Guest guest Posted February 9, 2008 Report Share Posted February 9, 2008 Hi, Heaven help us all! This is unbelievable Ministers are backing fluoride to be put in water supplies. Lilian Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Guest guest Posted February 9, 2008 Report Share Posted February 9, 2008 I think this is a 'red herring'.... to blind us to the other stuff that's not going too well; but make sure you attend your local council meetings where this matter is discussed and make your objections known, loud and clear.... ....quote thyroid dysfunction as one particular reason not to add fluoride to drinking water. Tell 'em it's already costing you time and money to correct an exising problem, without adding to it... best wishes Bob > > Hi, > > Heaven help us all! > > > > > > This is unbelievable > > > > Ministers are backing fluoride to be put in water supplies. > > > > > > > > Lilian > Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Guest guest Posted February 10, 2008 Report Share Posted February 10, 2008 ....and remind them all that in the past, they used to shrink 'overactive' goitres by giving them fluoride - so what the heck will fluoride do to our UNDERACTIVE thyroids. YIKES! Luv - Sheila I think this is a 'red herring' blind us to the other stuff that's not going too well;but make sure you attend your local council meetings where this matter is discussed and make your objections known, loud and clear.......quote thyroid dysfunction as one particular reason not to add fluoride to drinking water.Tell 'em it's already costing you time and money to correct an exising problem, without adding to wishesBob>> Hi,> > Heaven help us all!> > > > > > This is unbelievable> > > > Ministers are backing fluoride to be put in water supplies.> > > >> > > > Lilian> No virus found in this incoming message.Checked by AVG Free Edition. Version: 7.5.516 / Virus Database: 269.20.0/1268 - Release Date: 09/02/2008 11:54 Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Guest guest Posted February 10, 2008 Report Share Posted February 10, 2008 If I could afford it I would have a Reverse Osmosis filter put under my sink. This is the best method for filtering out most of the fluoride, the other filters just don't do it. I would need one for me and one for my sons house because I feel he is susseptible to Thyroid problems too, he shows certain symptoms. So the message I want to give to anyone on here who can afford one, get a reverse osmosis filter fitted to your mains supply. God bless Dawn Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Guest guest Posted February 10, 2008 Report Share Posted February 10, 2008 Well, before we get to that stage I'm hoping that there'll be some sort of protest but if it's necessary then it's either bottled water - if it's proven to be fluoride free - or the RO filter. In the meantime, is there a specific person/authority we should write to? Luv Bella > > If I could afford it I would have a Reverse Osmosis filter put under > my sink. > So the message I want to give to anyone on here who can afford one, > get a reverse osmosis filter fitted to your mains supply. > > God bless > Dawn > Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Guest guest Posted February 10, 2008 Report Share Posted February 10, 2008 There is a list of areas who already have put it in, This is a shocking article People who drink high volumes of water are particularly at risk of fluorosis such, people with Diabetes especially (Fluoride in Drinking Water: A Scientific Review of EPA's Standards By Committee on Fluoride in Drinking Water). Compulsory mass medication, it shouldn't be allowed should it. Just because I am paranoid doesn't mean they're NOT out to get me luv Dawn Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Guest guest Posted February 10, 2008 Report Share Posted February 10, 2008 Some interesting info about complaining here Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Guest guest Posted February 11, 2008 Report Share Posted February 11, 2008 Hi Bella Go to our website and right at the top of the TPA-UK News, (on the right hand side) click on the stuff we have on Fluoridation of Water - you will be amazed. Luv - Sheila Well, before we get to that stage I'm hoping that there'll be some sort of protest but if it's necessary then it's either bottled water - if it's proven to be fluoride free - or the RO filter. In the meantime, is there a specific person/authority we should write to?Luv Bella>> .. No virus found in this incoming message.Checked by AVG Free Edition. Version: 7.5.516 / Virus Database: 269.20.2/1270 - Release Date: 10/02/2008 12:21 Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Guest guest Posted February 12, 2008 Report Share Posted February 12, 2008 Hi Bella - I believe you met McDonagh (Chair Person of he National Pure Water Association) when we had our last 'Yorkshire Get Together'. She is the person who is giving me the information regarding fluoridation of our water. Let us know what is said, as we need to be getting as many letters to the right people as soon as possible. I think first and foremost we target the government. We should also target the British Thyroid Association who are backing the fluoridation of our drinking water,stating there is an absence of any association between fluoridation and thyroid disease. luv - Sheila Re: This is unbelievable Hi Sheila,Sadly I'm not amazed because I've been banging on about fluoride ever since reading about it in Dr Peatfield's book over a year ago. I have perused the info at TPA and it's really well reasoned stuff but my concern is that no one is specifically telling us who to target with our letters of complaint about fluoridation and I have now contacted the pure water association to point this out. I will let you know whether I receive a reply, here's hoping.Luv Bella>> Hi Bella> > Go to our website and right at the top of the TPA-UK News, (on the right hand side) click on the stuff we have on Fluoridation of Water - you will be amazed. > No virus found in this incoming message.Checked by AVG Free Edition. Version: 7.5.516 / Virus Database: 269.20.2/1270 - Release Date: 10/02/2008 12:21 Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Guest guest Posted February 12, 2008 Report Share Posted February 12, 2008 I thought that fluoride was once used on hyper patients to reduce thyroid activity. Is this not the case? If it is, then surely the BTA would know the history of treating thyroid. If it is true that they used fluoride for hyper patients then the BTA must be lying through their teeth by saying there is absence of association, or plain ignorant of the fact, which is quite inexcusable for an Association which considers itself to be THE authority on thyroid matters. If it is true and there is no association, where does the fact that it was used for hyper patients come from. Perhaps some references need to be found on this one. Lilian We should also target the British Thyroid Association who are backing the fluoridation of our drinking water,stating there is an absence of any association between fluoridation and thyroid disease. Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Guest guest Posted February 12, 2008 Report Share Posted February 12, 2008 People, be very afraid! EVERYONE I know personally, and I mean EVERYONE, is dead against the proposal to fluoridate the water supply. So Imagine how shocked I was to complete a mini poll on only to discover that 43% of respondents are in favour!!! See below. Clearly the general public needs more information. That 19% " don't know " speaks volumes. I know that a few years ago the Sunday Times colour supplement featured a several page article on the physical and mental damage caused by fluoride. It had several photos of mottled teeth and damaged human long bones to illustrate what could happen. Does anyone know whether the Daily Mail or other mass-market newspapers have published anything of note on the debate? Generally people tend to believe the blurb that fluoride is good for teeth and leave it at that. When such people see the evidence against fluoride they tend to write the information off as too far- fetched. Over the years I have signed many anti-fluoride petitions and even have a draconian letter from Anglian Water promising to take me to court if I refuse to pay the supply part of my water bill should they fluoridate the water! My argument had been that I would no longer buy their water if it is fluoridated and would seek out and pay for a non-fluoridated source instead. Not that I hoped it would get to that point of course as realistically there is little hope of me cycling off to a mountain spring and filling up lots of containers with fresh water :-0 Tracey ----------------------------------------------------------- Results Of The Mini-Poll FORM_NAME=minipollRespondForm There is a suggestion in the UK to add fluoride to the tap water, as studies have shown that it is a way of improving children's dental health. Would you support this idea in your country? If you're a UK resident, do you support it? Yes 43% No 21% This is already happening in my country and I support it. 10% This is already happening in my country and I don't support it. 5% I don't know. 19% Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Guest guest Posted February 12, 2008 Report Share Posted February 12, 2008 Well - how about this one for starters Lilian and there are plenty of references here too Lee, it might be worth putting this link on our website with the information on Fluoridation of our Water. Be afraid - be very afraid. Luv - Sheila Re: Re: This is unbelievable I thought that fluoride was once used on hyper patients to reduce thyroid activity. Is this not the case? If it is, then surely the BTA would know the history of treating thyroid. If it is true that they used fluoride for hyper patients then the BTA must be lying through their teeth by saying there is absence of association, or plain ignorant of the fact, which is quite inexcusable for an Association which considers itself to be THE authority on thyroid matters. If it is true and there is no association, where does the fact that it was used for hyper patients come from. Perhaps some references need to be found on this one. Lilian We should also target the British Thyroid Association who are backing the fluoridation of our drinking water,stating there is an absence of any association between fluoridation and thyroid disease. No virus found in this incoming message.Checked by AVG Free Edition. Version: 7.5.516 / Virus Database: 269.20.2/1270 - Release Date: 10/02/2008 12:21 Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Guest guest Posted February 12, 2008 Report Share Posted February 12, 2008 Some more to be going on with ..... read the responses in the BMJ & pg=PT228 & lpg=PT228 & dq=hyperthyroid+goitre+fluoride & source=web & ots=IRJENEcTRD & sig=H_tY-cw6B9OBcr2WilpGaeXlBeE If it is true and there is no association, where does the fact that it was used for hyper patients come from. Perhaps some references need to be found on this one. Lilian We should also target the British Thyroid Association who are backing the fluoridation of our drinking water,stating there is an absence of any association between fluoridation and thyroid disease. No virus found in this incoming message.Checked by AVG Free Edition. Version: 7.5.516 / Virus Database: 269.20.2/1270 - Release Date: 10/02/2008 12:21 Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Guest guest Posted February 12, 2008 Report Share Posted February 12, 2008 What are the Thyroid-Specific Concerns? Is fluoride in part the reason for near epidemic levels of hypothyroidism in the United States? Some experts and researchers believe this is the case.Fluoride had been used for decades as an effective anti-thyroid medication to treat hyperthyroidism and was frequently used at levels below the current "optimal" intake of 1 mg/day. This is due to the ability of fluoride to mimic the action of thyrotropin (TSH). It makes sense, then that out of the over 150 symptoms and associations of hypothyroidism, almost all are also symptoms of fluoride poisoning.Researcher and advocate s Schuld has also found that excess of fluoride correlates with other thyroid-related issues such as iodine deficiency. Fluoride and iodine, both being members of the halogens group of atoms, have an antagonistic relationship. When there is excess of fluoride in the body it can interfere with the function of the thyroid gland. It is possible that iodine deficiency, which is the most common cause of brain damage and mental disability in the world, could be lessened by simply cutting back on the use of fluoride. _____________________________________________ Re: Re: This is unbelievable I thought that fluoride was once used on hyper patients to reduce thyroid activity. Is this not the case? If it is, then surely the BTA would know the history of treating thyroid. If it is true that they used fluoride for hyper patients then the BTA must be lying through their teeth by saying there is absence of association, or plain ignorant of the fact, which is quite inexcusable for an Association which considers itself to be THE authority on thyroid matters. If it is true and there is no association, where does the fact that it was used for hyper patients come from. Perhaps some references need to be found on this one. Lilian We should also target the British Thyroid Association who are backing the fluoridation of our drinking water,stating there is an absence of any association between fluoridation and thyroid disease. No virus found in this incoming message.Checked by AVG Free Edition. Version: 7.5.516 / Virus Database: 269.20.2/1270 - Release Date: 10/02/2008 12:21 Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Guest guest Posted February 12, 2008 Report Share Posted February 12, 2008 Hi tracey, How I laughed about the mountain spring in flat East anglia! I get your point I too am dead against this bad science. > have a draconian letter from Anglian Water promising to take me to > court if I refuse to pay the supply part of my water bill should > they fluoridate the water! My argument had been that I would no > longer buy their water if it is fluoridated and would seek out and > pay for a non-fluoridated source instead. Not that I hoped it would > get to that point of course as realistically there is little hope of > me cycling off to a mountain spring and filling up lots of > containers with fresh water :-0 > > Tracey> > -----------------------------------------------------------> Results Of The Mini-Poll >> FORM_NAME=minipollRespondForm> > There is a suggestion in the UK to add fluoride to the tap water, as > studies have shown that it is a way of improving children's dental > health. Would you support this idea in your country? If you're a UK > resident, do you support it? > Yes 43% > No 21% > This is already happening in my country and I support it. 10% > This is already happening in my country and I don't support it. 5% > I don't know. 19% > > > > > Messages are not a substitute for professional medical advice. Always consult with a suitably qualified practitioner before changing medication. > Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Guest guest Posted February 12, 2008 Report Share Posted February 12, 2008 But didn't I just read here that the water people cannot refuse to put fluoride in the water if the local health authority want it. I guess it is once again the PCT's who have to be targetted. Lilian Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Guest guest Posted February 13, 2008 Report Share Posted February 13, 2008 Well, if it comes to it, we'll just have to move mountains! ;-) Here is an article " Is Fluoride Safe? " from yesterday's Independent. wellbeing/features/is-fluoride-safe-780948.html What I find scary is that all those causes for concern and others have been well-argued before. There are supported by plenty of mainstream scientific papers, ie-those which are taken seriously rather than those which are ignored. So why then, is the Government so persistent in their attempts to foist this poison on us?? Tracey > Hi tracey, > How I laughed about the mountain spring in flat East anglia! I get your point I too am dead against this bad science. Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Guest guest Posted February 13, 2008 Report Share Posted February 13, 2008 This is SO scary. We all need to write to our MP's and ask them what will happen to the tens of thousands of underactive thyroid sufferers in the UK once the fluoridation of our drinking water takes place. They used fluoride to depress thyroid activity - so heaven help us all. When I have a moment, I will try to put something together and post it on the forum so anybody who wishes, can take a copy to send to their MP. We can't allow this to happen. Luv - Sheila Well, if it comes to it, we'll just have to move mountains! ;-)Here is an article "Is Fluoride Safe?" from yesterday's Independent. I find scary is that all those causes for concern and others have been well-argued before. There are supported by plenty of mainstream scientific papers, ie-those which are taken seriously rather than those which are ignored. So why then, is the Government so persistent in their attempts to foist this poison on us??Tracey> Hi tracey,> How I laughed about the mountain spring in flat East anglia! I get your point I too am dead against this bad science. No virus found in this incoming message.Checked by AVG Free Edition. Version: 7.5.516 / Virus Database: 269.20.4/1275 - Release Date: 12/02/2008 15:20 Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Guest guest Posted February 13, 2008 Report Share Posted February 13, 2008 I see they do not have their facts right as to hyper / hypo. I have emailed them to put them right Lilian Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Guest guest Posted February 13, 2008 Report Share Posted February 13, 2008 Thank you Sheila, I wonder if Alan will be prepared to drink fluoridated water, bath in it and allow his family to do so? Luv Bella > > wellbeing/features/is-fluoride-safe-780948.html > > This is SO scary. We all need to write to our MP's and ask them what will happen to the tens of thousands of underactive thyroid sufferers in the UK once the fluoridation of our drinking water takes place. They used fluoride to depress thyroid activity - so heaven help us all. When I have a moment, I will try to put something together and post it on the forum so anybody who wishes, can take a copy to send to their MP. We can't allow this to happen. > > Luv - Sheila > > > > > Well, if it comes to it, we'll just have to move mountains! ;-) > > Here is an article " Is Fluoride Safe? " from yesterday's Independent. > > wellbeing/features/is-fluoride-safe-780948.html > > What I find scary is that all those causes for concern and others > have been well-argued before. There are supported by plenty of > mainstream scientific papers, ie-those which are taken seriously > rather than those which are ignored. So why then, is the Government > so persistent in their attempts to foist this poison on us?? > > Tracey > > > > > Hi tracey, > > How I laughed about the mountain spring in flat > East anglia! I get your point I too am dead against this bad science. > > > > > > > ------------------------------------------------------------------- ----------- > > > No virus found in this incoming message. > Checked by AVG Free Edition. > Version: 7.5.516 / Virus Database: 269.20.4/1275 - Release Date: 12/02/2008 15:20 > Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Guest guest Posted February 13, 2008 Report Share Posted February 13, 2008 ditto - I thought that was a very bad mistake to make. Luv -=Sheila I see they do not have their facts right as to hyper / hypo. I have emailed them to put them right Lilian No virus found in this incoming message.Checked by AVG Free Edition. Version: 7.5.516 / Virus Database: 269.20.4/1275 - Release Date: 12/02/2008 15:20 Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Guest guest Posted February 13, 2008 Report Share Posted February 13, 2008 1.1 Flouride Bearing Illness This includes a reference to thyroid changes Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Guest guest Posted February 13, 2008 Report Share Posted February 13, 2008 The following is a list of articles and research that I have compiled over the last couple years (or so). I presented this material to the Fircrest City Council and the Aberdeen City Council in hopes of eliminating fluoride from their water supplies - a dangerous act that they've done for over forty years (Fircrest). Table of Contents Toxicity of fluoride Hydrofluoric acid (HF) toxicity Those at risk to fluoride Sources of fluoride Lead and pipe corrosion Food sources of fluoride Hip fractures Cancer Blood F- levels & brain damage Toothpaste Fluorosis Lack of benefit from fluoride Questionable Research Quotable quotes Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Guest guest Posted February 13, 2008 Report Share Posted February 13, 2008 Basel Switzerland Votes to Stop Water Fluoridation Fluoride Action Network May 26, 2003 Mentions a number of different countries in relation to fluoride in this article. Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Guest guest Posted February 13, 2008 Report Share Posted February 13, 2008 Most Countries Reject Water Fluoridation Statements from European and other Health, Water, & Environment Authorities on Water Fluoridation Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
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