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TSH out of range at last!

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Just to recap - Private tests from Nptech show I have Hashimotos and that I don't convert T4 to T3. NHS tests have always been in range although I've been ill for a long time.

NHS tests done 18th January showed TSH 3.56 (0.30-5.50) Lab Comments 'No biochemical evidence of primary thyroid diease' - so nothing wrong with me. ESR was slightly raised (showing inflammation) so because of this my GP wanted to re-do a FBC and ESR 2 weeks later. I said that what we really needed was to know if there were any antibodies to which he replied 'Antibodies? We can do that' said in a way that implied he was only doing it to shut me up and it wouldn't show anything. So I also had an Autoantibody Screen done.

Blood was drawn on 6th of February but it's taken until this week for the results to come back. I had an appointment with him booked for yesterday so I went and collected a copy of my results the day before so I could get my head around them to see if there was anything I needed to check out and so be able to ask any relevant questions. The receptionist said everything was back but the thyroid test? I wasn't having a thyroid test done again but when I read the results for the Autoantibody screen it had come back as positive for Anti-nuclear antibodies (ANA) and Anti-smooth muscle antibodies (ASMA) and the comments - 'Staining of thyroid tissue was noted - the sample will be forwarded for thyroid antibody and thyroid function tests. Very weak smooth muscle (non-actin) antibodies. These are non-specific but may be associated with viral infections.'

When I went to see my GP yesterday the thyroid results were back (Oh, you have biochemical evidence of thyroid diesease) showing high thyroid antibodies and a TSH of 5.98 (0.30-5.50) Yeahhhhhhhh He believes me now! It's only slightly above the range but 3 weeks before it was 3.56 and proves what I was saying to him about unreliable TSH tests and Hashimotos. Free T4 was 19.50 (11.00-23.00) which is the same as my private test, but the T3 wasn't done.

He had already referred me to an endo on the strength of my private tests so now he can forward these as well. My appointment is in 4 weeks time. My next problem is if they decide to treat me when I know my adrenals aren't up to it but I'm seeing Dr P on Saturday so will be able to discuss it with him.

The thing is that if I hadn't mentioned antibodies (again) when I did, my GP would never have done this test and he was only doing it to try and prove me wrong! He was going off in all directions wanting to diagnose me with something else! I wasn't sure it was the right test to do at the time but thankfully it's proved otherwise. I haven't checked out the viral infections bit yet as I have 'information overload' to my poor addled brain but as I've been viral for 30 years hope this may shed more light for me.



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HI Gillian

I am delighted you have been so assertive and demanded your blood be checked for antibodies - and hooray that you were proved right and now they are actually doing something about it. You are correct about them starting you on thyroid hormone replacement without even checking your adrenals are able to cope with it. I don't know of one NHS GP or endocrinologist who has asked their patients (or tested their patients) for low adrenal reserve before starting them on thyroxine.

Dr peatfield will be able to rest your mind about that particular problem, and I sincerely hope you have a great consultation with him. Let us know how you get on.

Luv - Sheila

Just to recap - Private tests from Nptech show I have Hashimotos and that I don't convert T4 to T3. NHS tests have always been in range although I've been ill for a long time.

NHS tests done 18th January showed TSH 3.56 (0.30-5.50) Lab Comments 'No biochemical evidence of primary thyroid diease' - so nothing wrong with me. ESR was slightly raised (showing inflammation) so because of this my GP wanted to re-do a FBC and ESR 2 weeks later. I said that what we really needed was to know if there were any antibodies to which he replied 'Antibodies? We can do that' said in a way that implied he was only doing it to shut me up and it wouldn't show anything. So I also had an Autoantibody Screen done.

Blood was drawn on 6th of February but it's taken until this week for the results to come back. I had an appointment with him booked for yesterday so I went and collected a copy of my results the day before so I could get my head around them to see if there was anything I needed to check out and so be able to ask any relevant questions. The receptionist said everything was back but the thyroid test? I wasn't having a thyroid test done again but when I read the results for the Autoantibody screen it had come back as positive for Anti-nuclear antibodies (ANA) and Anti-smooth muscle antibodies (ASMA) and the comments - 'Staining of thyroid tissue was noted - the sample will be forwarded for thyroid antibody and thyroid function tests. Very weak smooth muscle (non-actin) antibodies. These are non-specific but may be associated with viral infections.'

When I went to see my GP yesterday the thyroid results were back (Oh, you have biochemical evidence of thyroid diesease) showing high thyroid antibodies and a TSH of 5.98 (0.30-5.50) Yeahhhhhhhh He believes me now! It's only slightly above the range but 3 weeks before it was 3.56 and proves what I was saying to him about unreliable TSH tests and Hashimotos. Free T4 was 19.50 (11.00-23.00) which is the same as my private test, but the T3 wasn't done.

He had already referred me to an endo on the strength of my private tests so now he can forward these as well. My appointment is in 4 weeks time. My next problem is if they decide to treat me when I know my adrenals aren't up to it but I'm seeing Dr P on Saturday so will be able to discuss it with him.

The thing is that if I hadn't mentioned antibodies (again) when I did, my GP would never have done this test and he was only doing it to try and prove me wrong! He was going off in all directions wanting to diagnose me with something else! I wasn't sure it was the right test to do at the time but thankfully it's proved otherwise. I haven't checked out the viral infections bit yet as I have 'information overload' to my poor addled brain but as I've been viral for 30 years hope this may shed more light for me.



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