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From Dr Friedman and Dr Hertoghe

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I heard back from Dr Theodore Friedman who tells me that he believes, unfortunately, that most of these salivary kit companies are not always reliable. He says being on hydrocortisone replacement is often lifelong and he would not recommend it unless there was good evidence that it was needed. He tells me he would immediately start with an 8.00a.m. blood cortisol test. If it is less than 5 ug/dl, then starting hydrocortisone replacement is definitely indicated. Otherwise, you may may need a short synacthen test. He advises that you take a lot of sale (assuming your blood pressure is OK) and lots of fluids and wishes you good luck.

I also heard back from Dr Thierry Hertoghe (one of the worlds leading experts on hormones) who tells me that from your symptoms and adrenal test results, that you need to take 15 mg in the morning and 10 mg in the evening (I suspect he means hydrocortisone here) with some 15 mg of DHEA, but, from the information you have given, that you are a person who also has aldosterone deficiency and if this is the case, taking cortisol may further worsen the case. You could also have other hormone deficiencies, and should get these tested immediately. He says that you almost surely have a bad food intake (carbohydrates that give a worsening of the hypoglycemia later on).

Luv - Sheila

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Thank you so much Sheila, you've been a rock. Please pass on my

gratitude to Dr Friedman and Dr Hertoghe. What Dr Friedman says about

medicating (without the need of the short synacthen) if the 8am is

lower than 5 is somewhat in line with the study from Charing Cross

Hospital who recommend only needing the Short Synacthen if the 8am is

greater than 100nmo1/l. In both cases, serum and salivary, mine is

slightly over (savliary is 6.6 and serum is 130). What is Aldosterone?

I discovered last night that I have " hand, foot and mouth disease " ,

which is a virus (courtesy of my son's nursery and daughters school

where it is going round). I have spots and blisters inside my mouth

and over my hands and feet. The virus is probably what lead to my

symptoms suddenly worsening as I have no cortisol resources to fight

anything. Also had a cough (I'm guessing viral) for weeks and weeks now.

Hoping to hear from the Endo tomorrow. If they can get me on the

Dexamethasone I might have more chance of getting rid of this damn

hand foot and mouth. One of the symptoms of the virus is nausea, which

is also a symptom of low adrenal.

Anyway thank you to everyone in this group who posted yesterday, you

have been such wonderful support, my eyes are welling up just thinking

about how kind and caring you all are.




> Re: Re: NPTech Cortisol Results through

this morning. Now I'm even more worried :(Dear


> I heard back from Dr Theodore Friedman who tells me that he

believes, unfortunately, that most of these salivary kit companies are

not always reliable. He says being on hydrocortisone replacement is

often lifelong and he would not recommend it unless there was good

evidence that it was needed. He tells me he would immediately start

with an 8.00a.m. blood cortisol test. If it is less than 5 ug/dl,

then starting hydrocortisone replacement is definitely indicated.

Otherwise, you may may need a short synacthen test. He advises that

you take a lot of sale (assuming your blood pressure is OK) and lots

of fluids and wishes you good luck.



> I also heard back from Dr Thierry Hertoghe (one of the worlds

leading experts on hormones) who tells me that from your symptoms and

adrenal test results, that you need to take 15 mg in the morning and

10 mg in the evening (I suspect he means hydrocortisone here) with

some 15 mg of DHEA, but, from the information you have given, that you

are a person who also has aldosterone deficiency and if this is the

case, taking cortisol may further worsen the case. You could also have

other hormone deficiencies, and should get these tested immediately.

He says that you almost surely have a bad food intake (carbohydrates

that give a worsening of the hypoglycemia later on).


> Luv - Sheila


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