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Seeking advice

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Hi Grace,

I also live in Canada, so far nothing much has stopped me from getting

enzymes or any other products

my son needs from the states.

I know when we convert the dollar it is expensive but well worth it.

Devin is great at sending me my enzymes.


Where in Canada do you live? I am in a suburb of Montreal .

At 09:16 18/02/2002 -0800, you wrote:

>Hi All, suggested my son to be on enzymes. Unfortunately in Canada I

>am not able to buy Peptizyde or Zyme Prime. My son is highly sensitive to

>so many things. I have decided to order the enzymes - which one do you

>suggest I try first. Does anyone know of a Canadian equivalent. Also

>Serenaid had the opposite effect on my son. These days I try to put plain

>white yoghurt on his food. I am looking for advice.








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  • 1 year later...
Guest guest


It sounds like you have Secondary Hypo. Your T levels are LOW (normal

is 50 - 210 PG/ML - Quest labs), your FSH is normal and your LH is at

the very bottom of " Normal " . See the Links section (to your left in

yellow bar) and look up the AACE guidelines for diagnosing

Hypogonadism. You should insist on further tests by your Endo,

including a brain MRI. He should check bone density. He should do a

baseline PSA and do a complete blood panel. He should measure your

estrogen and prolactin levels. Give him a copy of the guidelines I

mentioned and ask him if he follows them.

Drugs can have a profound effect on the pituitary and hormones in

general. Sounds like yours got fried by the Chemo. The Thyroid

problems do not help (I know, I have them too). Hard to separate out

the symptoms because they are similar.

The penis development was probably affected by the interruption in

hormone levels right at the critical stage. Did you know that the

fastest growing part of a 14 year old boy's body is his penis? That's

when it goes from child size to adult size. Testosterone therapy as

an adult may help make it grow a little. This is often talked about

by those using Androgel. Otherwise there are stretching methods,

pumping, and surgery (expensive). The pills and other " methods " do

not work - just a scam.

I know you don't feel good right now, but you never will if you don't

get this problem taken care of. Your Endo should be willing to do

further tests and prescribe hormone replacement therapy. It takes a

while to adjust to it, so the sooner you start the better. We're here

for you so just keep in touch and know that there are many of us with

the same problem, and there is a way to feel better.




> Hello,


> I have been in the group for a while but have never written.


> I am a 32 year old male, Leukemia Suvivor, I was exposed to

> Chemotherapy form the ages of 11 to 14, I went through puberty


> but apparently my penis never developed from Childhood.


> I am about 1-1.5 flacid and 4.4 erect.


> I have suspected this is not genetic and finally decided to do

> something about it.


> Not only this, but I have been diagnosed with Hypothyroidism which

> runs in the family. My Endo and I talked about a possible


> menopause, but I suspect I could have Hypogonadism or another


> problem. In addition I feel fatigued very often and have terrible

> memory, etc. This can also be caused by the Thyroid. Also have

> low/normal Hemoglobin, and RBC.


> These are some of the values from my last blood test:


> FSH: 3.1 mIU/mL

> LH: 1.5 mIU/mL


> Free Testosterone: 17.3 pg/mL


> I do not know if these levels fall within the normal range or may

> suggest somehing else. I mean I am a healthy 32 year old guy, and


> do feel there is something wrong, I do not want to bother anybody


> the group but I would appreciate any positive feedback anyone has


> offer.


> Good Luck


> Thanks

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Glad that you made a post and never feel that you are bothering any of us

here. We're all here to help each other as best we can.

My primary hypogonadism comes from being HIV+. I had HIV encephalopathy in

1998 and did not have an erection, wank/toss off for four months.

I was subscribed to Alt.Support Impotence NewsGroup and read posts by men

that pumping their dick, improved their erections, particularly nocturnal

erections (NEs) and piss hardons (PHs).

I got out my pumping gear that I had bought in 1989 for pumping with gay


I collected a few URLs on pumping dick and enlarging dick.

IMO, the overall most comprehensive site is

http://www.thundersplace.com/forum/ Thunder's Place is free and contribution

is optional....no pressure to contribute. Most men that have made

substantial size gains in their dick are VERY committed and they generally

employ several different types of exercises....jelqs, stretching, hanging,

and pumping. The site is well organized and one can wonder around for hours

reading various posts.

This site may be a little graphic for some...but hey...we're guys and some

of us are gay guys, Tiger lays out very clearly how to pump

http://www.tigerpumping.com/index.html and stresses importance of using an

appropriate size cylinder for your dick. Length of cylinder is not as

critical as opening diameter. You want your dick to " pack " the cylinder.

Tiger writes on packing at



One of your key goals is to " pack " the cylinder so that your cock completely

fills it side to side all the way up the shaft. Once you pack, you'll begin

to stretch more lengthwise.

This is another site http://www.pumptoys.com/

Vendors for pumping gear: I've bought two cylinders from

http://cockpump.com/ They are very user friendly.

Their site has a sizing chart using circumference/length of your dick. If

you have other questions, they are very user-friendly....their email addy

and tele #are given. I've corresponded with them via email and talked LD.

Good luck,

OR eon

Seeking Advice


I have been in the group for a while but have never written.

I am a 32 year old male, Leukemia Suvivor, I was exposed to

Chemotherapy form the ages of 11 to 14, I went through puberty late,

but apparently my penis never developed from Childhood.

I am about 1-1.5 flacid and 4.4 erect.

I have suspected this is not genetic and finally decided to do

something about it.

Not only this, but I have been diagnosed with Hypothyroidism which

runs in the family. My Endo and I talked about a possible premature

menopause, but I suspect I could have Hypogonadism or another related

problem. In addition I feel fatigued very often and have terrible

memory, etc. This can also be caused by the Thyroid. Also have

low/normal Hemoglobin, and RBC.

These are some of the values from my last blood test:

FSH: 3.1 mIU/mL

LH: 1.5 mIU/mL

Free Testosterone: 17.3 pg/mL

I do not know if these levels fall within the normal range or may

suggest somehing else. I mean I am a healthy 32 year old guy, and I

do feel there is something wrong, I do not want to bother anybody in

the group but I would appreciate any positive feedback anyone has to


Good Luck


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I too have a pump from the San Franscisco pumpworks. Supposedly the

best when I purchased it in the early 90's.

Pumping does increase your size, but its only for a short while it

does not last. And you have to be careful you do not pump too

hard. It can cause ruptures and make your penis bumpy and


I still use mine now and then. It is kind of cool seeing the temp

increase in girth and length - mostly girth though. You can get an

erection but it may be a little floppy if you know what I mean.

Still you can reach orgasm and it can be intense.

The site you showed had a lot of guys pumping their scrotum. But

its all fluid, and you can also do damage - you can cause ruptures,

varioceles and even go sterile. But that's only if you overdue it

and make your ballsack grow to the size of a soccer ball.


> ,


> Glad that you made a post and never feel that you are bothering

any of us

> here. We're all here to help each other as best we can.


> My primary hypogonadism comes from being HIV+. I had HIV

encephalopathy in

> 1998 and did not have an erection, wank/toss off for four months.


> I was subscribed to Alt.Support Impotence NewsGroup and read posts

by men

> that pumping their dick, improved their erections, particularly


> erections (NEs) and piss hardons (PHs).


> I got out my pumping gear that I had bought in 1989 for pumping

with gay

> buds.


> I collected a few URLs on pumping dick and enlarging dick.


> IMO, the overall most comprehensive site is

> http://www.thundersplace.com/forum/ Thunder's Place is free and


> is optional....no pressure to contribute. Most men that have made

> substantial size gains in their dick are VERY committed and they


> employ several different types of exercises....jelqs, stretching,


> and pumping. The site is well organized and one can wonder around

for hours

> reading various posts.


> This site may be a little graphic for some...but hey...we're guys

and some

> of us are gay guys, Tiger lays out very clearly how to pump

> http://www.tigerpumping.com/index.html and stresses importance of

using an

> appropriate size cylinder for your dick. Length of cylinder is

not as

> critical as opening diameter. You want your dick to " pack " the


> Tiger writes on packing at

> http://www.tigerpumping.com/pages/packing.html#Anchor-packing



> One of your key goals is to " pack " the cylinder so that your cock


> fills it side to side all the way up the shaft. Once you pack,

you'll begin

> to stretch more lengthwise.

> This is another site http://www.pumptoys.com/

> Vendors for pumping gear: I've bought two cylinders from

> http://cockpump.com/ They are very user friendly.

> Their site has a sizing chart using circumference/length of your

dick. If

> you have other questions, they are very user-friendly....their

email addy

> and tele #are given. I've corresponded with them via email and

talked LD.

> Good luck,

> OR eon





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The three sites I posted:

http://www.thundersplace.com/forum/ http://www.tigerpumping.com/index.html

and http://www.pumptoys.com/

All give very clear suggestions on pumping and " taking it easy " is stressed

repeatedly with a brief description of untoward effects that might occur if

you " over pump " . For that reason I did not feel the need to stress that.

From Tiger's site...



Before you get into pumping, you'd better know the risks and how to avoid


Nearly all potential problems stem from applying too much pressure for too

long. Here's the bad news. I've made all the mistakes and experienced the

" minor problems " myself (see the photo of my water blister at the right).

Fortunately, I have not had to deal with the major ones.

I consider myself an experienced pumper and I've never had any problems. As

I'm cut, on a long pump session I will develop a prominent collar behind my

knob....uncut men may develop a donut. But my collar dissipates in some

hours. IMO, experienced pumpers can " max out " periodically.....I do. I

ramp up from my 1 3/4 x 8 " > 2 x 9 " tube...whenever I do my dick's dorsal

and lateral veins become more prominent....indicating that my dick's

vascular system has had a good work out.

In terms of enlarging dick by pumping....I wrote

" Most men that have made

substantial size gains in their dick are VERY committed and they generally

employ several different types of exercises....jelqs, stretching, hanging,

and pumping. "

The above is in reference to http://www.thundersplace.com/forum/ and I

wrote IMO, the overall most comprehensive site is

http://www.thundersplace.com/forum/. At Thunder's place, in the " Pumper's

Forum " there's a long post by Avocet8....it's top post when you get to the

forum. If I recall correctly, he added ~1.5 - 2 " dick length and 0.5 -

0.75 " + girth with a methodical pumping program combined with jelqs...this

took him ~1.5 yrs. I know Avocet from several other forums and I believe


Enlarging dick is possible but other techniques are generally employed.

My sole purpose to pumping is to keep my dick's vascular healthy = good

nocturnal erections (NEs) and piss hardons (PHs). NEs and PHs are separate

from sexual erections (SE); it's generally felt that two different neural

pathways mediate NEs/PHs vs sexual erections. There are no absolutes so

I'm not going to say that men can not perform sexually with a PH, but I

think it's rare. Men may be horny when waking and have a raging PH, but

generally the PH has to subside and a SE develop.

Myself, I pump, almost daily....best time is when I'm at computer like

now...have my dick in cylinder dangling down between my legs. I pump to

keep my dick's vascular system healthy. There are a few of us at

Alt-Support-Impotence-ASI/ that are regular

dick pumpers.

So there is good news for the two EDs as I like to think of

them....enlarging dick and erectile dysfunction.

I often think about how fathers and uncles of my age peers did not have

available to them ways to prolong their sex life. The same is true for

enlarging dick, men unhappy with size of their dick can do something about


Sons of my age peers will have it even better in the two EDs.

OR eon,

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  • 5 months later...

" I would like to know if you could post this on your list servs for

me. "

I have a almost 10 year old daughter with severe dyslexia, CAPD, and

apraxia. She's been in speech therapy since she was in Pre-K both

through the school system and privately. Initially in school it was

for articulation, but she really doesn't have articulation problems

now, she has word retrieval problems and problems sounding out

words. I've asked our private slp in the past if this is due to

apraxia and if it has a motor component and she didn't believe it

did. I also asked about Fast Forward, and she thought she was too

advance for the program. The school system has used Earobics

occasionally in the past. Her speech is really pretty good, she

just has problems with multisyllable words. She has word retrieval

difficulties with words like guitar, square, biscuit, etc.

Now my daughter is in -mood Bell, and they are finding in one

to one sessions that she does have pretty significant word retrieval

and difficulty sounding out and retaining how to say some words they

are teaching her to read. They believe that it IS due to apraxia

and has a motor component.

We did not due Fast ForWord at the slp's recommendation. Now I'm

wondering if we made a mistake and maybe also part of the sounding

out is also the auditory processing component and Fast Forward would

have helped.

Any thoughts or recommendations??

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  • 1 year later...

I'm sure others will chime in soon, but I just took a quick peak, and

I'd say she is mild. I would suggest to try repo for the next month

or so, see how it goes, and maybe during that time you could check

with Cranial Tech, they do free consultations, so you could see what

they think and get a head start if the repo doesn't work and if she is

a candidate for a band. Good luck!


(4-born round)

Milena (3-unresolved mild plagio)

Hannah (almost 1-moderate to severe plagio and tort, Starbanded Sept

9, 2005)


> Hi-I have been concerned about the shape of my daughter's head since

> she was 2 months old-she's now 4 1/2 months. My doctor told me " it

> will round out " at her 2 month visit. At her 4 month visit the


> said, " she's fine-lots of kids have flat heads and hers isnt that

> bad " . Needless to say, this was not the best response! I've posted


> photo of my daughter under the plagiocephly kids albums in an album

> called plagiocephaly suspected. I'm not seeking professional


> advice, just opinions from parents...should I pursue the issue?


> it look like plagiocephaly?


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I'm sure others will chime in soon, but I just took a quick peak, and

I'd say she is mild. I would suggest to try repo for the next month

or so, see how it goes, and maybe during that time you could check

with Cranial Tech, they do free consultations, so you could see what

they think and get a head start if the repo doesn't work and if she is

a candidate for a band. Good luck!


(4-born round)

Milena (3-unresolved mild plagio)

Hannah (almost 1-moderate to severe plagio and tort, Starbanded Sept

9, 2005)


> Hi-I have been concerned about the shape of my daughter's head since

> she was 2 months old-she's now 4 1/2 months. My doctor told me " it

> will round out " at her 2 month visit. At her 4 month visit the


> said, " she's fine-lots of kids have flat heads and hers isnt that

> bad " . Needless to say, this was not the best response! I've posted


> photo of my daughter under the plagiocephly kids albums in an album

> called plagiocephaly suspected. I'm not seeking professional


> advice, just opinions from parents...should I pursue the issue?


> it look like plagiocephaly?


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Welcome to the group! I see what you're seeing, and I do think it's

plagio. Sadly a lot of doctors tell us parents that it'll round out on

it's own. Like Hazel has already told you, Cranial Tech (they make the

DOCband) offers free evaluations. They'll give you an honest opinion

on whether or not your baby would benefit from a DOCband.

She does look mild, but are you seeing any facial asymmetry, are her

ears misaligned? You can easily spot facial asymmetry by looking at

her in a mirror. Is one eye bigger than the other? Is one cheek more

fuller than the other? Keep us posted.

In case you're interested Cranial Tech's web site is:



> Hi-I have been concerned about the shape of my daughter's head since

> she was 2 months old-she's now 4 1/2 months. My doctor told me " it

> will round out " at her 2 month visit. At her 4 month visit the doctor

> said, " she's fine-lots of kids have flat heads and hers isnt that

> bad " . Needless to say, this was not the best response! I've posted a

> photo of my daughter under the plagiocephly kids albums in an album

> called plagiocephaly suspected. I'm not seeking professional medical

> advice, just opinions from parents...should I pursue the issue? Does

> it look like plagiocephaly?


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Welcome to the group! I see what you're seeing, and I do think it's

plagio. Sadly a lot of doctors tell us parents that it'll round out on

it's own. Like Hazel has already told you, Cranial Tech (they make the

DOCband) offers free evaluations. They'll give you an honest opinion

on whether or not your baby would benefit from a DOCband.

She does look mild, but are you seeing any facial asymmetry, are her

ears misaligned? You can easily spot facial asymmetry by looking at

her in a mirror. Is one eye bigger than the other? Is one cheek more

fuller than the other? Keep us posted.

In case you're interested Cranial Tech's web site is:



> Hi-I have been concerned about the shape of my daughter's head since

> she was 2 months old-she's now 4 1/2 months. My doctor told me " it

> will round out " at her 2 month visit. At her 4 month visit the doctor

> said, " she's fine-lots of kids have flat heads and hers isnt that

> bad " . Needless to say, this was not the best response! I've posted a

> photo of my daughter under the plagiocephly kids albums in an album

> called plagiocephaly suspected. I'm not seeking professional medical

> advice, just opinions from parents...should I pursue the issue? Does

> it look like plagiocephaly?


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Hi! My son Noah's plagio is similar to your daughter's - mild, I

think. Noah's ears are slightly misaligned. He is 6 mos. and we are

doing repositioning for now for about 4 weeks. I didn't think we had

made any progress yet, but I took new photos today and was suprised to

see some improvement when I compared them.



> Hi-I have been concerned about the shape of my daughter's head since

> she was 2 months old-she's now 4 1/2 months. My doctor told me " it

> will round out " at her 2 month visit. At her 4 month visit the


> said, " she's fine-lots of kids have flat heads and hers isnt that

> bad " . Needless to say, this was not the best response! I've posted


> photo of my daughter under the plagiocephly kids albums in an album

> called plagiocephaly suspected. I'm not seeking professional medical

> advice, just opinions from parents...should I pursue the issue? Does

> it look like plagiocephaly?


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Hi! My son Noah's plagio is similar to your daughter's - mild, I

think. Noah's ears are slightly misaligned. He is 6 mos. and we are

doing repositioning for now for about 4 weeks. I didn't think we had

made any progress yet, but I took new photos today and was suprised to

see some improvement when I compared them.



> Hi-I have been concerned about the shape of my daughter's head since

> she was 2 months old-she's now 4 1/2 months. My doctor told me " it

> will round out " at her 2 month visit. At her 4 month visit the


> said, " she's fine-lots of kids have flat heads and hers isnt that

> bad " . Needless to say, this was not the best response! I've posted


> photo of my daughter under the plagiocephly kids albums in an album

> called plagiocephaly suspected. I'm not seeking professional medical

> advice, just opinions from parents...should I pursue the issue? Does

> it look like plagiocephaly?


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Hi, I looked at your album and do see some flattening. I think it's

near impossible to judge the severity based on the photos your posted

though. If you can, I'd try to get a true birds eye view (tip of nose

and ears in photo) and wet down her hair a little if you can. That

should give you a better idea.

, mom to Hannah, DOCgrad

Cape Cod, Ma



> Hi-I have been concerned about the shape of my daughter's head since

> she was 2 months old-she's now 4 1/2 months. My doctor told me " it

> will round out " at her 2 month visit. At her 4 month visit the


> said, " she's fine-lots of kids have flat heads and hers isnt that

> bad " . Needless to say, this was not the best response! I've posted


> photo of my daughter under the plagiocephly kids albums in an album

> called plagiocephaly suspected. I'm not seeking professional


> advice, just opinions from parents...should I pursue the issue?


> it look like plagiocephaly?


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Hi, I looked at your album and do see some flattening. I think it's

near impossible to judge the severity based on the photos your posted

though. If you can, I'd try to get a true birds eye view (tip of nose

and ears in photo) and wet down her hair a little if you can. That

should give you a better idea.

, mom to Hannah, DOCgrad

Cape Cod, Ma



> Hi-I have been concerned about the shape of my daughter's head since

> she was 2 months old-she's now 4 1/2 months. My doctor told me " it

> will round out " at her 2 month visit. At her 4 month visit the


> said, " she's fine-lots of kids have flat heads and hers isnt that

> bad " . Needless to say, this was not the best response! I've posted


> photo of my daughter under the plagiocephly kids albums in an album

> called plagiocephaly suspected. I'm not seeking professional


> advice, just opinions from parents...should I pursue the issue?


> it look like plagiocephaly?


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I've come across your daughter's site many times in recent weeks-

what a cutie! Thanks so much for your reply. I've posted a few

additional photos and will try and get a good tub shot tomorrow.

Again-thanks! It's wonderful to have found this community!

> >

> > Hi-I have been concerned about the shape of my daughter's head


> > she was 2 months old-she's now 4 1/2 months. My doctor told

me " it

> > will round out " at her 2 month visit. At her 4 month visit the

> doctor

> > said, " she's fine-lots of kids have flat heads and hers isnt


> > bad " . Needless to say, this was not the best response! I've


> a

> > photo of my daughter under the plagiocephly kids albums in an


> > called plagiocephaly suspected. I'm not seeking professional

> medical

> > advice, just opinions from parents...should I pursue the issue?

> Does

> > it look like plagiocephaly?

> >


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I've come across your daughter's site many times in recent weeks-

what a cutie! Thanks so much for your reply. I've posted a few

additional photos and will try and get a good tub shot tomorrow.

Again-thanks! It's wonderful to have found this community!

> >

> > Hi-I have been concerned about the shape of my daughter's head


> > she was 2 months old-she's now 4 1/2 months. My doctor told

me " it

> > will round out " at her 2 month visit. At her 4 month visit the

> doctor

> > said, " she's fine-lots of kids have flat heads and hers isnt


> > bad " . Needless to say, this was not the best response! I've


> a

> > photo of my daughter under the plagiocephly kids albums in an


> > called plagiocephaly suspected. I'm not seeking professional

> medical

> > advice, just opinions from parents...should I pursue the issue?

> Does

> > it look like plagiocephaly?

> >


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Sounds like my best course of action is to contact Cranial Tech

asap! Luckily, they have an office in Paramus, NJ-about an hour

away from us. We've been trying our best to reposition her, but as

you all know, the older they get, the more difficult that becomes!

I cant thank you all enough for taking the time to look at my

daughter's photos!

> >

> > Hi-I have been concerned about the shape of my daughter's head


> > she was 2 months old-she's now 4 1/2 months. My doctor told

me " it

> > will round out " at her 2 month visit. At her 4 month visit the


> > said, " she's fine-lots of kids have flat heads and hers isnt


> > bad " . Needless to say, this was not the best response! I've

posted a

> > photo of my daughter under the plagiocephly kids albums in an


> > called plagiocephaly suspected. I'm not seeking professional


> > advice, just opinions from parents...should I pursue the issue?


> > it look like plagiocephaly?

> >


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Sounds like my best course of action is to contact Cranial Tech

asap! Luckily, they have an office in Paramus, NJ-about an hour

away from us. We've been trying our best to reposition her, but as

you all know, the older they get, the more difficult that becomes!

I cant thank you all enough for taking the time to look at my

daughter's photos!

> >

> > Hi-I have been concerned about the shape of my daughter's head


> > she was 2 months old-she's now 4 1/2 months. My doctor told

me " it

> > will round out " at her 2 month visit. At her 4 month visit the


> > said, " she's fine-lots of kids have flat heads and hers isnt


> > bad " . Needless to say, this was not the best response! I've

posted a

> > photo of my daughter under the plagiocephly kids albums in an


> > called plagiocephaly suspected. I'm not seeking professional


> > advice, just opinions from parents...should I pursue the issue?


> > it look like plagiocephaly?

> >


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Where are you located? I used the CT in NJ, my daughter received

awesome correction. Let us know when your appt is.

> > >

> > > Hi-I have been concerned about the shape of my daughter's head

> since

> > > she was 2 months old-she's now 4 1/2 months. My doctor told

> me " it

> > > will round out " at her 2 month visit. At her 4 month visit the

> doctor

> > > said, " she's fine-lots of kids have flat heads and hers isnt

> that

> > > bad " . Needless to say, this was not the best response! I've

> posted a

> > > photo of my daughter under the plagiocephly kids albums in an

> album

> > > called plagiocephaly suspected. I'm not seeking professional

> medical

> > > advice, just opinions from parents...should I pursue the issue?

> Does

> > > it look like plagiocephaly?

> > >

> >


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Where are you located? I used the CT in NJ, my daughter received

awesome correction. Let us know when your appt is.

> > >

> > > Hi-I have been concerned about the shape of my daughter's head

> since

> > > she was 2 months old-she's now 4 1/2 months. My doctor told

> me " it

> > > will round out " at her 2 month visit. At her 4 month visit the

> doctor

> > > said, " she's fine-lots of kids have flat heads and hers isnt

> that

> > > bad " . Needless to say, this was not the best response! I've

> posted a

> > > photo of my daughter under the plagiocephly kids albums in an

> album

> > > called plagiocephaly suspected. I'm not seeking professional

> medical

> > > advice, just opinions from parents...should I pursue the issue?

> Does

> > > it look like plagiocephaly?

> > >

> >


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Were in Marlton now, so I guess it's more like a 2 hour drive (we

moved from Cranbury)! I'll keep you posted, for sure-it's great to

hear that you had success. How long has your daughter been

finished? To respond to your earlier questions-yes, one eye does

appear to be bigger than the other (the right eye-flat side-appears

bigger than the left) when looking in the mirror. I'm so worried

that I've lost valuable time, but it sounds as if she's still young

enough to be corrected if necessary. If I'd only searched " infant

flat head " online after her 2 month appointment...

> > > >

> > > > Hi-I have been concerned about the shape of my daughter's


> > since

> > > > she was 2 months old-she's now 4 1/2 months. My doctor told

> > me " it

> > > > will round out " at her 2 month visit. At her 4 month visit


> > doctor

> > > > said, " she's fine-lots of kids have flat heads and hers isnt

> > that

> > > > bad " . Needless to say, this was not the best response!


> > posted a

> > > > photo of my daughter under the plagiocephly kids albums in


> > album

> > > > called plagiocephaly suspected. I'm not seeking


> > medical

> > > > advice, just opinions from parents...should I pursue the


> > Does

> > > > it look like plagiocephaly?

> > > >

> > >

> >


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Were in Marlton now, so I guess it's more like a 2 hour drive (we

moved from Cranbury)! I'll keep you posted, for sure-it's great to

hear that you had success. How long has your daughter been

finished? To respond to your earlier questions-yes, one eye does

appear to be bigger than the other (the right eye-flat side-appears

bigger than the left) when looking in the mirror. I'm so worried

that I've lost valuable time, but it sounds as if she's still young

enough to be corrected if necessary. If I'd only searched " infant

flat head " online after her 2 month appointment...

> > > >

> > > > Hi-I have been concerned about the shape of my daughter's


> > since

> > > > she was 2 months old-she's now 4 1/2 months. My doctor told

> > me " it

> > > > will round out " at her 2 month visit. At her 4 month visit


> > doctor

> > > > said, " she's fine-lots of kids have flat heads and hers isnt

> > that

> > > > bad " . Needless to say, this was not the best response!


> > posted a

> > > > photo of my daughter under the plagiocephly kids albums in


> > album

> > > > called plagiocephaly suspected. I'm not seeking


> > medical

> > > > advice, just opinions from parents...should I pursue the


> > Does

> > > > it look like plagiocephaly?

> > > >

> > >

> >


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Don't worry you still have enough time to receive awesome correction,

your baby is still so young! My daughter wasn't banded until she was

almost 11.5 months old. She still received over 90% correction.

Don't worry you and your baby will be in the best hands possible. If I

were you I'd call and make a free evaluation appointment. If you call

let us know when your appt is.

I'm on Long Island, in NY. My daughter turned 4 in July so she's been

done for awhile.

Keep us posted!

> > > > >

> > > > > Hi-I have been concerned about the shape of my daughter's

> head

> > > since

> > > > > she was 2 months old-she's now 4 1/2 months. My doctor told

> > > me " it

> > > > > will round out " at her 2 month visit. At her 4 month visit

> the

> > > doctor

> > > > > said, " she's fine-lots of kids have flat heads and hers isnt

> > > that

> > > > > bad " . Needless to say, this was not the best response!

> I've

> > > posted a

> > > > > photo of my daughter under the plagiocephly kids albums in

> an

> > > album

> > > > > called plagiocephaly suspected. I'm not seeking

> professional

> > > medical

> > > > > advice, just opinions from parents...should I pursue the

> issue?

> > > Does

> > > > > it look like plagiocephaly?

> > > > >

> > > >

> > >

> >


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Don't worry you still have enough time to receive awesome correction,

your baby is still so young! My daughter wasn't banded until she was

almost 11.5 months old. She still received over 90% correction.

Don't worry you and your baby will be in the best hands possible. If I

were you I'd call and make a free evaluation appointment. If you call

let us know when your appt is.

I'm on Long Island, in NY. My daughter turned 4 in July so she's been

done for awhile.

Keep us posted!

> > > > >

> > > > > Hi-I have been concerned about the shape of my daughter's

> head

> > > since

> > > > > she was 2 months old-she's now 4 1/2 months. My doctor told

> > > me " it

> > > > > will round out " at her 2 month visit. At her 4 month visit

> the

> > > doctor

> > > > > said, " she's fine-lots of kids have flat heads and hers isnt

> > > that

> > > > > bad " . Needless to say, this was not the best response!

> I've

> > > posted a

> > > > > photo of my daughter under the plagiocephly kids albums in

> an

> > > album

> > > > > called plagiocephaly suspected. I'm not seeking

> professional

> > > medical

> > > > > advice, just opinions from parents...should I pursue the

> issue?

> > > Does

> > > > > it look like plagiocephaly?

> > > > >

> > > >

> > >

> >


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I took a look and I see what your concerns are. In my opinion from the

pictures you have, it does appear that ther is plagiocephaly present. I

couldn't tell you true severity from the angles, but what I am seeing

is some flatness(asymmetry), and her ears do look a bit misaligned. She

is at a great age to start treatment and recieve excellent correction.

I would go get a free evaluation at Cranial Technologies. Here is thier

website www,cranialtech.com so you can learn about them. I also have a

question for you. Does your daughter have good head control? Does she

seem to tilt to one side or look mainly in one direction, or is it

difficult to get her to turn her head to look at something on one side?

I could not tell very well in the pics, but she has a shoulder that

looks a bit pulled up and I was wondering if you were seeing any of the

signs I asked about of torticollis or if it was just the pic.



> Hi-I have been concerned about the shape of my daughter's head since

> she was 2 months old-she's now 4 1/2 months. My doctor told me " it

> will round out " at her 2 month visit. At her 4 month visit the


> said, " she's fine-lots of kids have flat heads and hers isnt that

> bad " . Needless to say, this was not the best response! I've posted


> photo of my daughter under the plagiocephly kids albums in an album

> called plagiocephaly suspected. I'm not seeking professional medical

> advice, just opinions from parents...should I pursue the issue? Does

> it look like plagiocephaly?


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