripe husk

are used in herbology. The tree grows widely in the western U.S. and

Canada and is native to the hardwood forests of the Central

Mississippi Valley and the Appalachian region of North America. It

is a large tree and can sometimes reach a height of 100 feet and 4-5

feet in diameter.

Black Walnut is both anti-fungal and anti-parasite and acts as a

laxative which expells worms and parasites from the body. Black

Walnut oxygenates the blood which helps to kill parasites. Black

Walnut aids in expelling tapeworms, pinworms, and ringworm. It has

also been shown to be specific for treatment of Candida Albicans.

Black walnut extract is a powerful vermifuge agent for treating

parasite conditions. Black walnut extract greatly assists the

removal of parasites from extracellular fluids, such as the blood

and lymph, and in organs such as the liver, kidneys, brain, heart

and intestinal tract.


The wormwood shrub grows wild in Europe, North Africa, and western

Asia. It is now cultivated in North America as well. The leaves and

flowers, and the oil obtained from them, are all used in herbal

medicine. Wormwood should be used cautiously. It may anesthetize a

worm enough that it looses its grip on the intestines so that it can

be eliminated. This said, wormwood has some other properties that

qualify it for an antiparasitic protocol: it reduces stomach pain

and helps to relieve the anemia that often accompanies

parasitization of red blood cells.


For parasite cleansing, it is necessary to use fresh cloves that

have not been irradiated. Most spices are irradiated with 35,000 the

amount of radiation permitted in a chest x-ray. This is supposedly

done to eradicate bacteria, but spices are generally excellent

bactericides so the irradiation is merely a way of destroying the

precious properties of spices. Non-irradiated spices are available

from most high-end health foods stores. My favorite source for non-

irradiated spices on the internet is here. Cloves are antiseptic,

bactericidal, and antiparasitic.

The best price I have found on the internet for Black Walnut is

here My favorite source for cloves is here You can find Wormwood


When parasites die off, their dying bodies generate ammonia and can

cause a toxic reaction. Doing a liver cleanse will help reduce

toxicity and eliminate toxic reactions from parasite die-off that

could otherwise adversely affect the liver.

Coffee enemas work extremely well in reducing toxicity and

eliminating adverse reactions caused by toxic overload.

Once the parasites are gone

Since parasites thrive in the absence of proper intestinal flora,

once we are rid of the parasites it is wise to repopulate the body

with intestinal flora. Chlorinated water and diarrhea cause

destruction and loss of friendly flora so every effort should be

made to rebuild the flora. Turmeric greatly assists this work as do

supplements of acidophilus, bifidus, bulgaricus, and other


Destroying parasites, while making sure that the body's immune

system is supported throughout this process, and rejuvenating the

large intestine are the main steps and may take weeks or months.

Since the parasites may have caused anemia, blood building may also

be necessary. Perforation of organs is another possible complication

of infection. Rejuvenative herbs for the liver, kidneys, intestines,

and even the brain may also be advisable.

Learn more from our experience, over 7.000 liver flush stories:





Liver Cleanse Recipe: http://CureZone.com/cleanse/liver/

Liver Flush FAQ: http://curezone.com/forums/f.asp?f=73




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Have a nice day !

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Can someone tell me why wormwood should be used cautiously? What do we look

for when we are being cautious using this? I haven't used it, but am curious

since the

article doesn't state the reason.


On 1 Dec 2005 at 15:24, L L wrote:

> Wormwood


> The wormwood shrub grows wild in Europe, North Africa, and western

> Asia. It is now cultivated in North America as well. The leaves and

> flowers, and the oil obtained from them, are all used in herbal

> medicine. Wormwood should be used cautiously. It may anesthetize a

> worm enough that it looses its grip on the intestines so that it can

> be eliminated. This said, wormwood has some other properties that

> qualify it for an antiparasitic protocol: it reduces stomach pain

> and helps to relieve the anemia that often accompanies

> parasitization of red blood cells.


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to my knowledge it might be Absinthe.

--- Kathleen <KathleenPL@...> wrote:

> Can someone tell me why wormwood should be used

> cautiously? What do we look

> for when we are being cautious using this? I haven't

> used it, but am curious since the

> article doesn't state the reason.


> Kathleen


> On 1 Dec 2005 at 15:24, L L wrote:


> > Wormwood

> >

> > The wormwood shrub grows wild in Europe, North

> Africa, and western

> > Asia. It is now cultivated in North America as

> well. The leaves and

> > flowers, and the oil obtained from them, are all

> used in herbal

> > medicine. Wormwood should be used cautiously. It

> may anesthetize a

> > worm enough that it looses its grip on the

> intestines so that it can

> > be eliminated. This said, wormwood has some other

> properties that

> > qualify it for an antiparasitic protocol: it

> reduces stomach pain

> > and helps to relieve the anemia that often

> accompanies

> > parasitization of red blood cells.

> >





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Artemesia absinthia was and still is used to make a now outlawed psychoactive

liqueur called absinthe. It was the rage of the European artistic culture in

the 1800s and people literally went mad on it (seen the movie Moulin Rouge? The

production was in an " Absinthe style " ). It was not from the wormwood, it was

from copper salts that were added or used by unscrupulous makers to give it the

same color as the expensive wormwood. Wormwood contains thujone and some other

phytochemicals that in large doses long term may be contraindicated. The

general rule is that something which is toxic to parasites will be toxic to you

to some extent (male fern is a good example). Used properly there should be

absolutely no problem unless you are enduring liver or kidney disease. -Dave

----- Original Message -----

From: Kathleen<mailto:KathleenPL@...>

gallstones <mailto:gallstones >

Sent: Thursday, December 01, 2005 3:59 PM

Subject: Re: continued info

Can someone tell me why wormwood should be used cautiously? What do we look

for when we are being cautious using this? I haven't used it, but am curious

since the

article doesn't state the reason.


On 1 Dec 2005 at 15:24, L L wrote:

> Wormwood


> The wormwood shrub grows wild in Europe, North Africa, and western

> Asia. It is now cultivated in North America as well. The leaves and

> flowers, and the oil obtained from them, are all used in herbal

> medicine. Wormwood should be used cautiously. It may anesthetize a

> worm enough that it looses its grip on the intestines so that it can

> be eliminated. This said, wormwood has some other properties that

> qualify it for an antiparasitic protocol: it reduces stomach pain

> and helps to relieve the anemia that often accompanies

> parasitization of red blood cells.


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Have a nice day !

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> According to the fda there is only 3 ways to treat cancer and all

> other ways will be demonised by them the 3 ways are chemotherapy,

> radiation and surgery.

No, the best way to treat cancer is prevention :)


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Thank you for the explanation. I don't think I had ever heard of wormwood

before. I

don't know much about herbs, but want to learn.

Yes, the FDA does get excited when someone claims to cure cancer. There are an

awful lot of people who can be taken in by false claims, especially when they

are sick

and in pain and scared of dying. I'm not saying all claims are false, I've just

known of

a lot of people getting hurt by con artists. Nor do I think doctors have all the


That's one reason why I'm currently not taking any drugs and have never had any

surgery of any kind and at my age that is surprising. Just my opinion. That and

$5 will

get you a cup of coffee somewhere.


On 2 Dec 2005 at 14:21, Belskis wrote:

> The fda has a warning about wormwood that is why people say to use

> it cautiously


> I heard that overuse causes liver damge and I think that is what the

> fda claims.


> Traditionaly wormwood has been used by herbalists for thousands of

> years.


> The FDA tends to go after any herbs that are claimed to treat or cure

> cancer.


> According to the fda there is only 3 ways to treat cancer and all

> other ways will be demonised by them the 3 ways are chemotherapy,

> radiation and surgery.


> Hope this information helps !

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The fda has a warning about wormwood that is why people say to use

it cautiously

I heard that overuse causes liver damge and I think that is what the

fda claims.

Traditionaly wormwood has been used by herbalists for thousands of


The FDA tends to go after any herbs that are claimed to treat or cure


According to the fda there is only 3 ways to treat cancer and all

other ways will be demonised by them the 3 ways are chemotherapy,

radiation and surgery.

Hope this information helps !


Jay Grosflam wrote:

> to my knowledge it might be Absinthe.


> --- Kathleen <KathleenPL@...> wrote:


> > Can someone tell me why wormwood should be used

> > cautiously? What do we look

> > for when we are being cautious using this? I haven't

> > used it, but am curious since the

> > article doesn't state the reason.

> >

> > Kathleen

> >

> > On 1 Dec 2005 at 15:24, L L wrote:

> >

> > > Wormwood

> > >

> > > The wormwood shrub grows wild in Europe, North

> > Africa, and western

> > > Asia. It is now cultivated in North America as

> > well. The leaves and

> > > flowers, and the oil obtained from them, are all

> > used in herbal

> > > medicine. Wormwood should be used cautiously. It

> > may anesthetize a

> > > worm enough that it looses its grip on the

> > intestines so that it can

> > > be eliminated. This said, wormwood has some other

> > properties that

> > > qualify it for an antiparasitic protocol: it

> > reduces stomach pain

> > > and helps to relieve the anemia that often

> > accompanies

> > > parasitization of red blood cells.

> > >

> >

> >

> >





> __________________________________________

> DSL - Something to write home about.

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The FDA list as usual is crap. There are herbs that require caution, wormwood

is fairly innocuous.; unless of course as the one link pointed out you do

something stupid like ingest the essential oil straight: Suicide.

----- Original Message -----

From: Belskis<mailto:brian0017@...>

gallstones <mailto:gallstones >

Sent: Friday, December 02, 2005 2:21 PM

Subject: Re: continued info

The fda has a warning about wormwood that is why people say to use

it cautiously

I heard that overuse causes liver damge and I think that is what the

fda claims.

Traditionaly wormwood has been used by herbalists for thousands of


The FDA tends to go after any herbs that are claimed to treat or cure


According to the fda there is only 3 ways to treat cancer and all

other ways will be demonised by them the 3 ways are chemotherapy,

radiation and surgery.

Hope this information helps !


Jay Grosflam wrote:

> to my knowledge it might be Absinthe.


> --- Kathleen <KathleenPL@...> wrote:


> > Can someone tell me why wormwood should be used

> > cautiously? What do we look

> > for when we are being cautious using this? I haven't

> > used it, but am curious since the

> > article doesn't state the reason.

> >

> > Kathleen

> >

> > On 1 Dec 2005 at 15:24, L L wrote:

> >

> > > Wormwood

> > >

> > > The wormwood shrub grows wild in Europe, North

> > Africa, and western

> > > Asia. It is now cultivated in North America as

> > well. The leaves and

> > > flowers, and the oil obtained from them, are all

> > used in herbal

> > > medicine. Wormwood should be used cautiously. It

> > may anesthetize a

> > > worm enough that it looses its grip on the

> > intestines so that it can

> > > be eliminated. This said, wormwood has some other

> > properties that

> > > qualify it for an antiparasitic protocol: it

> > reduces stomach pain

> > > and helps to relieve the anemia that often

> > accompanies

> > > parasitization of red blood cells.

> > >

> >

> >

> >





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