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Re: Hello - a new member from Nottingham

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Hi Adrienne,

Welcome to the group.

I just wanted to let you know that if you did want to see Dr Peatfield,

he has a clinic at Castle Donington on Saturday/Sunday 1st/2nd March.

When I booked an appointment earlier this week there were just 3 slots

left. His contact details are on the website.

Hope this helps,


Gill S


> Should I just make an appointment to see Dr P now and see him before

> the GP?

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Hello Adrienne, and welcome to our forum. We will try to give you all the help and support you need, so if you have any questions, just shout.>> I have just joined today, having decided that I need support from you > guys with my health issues. I was diagnosed with Menieres Syndrome 24 > years ago (I am 53 now). For those of you who are not familiar with > this illness it is a triad of three conditions, tinnitus, deafness > and vertigo. I had one bad attack of vertigo, was hospitalised, and > apart from the 1st two symptoms being present, did not have any more > problems for another 8 or so years. However a series of very bad > vetigo attacks (two or three times a week lasting 24 hours) ended > with me having surgery (a saccus decompression). The vertigo went > away but I was very slow to recover in other ways - putting on > weight, tiredness dry skin - you can se where this is headed. I > diagnosed myself with hypothyroidism and this was confirmed by blood > tests. At the same time I was experiencing headaches, back pain > and 'brain fog' which did improve with Levroxine.

You might be interested to have a look through this website http://drdavidson.ucsd.edu/Portals/0/Pathway/Vertigo.htm . In an exhaustive list of possible causes (under the heading Metabolic Disorders) is listed Hyper- or hypoglycemia

Hyper- or hypothyroidism

Electrolyte imbalance






> Over the years my dose increased to 225 mcgs and then reduced to 175. > In 2000 I had another bout of Vertigo attacks and reluctantly came to > the decision to take medical retirement from my very stressful job. > Also during this time the back and neck pain returned, as did > headaches, muscle pain, lethargy and brain fog. I put all of this > down to stress, but also knew that these symptoms were like ME or > Fibromyalgia. My GP thought it might be Fibromyalgia and offered me > anti-depressants, which I refused. I have been seeing an > acupuncturist regularly which has helped to allieviate my symptoms > but over the last couple of months they have returned more severely. > I currently get days when I am in a lot of pain, back neck and > muscles, headachey and very tired. Oh, and I almost forgot - I have > IBS as well!

Your symptoms and complaints are exactly the same that I suffered and I was taking 125 mcgs thyroxine at that time. It was found I was not converting the inactive hormone T4 into the active hormone T3. T3 is needed by every cell in your body to make it function. I was diagnosed by my GP with a prolapsed disc because of the severe pain in my lower back, which was so bad at times, I had to lie on our lounge floor at least 2 weeks at a time when I was really bad. I eventually went to see a private hormone specialist who told me the pains were being caused because I was not converting and my muscles were going into severe spasm. I also had pain under both heels and my shoulder. He prescribed me Armour thyroid, which is natural desiccated pigs thyroid extract, and I have never looked back since. Armour contains T4, T3, T2, T1 and calcitonin. I would ask your GP to test your Free T4 and your Free T3 to see whether you have high T4 and low T3, this would help in seeing whether or not you are converting or not.

If your local laboratory is one that refuses to test for Free T3, you can get this done through NPTech Services, who are a laboratory in Newmarket. Go to our FILES from the Home Page and scroll down until you see NPTech Services. That tells you the tests they do and the prices they charge. They also give a list of private hospitals near you where you can get your blood drawn, but quite often, you can get a nurse to draw your blood at your local surgery and then send it off to NPTech.

> On doing a bit of research on the web I came across your site and > took a look at what has been said about fibromyalgia being under-> treated hypothyroidism. My blood tests have been stable over the last > few years so my GP hasn't suggested any alternatives other than to > offer treatment for the fibro and IBS separately.

Some doctors believe there is no such thing as fibromyalgia and it has been found that in many cases, thyroid hormone replacement does the trick. Doctors don't seem to know of the T4 tol T3 conversion and how necessary this is, or the consequences of what happens if you are not converting. Can you get your last thyroid function tests from your GP and let us have the numbers, but don't forget to also let us have the reference range for each test. You might also ask your doctor to test to see what your Ferritin level (stored iron) is, as having a very low level can give you many of the symptoms of hypothyroidiosm and you will need an iron supplement. If you do, always remember NEVER to take iron anywhere near your thyroxine (this applies to calcium too) as it stops your thyroxine from being absorbed by the body.> > Phew!!!! I think that give a fair picture.

I think you have, and you certainly have gone through the mill with this.> > I want to ask my GP to change me to Armour Thyroid and am arming > myself with the letters and information needed to be able argue my > case. I have never been refered to a specialist and also note that Dr > P has been mentioned as a possible source of help. Since reading the > stuff on the website I will also start taking the additional vits and > supplements.

Please be prepared for your GP to tell you that he can't do this, because it isn't licensed, and he knows nothing about Armour. Even with synthetic T3, most need their endocrinologists to recommend it before they will prescribe it. Armour has never required a license, it was 'grandfathered' in as being a very safe and effective medication. Stories have got around from drug reps (and others interested in keeping the 'hand-outs' from the pharmaceutical industry) that thyroxine is the treatment of choice and safe and effective and that T4/T3 combination, either synthetic or natural, are dangerous. We are trying to 'educate' these doctors, but it is a difficult job. Having said that, some endocrinologists are now using Armour for some of their patients who they recognise are not doing well on thyroxine alone.

Have you actually asked your GP for a referral to an endocrinologist?> > I have a couple of questions for the group:> > Are the specialists in Nottingham Friendly towards Armour thyroid and > the fibro link?

I have no idea - each doctor seems to have their own thoughts, but mainly, they go along with the mainstream treatment protocol of using thyroxine only. Sometimes, people ahve to take their health into their own hands and be guided by the information in books such as Dr Peatfields "Your Thyroid and How to keep it healthy" and from the information in our website and in the files of this forum. Be assured that many who have had to do this are doing well, some actually returning to work. > > Do you have any other suggestions before I make an appointment to see > my GP?

Again, go to our FILES and check out the file "First visit to your endo". I know you are seeing your GP, but you might find some useful hints there, especially about the quesitons you need answers to.

> Should I just make an appointment to see Dr P now and see him before > the GP?

If you want an appointment at any time with Dr Peatfield, he does have a clinic in Castle Donnington. His telephone number is 01883 623125 to see when he is next in your area. I believe this to be the beginning of March. I would see your GP first though and get the full thyroid function tests done, and your Ferritin level tested.> > I must admit to being hopeful about what can be done, given what I > have been reading about Armour Thyroid. However I have been in poor > health for such a long time and I have been disappointed by medicines > and remedies in the past so........

Those with hypothyroidism that have suffered for some time, often have low adrenal reserve and/or Candida Albicans, and both of these conditions MUST be treated or any amount of thyroid hormone, either synthetic or natural will not be absorbed by your body. Read the information on these two conditions in our website www.tpa-uk.org.uk and in the files on this forum.> > I look forward to hearing what y'all think :-)> > kind regards> Adrienne

Luv - Sheila>

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