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Re: Buprenorphine (Temgesic)

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Hi Renny

A lack of T3 (triiodothyronine) which is the active thyroid hormone that makes your body function can cause Restless Leg Syndrome. I know of people who have started using T3 and it has helped enormously. If they recognised you were hypothyroid they might actually help you by giving you thyroid hormone replacement.

Luv - Sheila

Buprenorphine (Temgesic)

Hi all.

I don't know if anyone might know anything on this but I have been prescribed Temgesic for Restless Legs Syndrome. I had been tried on many different drugs for this condition such as Mirapex, Gabapentin and Tramadol. None of these worked apart from Tramadol but this had the effect of supressing my appetite for most of the day, the Buprenorphine was given as it worked within about 20 mins and didn't kill my appetite, it also stopped the RLS.

What I was wondering is could these be contributing to my fatigue? I know you 'come down' when the effects of the drug wear off but I'm not sure if this is exasperating the fatigue. Needless to say, I had the fatigue long before I took Buprenorphine but could it be making it worse?

Has anyone had any experience with Buprenorphine or does anyone know anything about side effects? I'd be gratefull for any input.

All the best


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Hi Sheila,Thanks for that. I'ts interesting that it appears many of my problems may be down to Thyriod. The doctors I have to deal with have got me on every drug possible when they could be saving themselves time and money by doing a few correct tests and diagnosing the 'REAL' problem. If they ever do find it is my Thyroid that is behind everything I think I will then have to check in to the Priory to get off all the other drugs I have been put on! It seems that a doctor will sling you the latest pill on the market probably because he has been told to 'reach targets' and shift a few units of the latest wonder drug. Well that's the impression I get anyway!.All the best RennyRenny Proudlove

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Hi Sheila,Yes you are right about that, I often wonder if the docs are under pressure to 'shift' as many of the latest 'in vogue' drugs as possible. When Prozac became trendy my GP was more like a salesman in that he would hardly accept that I didnt really want them. Of course they were supposed to cure my fatigue and needless to say they did nothing of the sort! I was then told to double the dose which I said I would but didnt, he was very put out when I eventually told him I hadnt doubled the dose. Now I am on Mirtazapine which help with my anxiety and help me sleep but do nothing for fatigue. Funnily he is no longer pushing Prozac.Yes I agree with him when he says that once I am settled into a new home (following my divorce) things should get better but I still know that something is causing my fatigue and it ain't stress, depression or anything else the docs may fob me off with. As with many people, I know how I am supposed to feel, and know my body so, when my

GP keeps saying that depression causes the fatigue I know he is 100% wrong. I wasn't depressed when it started. The trouble is, doctors don't like smart Alec's and people who can think for themselves. I am not trying to tell him how to do his job, just trying to get a life!Hope everyone is ok out there.Love RennyRenny Proudlove

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