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Thigh cramps

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Hi Everyone

I wonder if anyone else has experienced my symptoms on increasing T4.

Just to refresh I am on T4 100mcg and T3 20mcg. It is now 4 weeks

since Dr B increased my T4 from 75mcg going on the following blood

results - T4 7.3 T3 4.7 TSH 0.1.

My continual symptom has been thigh cramps and knee joint stiffness.

Before my last dose increase they came and went but weren't there

every day. Since my last dose increase they seem to be almost

constant, the thigh pains are awful and really getting me down. I

can't forget about being hypo because I have a constant reminder. I

don't know what to do now. I don't know if they are there because I

still am not on the correct dose, or if it because my body dosen't

like the T4 or if it is because I need more T3. I have sent an email

asking Dr B's secretary about my next appointment and whether I can

have a dose increase or an earlier appointment because it isn't until

July 2 weeks before I am going on a family holiday to France. I so

wanted to be feeling better by then.

Any words of encouragement would be gladly received.

Thanks love Lizzie

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Sorry to hear that you aren't feeling great.

Magnesium supplements usually work really well for cramps. They

also work really well to stop those funny twitches in your eye (not

sure if you get them or not).

Not sure what to do about the knee joint stiffness. I use a

supplement called 'PicMins' by Thorne, but you will need to check

with your doc whether it is suitable for you. I had really sore

wrists, elbows, hip, knees and ankles. I felt very bad. The pain

almost disappeared after using this supplement. I get the occasional

twinge, but it is A LOT better than it used to be. You might want

to ask your doc whether it is suitable for you. My sister (who has

the same condition as me) used it and didn't need to take


Here is a link to the product. You need to scroll down and click

on 'pic-mins' to view the 'ingredients'. The company is based in

the US.



> My continual symptom has been thigh cramps and knee joint


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Hi Lizzie

You could have a conversion block and need T3 only, or, alternatively, you could be a candidate for Armour Thyroid, which has the active hormones T3, T2, T1 and also calcitonin. I had severe cramps in my lower back and under both heels and shoulder when I was on T4 only and then on synthetic T4/T3 combination. They didn't go until I started on Armour Thyroid. I would telephone Dr B's secretary on Tuesday and not wait any longer. You cannot be expected to remain in such pain until your next appointment, and I am sure Dr B would be concerned if he knew about this.

Let us know how you get on and I will keep everything crossed for you. You could come straight out and ask if you could have a trial of Armour thyroid to tide you over your holiday and that way, you could see whether this was the treatment that your body needs.

Luv - Sheila

Hi EveryoneI wonder if anyone else has experienced my symptoms on increasing T4.Just to refresh I am on T4 100mcg and T3 20mcg. It is now 4 weekssince Dr B increased my T4 from 75mcg going on the following bloodresults - T4 7.3 T3 4.7 TSH 0.1.My continual symptom has been thigh cramps and knee joint stiffness.Before my last dose increase they came and went but weren't thereevery day. Since my last dose increase they seem to be almostconstant, the thigh pains are awful and really getting me down. Ican't forget about being hypo because I have a constant reminder. Idon't know what to do now. I don't know if they are there because Istill am not on the correct dose, or if it because my body dosen'tlike the T4 or if it is because I need more T3. I have sent an emailasking Dr B's secretary about my next appointment and whether I canhave a dose increase or an earlier appointment because it isn't untilJuly 2 weeks before I am going on a family holiday to France. I sowanted to be feeling better by then. Any words of encouragement would be gladly received.Thanks love Lizzie

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Hi P

Thanks for your reply, I do take magnesium citrate 150mg per day and

also nutri-adrenal extra which also contains magnesium but I have just

taken an extra magnesium tab and will see if it helps. I think my

joint stiffness is a symptom of hypo and I am hoping this will settle

down soon but thanks for the info about pic-mins I will look into them.

Love Lizzie


> Sorry to hear that you aren't feeling great.


> Magnesium supplements usually work really well for cramps. They

> also work really well to stop those funny twitches in your eye (not

> sure if you get them or not).


> Not sure what to do about the knee joint stiffness. I use a

> supplement called 'PicMins' by Thorne, but you will need to check

> with your doc whether it is suitable for you. I had really sore

> wrists, elbows, hip, knees and ankles. I felt very bad. The pain

> almost disappeared after using this supplement. I get the occasional

> twinge, but it is A LOT better than it used to be. You might want

> to ask your doc whether it is suitable for you. My sister (who has

> the same condition as me) used it and didn't need to take

> painkillers.


> Here is a link to the product. You need to scroll down and click

> on 'pic-mins' to view the 'ingredients'. The company is based in

> the US.

> http://www.thorne.com/product_data_sheets_PDFs.wss


> P





> > My continual symptom has been thigh cramps and knee joint

> stiffness.


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Hi sheila

Thanks for that I will try and pluck up the courage to contact Dr B

although I know he thinks that the thigh cramps have nothing to do

with the T4 as I queried it with him when he suggested increasing my

dose, he said that it was not documented to be a side effect or

somehting similar.

LOve Lizzie

>> Hi Lizzie


> You could have a conversion block and need T3 only, or,

alternatively, you could be a candidate for Armour Thyroid, which has

the active hormones T3, T2, T1 and also calcitonin. I had severe

cramps in my lower back and under both heels and shoulder when I was

on T4 only and then on synthetic T4/T3 combination. They didn't go

until I started on Armour Thyroid. I would telephone Dr B's secretary

on Tuesday and not wait any longer. You cannot be expected to remain

in such pain until your next appointment, and I am sure Dr B would be

concerned if he knew about this.


> Let us know how you get on and I will keep everything crossed for

you. You could come straight out and ask if you could have a trial of

Armour thyroid to tide you over your holiday and that way, you could

see whether this was the treatment that your body needs.


> Luv - Sheila




> Hi Everyone


> I wonder if anyone else has experienced my symptoms on increasing T4.

> Just to refresh I am on T4 100mcg and T3 20mcg. It is now 4 weeks

> since Dr B increased my T4 from 75mcg going on the following blood

> results - T4 7.3 T3 4.7 TSH 0.1.


> My continual symptom has been thigh cramps and knee joint stiffness.

> Before my last dose increase they came and went but weren't there

> every day. Since my last dose increase they seem to be almost

> constant, the thigh pains are awful and really getting me down. I

> can't forget about being hypo because I have a constant reminder. I

> don't know what to do now. I don't know if they are there because I

> still am not on the correct dose, or if it because my body dosen't

> like the T4 or if it is because I need more T3. I have sent an email

> asking Dr B's secretary about my next appointment and whether I can

> have a dose increase or an earlier appointment because it isn't until

> July 2 weeks before I am going on a family holiday to France. I so

> wanted to be feeling better by then.


> Any words of encouragement would be gladly received.


> Thanks love Lizzie











> No virus found in this incoming message.

> Checked by AVG.

> Version: 7.5.524 / Virus Database: 269.24.1/1464 - Release Date:

24/05/2008 08:56


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yes I have had years of those symptoms, also get terrible cramping in

back of my ribcage and find the very bare minimum of magnesium needed

is 200mg per day, I need my selenium too to help with conversion. I

find the more T3 the less backache and muscle cramps as long as the

magnesium and vitamins are available for use. My swollen knees and the

pains therein aren't as bad either, however this has taken 43 days on


Hope you feel better soon

luv Dawn

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OO forgot to mention

Buy yourself some Gray Sea Salt from the heath food stores, commonly

known as Celtic Sea Salt, it contains every mineral you will ever need

and get a grinder and use this in place of table salt, it tastes so

much more wonderful and is not bleached and nasty with fillers and

rubbish you find in the table salts and even the 'sea salt' in the

supermarket which has been tampered with.

Sometimes this helps with cramps.

Lotsa luv



> Hi Everyone


> I wonder if anyone else has experienced my symptoms on increasing T4.

> Just to refresh I am on T4 100mcg and T3 20mcg. It is now 4 weeks

> since Dr B increased my T4 from 75mcg going on the following blood

> results - T4 7.3 T3 4.7 TSH 0.1.


> My continual symptom has been thigh cramps and knee joint stiffness.

> Before my last dose increase they came and went but weren't there

> every day. Since my last dose increase they seem to be almost

> constant, the thigh pains are awful and really getting me down. I

> can't forget about being hypo because I have a constant reminder. I

> don't know what to do now. I don't know if they are there because I

> still am not on the correct dose, or if it because my body dosen't

> like the T4 or if it is because I need more T3. I have sent an email

> asking Dr B's secretary about my next appointment and whether I can

> have a dose increase or an earlier appointment because it isn't until

> July 2 weeks before I am going on a family holiday to France. I so

> wanted to be feeling better by then.


> Any words of encouragement would be gladly received.


> Thanks love Lizzie


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Thanks Dawn

It's good advice I will give it a go. Good luck with the Armour

Love Lizzie

> Buy yourself some Gray Sea Salt from the heath food stores, commonly

> known as Celtic Sea Salt, it contains every mineral you will ever need

> and get a grinder and use this in place of table salt, it tastes so

> much more wonderful and is not bleached and nasty with fillers and

> rubbish you find in the table salts and even the 'sea salt' in the

> supermarket which has been tampered with.

> Sometimes this helps with cramps.


> Lotsa luv

> Dawn



> >

> > Hi Everyone

> >

> > I wonder if anyone else has experienced my symptoms on increasing T4.

> > Just to refresh I am on T4 100mcg and T3 20mcg. It is now 4 weeks

> > since Dr B increased my T4 from 75mcg going on the following blood

> > results - T4 7.3 T3 4.7 TSH 0.1.

> >

> > My continual symptom has been thigh cramps and knee joint stiffness.

> > Before my last dose increase they came and went but weren't there

> > every day. Since my last dose increase they seem to be almost

> > constant, the thigh pains are awful and really getting me down. I

> > can't forget about being hypo because I have a constant reminder. I

> > don't know what to do now. I don't know if they are there because I

> > still am not on the correct dose, or if it because my body dosen't

> > like the T4 or if it is because I need more T3. I have sent an email

> > asking Dr B's secretary about my next appointment and whether I can

> > have a dose increase or an earlier appointment because it isn't until

> > July 2 weeks before I am going on a family holiday to France. I so

> > wanted to be feeling better by then.

> >

> > Any words of encouragement would be gladly received.

> >

> > Thanks love Lizzie

> >


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Hi there Lizzie, the stiff joints could be rheumatoid arthritis this can creep up on you with out you being aware. and is one of the things that can go with hypothyroidism, so you should mentionthis to your doctor . he should be testing for rheumatoid factor or ANA antibodies.hope this helps -- angel.

Sent from .

A Smarter Email.

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Thanks Angel

I have been tested for rheumaoid arthritis but this came back

negative, one of the antibody tests came back with a weak positive but

I was told that this is quite common and not really anything to worry


Love Lizzie

> Hi there Lizzie, the stiff joints could be rheumatoid

arthritis & nbsp; this can creep up on you with out you being aware. and

is one of the things that can go with hypothyroidism, so you should


> this to your doctor . he should be testing for rheumatoid factor or

ANA antibodies.

> hope this helps -- angel.

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Hi Lizzie,

The joint stiffness was a symptom of hypo for me too. I used to walk

with a pronounced limp and most of my joints were sore. It hurt most

of the time. The pic-mins worked well to almost get rid of the joint

stiffness and associated pain, but it is best to check with your doc

first to make sure it is a product that is suitable for you to use.

I hope the extra Mg tab helped. I use between 500 - 1000mg of

chelated Mg p/day (500mg equiv to elemental Mg 100mg) when I have that

funny 'twitch' in my eye that I mentioned in my last message. It

disappears after I use Mg. Again, please check with your doc.


I do take magnesium citrate 150mg per day and also nutri-adrenal extra

which also contains magnesium but I have just taken an extra magnesium

tab and will see if it helps. I think my joint stiffness is a symptom

of hypo and I am hoping this will settle down soon.

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If you don't want to talk to him Lizzie, then you can write to him and put down how you feel. Let him know you would appreciate an early response because you cannot continue to suffer the pains you are experiencing.

luv - Sheila

Hi sheilaThanks for that I will try and pluck up the courage to contact Dr Balthough I know he thinks that the thigh cramps have nothing to dowith the T4 as I queried it with him when he suggested increasing mydose, he said that it was not documented to be a side effect orsomehting similar.LOve Lizzie>> Hi Lizzie> > You could have a conversion block and need T3 only, or,alternatively, you could be a candidate for Armour Thyroid, which hasthe active hormones T3, T2, T1 and also calcitonin. I had severecramps in my lower back and under both heels and shoulder when I wason T4 only and then on synthetic T4/T3 combination. They didn't gountil I started on Armour Thyroid. I would telephone Dr B's secretaryon Tuesday and not wait any longer. You cannot be expected to remainin such pain until your next appointment, and I am sure Dr B would beconcerned if he knew about this.> > Let us know how you get on and I will keep everything crossed foryou. You could come straight out and ask if you could have a trial ofArmour thyroid to tide you over your holiday and that way, you couldsee whether this was the treatment that your body needs.> > Luv - Sheila> > > > Hi Everyone> > I wonder if anyone else has experienced my symptoms on increasing T4.> Just to refresh I am on T4 100mcg and T3 20mcg. It is now 4 weeks> since Dr B increased my T4 from 75mcg going on the following blood> results - T4 7.3 T3 4.7 TSH 0.1.> > My continual symptom has been thigh cramps and knee joint stiffness.> Before my last dose increase they came and went but weren't there> every day. Since my last dose increase they seem to be almost> constant, the thigh pains are awful and really getting me down. I> can't forget about being hypo because I have a constant reminder. I> don't know what to do now. I don't know if they are there because I> still am not on the correct dose, or if it because my body dosen't> like the T4 or if it is because I need more T3. I have sent an email> asking Dr B's secretary about my next appointment and whether I can> have a dose increase or an earlier appointment because it isn't until> July 2 weeks before I am going on a family holiday to France. I so> wanted to be feeling better by then. > > Any words of encouragement would be gladly received.> > Thanks love Lizzie> > > > > > >----------------------------------------------------------> > > No virus found in this incoming message.> Checked by AVG. > Version: 7.5.524 / Virus Database: 269.24.1/1464 - Release Date:24/05/2008 08:56>

No virus found in this incoming message.Checked by AVG. Version: 7.5.524 / Virus Database: 269.24.1/1464 - Release Date: 24/05/2008 08:56

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Rehenatoid arthritis is another autoimmune disease. have you been checked Lizzie to see whether you have antibodies to your thyroid. If so, this could account for your stiffness and aches.

luv - Sheila

Hi there Lizzie, the stiff joints could be rheumatoid arthritis this can creep up on you with out you being aware. and is one of the things that can go with hypothyroidism, so you should mentionthis to your doctor . he should be testing for rheumatoid factor or ANA antibodies.hope this helps -- angel.

Sent from . A Smarter Email.

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Hi Lizzie,

I would suggest a RT3 & free T3 blood test, as a possibility would be that your body is not reacting well to the extra T4 suggesting a RT3 problem, which could make you feel more hypo after the increase than before.

If the above is negative then hc may get rid of your pains. I used to have a job walking around the golf course & carried a "pain-gone" everywhere - literally I had about 5 of them in bags, car & golfbag, I was afraid to go anywhere without them, but now I use them about once every few months.


> I wonder if anyone else has experienced my symptoms on increasing T4.> Just to refresh I am on T4 100mcg and T3 20mcg. It is now 4 weeks> since Dr B increased my T4 from 75mcg going on the following blood> results - T4 7.3 T3 4.7 TSH 0.1.> > My continual symptom has been thigh cramps and knee joint stiffness.> Before my last dose increase they came and went but weren't there> every day. Since my last dose increase they seem to be almost> constant, the thigh pains are awful and really getting me down. I> can't forget about being hypo because I have a constant reminder. I> don't know what to do now. I don't know if they are there because I> still am not on the correct dose, or if it because my body dosen't> like the T4 or if it is because I need more T3.

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  • 2 weeks later...
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Hi Sheila and everyone

I have today received a letter from Dr B following the email I sent to

his secretary. As a reminder I have been on T4 100mcg for 5 weeks now

increased from 75mcg and continue on T3 20mcg.

My main and continuiung problem is thigh cramps and knee pains.

Anyway he has said that following my recent history with palpitations

to continue on the same dose of T3 but that I can increase my T4 to

125mcg and then he will see me in July and reassess then. I am quite

pleased with this outcome as my T4 before the last increase to 100mcg

was only 7.3 my T3 was 4.7 but if my T4 was so low I suppose it dosent

leave very much to convert to T3 does it.

I would welcome your thoughts as to whether you think this course of

action may work. fingers crossed.

Love Lizzie

> I wonder if anyone else has experienced my symptoms on increasing T4.

> Just to refresh I am on T4 100mcg and T3 20mcg. It is now 4 weeks

> since Dr B increased my T4 from 75mcg going on the following blood

> results - T4 7.3 T3 4.7 TSH 0.1.


> My continual symptom has been thigh cramps and knee joint stiffness.

> Before my last dose increase they came and went but weren't there

> every day. Since my last dose increase they seem to be almost

> constant, the thigh pains are awful and really getting me down. I

> can't forget about being hypo because I have a constant reminder. I

> don't know what to do now. I don't know if they are there because I

> still am not on the correct dose, or if it because my body dosen't

> like the T4 or if it is because I need more T3. I have sent an email

> asking Dr B's secretary about my next appointment and whether I can

> have a dose increase or an earlier appointment because it isn't until

> July 2 weeks before I am going on a family holiday to France. I so

> wanted to be feeling better by then.


> Any words of encouragement would be gladly received.


> Thanks love Lizzie


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Hi Sheila

Yes I take 2000mg vit C daily, magnesium 300mg and a multi with 200mg

selenium and 10mg zinc plus lots of other things too, also NAE I was

down to 3 but have taken an extra one today to help with tonights dose

increase of T4.

Love Lizzie

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Hi Lizzie,

Looks promising!

Subject: Re: Thigh cramps

Hi Everyone

My weight had been gradually increasing and then plateaued.

However I feel that now there is a definite trend towards a weight

loss, 5 weeks since T4 increase and I have consistently lost weight in

the last 2 to 3 weeks amounting to about 3 pounds altogether, this is

without doing anything different regarding exercise or diet.

Love Lizzie


Messages are not a substitute for professional medical advice. Always

consult with a suitably qualified practitioner before changing


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