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Visit with MP reHypothyroidism Early Day Motion

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Hi Sheila,

I had said in a post a couple of months ago that I had asked my MP to

sign the Early Day Motion 728. He had come back and said that it had

expired and you thought that it had been blocked. I then went back

to him with the BMJ article that quoted that " 890,000 MEASUREMENTS OF


figure did not include non- NHS hospitals, nor did it include those

screened for congenital hypothyroidism. (Population 5.1 million).

He kindly invited me to one of his surgeries.

I hoped to add his signature to the arguement but he came to the

meeting haven taken some time to do some investigation of his own and

to consult with a GP for some expert advice as he doesn't have a

medical background. He listened carefully to my story and to my take

on the testing protocol. I hope you are sitting down Sheila though I

don't think much will surprise you. From their reading of the EDM

there was a focusing in on the licensing of an alternative

medication. My Mp's take on the GP's advice was that this

alternative faired no better than a PLACEBO. I presume that he was

talking for FMS suffers only, I nearly fell off my chair. I tried to

explained that natural thyroid couldn't be a placebo and that it's

what had been used successfully for over a hundred years for

hypothyroidism and that thyroxine now was just a synthetic version

that only contains the T4. The GP also said that no benefit could be

seen so I came back on that point with the fact that they could and

should measure FT4 and FT3 and that proof could be seen in urinary


My MP is a fairly young, enthusiastic,committed and switched on guy.

I was impressed by how articulate he was and how sincere (genuine)

but if all the other MP's are relying on expert opinions from GP's

it's no wonder the EDM remains with only 163 according to a govt

site. I explained that there was a lot of medical evidence to

support these claims and that people like your goodself were well

educated in the subject. Is your latest two paper now available to

download? The one I have came out a few days ago and I think you

still had changes to make so I didn't take it with me.

It may be worth asking members to download it for themselves and take

it to their MP's (and for us Scot's our MSP's too) as their advisors

need to be brought up to speed too. He said that there is still a

push and a lot of interest in this area as he had emailed the

Secretary of Health with details of my email for his consideration.

You and others are making inroads.

I felt totally drained after 30 minutes and I had a headache all day

and night. I still cannot believe Armour being thought of as a

placebo. No wonder he said placebos can be dangerous.

As I've already had your permission to forward files from the TPA

site I will send them on to be forwarded to his EXPERT.

Thankyou for fighting the good fight Sheila. I will do what I can to

lend support even though it gives me such a headache.

Irene, Dunfermline

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