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Flax oil

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I try to remember to take flax seed oil every day straight

up. 1-2 T. It was part of my recent 3-week juice fast

program and I'm trying to keep up the habit. My skin has

improved 100%. It has a nice nutty flavor (Jarrow brand)

and is quite palatable straight from the spoon. It's great

for lubricating the bowel and adding the good kind of

oil--full of Omega 3s and 9s, etc., which we know is

excellent for artery health.

Anita Griggs

Ventura, California

--- rr-jr@... wrote:

> Hi everyone,


> I just bought some flax oil today and reading on the

> bottle it says it

> is good for 4 weeks after you open it, that's it! I have

> a couple of

> recipes that include it (where you add it in as

> flavouring, not

> heated!), but how else can I consume this stuff? It is

> so expensive and

> I want to make sure I use at least most of it before it

> goes bad. Do

> you add it to smoothies or anything? Anyone have any

> good recipes for

> it? I know it is supposed to be so healthy so I wanted

> to try it.


> Thanks,

> Rhonda






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Be sure to keep it refrigerated. I use it daily on my salads. I make my salad and then add a minimum of two tablespoons on my salad. That is my dressing. I salt it with "real salt" lightly. I also add it to my protein shakes. It makes your skin very smooth and silky. I like the taste of it. If you eat cottage cheese, then you can add cottage cheese to your salad by putting it on the very top of the greens, then top it off with the flax seed oil, I then sprinkle it with sunflower seeds. That is a wonderful combination that is supposed to be very good for cancer.

~Karma ---------------------------------------http://loaves-n-fishes.com/ Health care items, over 200 manufacturers, over 5,000 products including vitamins, herbs, passive aerobic exercisers, body-fat scales, camping and storage food, plus more, at 10-30% off retail prices!http://www.karma.awarenesshealth.com/ Awareness Products, parasite and colon cleanses, Mediterranean botanicals

-----Original Message-----From: rr-jr@... [mailto:rr-jr@...]Sent: Tuesday, June 05, 2001 8:43 PMbowel cleanse Subject: Flax oilHi everyone,I just bought some flax oil today and reading on the bottle it says itis good for 4 weeks after you open it, that's it! I have a couple ofrecipes that include it (where you add it in as flavouring, notheated!), but how else can I consume this stuff? It is so expensive andI want to make sure I use at least most of it before it goes bad. Doyou add it to smoothies or anything? Anyone have any good recipes forit? I know it is supposed to be so healthy so I wanted to try it.Thanks,Rhonda

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I guess I should have read the rest of the messages. I am just like Sam, I put it on and in everything. Unlike you would think, it isn't fattening like margarine or butter. Just don't try to cook with it! :-)

~Karma ---------------------------------------http://loaves-n-fishes.com/ Health care items, over 200 manufacturers, over 5,000 products including vitamins, herbs, passive aerobic exercisers, body-fat scales, camping and storage food, plus more, at 10-30% off retail prices!http://www.karma.awarenesshealth.com/ Awareness Products, parasite and colon cleanses, Mediterranean botanicals

-----Original Message-----From: sam girouard [mailto:samgir@...]Sent: Tuesday, June 05, 2001 7:58 PMbowel cleanse Subject: Re: Flax oilUse it every day as salad dressing, dip bread in it, mix it with cottagecheese or quark, etc. I try to use 4 - 6 tablespoons a day, I wind uppouring it on just about everything. And if you spread ground flaxseed inthe salad, it absorbs quite a bit of it.Sam Flax oil> Hi everyone,>> I just bought some flax oil today and reading on the bottle it says it> is good for 4 weeks after you open it, that's it! I have a couple of> recipes that include it (where you add it in as flavouring, not> heated!), but how else can I consume this stuff? It is so expensive and> I want to make sure I use at least most of it before it goes bad. Do> you add it to smoothies or anything? Anyone have any good recipes for> it? I know it is supposed to be so healthy so I wanted to try it.>> Thanks,> Rhonda>>>

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Quite right. I buy a balanced blend when it's available. Otherwise, I use

olive oil and eat quite a bit of fish which gives me different essential

fatty acids. All told, my intake is likely less than 1/2 cup a day of all

oils combined.

I'm working on lowering my blood pressure and cholesterol and these

quantities were recommended by different sources.


Re: Flax oil



> << Use it every day as salad dressing, dip bread in it, mix it with


> cheese or quark, etc. I try to use 4 - 6 tablespoons a day, I wind up

> pouring it on just about everything. And if you spread ground flaxseed in

> the salad, it absorbs quite a bit of it.

> >>

> Sam, isn't there a limit of how much a person should take?

> I really do not know but vaguely remember reading something on a site from

> Udo Erasmus (I think that was the name) that one is supposed to balance


> oils.

> Does anyone have info on this?

> Christel



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I mix mine in quark, 2-4 tablespoons in a fourth a cup of

quark(cottage cheese) is suppose to reduce your cancer risk according

to Dr Budwig. The quark has the protein to help your body utilize the

oils. Enjoy!


> Hi everyone,


> I just bought some flax oil today and reading on the bottle it says


> is good for 4 weeks after you open it, that's it! I have a couple


> recipes that include it (where you add it in as flavouring, not

> heated!), but how else can I consume this stuff? It is so expensive


> I want to make sure I use at least most of it before it goes bad.


> you add it to smoothies or anything? Anyone have any good recipes


> it? I know it is supposed to be so healthy so I wanted to try it.


> Thanks,

> Rhonda

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In a message dated 06/06/2001 2:36:54 AM Central Daylight Time, barbinohio@... writes:

I mix mine in quark, 2-4 tablespoons in a fourth a cup of quark(cottage cheese) is suppose to reduce your cancer risk according to Dr Budwig. The quark has the protein to help your body utilize the oils. Enjoy!




You live somewhere in Europe?


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Dear Rhonda,

1/2 cup of cottage cheese with 2 tbls spoon of flaxseed oil once a

day. Contains Omega 3 and 6 oils. Needs sulphur to work (cottage

cheese contains sulphur). Do not heat because carcinogens could be

formed. Gets rancid quickly---keep cool in refrigerator and in light

proof bottle. Refer to work br Dr. Johanna Budwig for more info.

Be careful, it's use should follow certain guidlines.


> Hi everyone,


> I just bought some flax oil today and reading on the bottle it says


> is good for 4 weeks after you open it, that's it! I have a couple


> recipes that include it (where you add it in as flavouring, not

> heated!), but how else can I consume this stuff? It is so

expensive and

> I want to make sure I use at least most of it before it goes bad.


> you add it to smoothies or anything? Anyone have any good recipes


> it? I know it is supposed to be so healthy so I wanted to try it.


> Thanks,

> Rhonda

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Thanks everyone for all the wonderful suggestions on how to use and consume flax

oil. I will have to look next time for the Barlean brand so it will last



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In a message dated 06/05/2001 7:51:28 PM Central Daylight Time,

rr-jr@... writes:


I just bought some flax oil today and reading on the bottle it says it

is good for 4 weeks after you open it, that's it! I have a couple of

recipes that include it (where you add it in as flavouring, not

heated!), but how else can I consume this stuff? It is so expensive and

I want to make sure I use at least most of it before it goes bad. >>

...............I take the flax oil in capsule form for just that reason. Am I

not benefitting from taking it since it is in capsule form?

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Yes, I live in Holland. Shame you people have to substitute cottage

cheese for quark cause its so wonderful!! I'm addicted to fruit quark!

Since reading info on flaxoil and the budwig diet, I've been doing my

flaxseed oil in quark and its working great! Now, the other problem

with living in Holland is...you cant find flaxoil...they use cold

pressed linseed oil. When I first read that I thought about linseed

oil and how its used to protect wood. But the lady at the store

assured me it was edible and the same as flaxoil so I tried it. It is

basically the same. Yesterday while I was out shopping, I found

something else to add to the flaxoil/quark combination. It says its

supposed to be used as part of the Budwig protocol. It looks like it

has different type of whole grains in it and lechtine along with some

fermented things LOL Hard to read it in dutch! I'm going to start it

today and see how it goes!




> << Barbara,


> You live somewhere in Europe?

> >>

> Edith, we do think alike. This is the give away :-))

> cup of

> > quark(


> Christel

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<< you cant find flaxoil...they use cold

pressed linseed oil. When I first read that I thought about linseed

oil and how its used to protect wood. But the lady at the store

assured me it was edible and the same as flaxoil so I tried it. It is

basically the same. >>


Linseed and flaxseed are the same thing. It's funny, when I first started

reading Dr. Cabot's book and wanted to make some LSA, I went to the health

food store and asked for Linseeds. The lady didn't know what I was talking

about. Luckily I had the book with me and showed her. In the book it has

Linseed (flaxseed), so she told me to call it flaxseed and, yes, she had some.


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Dear Barbara,

Is it Linomel?


> >

> >

> > << Barbara,

> >

> > You live somewhere in Europe?

> > >>

> > Edith, we do think alike. This is the give away :-))

> > cup of

> > > quark(

> >

> > Christel

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The name on the package says lynolax. I took some today and it has

oats, linseeds and other strange looking things in it LOL It really

bloated me...don't know if its a sensitivity to the grains or the



> > >

> > >

> > > << Barbara,

> > >

> > > You live somewhere in Europe?

> > > >>

> > > Edith, we do think alike. This is the give away :-))

> > > cup of

> > > > quark(

> > >

> > > Christel

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  • 2 weeks later...
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I'm really interested in omega-3 supplements because

I've read it can help in the treatment of bipolar

affective disorder (which I have). Does the flax oil

contain EPA and DHA? Is there any supplement you can

take with the fish oil? Thanks for any info!

--- & Troy Lucas <lucasjt@...> wrote:




We've had lots of discussions in the past about the

uses of flax oil, a<BR>

friend of mine's husband wrote me this about adding it

to hot food.<BR>

Jen L.<BR>


& gt; Hi<BR>

& gt; This is Silvestre's hubby, .<BR>

& gt;<BR>

& gt; It is alright to put the flax seed oil into the

hot oatmeal...just do it<BR>

& gt; before you serve the oatmeal (don't cook the flax

oil along with the<BR>

& gt; oatmeal). & nbsp; Flax oil (an omega-3 essentail

fatty acid) is unstable at high<BR>

& gt; temperatures, but adding it to oatmeal when the

finished cereal is served<BR>

& gt; will not destroy it.<BR>

& gt;<BR>

& gt; An even beter way to provide the benefits of flax

oil is to use the whole<BR>

& gt; flax seed...not just the processed oil. & nbsp; We

buy the flax seed whole and<BR>

& gt; keep it in the freezer. & nbsp; We grind small

amounts (in a standard small<BR>

& gt; coffee bean grinder..Braun or Krups work well)

into a coarse meal and<BR>

& gt; keep it refrigerated in a small jar. & nbsp; We add

it to hot cereals and soups<BR>

& gt; right when we serve them. & nbsp; It can also be

sprinkled on salads, put into<BR>

& gt; smoothies, mixed with any kind of nut butter,


& gt;<BR>

& gt; There is excellent nutritional qualities in flax

beyond the omega-3 oils,<BR>

& gt; such as the lignans that are cancer preventative

and the water soluble<BR>

& gt; fiber. & nbsp; Actually, current research has shown

that the omega-3 oils in<BR>

& gt; flax seed aren't as readily absorbed in the human

gut lining (something<BR>

& gt; like only 3%) when compared to other animal based

omega-3 oils, such as<BR>

& gt; from fish oil (EPA and DHA). & nbsp; So, if you are

going to use flax, you might<BR>

& gt; as well get the most bang for your buck and get

the benefits of the whole<BR>

& gt; flax food rather than just the oil. & nbsp;

Besides, buying the whole flax seed<BR>

& gt; and grinding it yourself is IMMENSELY less

expensive than buying refined<BR>

& gt; flaxseed oil.<BR>

& gt;<BR>

& gt; Hope that helps.<BR>

& gt; Peace<BR>

& gt; <BR>

& gt;<BR>

& gt; Silvestre, CCH, Herbalist AHG<BR>

& gt; Professional Member, American Herbalists


& gt; Silvestre Health & amp; Healing 3205 N. Bremen

St., Milwaukee, WI 53212-2276<BR>

& gt; Consultations by appointment -- 414-374-7716<BR>

& gt; Website & nbsp; & nbsp; <a

href= " http://www.healthyawareness.net/Silvestre " >http://www.healthyawarene\





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  • 1 month later...
Guest guest

The flax oil should be refrigerated when you buy it

and there should be an expiration date. Make sure it

is fresh when you buy it.

Usually should be used in a month to 6 weeks after



--- lescase@... wrote:

> can understand that ground flax should be tossed

> after certain time but what

> about refrigerated flax oil? (using Spectrum

> Veg-Omega 3 cold pressed)...

> have a healthy day!



> [Non-text portions of this message have been

> removed]




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If you keep it in the fridge unopened is it reasonable to expect it would

last six months ?

I understand you can freeze flax oil ?



> Re: flax oil




> The flax oil should be refrigerated when you buy it

> and there should be an expiration date. Make sure it

> is fresh when you buy it.

> Usually should be used in a month to 6 weeks after

> opening.

> KathyM



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Don't know if it lasts 6 months, I would say check the

expiration date. Yes, you can freeze it. I buy a bottle and pour half into

another bottle and freeze that cause I don't use it up quickly




If you keep it in the fridge unopened is it reasonable to expect it


last six months ?

I understand you can freeze flax oil ?



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  • 3 weeks later...


I thought flax seeds were good for you? Essential fatty acids. I bought

a combination flax seed oil and evening primrose oil to possibly help

with hairloss, as I have read about several people that it helped slow

down the shedding. Evening primrose oil is also good for menstral

problems I have heard many times.

Take care.

Love and Peace,

Reneé and Jerry

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All I can tell you is that unsaturated fatty acids cause massive free

radical proliferation and damage. That includes flax oil.

Now, linseed fibre is quite beneficial, after the oil has been largely


Evening primrose oil has been recommended for PMS, so has estrogen!!!

Estrogen causes PMS and thyroid + progesterone will eliminate PMS.

[which is why I keep telling you all that the Hormone Regeneration protocol

was designed to eliminate the auto-immune disorder that causes thyroid

dysfunction and by eliminating all pathogens, restoring gut function,

restoring thyroid function, balancing blood sugar and supplying

progesterone, we can eliminate most health problems.

Yes, there are variations on this, but this is a successful basic program

proven in my clinic over many years.]


Re: flax oil


I thought flax seeds were good for you? Essential fatty acids. I bought

a combination flax seed oil and evening primrose oil to possibly help

with hairloss, as I have read about several people that it helped slow

down the shedding. Evening primrose oil is also good for menstral

problems I have heard many times.

Take care.

Love and Peace,

Reneé and Jerry

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The lignans in flax seed seem to very useful. The oil without the lignans is

just another PUFA or poly unsaturated fatty acid...which causes free radical


Coconut oil is coconut oil. They don't do much to it.Its solid white at room

temperature and soon liquifies at body temperature...which animal fats dont

do. Animal saturated fats remain solid at body temperature.


flax oil

Wow! I didn't know that. I was believing that flax oil is so good for us

according to health " experts " . What about the seeds? I know they have oil

in them, but aren't they beneficial because of the lignans? By the way,

where did you get this info.? I'd love to read it for myself. Is there

coconut oil just anywhere? Are there special types or certain ways of

getting the oil that I should look for?

Can you tell I'm new to this list? Thank you for your help.


> Cilantro is really a very pleasant and cheap way to pull merecury out of


> tissues.

> Flax oil however, is a polyunsaturated oil that causes massive free


> damage to cells. [That works OK if you have cancer, but if your cells are

> 'normal' then you don't want free radical damage].

> Coconut oil protects the thyroid and prevents free radical expression. 1/2

> olive oil and 1/2 coconut oil would be a perfect recipe.

> Earl

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Yes I would like to read this info also.

flax oil

Wow! I didn't know that. I was believing that flax oil is so good for usaccording to health "experts". What about the seeds? I know they have oilin them, but aren't they beneficial because of the lignans? By the way,where did you get this info.? I'd love to read it for myself. Is therecoconut oil just anywhere? Are there special types or certain ways ofgetting the oil that I should look for?Can you tell I'm new to this list? Thank you for your help.Tina> Cilantro is really a very pleasant and cheap way to pull merecury out ofthe> tissues.> Flax oil however, is a polyunsaturated oil that causes massive freeradical> damage to cells. [That works OK if you have cancer, but if your cells are> 'normal' then you don't want free radical damage].> Coconut oil protects the thyroid and prevents free radical expression. 1/2> olive oil and 1/2 coconut oil would be a perfect recipe.> Earl

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My data suggests that flax oil causes inflammation.

Inflamed joints are due to the organism helicobacter and needs a natural antibiotic to take it out.

ImmunoGuard is a natural antibiotic and can be had from www.thyrodine.com You may be able to find some form of natural antibiotic in the health food store...echinacea/golden sels/chaparral type. And Psyllium Huills complex a full tablespoon in apple juice. The natural antibiotic you'd need to take 4 or 5x a day and the psyllium hulls before bed and upon arising...for 2 weeks. Then get a probiotic and take 3x whatver it recommends a day.

You would also need to clear the gut and re-install correct intestinal bacteria [this is Phase-I of the Thyroid Regeneration protocol.

Look in your health food shop and see if yiu can find a formula with boswellia/celery seed/ginger/turmeric. Liquid herbs best, tabs OK.

You'll also need glucosamine and MSM capsules, maybe 6 a day for awhile.

Klaper is no dummy but I have no confidence in flax oil


-----Original Message-----From: Carroll [mailto:nlcpaint@...]Sent: Wednesday, 15 August 2001 12:35hypothyroidism Subject: Re: flax oil


I was reading Dr. Klapper's section on Nutritional strategies for inflamed joints and he recommends taking two to three tablespoons of flax oil..... so now I am confused.....Please reply

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