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Re: weight lost

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Friday, May 30, 2008, 4:19:24 AM, you wrote:

> I have had my band for 13 mos. and have lost 14 lbs. I've exercies,

> messure the food, almost at max on the fills,

There is no max on fills. The band will hold more, by far, than any

theoretical number. Not many people need more, but it can be done


> still endur throwing up,

Either you have too much fill, or you're eating too fast, or you're

not chewing adequately, or you're making bad food choices (things that

can't be chewed enough), or some combination of those. These are the

hardest things, learning to eat right.

> total weight lost 14 lbs.

The question is WHAT are you eating? And drinking? And how much?

> I am so discouraged, I attenf our local

> support group, and I feel like a fool other members who have had their

> band as long as me , are at 65-100 lbs off. is there any one else out

> there with the same problem?

Tell us more, not only answers to above, but also your age, weight,

goal weight, etc, etc. More info helps us to help you.



" It's OK to be a little broken, everybody's broken in this life " Jon Bon Jovi

Dan Lester, Boise, Idaho, USA www.mylapband.tk

Banded 4/27/03, Dr. Ortiz, Tijuana

Started at 355, at goal in the 210-220 range for almost 4 years

Ultimate goal of 195 Tummytuck in Boise and SmartLipo in Tijuana

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Hi, Lynda - Just what Dan said - please give us more info so we can

offer some suggestions. :-)

but the first step will always be to return to your band surgeon for a

full eval and fluoroscopy or upper GI. We must never be barfing often,

and that can be the cause of many problems, and CAUSE many other


Please see your doc asap, and also give us a bit more info.

In the meantime, until you see your doc (hopefully within a week),

please have liquids only, and no solids at all. any blended hearty

soup, proteon drink, thin puddings, lower-cal juices, etc are fine for


sandy r


> I have had my band for 13 mos. and have lost 14 lbs. I've exercies,

> messure the food, almost at max on the fills, still endur throwing


> total weight lost 14 lbs. I am so discouraged, I attenf our local

> support group, and I feel like a fool other members who have had


> band as long as me , are at 65-100 lbs off. is there any one else out

> there with the same problem?


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I sympathize with you. I was banded in December 2007 and have only lost 25

pounds. I knew going in that it would be harder for me as I have insulin

resistance, but I didn't know it would be this difficult. If any one has any

input or ideas, I, too, would be interested in hearing them.

@...: lyndasb@...: Fri, 30 May

2008 10:19:24 +0000Subject: weight lost

I have had my band for 13 mos. and have lost 14 lbs. I've exercies, messure the

food, almost at max on the fills, still endur throwing up, total weight lost 14

lbs. I am so discouraged, I attenf our local support group, and I feel like a

fool other members who have had their band as long as me , are at 65-100 lbs

off. is there any one else out there with the same problem?


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Hi, Pamela - welcome!

I always wonder if people have been given enough preparation and

teaching from their surgerons and staff to have reasonable

expectations about the Band.

First of all, the average loss with the band is 1-2 # a week, and

this often does not begin in ernest until we have gotten to a good

fill level. This can be several months worth of small monthly fills.

Your 25# in 5-6 months is well within average, especially since you

are likley not at an ideal fill lvel yet.

but there are always many things we can do to improve things.

how are you coming with these basics?

1. getting good, small fills?

2. learning and making much better food choices?

3. learning and meeting the nutritional needs re the daily amts of

protein, fiber, good carbs, omega 3 oils, calcium?

4. working on the emoaional eating and food issues with a good


5. Getting good daily exercise, perhaps at a health club or exercise


6. avoiding allliquid calories, including juices, protein drinks,

smoothies, etc?

7. Taking part in a in-person support group, and at he very least, an

online support group?

8. Learning all you can about the band and it's needs?

All these things are basics, but some go into banding thinking the

band is all that is needed. there is no avoiding that band success

can be some very hard work sometimes, but we still must make meeting

band needs a top priority in our lives to do well. I 'm sure you have

heard this before - that band is simply a tool to assist our own

good efforts at weight loss.

Wht does your surgeon say here? He/she should be giving you lots of

written guideliens, lots of support and ongoing teaching, and regular


In addition, you might go thru the files and start to read the many

patient education materials thre.

start with the Band guide, that covers all the basic

foo/eating/safety issues. You may find some things there you didn't

know, or have been forgetting to do.

then, please tell us more about your fills, doctor's aftercare

program, your eating, any barfing or other trouble, band size and

current fill anmount, fill history, etc

Hopefully, we can help you identify some things that are sabotaging




> I sympathize with you. I was banded in December 2007 and have only

lost 25 pounds. I knew going in that it would be harder for me as I

have insulin resistance, but I didn't know it would be this

difficult. If any one has any input or ideas, I, too, would be

interested in hearing them.



> @...: lyndasb@...: Fri, 30 May 2008 10:19:24

+0000Subject: weight lost





> I have had my band for 13 mos. and have lost 14 lbs. I've exercies,

messure the food, almost at max on the fills, still endur throwing

up, total weight lost 14 lbs. I am so discouraged, I attenf our local

support group, and I feel like a fool other members who have had

their band as long as me , are at 65-100 lbs off. is there any one

else out there with the same problem?







> _________________________________________________________________

> Make every e-mail and IM count. Join the i'm Initiative from


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I will be sixty in june, before the band I was on type

2 diabetes meds, haven't had meds since dayafter band.

lowered blood pressure, one pill instead of 2, 'no

more sleep ape.I use to eat every thing, now I can't.

most protein even chew well does'nt stay down, most

veg. don't like now, no pop, water is stop one half

hr. before meals, and I wait at least an hour or more

before more lqs. and I have talked to my dr, and he

does not think there is any thing wrong with the band.

I have a little over 3 cc in it now, I feel like a

late bloomer, right after the banding I had no

problems, except for boardem eating after 8 pm at

night. I'm trying to stop that habit, some days are

good and some are not.I try to stay between 1-1200 cal

aday. I don't excerise reg. but I do try and walk a

couple of blocks on my lunch hr. thanks for reading my


--- Dan Lester <honu@...> wrote:

> Friday, May 30, 2008, 4:19:24 AM, you wrote:


> > I have had my band for 13 mos. and have lost 14

> lbs. I've exercies,

> > messure the food, almost at max on the fills,


> There is no max on fills. The band will hold more,

> by far, than any

> theoretical number. Not many people need more, but

> it can be done

> safely.


> > still endur throwing up,


> Either you have too much fill, or you're eating too

> fast, or you're

> not chewing adequately, or you're making bad food

> choices (things that

> can't be chewed enough), or some combination of

> those. These are the

> hardest things, learning to eat right.


> > total weight lost 14 lbs.


> The question is WHAT are you eating? And drinking?

> And how much?


> > I am so discouraged, I attenf our local

> > support group, and I feel like a fool other

> members who have had their

> > band as long as me , are at 65-100 lbs off. is

> there any one else out

> > there with the same problem?


> Tell us more, not only answers to above, but also

> your age, weight,

> goal weight, etc, etc. More info helps us to help

> you.


> dan



> --

> " It's OK to be a little broken, everybody's broken

> in this life " Jon Bon Jovi

> Dan Lester, Boise, Idaho, USA www.mylapband.tk

> Banded 4/27/03, Dr. Ortiz, Tijuana

> Started at 355, at goal in the 210-220 range for

> almost 4 years

> Ultimate goal of 195 Tummytuck in Boise and

> SmartLipo in Tijuana




> ------------------------------------



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Thanks for more info !

a few suggestions - if you cannot keep down even well-chewed meat,

you are likely too tight. with good fill that is not TOO much, we can

eat nicely-prepared meat, chicken, fish and steamed veggies. Please

go over the fill documents in the files to learn more about the

definition of a good fill vs one too much.

your calories seem way too low. ideal for the average women is 1200-

1500, neve less, and for those over 350-400# , more like 1800-2000.

(Don't know your start weight or present weight)

We are never trying to eat as little as possible, or as few calories.

when the calories are too low, the body is threatened and refuses to

lose. as a protection device.

No reason at all not to drink right up to meal time. doing so helps

wih eating, as the throat and mouth are moist and foods do not sticl.

stopping fluids 30-60 mon before eating is bypass advice, and does

not apply to bandsters. Also, have a cup of hot tea or hot ? righ

before meals , to open and relax the stoma, until you can get a bit

of fill out.

Also, be sure to get the 80-100 oz a day of no-cal fluids. most

bandsters are chronically dehydrated and this is harmful in a number

of ways.

Your walking counts as good exercise! good for you! :-)

this is what I'd suggest now:

1. get a fluoro to be sure the band is in good position. sounds as if

you have been barfing a lot, and this is never safe.

2. get some fill out! you're not able to eat well, and are not eating

enough to lose.

3. work on food choices and eating technique. Avoid the foods known

to cause trouble, and cook things in the bandster way. Be sure you're

able to get the protein, fiber, cslcium, good carbs, good fats and

oils, in. Losing weight is hardwork for te body and good nutrition is


4. go over the info in the files to learn more about foods and eating

technique. Sometimes, it's something very simple, like not starting

with a PEA sized bite, and not chewing 15x per bite. We say " small

bits " but sometimes don't say HOW small is required.

5. please stay in close touch here so we can help you

6. it's never good to eat within 2-3 hrs of bedtime, as this

encourages reflux. this is dangerous. If needed, somthing that will

go thru quickly, like a cip of yoguet, is ok 2 hrs before bedtime,

but nothing any closetr than this.

7. be sure ou're not taking any meds right at bedtime - this can ause

chronic gastitis nd reflux, both of whih cause damange and make it

hard to get good food down. Take all 'bedtime " meds one hr before

bedtime with afull glass of wateronly, thn no more to eat or drink

until you are up in the morning.

8. If you have been unable to eat red meats, I'd suggest getting some

blood tests. many women are becoming anemic without good iron


9. are you taking ing a good daily chewble multi vit? All adults,

banded or not, need this as a backup.

remember, the scale is not the only measure of success, although

actual pounds lost will come too. look at you - diabetes in

remission, sleep apnea cuted, hypertension much improved!! This is

GREAT success, and more will come.

please stay in touch-


> >

> > > I have had my band for 13 mos. and have lost 14

> > lbs. I've exercies,

> > > messure the food, almost at max on the fills,

> >

> > There is no max on fills. The band will hold more,

> > by far, than any

> > theoretical number. Not many people need more, but

> > it can be done

> > safely.

> >

> > > still endur throwing up,

> >

> > Either you have too much fill, or you're eating too

> > fast, or you're

> > not chewing adequately, or you're making bad food

> > choices (things that

> > can't be chewed enough), or some combination of

> > those. These are the

> > hardest things, learning to eat right.

> >

> > > total weight lost 14 lbs.

> >

> > The question is WHAT are you eating? And drinking?

> > And how much?

> >

> > > I am so discouraged, I attenf our local

> > > support group, and I feel like a fool other

> > members who have had their

> > > band as long as me , are at 65-100 lbs off. is

> > there any one else out

> > > there with the same problem?

> >

> > Tell us more, not only answers to above, but also

> > your age, weight,

> > goal weight, etc, etc. More info helps us to help

> > you.

> >

> > dan

> >

> >

> > --

> > " It's OK to be a little broken, everybody's broken

> > in this life " Jon Bon Jovi

> > Dan Lester, Boise, Idaho, USA www.mylapband.tk

> > Banded 4/27/03, Dr. Ortiz, Tijuana

> > Started at 355, at goal in the 210-220 range for

> > almost 4 years

> > Ultimate goal of 195 Tummytuck in Boise and

> > SmartLipo in Tijuana

> >

> >

> >

> > ------------------------------------

> >

> >

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