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Re: Re: I'm trying to avoid a thyroidectomy... any advice??

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After struggling with MD's for several years I decided that their approach --- pill and procedures wasn't helping me and started to seek out DO. The basic for me was that every MD that did surgery seemed to want to solve my problem with surgery --- every oncologist wanted to solve my problem with chemo ---- and of course all the radiologists wanted to fry my tumor. I am now working with three separate DO's and seem to be making progress.

Check-um out here ----> http://www.osteopathic.org/index.cfm?PageID=findado_main

Hope your day is going well

Duke . 214-823-7070

iodine From: sctrojan89@...Date: Sat, 24 May 2008 18:57:57 +0000Subject: Re: I'm trying to avoid a thyroidectomy... any advice??

No sign of Hashimoto's. I have not been told one way or another if the gland is swollen or not. Are there endocrinologists who will suggest Armour or anything else in an effort to shrink the tumor?Thanks for the response.JeffMy Dr. has not presented any alternatives to surgery if the tumor continues to grow.>> Hi Jeff,> > You can save your thyroid:) It will take some work, but it can be done. > You should read 's website at www.naturalthyroidchoices.com because > she has brought all the important information together about how to HEAL > your thyroid instead of yank it. I have been thyroidless for a year now, > and I think you are doing the right thing to try to heal your thyroid first > instead of removing it.> > Iodine is an important component of healing the thyroid. Your nodule is a > symptom of iodine deficiency.> > Has the doctor given you armour thyroid to try to shrink the nodule? I had > a nodule for years and the only time it ever got smaller was when I went to > a doctor who suppressed my TSH. Have they done blood tests to see if you > have hashimoto's? Is your thyroid gland itself swollen as well?> > > ----- Original Message ----- > > > > > Six months ago I discovered a fairly large tumor on my thyroid -> > approximately 5 cm. It has since grown to approximately 6 cm and my> > endocrinologist is encouraging me to have the tumor (along with at> > least half of my thyroid gland, perhaps more) surgically removed. It> > has been biopsied twice and has shown to be benign. Also, my thyroid> > appears to be functioning normally.> >> > As routine as my doctor is making it sound, I have heard and read too> > many horror stories about the complications that many have> > encountered after having this procedure. I very much want to avoid> > surgery if at all possible but I don't know where to turn. I'm being> > told by my doctor that if the tumor grows any further (which he> > suspects it will) it will begin affecting other organs - larnyx,> > trachea, etc.> >> > I went so far as to visit a medical clinic in Tijuana, Mexico that> > claims to be able to create a vaccine using t-cells extracted from my> > blood which will attack the tumor thereby shrinking the it. The t-> > cells will also damage my thyroid so they then extract stem cells> > from my blood and create another vaccine which will allegedly repair> > the damage to my thyroid. For a myriad of reasons I'm skeptical.> >> > I came across this message board and am intrigued and a little> > hopeful. Can anyone steer me to a professional who can offer me any> > viable alternatives, including someone with some expertise on the> > benefits of iodine and nodules/tumors? I live in southern California> > but am willing to travel just about anywhere to get help. Per my> > endocrinologist, at the current rate of growth, I will need the> > surgery by August.> >> > Sorry for the long message but at the risk of being overly-redundant,> > I very much would like to save my thyroid.> >> > Thanks in advance for any help or advice.> >> > Jeff> >> Change the world with e-mail. Join the i’m Initiative from Microsoft.

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Can you give some reference for this information? I have never heard the

hcg tied to thyroid cancer - and I have done a LOT of reading on this.

Re: I'm trying to avoid a thyroidectomy... any advice??

> Biopsys are very dangerous as they often allow cancer cells to travel

> once a wound is created. Blood hCG along with elevated lactic acid

> would indicate the presence of a malignancy without the risk of

> metastasis resulting from the biopsy, which are not always analyzed

> properly. Tissue analysis via biopsy isn't all that accurate and is

> not the final word as to whether or not someone has cancer.


> Benign tumors will form when there is an imbalance between

> Thyrotropin and Gonadotropin, both produced by the anterior portion

> of the pituitary gland. Excess Thyrotropin produces malignant tumors

> where excess Gonadotropin produces benign tumors.


> The mechanism that the body uses to break down tumors which are

> constantly forming in the body as a part of the cellular

> repair/replacement process, is Trypsin and Chymotrypsin. As we age,

> the pancreas often produces less and thus it may be desirable to take

> additional digestive enzymes via supplementation to make up for

> potential deficiencies.


> Animal proteins such as from pork or red meat are broken down using

> these special enzymes which hold a dual role in the body. When we

> sleep and with an empty stomach, these same enzymes travel throughout

> the body and break down the fibrin tumors that have completed a

> repair of some localized damaged tissue. We eat far too much animal

> protein and we can get all we need from vegetables anyway contrary to

> popular belief.


> Iodine deficiency is only part of the solution, the adrenals as well

> as all of the other secratory glands play a role in homeostasis.

> Typical medical doctors are often very narrow-minded and only

> practice between the goal posts. To get real relief you need to find

> a renegade doctor, preferably a former MD who became a Naturopath

> who understands much more than is taught in medical schools. So much

> was deliberately left out of the standard medical education and this

> is why the average MD can't cure anything.


> To start, get a urine challenge test and a hair sampling to determine

> if you are contaminated with heavy metals. Have dental amalgams

> removed by a 'Huggins' dentist and learn all you can about eating

> correct diets.


> Stomach acid is also a must. If you have had heart burn and are

> taking acid blockers, your body cannot uptake the minerals it

> requires. This can lead to blindness as well as cancer because any

> required nutrient that is missing has the potential to trigger

> cellular malfunction which then leads to some form of a disease.

> Disease comes from within, germs arrive after the fact and are not

> the primary cause of disease.




>> Six months ago I discovered a fairly large tumor on my thyroid -

>> approximately 5 cm. It has since grown to approximately 6 cm and my

>> endocrinologist is encouraging me to have the tumor (along with at

>> least half of my thyroid gland, perhaps more) surgically removed.

> It

>> has been biopsied twice and has shown to be benign. Also, my

> thyroid

>> appears to be functioning normally.


>> As routine as my doctor is making it sound, I have heard and read

> too

>> many horror stories about the complications that many have

>> encountered after having this procedure. I very much want to avoid

>> surgery if at all possible but I don't know where to turn. I'm

> being

>> told by my doctor that if the tumor grows any further (which he

>> suspects it will) it will begin affecting other organs - larnyx,

>> trachea, etc.


>> I went so far as to visit a medical clinic in Tijuana, Mexico that

>> claims to be able to create a vaccine using t-cells extracted from

> my

>> blood which will attack the tumor thereby shrinking the it. The t-

>> cells will also damage my thyroid so they then extract stem cells

>> from my blood and create another vaccine which will allegedly

> repair

>> the damage to my thyroid. For a myriad of reasons I'm skeptical.


>> I came across this message board and am intrigued and a little

>> hopeful. Can anyone steer me to a professional who can offer me any

>> viable alternatives, including someone with some expertise on the

>> benefits of iodine and nodules/tumors? I live in southern

> California

>> but am willing to travel just about anywhere to get help. Per my

>> endocrinologist, at the current rate of growth, I will need the

>> surgery by August.


>> Sorry for the long message but at the risk of being overly-

> redundant,

>> I very much would like to save my thyroid.


>> Thanks in advance for any help or advice.


>> Jeff





> ------------------------------------






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Endos are the worst for thyroids. :) They only prescribe synthroid. No

healing just cut / poison / burn.

Re: I'm trying to avoid a thyroidectomy... any advice??

> No sign of Hashimoto's. I have not been told one way or another if

> the gland is swollen or not. Are there endocrinologists who will

> suggest Armour or anything else in an effort to shrink the tumor?


> Thanks for the response.


> Jeff


> My Dr. has not presented any alternatives to surgery if the tumor

> continues to grow.



>> Hi Jeff,


>> You can save your thyroid:) It will take some work, but it can be

> done.

>> You should read 's website at

> www.naturalthyroidchoices.com because

>> she has brought all the important information together about how to


>> your thyroid instead of yank it. I have been thyroidless for a

> year now,

>> and I think you are doing the right thing to try to heal your

> thyroid first

>> instead of removing it.


>> Iodine is an important component of healing the thyroid. Your

> nodule is a

>> symptom of iodine deficiency.


>> Has the doctor given you armour thyroid to try to shrink the

> nodule? I had

>> a nodule for years and the only time it ever got smaller was when I

> went to

>> a doctor who suppressed my TSH. Have they done blood tests to see

> if you

>> have hashimoto's? Is your thyroid gland itself swollen as well?



>> ----- Original Message -----




>> > Six months ago I discovered a fairly large tumor on my thyroid -

>> > approximately 5 cm. It has since grown to approximately 6 cm and

> my

>> > endocrinologist is encouraging me to have the tumor (along with at

>> > least half of my thyroid gland, perhaps more) surgically removed.

> It

>> > has been biopsied twice and has shown to be benign. Also, my

> thyroid

>> > appears to be functioning normally.

>> >

>> > As routine as my doctor is making it sound, I have heard and read

> too

>> > many horror stories about the complications that many have

>> > encountered after having this procedure. I very much want to avoid

>> > surgery if at all possible but I don't know where to turn. I'm

> being

>> > told by my doctor that if the tumor grows any further (which he

>> > suspects it will) it will begin affecting other organs - larnyx,

>> > trachea, etc.

>> >

>> > I went so far as to visit a medical clinic in Tijuana, Mexico that

>> > claims to be able to create a vaccine using t-cells extracted

> from my

>> > blood which will attack the tumor thereby shrinking the it. The t-

>> > cells will also damage my thyroid so they then extract stem cells

>> > from my blood and create another vaccine which will allegedly

> repair

>> > the damage to my thyroid. For a myriad of reasons I'm skeptical.

>> >

>> > I came across this message board and am intrigued and a little

>> > hopeful. Can anyone steer me to a professional who can offer me

> any

>> > viable alternatives, including someone with some expertise on the

>> > benefits of iodine and nodules/tumors? I live in southern

> California

>> > but am willing to travel just about anywhere to get help. Per my

>> > endocrinologist, at the current rate of growth, I will need the

>> > surgery by August.

>> >

>> > Sorry for the long message but at the risk of being overly-

> redundant,

>> > I very much would like to save my thyroid.

>> >

>> > Thanks in advance for any help or advice.

>> >

>> > Jeff

>> >





> ------------------------------------






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I have no idea where you get this idea, but I know exactly what cancer tumor

was made of, and it was NOT A PLACENTA. That is absurd.

>>A cancer tumor is identical to a placenta, its just in the

wrong place and has the wrong contents.

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So are you saying that a thyroid cancer tumor would emit hcg?

Re: I'm trying to avoid a thyroidectomy... any advice??

> No its not absurd. The tissues and the angeogenesis is exactly the same

> and both emit hCG. Tumors are formed as a protection mechanism to

> prevent the body from becoming contaminated. Tumors are like garbage

> bags, the body encapsulates trash that otherwise would poison the

> entire entity. The tumor is made of fibrin, the natural material that

> the body uses to build tissue. The construction of a placenta and a

> tumor are exactly the same type of tissue.

> -------------------------------------------------------------------

> " Embryological research now confirms that the fetal pancreas begins to

> manufacture and secrete digestive enzymes early in development.

> Although the embryo has no need for an activated pancreas or for

> pancreatic enzymes until it's the day of birth, these secretions appear

> to begin for another reasons. "


> " Beard took this work to yet another level, believing that all tumors

> arose from misplaced placenta cells, which had been deprived of proper

> control. These cells were thought to be left over from early embryonic

> stages and were kept under control by circulating pancreatic enzymes.

> However, these cells can quickly grow out of control should the

> pancreas fail to manufacture or release adequate amounts of proteolytic

> enzymes. "


> " In 1911, Beard published a monograph of his work, entitled The Enzyme

> Therapy of Cancer. Although his peers met him with ridicule, his work

> is now ecognized as being 100 years ahead of his time. Today

> histologists and molecular biologists have identified Beard's misplaced

> placental cells in every organ. Today, however, they are called stem

> cells. "


> http://www.lef.org/magazine/mag2001/aug2001_report_gongalez_01.html


> I've got more references. How many do you think you will require?




>> I have no idea where you get this idea, but I know exactly what

> cancer tumor

>> was made of, and it was NOT A PLACENTA. That is absurd.




>> >>A cancer tumor is identical to a placenta, its just in the

>> wrong place and has the wrong contents.





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Absolutely Jeff. Ask away. Since I have been there and wish I could go back

and do it differently I fight hard to make sure others don't make the same

mistakes. It has taken me 3 years to recover from a very long 6 years of

hell - not to mention the financial burden it placed on my family to get


Another thing to consider is if you have a lot of amalgam fillings they are

toxic to thyroid and tied to cancer. I had all mine removed along with a

root canal tooth.


I'm trying to avoid a thyroidectomy... any

> advice??



>> > Six months ago I discovered a fairly large tumor on my thyroid -

>> > approximately 5 cm. It has since grown to approximately 6 cm and

> my

>> > endocrinologist is encouraging me to have the tumor (along with at

>> > least half of my thyroid gland, perhaps more) surgically removed.

> It

>> > has been biopsied twice and has shown to be benign. Also, my

> thyroid

>> > appears to be functioning normally.

>> >

>> > As routine as my doctor is making it sound, I have heard and read

> too

>> > many horror stories about the complications that many have

>> > encountered after having this procedure. I very much want to avoid

>> > surgery if at all possible but I don't know where to turn. I'm

> being

>> > told by my doctor that if the tumor grows any further (which he

>> > suspects it will) it will begin affecting other organs - larnyx,

>> > trachea, etc.

>> >

>> > I went so far as to visit a medical clinic in Tijuana, Mexico that

>> > claims to be able to create a vaccine using t-cells extracted

> from my

>> > blood which will attack the tumor thereby shrinking the it. The t-

>> > cells will also damage my thyroid so they then extract stem cells

>> > from my blood and create another vaccine which will allegedly

> repair

>> > the damage to my thyroid. For a myriad of reasons I'm skeptical.

>> >

>> > I came across this message board and am intrigued and a little

>> > hopeful. Can anyone steer me to a professional who can offer me

> any

>> > viable alternatives, including someone with some expertise on the

>> > benefits of iodine and nodules/tumors? I live in southern

> California

>> > but am willing to travel just about anywhere to get help. Per my

>> > endocrinologist, at the current rate of growth, I will need the

>> > surgery by August.

>> >

>> > Sorry for the long message but at the risk of being overly-

> redundant,

>> > I very much would like to save my thyroid.

>> >

>> > Thanks in advance for any help or advice.

>> >

>> > Jeff

>> >

>> >

>> > ------------------------------------

>> >

>> >

>> >

>> >

>> >

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As I said, I know exactly what my tumor was made of, and it wasn't a

placenta. You can quote all the " proof " you want. That does not change the

make up of my tumor.

Now, let's get back to discussing iodine which is what this group is about.

----- Original Message -----


> I've got more references. How many do you think you will require?


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If that is what the claim is, that's a problem since I was tested for that

and nothing came up on my test.

----- Original Message -----

> So are you saying that a thyroid cancer tumor would emit hcg?



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Well that's not true then. Because then they would use hcg as a marker for

thyroid cancer. They don't. They use thyroglobulin. There are issues with

using thyroglobulin as it is produced in both normal and cancerous tissue so

they don't really know if it is RAI resistant tissue or cancerous tissue.

If hcg worked then they would be able to use it instead - since technically

it should only be present in pregnancy. They don't. So are you saying that

they are wrong? When I was pregnant my Tg rose quite rapidly - it was

really the hcg that made it look like the Tg was up since lab personnel

cannot tell the difference in the two. Hcg artificially (or erroneously)

elevates Tg.

Can you tell me what your background is? I notice you never sign your posts

either. When making strong accusations as you do it would be nice to know

who I am talking to.

Re: I'm trying to avoid a thyroidectomy... any

> advice??





> ------------------------------------






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I have had the same results as in my testing and we are in two

different states with different doctors. I have had 5 different doctors and

4 different labs testing.

Re: I'm trying to avoid a thyroidectomy... any advice??

> You assume that the medics have been honest with you or that the lab

> technician wasn't on dope when he/she took the readings. Medicine is

> not science. Its mostly guesswork. Are you really satisfied with the

> results you are getting?




>> If that is what the claim is, that's a problem since I was tested for

> that

>> and nothing came up on my test.



>> ----- Original Message -----




>> > So are you saying that a thyroid cancer tumor would emit hcg?

>> >

>> >





> ------------------------------------






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Well to me you are " airing " nothing. Your information is a bit off. Some

things are true that you reference but when it comes to thyroid cancer your

information is not correct.

Re: I'm trying to avoid a thyroidectomy... any

>> > advice??

>> >> SNIP

>> >>

>> >

>> >

>> > ------------------------------------

>> >

>> >

>> >

>> >

>> >

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This company thinks there is a connection an using their money to prove it?

hCG Helps Cancers Grow Without Interference From The Immune System http://www.cgtherapeutics.com/science.htm


Because hCG or its variants, ßhCG and hCG-H, are produced by all types of solid tumor cancers, CGT’s strategy of targeting them offers a therapeutic approach that may work for a wide variety of malignancies.

hCG is the hormone detected by most pregnancy tests. It is produced by human embryos and is essential for their implantation and growth in the womb. It shields the embryo from the mother’s immune system and stimulates the growth of blood vessels that nourish the fetus.

When the hCG variants, ßhCG and hCG-H are produced by metastatic cancer cells, they begin to promote the nourishment, growth and spread of cancer. The hCG variants’ powerful cytokine-like effects allow tumors to grow undisturbed by the immune system, contributing to terminal illness in most types of cancer including lung, colon, ovarian, pancreatic, breast and a wide variety of other solid tumors.

Hope your day is going well

Duke . 214-823-7070

iodine From: decubellisranch@...Date: Sat, 24 May 2008 18:52:58 -0400Subject: Re: Re: I'm trying to avoid a thyroidectomy... any advice??

If that is what the claim is, that's a problem since I was tested for that and nothing came up on my test.----- Original Message ----- > So are you saying that a thyroid cancer tumor would emit hcg?>> E-mail for the greater good. Join the i’m Initiative from Microsoft.

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This is not true of all cancers, which is what the original post claimed as well as this article. This was NOT the case for me based on bloodwork. This may be true of some cancers and some patients, but not everyone.

----- Original Message -----

This company thinks there is a connection an using their money to prove it?

hCG Helps Cancers Grow Without Interference From The Immune System http://www.cgtherapeutics.com/science.htm


Because hCG or its variants, ßhCG and hCG-H, are produced by all types of solid tumor cancers, CGT’s strategy of targeting them offers a therapeutic approach that may work for a wide variety of malignancies.

hCG is the hormone detected by most pregnancy tests. It is produced by human embryos and is essential for their implantation and growth in the womb. It shields the embryo from the mother’s immune system and stimulates the growth of blood vessels that nourish the fetus.When the hCG variants, ßhCG and hCG-H are produced by metastatic cancer cells, they begin to promote the nourishment, growth and spread of cancer. The hCG variants’ powerful cytokine-like effects allow tumors to grow undisturbed by the immune system, contributing to terminal illness in most types of cancer including lung, colon, ovarian, pancreatic, breast and a wide variety of other solid tumors. Hope your day is going well

Duke . 214-823-7070

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It is true of prostate cancer (which is gonadal) and I think that is the key. Also Ovarian is subject to high hcg levels - another gonad organ. I think that is the defining factor.


Re: Re: I'm trying to avoid a thyroidectomy... any advice??

This is not true of all cancers, which is what the original post claimed as well as this article. This was NOT the case for me based on bloodwork. This may be true of some cancers and some patients, but not everyone.

----- Original Message -----

This company thinks there is a connection an using their money to prove it?

hCG Helps Cancers Grow Without Interference From The Immune System http://www.cgtherapeutics.com/science.htm


Because hCG or its variants, ßhCG and hCG-H, are produced by all types of solid tumor cancers, CGT’s strategy of targeting them offers a therapeutic approach that may work for a wide variety of malignancies.

hCG is the hormone detected by most pregnancy tests. It is produced by human embryos and is essential for their implantation and growth in the womb. It shields the embryo from the mother’s immune system and stimulates the growth of blood vessels that nourish the fetus.When the hCG variants, ßhCG and hCG-H are produced by metastatic cancer cells, they begin to promote the nourishment, growth and spread of cancer. The hCG variants’ powerful cytokine-like effects allow tumors to grow undisturbed by the immune system, contributing to terminal illness in most types of cancer including lung, colon, ovarian, pancreatic, breast and a wide variety of other solid tumors. Hope your day is going well

Duke . 214-823-7070

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The method of treating cancer with enzyme and nutrition is very successful

for many patients of Dr. . See Raph Moss archives

http://www.cancerdecisions.com/archives.html and search for ‘trophoblasts’

or ‘stem cells’ or Beard.

I have personally witness very dramatic results from this therapy. And, if

found out I had cancer, it would be my first choice of treatment for myself.

There are also some great lectures by Dr. that explain the theory

at www.dr-gonzalez.com Although Beard is the originator, recent research has

arrived at some of the same conclusions 100 years later.

This theory does not state that a thyroid cancer is literally a ‘placenta’,

what is says is that cancers are generated in the stem cells that are

located throughout our bodies including the thyroid.

The nutrition part of this theory is what interests me for it’s prophylactic

effects. Dr. treats patients with many different diets depending on

where the patient lands on a metabolic continuum, from mainly vegetarian to

mainly carnivore.

I believe that thyroid problems and iodine deficiencies will fit in there

somewhere because each metabolic extreme is prey to different diseases. The

nutritional support for the iodine is all over the place though, some of the

nutrients such as vitamin C are the veggie friendly and others such as

selenium are carnivore friendly. It makes more sense to me to us the

metabolically appropriate nutritional support rather than a one size fits

all approach.

It may be that iodine deficiencies have very different effects in vegetarian

and carnivore metabolisms. It would be nice to know which end of the

spectrum gets the thyroid trouble. According to Dr. ’s lectures,

people who get solid tumor cancers fall on the veggie side of the spectrum.

Those who get the rare blood, lymphoma and leukemia fall on the carnivore



On 5/24/08 3:15 PM, " comdyne2002 " <comdyne@...> wrote:

No its not absurd. The tissues and the angeogenesis is exactly the same and

both emit hCG. Tumors are formed as a protection mechanism to prevent the

body from becoming contaminated. Tumors are like garbage bags, the body

encapsulates trash that otherwise would poison the entire entity. The tumor

is made of fibrin, the natural material that the body uses to build tissue.

The construction of a placenta and a tumor are exactly the same type of

tissue. ----------------------------------------------------------

" Embryological research now confirms that the fetal pancreas begins to

manufacture and secrete digestive enzymes early in development. Although the

embryo has no need for an activated pancreas or for pancreatic enzymes until

it's the day of birth, these secretions appear to begin for another

reasons. "

" Beard took this work to yet another level, believing that all tumors arose

from misplaced placenta cells, which had been deprived of proper control.

These cells were thought to be left over from early embryonic stages and

were kept under control by circulating pancreatic enzymes. However, these

cells can quickly grow out of control should the pancreas fail to

manufacture or release adequate amounts of proteolytic enzymes. "

" In 1911, Beard published a monograph of his work, entitled The Enzyme

Therapy of Cancer. Although his peers met him with ridicule, his work is now

ecognized as being 100 years ahead of his time. Today histologists and

molecular biologists have identified Beard's misplaced placental cells in

every organ. Today, however, they are called stem cells. "


I've got more references. How many do you think you will require?

> I have no idea where you get this idea, but I know exactly what cancer tumor

> was made of, and it was NOT A PLACENTA. That is absurd.




>>> A cancer tumor is identical to a placenta, its just in the wrong place and

>>> has the wrong contents.


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This discussion doesn't help anyone avoid losing a thyroid. Taking iodine

does. Since this is the iodine group, let's focus our attention on the

topic we are here to discuss.

----- Original Message -----

> hCG is always present in all tumorous cancers.

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What do you mean by vibratory energy. Thanks.From: comdyne2002 <comdyne@...>Subject: Re: I'm trying to avoid a thyroidectomy... any advice??iodine Date: Sunday, May 25, 2008, 10:18 PM

hCG is always present in all tumorous cancers. It does not stimulate

cancer growth, it attenuates it, at a cost. TSH aka Thyrotropic

hormone, not fully assimilated by the Thyroid in converting T4 to T3

+ Tyrosine, producing Thyroxin, enters the circulation and it is

responsible for increased cellular division, swelling of cells, and

rapid metabolism in areas lacking oxygen levels sufficient to

counteract the hormone's activity. The antagonist, Gonadotropin, also

produced by the Pituitary, down-regulates metabolic rates and

attenuates the proliferation of cancer cells but in excess

quantities, it produces benign tumors. The key is to balance the

Thyroid so as to increase metabolism as well as clearing out the

digestive tract that is causing autointoxication. Without adequate

levels of iodine, the Thyroid cannot make the necessary conversion of

T4 to T3. Desiccated animal Thyroid hormone will often help restore

normal metabolism but it will not correct the imbalance caused by

Hypophyseal (Pituitary) dis-function. Vibratory energy, applied

properly, can restore hormonal secretions of the Hypophysis which in

turn, regulates all cellular activity in the body.

------------ --------- --------- --------- --------- --------- -

> >

> > It is true of prostate cancer (which is gonadal) and I think that

> is the key. Also Ovarian is subject to high hcg levels - another

> gonad organ. I think that is the defining factor.

> >


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Why did you ask about a systemic fungus? My mom right now is being treated for fungus and I do not know if she is getting the best help. What do you know about fungus? Any help would be appreciated... Thanks, HeidiDuke Stone <dukestone@...> wrote: :Have you had your blood checked for systemic fungus. Hope your day is going

well Duke . iodine From: sldrnhotmailDate: Mon, 26 May 2008 01:07:17 +0000Subject: Re: I'm trying to avoid a thyroidectomy... any advice?? . E-mail for the greater good. Join the i’m Initiative from Microsoft.

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I know this is an iodine board and I have been convinced (by this board) to get on an iodine program. In an effort to educate myself and explore all options, I keep coming across cancer centers that emphasize alternative medicines and procedures. There seems to be an emphasis on building your immune system to help fight off tumor cells. One of the protocols that is being promoted includes using Human Growth Hormone and Testosterone. A couple of sources I have read say that HGH and testosterone can be harmful if you have prostate cancer as it can stimulate cell growth. Is that different for thyroid tumors? I don't know if I can trust these medical centers or not. I just want to avoid surgery and save my thyroid. Thanks, Jeffladybugsandbees <ladybugsandbees@...> wrote: Absolutely Jeff. Ask away. Since I have been there and wish I could go back and do it differently I fight hard to make sure others don't make the same mistakes. It has taken me 3 years to recover from a very long 6 years of hell - not to mention the financial burden it placed on my family to get there.Another thing to consider is if you have a lot of amalgam fillings they are toxic to thyroid and tied to cancer. I had all mine removed along with a root canal tooth.Steph I'm trying to avoid a thyroidectomy... any> advice??>>>>>> > Six months ago I discovered a fairly large tumor on my thyroid ->> > approximately 5 cm. It has since grown to approximately 6 cm and> my>> > endocrinologist is encouraging me to have the tumor (along with at>> > least half of my thyroid gland, perhaps more) surgically removed.> It>> > has been biopsied twice and has shown to be benign. Also, my> thyroid>> > appears to be functioning normally.>> >>> > As routine as my doctor is making it sound, I have

heard and read> too>> > many horror stories about the complications that many have>> > encountered after having this procedure. I very much want to avoid>> > surgery if at all possible but I don't know where to turn. I'm> being>> > told by my doctor that if the tumor grows any further (which he>> > suspects it will) it will begin affecting other organs - larnyx,>> > trachea, etc.>> >>> > I went so far as to visit a medical clinic in Tijuana, Mexico that>> > claims to be able to create a vaccine using t-cells extracted> from my>> > blood which will attack the tumor thereby shrinking the it. The t->> > cells will also damage my thyroid so they then extract stem cells>> > from my blood and create another vaccine which will allegedly> repair>> > the damage to my thyroid. For a myriad

of reasons I'm skeptical.>> >>> > I came across this message board and am intrigued and a little>> > hopeful. Can anyone steer me to a professional who can offer me> any>> > viable alternatives, including someone with some expertise on the>> > benefits of iodine and nodules/tumors? I live in southern> California>> > but am willing to travel just about anywhere to get help. Per my>> > endocrinologist, at the current rate of growth, I will need the>> > surgery by August.>> >>> > Sorry for the long message but at the risk of being overly-> redundant,>> > I very much would like to save my thyroid.>> >>> > Thanks in advance for any help or advice.>> >>> > Jeff>> >>> >>> >

------------------------------------>> >>> >>> >>> >>> >

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I take testosterone via Bio-identicals and had thyroid cancer so I don't think that is an issue. Don't know about the HGH. Honestly I believe a good detox of the liver and kidney along with hormone balancing and elimination of bad foods plus supporting nutrients will take care of it. I have a friend was dx'd with 3 forms of thyca and did this and is now cancer free.


I'm trying to avoid a thyroidectomy... any> advice??>>>>>> > Six months ago I discovered a fairly large tumor on my thyroid ->> > approximately 5 cm. It has since grown to approximately 6 cm and> my>> > endocrinologist is encouraging me to have the tumor (along with at>> > least half of my thyroid gland, perhaps more) surgically removed.> It>> > has been biopsied twice and has shown to be benign. Also, my> thyroid>> > appears to be functioning normally.>> >>> > As routine as my doctor is making it sound, I have heard and read> too>> > many horror stories about the complications that many have>> > encountered after having this procedure. I very much want to avoid>> > surgery if at all possible but I don't know where to turn. I'm> being>> > told by my doctor that if the tumor grows any further (which he>> > suspects it will) it will begin affecting other organs - larnyx,>> > trachea, etc.>> >>> > I went so far as to visit a medical clinic in Tijuana, Mexico that>> > claims to be able to create a vaccine using t-cells extracted> from my>> > blood which will attack the tumor thereby shrinking the it. The t->> > cells will also damage my thyroid so they then extract stem cells>> > from my blood and create another vaccine which will allegedly> repair>> > the damage to my thyroid. For a myriad of reasons I'm skeptical.>> >>> > I came across this message board and am intrigued and a little>> > hopeful. Can anyone steer me to a professional who can offer me> any>> > viable alternatives, including someone with some expertise on the>> > benefits of iodine and nodules/tumors? I live in southern> California>> > but am willing to travel just about anywhere to get help. Per my>> > endocrinologist, at the current rate of growth, I will need the>> > surgery by August.>> >>> > Sorry for the long message but at the risk of being overly-> redundant,>> > I very much would like to save my thyroid.>> >>> > Thanks in advance for any help or advice.>> >>> > Jeff>> >>> >>> > ------------------------------------>> >>> >>> >>> >>> >

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All the guys that I knew back when PCSpes was the rage to solve their prostate cancer are dead.

Hope your day is going well

Duke . 214-823-7070

iodine From: sctrojan89@...Date: Tue, 27 May 2008 13:47:25 -0700Subject: Re: Re: I'm trying to avoid a thyroidectomy... any advice??

I know this is an iodine board and I have been convinced (by this board) to get on an iodine program. In an effort to educate myself and explore all options, I keep coming across cancer centers that emphasize alternative medicines and procedures. There seems to be an emphasis on building your immune system to help fight off tumor cells. One of the protocols that is being promoted includes using Human Growth Hormone and Testosterone.

A couple of sources I have read say that HGH and testosterone can be harmful if you have prostate cancer as it can stimulate cell growth. Is that different for thyroid tumors? I don't know if I can trust these medical centers or not. I just want to avoid surgery and save my thyroid.


Jeffladybugsandbees <ladybugsandbeessbcglobal (DOT) net> wrote:

Absolutely Jeff. Ask away. Since I have been there and wish I could go back and do it differently I fight hard to make sure others don't make the same mistakes. It has taken me 3 years to recover from a very long 6 years of hell - not to mention the financial burden it placed on my family to get there.Another thing to consider is if you have a lot of amalgam fillings they are toxic to thyroid and tied to cancer. I had all mine removed along with a root canal tooth.Steph I'm trying to avoid a thyroidectomy... any> advice??>>>>>> > Six months ago I discovered a fairly large tumor on my thyroid ->> > approximately 5 cm. It has since grown to approximately 6 cm and> my>> > endocrinologist is encouraging me to have the tumor (along with at>> > least half of my thyroid gland, perhaps more) surgically removed.> It>> > has been biopsied twice and has shown to be benign. Also, my> thyroid>> > appears to be functioning normally.>> >>> > As routine as my doctor is making it sound, I have heard and read> too>> > many horror stories about the complications that many have>> > encountered after having this procedure. I very much want to avoid>> > surgery if at all possible but I don't know where to turn. I'm> being>> > told by my doctor that if the tumor grows any further (which he>> > suspects it will) it will begin affecting other organs - larnyx,>> > trachea, etc.>> >>> > I went so far as to visit a medical clinic in Tijuana, Mexico that>> > claims to be able to create a vaccine using t-cells extracted> from my>> > blood which will attack the tumor thereby shrinking the it. The t->> > cells will also damage my thyroid so they then extract stem cells>> > from my blood and create another vaccine which will allegedly> repair>> > the damage to my thyroid. For a myriad of reasons I'm skeptical.>> >>> > I came across this message board and am intrigued and a little>> > hopeful. Can anyone steer me to a professional who can offer me> any>> > viable alternatives, including someone with some expertise on the>> > benefits of iodine and nodules/tumors? I live in southern> California>> > but am willing to travel just about anywhere to get help. Per my>> > endocrinologist, at the current rate of growth, I will need the>> > surgery by August.>> >>> > Sorry for the long message but at the risk of being overly-> redundant,>> > I very much would like to save my thyroid.>> >>> > Thanks in advance for any help or advice.>> >>> > Jeff>> >>> >>> > ------------------------------------>> >>> >>> >>> >>> >

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interesting! I loved HGH but just can't afford it--doing well now with 100mg Iodoral per day. I also use testosterone gel 20mg/day.

Try everything but definately use ENOUGH Iodoral.


I know this is an iodine board and I have been convinced (by this board) to get on an iodine program. In an effort to educate myself and explore all options, I keep coming across cancer centers that emphasize alternative medicines and procedures. There seems to be an emphasis on building your immune system to help fight off tumor cells. One of the protocols that is being promoted includes using Human Growth Hormone and Testosterone.

A couple of sources I have read say that HGH and testosterone can be harmful if you have prostate cancer as it can stimulate cell growth. Is that different for thyroid tumors? I don't know if I can trust these medical centers or not. I just want to avoid surgery and save my thyroid.




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Is your testosterone gel prescription?

Re: Re: I'm trying to avoid a thyroidectomy... any advice??

interesting! I loved HGH but just can't afford it--doing well now with 100mg Iodoral per day. I also use testosterone gel 20mg/day.

Try everything but definately use ENOUGH Iodoral.


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yes it is Rx. I am lucky to have a wonderful compounding pharmacist here on the coast of Maine. She used to work at College Pharmacy in CO and my doctor has learned from her.

I have tried to decrease my hormones now that I am taking 100mg Iodoral and companion nutrients but I just cannot do it. I also take 2.5mg estradiol in olive oil 2X a day and progesterone cream 250mg at night.


Is your testosterone gel prescription?

Re: Re: I'm trying to avoid a thyroidectomy... any advice??

interesting! I loved HGH but just can't afford it--doing well now with 100mg Iodoral per day. I also use testosterone gel 20mg/day.

Try everything but definately use ENOUGH Iodoral.


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