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Re: iodine and stomach bloating?

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It definitely does that! Apoptotic effects are it's main goal. The stomach is a HUGE user of Iodine to restore the lining.


Can iodine cause a die-off (herxheimer reaction)? Everytime I take it my stomach rumbles and bloats, for many hours afterwards. Debi

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Iodine is know for assisting with detox, especially the other halides: fluorine and bromine. Thus, there can be a variety of side effects from the detoxing of these halides.

Some people have difficulties with taking iodine supplements on an empty stomach. They need to take them with food.

How much iodine are you taking and in what form?

I have never heard of anyone getting a stomach reaction from painting with iodine.


Can iodine cause a die-off (herxheimer reaction)? Everytime I take it my stomach rumbles and bloats, for many hours afterwards. Debi

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Wow! That is cool, lol! And inspiring as I have a gluten intolerance as

to 2 of my 3 children. One of them is having the stomach pain off and

on too.

We are taking 225mcg a day. Orally. Not painting. Is there a benefit to

painting on skin verses orally?



> It definitely does that! Apoptotic effects are it's main goal. The

stomach is a HUGE user of Iodine to restore the lining.




> =====================

> Can iodine cause a die-off (herxheimer reaction)? Everytime I take


> my stomach rumbles and bloats, for many hours afterwards.


> Debi


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Hi Debi,

Possibly it is due to intense allergy to iodine.

try www.naet.com or EFT

Debi wrote:

Can iodine cause a die-off (herxheimer reaction)? Everytime I take


my stomach rumbles and bloats, for many hours afterwards.


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oh puh-lease.

my stomach does the same, amd I know iodine is doing it's job.


Hi Debi,Possibly it is due to intense allergy to iodine.try www.naet.com or EFTDebi wrote:

Can iodine cause a die-off (herxheimer reaction)? Everytime I take it my stomach rumbles and bloats, for many hours afterwards. Debi

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I have read that before too. 2 of my 3 have never had any vaccines,

my oldest had a few at later than recommended ages. And we don't do

fillings of any kind. In fact I have cured one cavity (my daughters)

using the Weston A. Price method of cod liver oil, butter and diet. I

had my fillings out replaced a few years ago and unfortunately I

didn't notice anything.



> I am not sure. I am taking 50 mg of Iodoral (Iodine/Iodide

combo). I have been reading that gluten intolerance (which I have

too) is related to mercury toxicity. If your children were

vaccinated or have amalgam fillings it may be part of the reason

why. I am removing my amalgams now. I hope that I will be able to

eat gluten again after I chelate it out.


> Steph


> Re: iodine and stomach bloating?



> Wow! That is cool, lol! And inspiring as I have a gluten

intolerance as

> to 2 of my 3 children. One of them is having the stomach pain off


> on too.

> We are taking 225mcg a day. Orally. Not painting. Is there a

benefit to

> painting on skin verses orally?

> Debi


> >

> > It definitely does that! Apoptotic effects are it's main goal.


> stomach is a HUGE user of Iodine to restore the lining.

> >

> >

> >

> > =====================

> > Can iodine cause a die-off (herxheimer reaction)? Everytime I


> it

> > my stomach rumbles and bloats, for many hours afterwards.

> >

> > Debi

> >


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I had my fillings out replaced a few years ago and unfortunately I didn't notice anything.Debi


I have read that unless they are removed correctly patients can either feel no improvement or feel worse. Dr. Huggins says that for him it was finding that you needed to remove the teeth with the highest electrical current first. You also need to do it in quadrants and 8 days apart for each quadrant. This is how we have done it - along with a lot of other things. Did you chelate afterwards?


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Very good opposition.


Gracia wrote:




stomach does the same, amd I know iodine is doing it's job.


Hi Debi,

Possibly it is due to intense allergy to iodine.

try www.naet.com

or EFT

Debi wrote:

Can iodine cause a die-off (herxheimer reaction)? Everytime I

take it

my stomach rumbles and bloats, for many hours afterwards.


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> I had my fillings out replaced a few years ago and unfortunately

> I didn't notice anything.

> Debi

> ================


> I have read that unless they are removed correctly patients can either

feel no

> improvement or feel worse. Dr. Huggins says that for him it was finding

that you

> needed to remove the teeth with the highest electrical current first. You

also need to > do it in quadrants and 8 days apart for each quadrant. This

is how we have done it -

> along with a lot of other things. Did you chelate afterwards?


> Steph

The skeptic in me finds this an awfully convenient way for an

alternative health practictioner to dismiss anecdotes finding

their therapy does not work. That is, just claim they did it

wrong and did not take into account the rotation of the Earth

and the magnetic resonance hyperflux of the jawbone as it is

specifically manifest in June, etc., etc.. ;)



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The skeptic in me finds this an awfully convenient way for analternative health practictioner to dismiss anecdotes findingtheir therapy does not work. That is, just claim they did itwrong and did not take into account the rotation of the Earthand the magnetic resonance hyperflux of the jawbone as it isspecifically manifest in June, etc., etc.. ;)-


I understand your hesitation to accept it. If you read Dr. Huggins books you will understand that there is more to this than just "removing them". There is a Dr. Meier (sp?) too that I have read. Dr. Huggins has a degree in immunology as well as being a DDS. He is the leader in removal. I was unsure how much of it was important but now that I have studied it I can see how critical it is. I am sure there are some that would express what you are but in this case I don't think so. I tend to be cynical as well.





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now he's big on 'conscious sedation' and doing it all in one shot

with intravenous vit c, acupressure and massage plus serum

biocompatibility testing, hair analysis, balancing the body and

using each individuals blood chemistry. He used to say it was too

hard on the body to be in the chair more then 2 hrs at a time, now

with the conscious sedation and intravenous vit c they tell me it's

easier on the immune system. Not sure which I will choose.

I'm hesiant about the conscious sedation because it ups the risk

factor... I talked to someone at Huggins clinic yesterday as I

wanted to ask questions about consious sedation vs quadrant by

quandrant. In the end though, I will wait until I get there to

discuss it with the dentist and Dr. Huggins and make an informed

choice that is best for me.

yes it is a bit scary. ;-) Especially since I cannot get insurance

once I leave Canada- so if something ever happened or I had a

reaction and had to be hospitalized we'd have to 'sell the farm' to

get us home!!!




> I

> had my fillings out replaced a few years ago and unfortunately I

> didn't notice anything.

> Debi

> ================


> I have read that unless they are removed correctly patients can

either feel no improvement or feel worse. Dr. Huggins says that for

him it was finding that you needed to remove the teeth with the

highest electrical current first. You also need to do it in

quadrants and 8 days apart for each quadrant. This is how we have

done it - along with a lot of other things. Did you chelate




> Steph


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> The skeptic in me finds this an awfully convenient way for an

> alternative health practictioner to dismiss anecdotes finding

> their therapy does not work. That is, just claim they did it

> wrong and did not take into account the rotation of the Earth

> and the magnetic resonance hyperflux of the jawbone as it is

> specifically manifest in June, etc., etc.. ;)


> -

But allopathic excuses are OK?

There are possible reasons removing fillings doesn't help including -

*It wasn't the real problem in the first place,

*The damage was already done,

*Not all the mercury was removed. (Dr. Mercola, and I think Mike

the " Health Ranger " both mentioned this on their websites.

Mercola was rather annoyed to find it out, as you can imagine.)

*There are other health issues that also have to be addressed.

*One is still getting mercury from other sources. (Near a coal fired

power plant, eating lots of fish,getting flu shots, etc.)

About a year ago, I heard from someone who said it was common practice

in her area of Canada when someone had respiratory problems the

doctors would tell patients to have them removed, and she got much

better with fillings removed.

It could also be some things are better, just not observed. Things

like anemia getting better, since mercury causes a form.


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How in the world does one become allergic to an element one needs for

life? Wouldn't that be a fatal condition?


On 6/6/06, Medmidas Gmail <medmidas@...> wrote:



> Hi Debi,

> Possibly it is due to intense allergy to iodine.

> try www.naet.com or EFT


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> > The skeptic in me finds this an awfully convenient way for an

> > alternative health practictioner to dismiss anecdotes finding

> > their therapy does not work. That is, just claim they did it

> > wrong and did not take into account the rotation of the Earth

> > and the magnetic resonance hyperflux of the jawbone as it is

> > specifically manifest in June, etc., etc.. ;)

> >

> > -


> But allopathic excuses are OK?

Did I say that?

(Rhetorical question, with the answer being an obvious, " No. " ).

The rest of your email is well-reasoned though. :)

I'm not even sure you're disagreeing with me. LOL.


> There are possible reasons removing fillings doesn't help including -


> *It wasn't the real problem in the first place,

> *The damage was already done,

> *Not all the mercury was removed. (Dr. Mercola, and I think Mike

> the " Health Ranger " both mentioned this on their websites.

> Mercola was rather annoyed to find it out, as you can imagine.)

> *There are other health issues that also have to be addressed.

> *One is still getting mercury from other sources. (Near a coal fired

> power plant, eating lots of fish,getting flu shots, etc.)


> About a year ago, I heard from someone who said it was common practice

> in her area of Canada when someone had respiratory problems the

> doctors would tell patients to have them removed, and she got much

> better with fillings removed.


> It could also be some things are better, just not observed. Things

> like anemia getting better, since mercury causes a form.


> Skipper


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I have always found when I have stomach rumbling and bloating for any

reason that 6 capsules of activated charcoal will provide relief. It

is an adsorbent and will always provide relief.

However when I did a search on activated charcoal and mercury a slurry

was recommended instead.

You can read about it from this link.


Dr. Randall Scripter



> >

> >

> > Hi Debi,

> > Possibly it is due to intense allergy to iodine.

> > try www.naet.com or EFT

> >


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I know many people who had cancer and had their fillings

removed from their teeth. They all died of cancer and during

the last months of their lives were dealing with dentists and

various dental problems that would never have arisen had they

just let things alone and replaced a mercury filling with a

different kind as they broke or fell out.

Also, for many people , once you remove a filling the

dentist tells you that the filling cannot be replaced with

any kind of filling and a 2000 dollar root canal must be

performed followed by a 2000 cap. On top of that, there are

theories that postulate that it is the bacterial infections

that you contract during a root canal that can cause you to

have heart disease via migration of the infection to your

heart or even cancer. So, what then is the solution? Pull out

all of your teeth and be toothless for the rest of your life

with a new set of nice plastic false teeth? This is INSANE!!!

Sounds to me that a lot of this has to do with a lot of

greedy dentists. For any of you who don't think they are

greedy or would not do this then order up an old segment of

60 minutes where dentists in Texas and New Mexico were giving

children full sets of ''stainless steel'' caps. They all

looked like little enstein monsters. If they would do

that to children for money, what won't they do? Mercury in

your mouth is very unhealthy but if you already have them you

are pretty stupid to begin removing them and spending the

next 10 years of your life in a dentists' chair and paying

his childrens' way through Harvard or Yale. In fact you are a

real sucker if you do. My opinion only



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>From: robert <wiech89@...>


> Sounds to me that a lot of this has to do with a lot of

>greedy dentists. For any of you who don't think they are

>greedy or would not do this then order up an old segment of

>60 minutes where dentists in Texas and New Mexico were giving

>children full sets of ''stainless steel'' caps. They all

>looked like little enstein monsters. If they would do

>that to children for money, what won't they do? Mercury in

>your mouth is very unhealthy but if you already have them you

>are pretty stupid to begin removing them and spending the

>next 10 years of your life in a dentists' chair and paying

>his childrens' way through Harvard or Yale. In fact you are a

>real sucker if you do. My opinion only

SOME people have real improvement after having this done. You can't know

until you do it if you are one.

I'm having the mercury replaced as mine wear out, because not everyone gets

better from this procedure, but to some it's like a miracle.



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