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Re: An Excellent Article

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Finally got around to reading this article. Thanks - it's excellent! How did you find it? It doesn't come up on the metasearches I've done.



An excellent article

Dear Carol,

Thanks for your reply. I will be asking my local pharmacy for Cola Syrup!

I recently found an excellent article in the website of the Arizona Associates in Advanced Laporoscopic Surgery


It provides a history to the present day and a very advanced description of the laporoscopic surgery. It does take a while to load (86kB) but it's definitely worth it.

With best regards


-----Original Message-----From: sentto-1073445-42-964947411-charles=wemyss.co.ukreturns (DOT) onelist.com [mailto:sentto-1073445-42-964947411-charles=wemyss.co.ukreturns (DOT) onelist.com]On Behalf Of Carol HaggasSent: Saturday, July 29, 2000 12:34achalasiaegroupsSubject: Re: A brief medical history

Hello, -Have been meaning to respond to your message for some time now, justfinished up a big project and so am playing catchup with e-mails.You explained your condition very well and so I must say, welcome to theclub! I think we all sort of find our way of coping with this disease,through trial and error mostly. For instance, one of the things I relied onto help ease the chest pains (which I assume are spasms of the LES) and tomove clogged food down rather than up and out, is an over-the-counter remedyfor nausea called Cola Syrup. It's essentially the base syrup for the sodaCoca-Cola. As a child, my mother used to give me a spoonful or so if mystomach was upset and I always have some on hand because I hate feelingnauseous. How I discovered it for my achalasia was sheer accident: I had aparticularly bad weekend a few years back of not being able to swallowanything, including my own saliva. I had regurgitated so much that mythroat was raw. Not having a cough syrup in the house, I just grabbed theCola Syrup bottle. Within seconds the spasm pain was gone - felt like arosebud unfurling in my chest. Next I tried it when food was lodged and itworked better than water for helping those clogged morsels pass through.Before my surgery, I found those foods that I could and couldn't eat. Drysnack foods always worked - chips, dried cereals, pretzels, etc. - andalmost anything sweet, regardless of the consistency. Fresh fruits werehard, as were some fresh vegetables like tomatoes. Breads were impossible.So I existed on a lot of mashed potatoes, soups, applesauce, puddings. Allthis has changed since my surgery and now I eat anything I like.I agree with you on stress and the role it plays. I've had a few episodesof chest pains in the last two weeks, the first I've had since my surgery inNov. I'm under a lot of stress right now, so I'm not likely to rush off todoctor. I was prescribed Levsin for these attacks and they work veryquickly. Hopefully my life will calm down and I won't have the spasmsagain. If not, then I guess we re-evaluate the situation.Hopefully your condition is stable and manageable but should you find itnecessary to go on to the next level of treatment, I would encourage thesurgery and hope you can find someone with laparoscopic experience. Myoperation was done in about 90 minutes and I was hospitalized for 2 days,although I think I could have come home after one. No pain from operationother than gas used in laparoscopy settles in neck and shoulders and takes awhile to dissipate.Hope this info has helped - take care,Carol

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Dear Carol,

I use www.dogpile.com as my metasearch engine. The article comes up on the first page!

With best regards

Wemyss [mailto:charleswemyss (DOT) co.uk]

-----Original Message-----From: sentto-1073445-65-966316498-charles=wemyss.co.ukreturns (DOT) onelist.com [mailto:sentto-1073445-65-966316498-charles=wemyss.co.ukreturns (DOT) onelist.com]On Behalf Of Carol HaggasSent: Monday, August 14, 2000 21:58achalasiaegroupsSubject: Re: An excellent article


Finally got around to reading this article. Thanks - it's excellent! How did you find it? It doesn't come up on the metasearches I've done.



An excellent article

Dear Carol,

Thanks for your reply. I will be asking my local pharmacy for Cola Syrup!

I recently found an excellent article in the website of the Arizona Associates in Advanced Laporoscopic Surgery


It provides a history to the present day and a very advanced description of the laporoscopic surgery. It does take a while to load (86kB) but it's definitely worth it.

With best regards


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Thanks for the tip about Dogpile. I forget about this as a great search engine (I usually use ixquick for meta-searches). The article you found is wonderful - probably the best to date on the subject.

Hope you are well -

Take care!


An excellent article

Dear Carol,

Thanks for your reply. I will be asking my local pharmacy for Cola Syrup!

I recently found an excellent article in the website of the Arizona Associates in Advanced Laporoscopic Surgery


It provides a history to the present day and a very advanced description of the laporoscopic surgery. It does take a while to load (86kB) but it's definitely worth it.

With best regards


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  • 7 years later...
Guest guest

Thanks for that link. It's useful to have such articles to send

friends who have too much brain fog to read a book. :-)



> For all of you who have questions or problems arising from your

condition that you are at a loss to understand, I would read this

article. I bet you will find the answer there. This doctor really DOES

know what he is talking about and his paper is so easy to understand.


> This is another one from Mandy.


> Luv - Sheila

> http://www.healthy.net/scr/Article.asp?Id=528 & xcntr=1


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