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went to doc, slight unfill, now I can EAT

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I went to the dr wed and had .4 removed because of some sudden

regurgitation. Now, I can eat a whole lot more than I could, like 3x

as much. I also seem a lot more thirsty. I can chug a 12oz glass of

water and don't feel any stopping point when I eat...do you thing .4 cc

could do that?? wow...do I need to go back for a tweek?

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When you're close to the right amount, even .1 can make a big

difference. I know, BTDT. Being thirst is a GOOD thing. If you can

drink 12 ounces at once, great. Most of us NEVER drink enough water,

and it is vital to help wash out all the waste products produced as we


And, remember, just because you CAN eat more, doesn't mean you should.

You should continue to work on " eating like a bandster " and eating as

little as possible, not as much. I realize that is opposite of what

we've spent our lives doing, but.....it can be done.


Friday, April 11, 2008, 6:25:23 AM, you wrote:

> I went to the dr wed and had .4 removed because of some sudden

> regurgitation. Now, I can eat a whole lot more than I could, like 3x

> as much. I also seem a lot more thirsty. I can chug a 12oz glass of

> water and don't feel any stopping point when I eat...do you thing .4 cc

> could do that?? wow...do I need to go back for a tweek?


" It's OK to be a little broken, everybody's broken in this life " Jon Bon Jovi

Dan Lester, Boise, Idaho, USA www.mylapband.tk

Banded 4/27/03, Dr. Ortiz, Tijuana

Started at 355, at goal in the 210-220 range for almost 4 years

Ultimate goal of 195 Tummytuck in Boise and SmartLipo in Tijuana

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I battle every day to NOT finish my plate even when I feel satiated. It was

drilled in my head as a kid to finish my plate. I teach my daughter (just 3)

that she doesn't need to eat everything or finish her plate if she's done and

thank goodness it works. She is 50th percentile for height and weight :)

Dinner at home we've switched to the small salad plates and it really helps

(even the banded old man too!). When we go out we try to find things we both

like and we'll split a meal. I do great during the day but sometimes the

evenings the old man asks " what's for snack? " and he'll find something and I end

up caving and having a snack even if I'm not hungry. Head hunger is such a



@...: honu@...: Fri, 11 Apr

2008 08:13:50 -0600Subject: Re: went to doc, slight unfill,

now I can EAT

When you're close to the right amount, even .1 can make a bigdifference. I know,

BTDT. Being thirst is a GOOD thing. If you candrink 12 ounces at once, great.

Most of us NEVER drink enough water,and it is vital to help wash out all the

waste products produced as welose.And, remember, just because you CAN eat more,

doesn't mean you should.You should continue to work on " eating like a bandster "

and eating aslittle as possible, not as much. I realize that is opposite of

whatwe've spent our lives doing, but.....it can be done.danFriday, April 11,

2008, 6:25:23 AM, you wrote:> I went to the dr wed and had .4 removed because of

some sudden > regurgitation. Now, I can eat a whole lot more than I could, like

3x > as much. I also seem a lot more thirsty. I can chug a 12oz glass of > water

and don't feel any stopping point when I eat...do you thing .4 cc> could do

that?? wow...do I need to go back for a tweek?-- " It's OK to be a little broken,

everybody's broken in this life " Jon Bon JoviDan Lester, Boise, Idaho, USA

www.mylapband.tkBanded 4/27/03, Dr. Ortiz, TijuanaStarted at 355, at goal in the

210-220 range for almost 4 yearsUltimate goal of 195 Tummytuck in Boise and

SmartLipo in Tijuana


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It's usually not needed to get a unfill with only an eposide or two of

barfing. THe reason is most often eating error, and with a fluod rest

of a day or so, and then better eating/food choices, we can avoid an

unfill. It's good to mess with a fill as little as possible, although

we surely do need some out with certain problems.

0.4 cc is really quite a lot, even though it sounds little. As little

as 0.1 cc can be the difference between " good " and " too much " or " too

little. " But if someone has beeen barfing a lot, there is a lot of

stoma swelling, and a largr unfill is needed - sometimes even more out

than the whole last fill IN.

IMO, most fill people take out too much at unfills, and then put back

too much, and then the patient is yo-yoing bwteen too little and too

much. 0.1-0.2 cc increments after the first few fills, seem much wiser,

in my experience - unless there is a barfing problem, and more is

needed out/.

I'd give this fill 2-3 weeks to let your stoma rest and heal, then you

can better tell how the fill is by in the meantime, yo mightwant to

review the Band Guide in the files, to see if you find a caise for your


You didn't say if you had recently gotten a new fill, but it's good to

review the band rules re eating techniques and food choices , after

EVERY fill. we 'll need to refine and perfect our skills more and more

with every fill.

Be sure to " test " the new fill level with only a good band meal -

something like 3 oz solid meat/chicken/fish, moist and in a nice sauce,

and about 1/2 cup veggies - 1-1.5 cups total. We cant eat perfectly all

the time, of course, but when we choose soft foods, we'll need to SELF-

limit, and they will tell nothing about the fill.

Sandy r


> I went to the dr wed and had .4 removed because of some sudden

> regurgitation. Now, I can eat a whole lot more than I could, like 3x

> as much. I also seem a lot more thirsty. I can chug a 12oz glass of

> water and don't feel any stopping point when I eat...do you thing .4


> could do that?? wow...do I need to go back for a tweek?


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My hubby and I always split a meal when we eat out. He isn't banded,

but he is a light eater, and of course portions are always so big. We

both love it--he loves eating less, and we both like going to

restaurants, which we would rarely do if I was ordering a whole meal

for just myself. Plus we save tons of money, which is a bonus.

Actually I think he likes going to restaurants a lot more now that we

split meals, rather than before I was banded, for all of those

reasons. :)


> Friday, April 11, 2008, 8:24:03 AM, you wrote:


> > When we go out we try to find things we both

> > like and we'll split a meal.



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sometimes its more than " head " hunger that beleaguers us. for me, it

is often the tactile sensation of having something in my mouth, like

ice cream for instance. at those moments its not the head but the

unsatisfied need to have that sweet cold stuff on the palate.

and this , of course , requires a lot of retraining.

i heard Dr. talk about her life being about planning what she's

going to eat next after each meal. what she said kept her from

eating all the time was her conviction that she looked and felt great

and this was a more pressing need than the food she craved. i found

that interesting. of course, its much easier to say than to do, but

what's really worthwhile is usually hard.




> Dan,


> I battle every day to NOT finish my plate even when I feel

satiated. It was drilled in my head as a kid to finish my plate. I

teach my daughter (just 3) that she doesn't need to eat everything or

finish her plate if she's done and thank goodness it works. She is

50th percentile for height and weight :) Dinner at home we've

switched to the small salad plates and it really helps (even the

banded old man too!). When we go out we try to find things we both

like and we'll split a meal. I do great during the day but sometimes

the evenings the old man asks " what's for snack? " and he'll find

something and I end up caving and having a snack even if I'm not

hungry. Head hunger is such a beyotch!

> M



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been there, done that. LOL


> > Yep, I've eaten out of the to-go box as the night time snack!



> --

> " It's OK to be a little broken, everybody's broken in this life "

Jon Bon Jovi

> Dan Lester, Boise, Idaho, USA www.mylapband.tk

> Banded 4/27/03, Dr. Ortiz, Tijuana

> Started at 355, at goal in the 210-220 range for almost 4 years

> Ultimate goal of 195 Tummytuck in Boise and SmartLipo in Tijuana


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