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When starting Iodine does it make you hungry or lethargic (blood sugar drop)

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Hi all! I am new to the site and also new to Iodine

supplementation (Iodoral). Last week I went to a Doc because I

started to have excruciating breast pain and I also want him to

recheck my Low thyroid (have been on Armour for 4 months now but I

think its too low a dose 90mg) and I started experiencing tremendous

Breast pain out of the blue for the last 3 - 4 weeks. My doc who is

on the homeopathic side told me to take 3 Iodoral a day. I tried 2

the first day and felt terrible!! (Light headed, anxious, not good).

So I cut it down to 1 per day for the last 3 days (1/2 dose split).

Well the breast pain has lessened a little (enough to notice) BUT I

feel like I have no energy, I mean I am soooo exhausted and I havent

felt this bad since before my thyroid was treated and I am RAVENOUSLY

hungry!! I know that Iodine can lower your blood sugar so I wonder

if it is doing that to me, cus its that I am so tired I cant wait to

eat again and again feeling which is scaring me because I worked so

hard to recently drop some Low functioning thyroid weight. And I got

myself recently in a great place of working out daily and apetite was

under control and wasnt eating much. This is frustrating because I

also have given the iodine to my Mom and boyfriend and they talk

about how energetic and better they feel!?! But why not me?

Although I know I am the one with low thyroid but my Mom has it to.

So I know I need the Iodine but it poses a problem to me if it is

going to make me feel this way. Perhaps this is beginning side

effects? Any help would be much appreciated! Thanx, Kat

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Dear Kat,

Since you have a Doc who is knowledgeable enough to recommend Iodoral, I would definitely recommend that you let him know if you are still feeling terrible. Feeling terrible is not a desirable response, and something needs to be changed.

Reducing the dose sounds appropriate. Most of the protocols I've read emphasize the importance of starting slowly with iodine supplementation; e.g., taking one (or 1/2) Iodoral the first week, then two (or two x 1/2 = one) the second week, and so forth. (Read the Iodine Fulfillment Therapy by Bruce West in the "Files".)

I do not yet fully understand why it is so necessary to start slowly, but it apparently is. I guess the body must have some difficulty in adapting to suddenly increased amounts of Iodine. Also, there may be detox effects that happen too fast if the dose is too much.

Exhaustion seems to be one of the possible reactions to starting Iodine supplementation. I don't know why. I seem to remember that Shomon mentioned that she had an exhaustion response when she first experimented with Iodine. I would assume that, if this does not pass quickly, this would be a sign to stop or greatly reduce the amount. Let us know if you learn more on this.

I started on the Iodoral about 3 weeks ago, and yesterday I had my first day of feeling exhausted and driven to compulsively eat. However, something weird happened. While I was browsing in the refrigerator for something to eat, I found some Brazil nuts. I ate a few, and in less than five minutes, I was fine. I'm wondering if it could be due to the selenium in the nuts, since I know selenium is needed for T4 to T3 conversion, especially if taking large amounts of iodine or T4. I don't think the cause for the shift could have been the fats or calories, because I had been compulsively eating other things that have fats and calories, and none of that had seemed to affect the craving or exhaustion at all.

Given that you are experiencing painful breasts, you might want to check into breast painting. There are some messages in the archives on breast painting, which can be found in Links > Breast Issues > Breast Painting.

So far, I have found two books you might find useful. They are found in Links > Books on Iodine. Brownstein's book Iodine has a chapter specifically on breast issues.

Good luck and keep us posted.


When starting Iodine does it make you hungry or lethargic (blood sugar drop)

Hi all! I am new to the site and also new to Iodine supplementation (Iodoral). Last week I went to a Doc because I started to have excruciating breast pain and I also want him to recheck my Low thyroid (have been on Armour for 4 months now but I think its too low a dose 90mg) and I started experiencing tremendous Breast pain out of the blue for the last 3 - 4 weeks. My doc who is on the homeopathic side told me to take 3 Iodoral a day. I tried 2 the first day and felt terrible!! (Light headed, anxious, not good). So I cut it down to 1 per day for the last 3 days (1/2 dose split). Well the breast pain has lessened a little (enough to notice) BUT I feel like I have no energy, I mean I am soooo exhausted and I havent felt this bad since before my thyroid was treated and I am RAVENOUSLY hungry!! I know that Iodine can lower your blood sugar so I wonder if it is doing that to me, cus its that I am so tired I cant wait to eat again and again feeling which is scaring me because I worked so hard to recently drop some Low functioning thyroid weight. And I got myself recently in a great place of working out daily and apetite was under control and wasnt eating much. This is frustrating because I also have given the iodine to my Mom and boyfriend and they talk about how energetic and better they feel!?! But why not me? Although I know I am the one with low thyroid but my Mom has it to. So I know I need the Iodine but it poses a problem to me if it is going to make me feel this way. Perhaps this is beginning side effects? Any help would be much appreciated! Thanx, Kat

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> Hi there Zoe and Thank you so much for your detailed and

informative response!! I do so appreciate it. I also called

the other day and spoke to her as well, she was so helpful and

wonderful to speak to and ofcourse recommended your site. I am a wee

bit annoyed because my Doc was supposed to get back to me today with

my thyroid results and a new change of Armour dosing, called his

office over 5 times throughout day, he was with patients and still no

response but hopefully I will hear from him tomorrow. And I will

tell him my reaction to the Iodine, but he wanted me to start on 3

per day and that is not going to happen. I think I will stick with a

half for a while because I really feel it. Last night I was on fire

sooo warm and I have had a minor acne breakout on my face (and I

never do but I know this can happen with the Iodine). I only took a

half today and I had much better energy today BUT I was feeling

irritable and snappy, if you know what I mean, that is unpleasant but

I am sure I will work through it. BUT good news is my eliminations

have been wonderful the last 2 days, really seeing improvement there

so perhaps its a detox thing but I know I have to give it a fair shot

I just may be more sensitive than others. Plus I worked around

radiation (Nuclear scanning) for 5 years so that may be part of

iodine defeciency and sensitivity to it as well. It was so funny I

was thinking about painting my breast with the Iodine, I cant believe

you brought that up and I will definitely look into that. Oh and the

breast pain has lessened up I no longer think about it all day, much

more dealable. So see there is also good stuff happeneing and I will

hang in there, see what my Doc says and report back!

> Dear Kat,


> Since you have a Doc who is knowledgeable enough to recommend

Iodoral, I would definitely recommend that you let him know if you

are still feeling terrible. Feeling terrible is not a desirable

response, and something needs to be changed.


> Reducing the dose sounds appropriate. Most of the protocols I've

read emphasize the importance of starting slowly with iodine

supplementation; e.g., taking one (or 1/2) Iodoral the first week,

then two (or two x 1/2 = one) the second week, and so forth. (Read

the Iodine Fulfillment Therapy by Bruce West in the " Files " .)


> I do not yet fully understand why it is so necessary to start

slowly, but it apparently is. I guess the body must have some

difficulty in adapting to suddenly increased amounts of Iodine.

Also, there may be detox effects that happen too fast if the dose is

too much.


> Exhaustion seems to be one of the possible reactions to starting

Iodine supplementation. I don't know why. I seem to remember that

Shomon mentioned that she had an exhaustion response when she

first experimented with Iodine. I would assume that, if this does

not pass quickly, this would be a sign to stop or greatly reduce the

amount. Let us know if you learn more on this.


> I started on the Iodoral about 3 weeks ago, and yesterday I had my

first day of feeling exhausted and driven to compulsively eat.

However, something weird happened. While I was browsing in the

refrigerator for something to eat, I found some Brazil nuts. I ate a

few, and in less than five minutes, I was fine. I'm wondering if it

could be due to the selenium in the nuts, since I know selenium is

needed for T4 to T3 conversion, especially if taking large amounts of

iodine or T4. I don't think the cause for the shift could have been

the fats or calories, because I had been compulsively eating other

things that have fats and calories, and none of that had seemed to

affect the craving or exhaustion at all.


> Given that you are experiencing painful breasts, you might want to

check into breast painting. There are some messages in the archives

on breast painting, which can be found in Links > Breast Issues >

Breast Painting.


> So far, I have found two books you might find useful. They are

found in Links > Books on Iodine. Brownstein's book Iodine has a

chapter specifically on breast issues.


> Good luck and keep us posted.


> Zoe



> When starting Iodine does it make you hungry or

lethargic (blood sugar drop)



> Hi all! I am new to the site and also new to Iodine

> supplementation (Iodoral). Last week I went to a Doc because I

> started to have excruciating breast pain and I also want him to

> recheck my Low thyroid (have been on Armour for 4 months now but


> think its too low a dose 90mg) and I started experiencing


> Breast pain out of the blue for the last 3 - 4 weeks. My doc who


> on the homeopathic side told me to take 3 Iodoral a day. I tried


> the first day and felt terrible!! (Light headed, anxious, not


> So I cut it down to 1 per day for the last 3 days (1/2 dose


> Well the breast pain has lessened a little (enough to notice) BUT


> feel like I have no energy, I mean I am soooo exhausted and I


> felt this bad since before my thyroid was treated and I am


> hungry!! I know that Iodine can lower your blood sugar so I


> if it is doing that to me, cus its that I am so tired I cant wait


> eat again and again feeling which is scaring me because I worked


> hard to recently drop some Low functioning thyroid weight. And I


> myself recently in a great place of working out daily and apetite


> under control and wasnt eating much. This is frustrating because


> also have given the iodine to my Mom and boyfriend and they talk

> about how energetic and better they feel!?! But why not me?

> Although I know I am the one with low thyroid but my Mom has it


> So I know I need the Iodine but it poses a problem to me if it is

> going to make me feel this way. Perhaps this is beginning side

> effects? Any help would be much appreciated! Thanx, Kat


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