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Re: Alternative Therapy

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Well, , this one got my attention. I have not written on this group for

quite some time but feel that this request should be answered. I'm not sure

if you got my story when joining this group, it used to be provided so that

an understanding of the process of gallstone elimination could be recognized

as possible.

What I find from what I read here is a failure in fat consumption, which is

sorely needed. I eat fatty foods quite freely these days but still avoid a

lot of foods in general because some can bring on a reminder sensation in my

liver area that it was not a good dinner for me to eat. I certainly don't

eat biscuits and gravy on a daily basis and I also don't eat French fries or

other hydrogenated foods on a daily basis either. However, I do get to eat

them both without too much ado these days. For the most part I do try to eat

a lot of foods that contain essential fatty acids and take supplements like

lecithin and primrose oil. Of the primrose oil I have a bottle of it here

with my computer and actually just eat them straight from the bottle, I

happen to like their flavor, and the gel covering is like having taffy too.

I smother my salads with quality olive oils and vinegars. In short my diet

consists of a lot of fats and fiber. At least that is my primary attempt

when eating, not always successful but that is still my attempt when

ordering at a restaurant.

My story is simply that I went from having " A " stone, one so large that it

was considered as one, in the gallbladder to having no stones in the

gallbladder after a nine month period of time. The diagnostic on the first

one was determined by an MRI where the second was by ultra sound. The second

one is the most important one to me in that I had an attack while driving

home from a dinner. I had just eaten was virtually a fat free meal. I had

been eating fat free for around a month at this time and was very vehement

at maintaining that diet even at a restaurant. After that attack and being

free of all gallstones I researched about the liver and found out after

reading " The Liver Cleansing Diet " , it was because of my failing to have

essential fatty acids that my liver was being damaged and therefore had that

attack. Since that time I always eat meals with quality types of oils. Fats

you can love and they love you back.

Now when it comes to flushing and calcified stones the person having this

type is having a different metabolic problem that is causing the

solidification. Calcified stones whether in the kidneys, liver, gallbladder,

joints or other parts of the body have many underlying causes for this

effect, but it often points back to some dietary problem with a cause and

effect with the liver. Soft stones like cholesterol stones are able to break

down and because of the fact that they float they can be more easily

eliminated than the sinking type that are calcified ones that don't get by

the exit to the bile duct. Because of the makeup of soft cholesterol type of

stones diet can go a long way towards their removal in comparison with

hardened matter of a calcified stone.

So, if there is any case to consider, consider mine. When I asked my doctor

what he thought about the method I had used to get rid of my stones he

simply stated to my wife and I " You can't argue with success " .

" I eat a virtually fat free diet and have done

so for years, which I guess is the reason why during this period have only

had around ten major attacks. "

" Where is the evidence that it works? "

" As to your comment regarding the makeup of stones, well this is not a valid

point. If a person has calcified gallstones discovered during an ultrasound "

and then the same person does a series of flushes and immediately returns

for another ultrasound, this should show a demised amount of stones in the

gallbladder. It would also proof the veracity of the flushing system.

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Of course there are certain things that happen with age. Sometimes

doctors will just pass things off as something that is inevitable

with age.

But there are reasons that these things happen. What is it

specifically that is happening to my body with age that caused this

age spot? That is the question.

All I know is that I am 47 years old and started developing an age

spot on my face. After 3 or 4 liver/GB cleanses, the age spot

dissappeared. Coincidence? Could be, but I doubt it.

There is a strong correlation between liver health and skin health.

What happens to our liver when we age? It gets more and more

congested and works less efficiently. We also get age spots on our


Can I say with certainty, the liver cleansing removed the age spot?

Absolutely not. But when you connect the dots, it sure appears to be

the case.

Take care...

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Oh, sorry. When I read " fat free, " I took it to mean fat free. Anyway I forgot

to mention fish oil and flax oil are also good for the body.



When I said 'fat free' I did not include the healthy fats


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Dear Dale, just read your message on , I also have done

the cleanse and have gotten 1,000's of stones out after 10 cleanses.

my question to you is did you have to break up that one large stone,

because some people are afraid to cleanse if their stones(s) are too

large, thanks judy

On Jan 10, 2008, at 9:05 AM, Dale wrote:

> Well, , this one got my attention. I have not written on this

> group for

> quite some time but feel that this request should be answered. I'm

> not sure

> if you got my story when joining this group, it used to be provided

> so that

> an understanding of the process of gallstone elimination could be

> recognized

> as possible.


> What I find from what I read here is a failure in fat consumption,

> which is

> sorely needed. I eat fatty foods quite freely these days but still

> avoid a

> lot of foods in general because some can bring on a reminder

> sensation in my

> liver area that it was not a good dinner for me to eat. I certainly

> don't

> eat biscuits and gravy on a daily basis and I also don't eat French

> fries or

> other hydrogenated foods on a daily basis either. However, I do get

> to eat

> them both without too much ado these days. For the most part I do

> try to eat

> a lot of foods that contain essential fatty acids and take

> supplements like

> lecithin and primrose oil. Of the primrose oil I have a bottle of

> it here

> with my computer and actually just eat them straight from the

> bottle, I

> happen to like their flavor, and the gel covering is like having

> taffy too.

> I smother my salads with quality olive oils and vinegars. In short

> my diet

> consists of a lot of fats and fiber. At least that is my primary

> attempt

> when eating, not always successful but that is still my attempt when

> ordering at a restaurant.


> My story is simply that I went from having " A " stone, one so large

> that it

> was considered as one, in the gallbladder to having no stones in the

> gallbladder after a nine month period of time. The diagnostic on

> the first

> one was determined by an MRI where the second was by ultra sound.

> The second

> one is the most important one to me in that I had an attack while

> driving

> home from a dinner. I had just eaten was virtually a fat free meal.

> I had

> been eating fat free for around a month at this time and was very

> vehement

> at maintaining that diet even at a restaurant. After that attack

> and being

> free of all gallstones I researched about the liver and found out

> after

> reading " The Liver Cleansing Diet " , it was because of my failing to

> have

> essential fatty acids that my liver was being damaged and therefore

> had that

> attack. Since that time I always eat meals with quality types of

> oils. Fats

> you can love and they love you back.


> Now when it comes to flushing and calcified stones the person

> having this

> type is having a different metabolic problem that is causing the

> solidification. Calcified stones whether in the kidneys, liver,

> gallbladder,

> joints or other parts of the body have many underlying causes for this

> effect, but it often points back to some dietary problem with a

> cause and

> effect with the liver. Soft stones like cholesterol stones are able

> to break

> down and because of the fact that they float they can be more easily

> eliminated than the sinking type that are calcified ones that don't

> get by

> the exit to the bile duct. Because of the makeup of soft

> cholesterol type of

> stones diet can go a long way towards their removal in comparison with

> hardened matter of a calcified stone.


> So, if there is any case to consider, consider mine. When I asked

> my doctor

> what he thought about the method I had used to get rid of my stones he

> simply stated to my wife and I " You can't argue with success " .


> " I eat a virtually fat free diet and have done

> so for years, which I guess is the reason why during this period

> have only

> had around ten major attacks. "


> " Where is the evidence that it works? "


> " As to your comment regarding the makeup of stones, well this is

> not a valid

> point. If a person has calcified gallstones discovered during an

> ultrasound "

> and then the same person does a series of flushes and immediately

> returns

> for another ultrasound, this should show a demised amount of stones

> in the

> gallbladder. It would also proof the veracity of the flushing system.




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On Jan 10, 2008, at 9:05 AM, Dale wrote:

> Well, , this one got my attention. I have not written on this

> group for

> quite some time but feel that this request should be answered. I'm

> not sure

> if you got my story when joining this group, it used to be provided

> so that

> an understanding of the process of gallstone elimination could be

> recognized

> as possible.


> What I find from what I read here is a failure in fat consumption,

> which is

> sorely needed. I eat fatty foods quite freely these days but still

> avoid a

> lot of foods in general because some can bring on a reminder

> sensation in my

> liver area that it was not a good dinner for me to eat. I certainly

> don't

> eat biscuits and gravy on a daily basis and I also don't eat French

> fries or

> other hydrogenated foods on a daily basis either. However, I do get

> to eat

> them both without too much ado these days. For the most part I do

> try to eat

> a lot of foods that contain essential fatty acids and take

> supplements like

> lecithin and primrose oil. Of the primrose oil I have a bottle of

> it here

> with my computer and actually just eat them straight from the

> bottle, I

> happen to like their flavor, and the gel covering is like having

> taffy too.

> I smother my salads with quality olive oils and vinegars. In short

> my diet

> consists of a lot of fats and fiber. At least that is my primary

> attempt

> when eating, not always successful but that is still my attempt when

> ordering at a restaurant.


> My story is simply that I went from having " A " stone, one so large

> that it

> was considered as one, in the gallbladder to having no stones in the

> gallbladder after a nine month period of time. The diagnostic on

> the first

> one was determined by an MRI where the second was by ultra sound.

> The second

> one is the most important one to me in that I had an attack while

> driving

> home from a dinner. I had just eaten was virtually a fat free meal.

> I had

> been eating fat free for around a month at this time and was very

> vehement

> at maintaining that diet even at a restaurant. After that attack

> and being

> free of all gallstones I researched about the liver and found out

> after

> reading " The Liver Cleansing Diet " , it was because of my failing to

> have

> essential fatty acids that my liver was being damaged and therefore

> had that

> attack. Since that time I always eat meals with quality types of

> oils. Fats

> you can love and they love you back.


> Now when it comes to flushing and calcified stones the person

> having this

> type is having a different metabolic problem that is causing the

> solidification. Calcified stones whether in the kidneys, liver,

> gallbladder,

> joints or other parts of the body have many underlying causes for this

> effect, but it often points back to some dietary problem with a

> cause and

> effect with the liver. Soft stones like cholesterol stones are able

> to break

> down and because of the fact that they float they can be more easily

> eliminated than the sinking type that are calcified ones that don't

> get by

> the exit to the bile duct. Because of the makeup of soft

> cholesterol type of

> stones diet can go a long way towards their removal in comparison with

> hardened matter of a calcified stone.


> So, if there is any case to consider, consider mine. When I asked

> my doctor

> what he thought about the method I had used to get rid of my stones he

> simply stated to my wife and I " You can't argue with success " .


> " I eat a virtually fat free diet and have done

> so for years, which I guess is the reason why during this period

> have only

> had around ten major attacks. "


> " Where is the evidence that it works? "


> " As to your comment regarding the makeup of stones, well this is

> not a valid

> point. If a person has calcified gallstones discovered during an

> ultrasound "

> and then the same person does a series of flushes and immediately

> returns

> for another ultrasound, this should show a demised amount of stones

> in the

> gallbladder. It would also proof the veracity of the flushing system.




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Hey ,

I do agree with some of the points you mention. What I meant by

black and white though is that there is an immense amount of

information regarding the human body how it responds to infection and

the environement which is still to date unknown. Even though people

or medicine tend to want us to believe that they have ALL the

answers, they want us to see things as only black and white.

Allopathic medicine doesn't like the grey area (denies it's existence

even) or the unknown becuase admitting to such a thing would be a

very humbling experience. However it is because of this Gray area

that many people suffer and die. (there is also research which is

being suppressed or just plain ignored however thats another area of

discussion for another time.) Just a brief example, of all the

microorganisms out there medicine has researched and named an

estimated 5% of them. The other 95% they dont know what they do, how

the affect the human body. So I believe that there are so many

factors to liver health that go far beyond simply flushing and

current knowledge. I'm still learning about some of these things.

One of the things I learned about was something you had mentioned

earlier about ultra sound and diagnosing stones. What I was trying

to say to you if flushing doesn't remove calcified stones and if

ultrasound picks up these stubborn stones then you will get yet

another study that fails to factor in the complexities of the human


I do believe flushing removes stones from the GB and liver but I

think these are uncalcified. I did read from this forum about a

gentleman who did a totally different flush then what we are doing to

remove the calcified stones.

Let me try to find it for you guys.

all the best,


--- In gallstones , Porretta <lporretta@...>



> Amber,


> When I said 'fat free' I did not include the healthy fats, though my

> gallbladder, like many others, cannot tolerate many types of nuts.

I take

> supplements each day and have done for thirty years. I am fifty-

five, run

> three times a week, and work out between. I weigh exactly what I

did in my

> early twenties and climb mountains for a hobby! I have studied this


> for many years as a lay person and am well aware of all its


> elements, alternative therapies and available treatments.


> I am presently trying to persuade Canadian doctors to introduce at


> experimentally, the contact dissolution therapy, which definitely

clears the

> gallbladder of all stones within 2-12 hours in outpatient

treatment. I

> understand in the US, the Mayo Clinic are spearheading this

technique. They

> seem apathetic about the technique, but it does work and clear

stones in 95%

> of cases


> Someone suggested that I am looking at things from a 'black and


> perspective, and if this is the way one describes a demand for


> then yes, I am. Falsifiable evidence should quite easily be

available if

> these flushes are successful, as I have noted in my messages. I am


> puzzled as to why those for example, who sell information and


> cannot provide such. I have written to many of these people and

many have

> patronisingly patted me on the head and sent me away - of course

without any

> evidence.


> Anybody can say anything works. Without evidence it is just



> Best regards - Porretta


> _____


> From: gallstones

[mailto:gallstones ] On

> Behalf Of Amber

> Sent: January 10, 2008 4:46 AM

> gallstones

> Subject: Re: Alternative Therapy




> That is NOT good for the body. We need good, healthy fats, like

olive oil,

> coconut oil, avocadoes, nuts.


> Amber


> I eat a virtually fat free diet and have done

> so for years

> .




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Yes, and what I used was Gold Coin Grass for around a month or more and then

did my first flush. With my first flush I had some pretty large stones come

out with one of them around 3/4 of an inch round.

----- Original Message -----

From: judy kemecsei


Sent: Sunday, January 13, 2008 5:59 PM

Subject: Re: Re: Alternative Therapy

Dear Dale, just read your message on , I also have done

the cleanse and have gotten 1,000's of stones out after 10 cleanses.

my question to you is did you have to break up that one large stone,

because some people are afraid to cleanse if their stones(s) are too

large, thanks judy

On Jan 10, 2008, at 9:05 AM, Dale wrote:

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Well! I was looking for the Dale interview on GB flushing so

you guys could read about what type of flush he uses for Calcified

stones and look who posts! Hi Dale lol Didn't know you were on this

forum. Glad to have you here can you please let these folks know that

the standard hulda clark flush etc may not get ALL types of stones out

of the GB without taking things such as Gold Coin Grass for example?

Here is his interview from a while back, calcified stones are

mentioned at the end


Four ounces of cold pressed extra virgin olive oil. Mix with liberal

amounts of Grapefruit Juice. Drink 3.5 hours before a colonic.

Q: Tell us about colonic and liver flush!

11 Jan 2002 Dale:

I did have successful Gallbladder/Liver flush by use of a colonic. This

was done by fasting for around 21 hours and then drinking a mix of

grapefruit juice and four plus ounces of pure cold pressed extra virgin

olive oil around three hours before starting the colonic.

I was a bit disappointed to see as many stones as I did, but then I

really wasn't all that surprised either. I have been cheating too much

as to

what I've been eating of late and I'm sure that this successful but


flush was the result of that cheating. I had numerous stones in the

pea size

and lots of much smaller ones too. Because of only being able to see

some pass

on their way by in the viewing tube I was not able to distinguish the

chaff as


After being off the machine I had to relieve myself one other time that

night and it had around six of the larger stones with a number of the

smaller type with little chaff.

There is one interesting thing to note about all of this and that's the

fact that for the olive oil to have become sapponified in a three to five

hour time period would be next to impossible to have happened. In

fact I did

have oil in the stool as well as on the viewing tube glass. So, it

simply moved

right on through without time to change its properties.

I have found this process of flushing to be so much easier for me than

taking the Epsom salts to get the bowels clean, which is just another

note to

recognize that Epsom Salts isn't always needed to get a good result.

Some who are familiar with colonics may be wondering how I could tell

the stones were passing in the view tube. Well, that comes from being

the one in control of the flow and supply valves and being able to make

the flow much slower or even stop (it's not to comfortable to stop with

it on a flow it but it's still possible, I just slow it). These also

didn't start to show up until around the hour and a half time period,

after the ozone started being used too. The confirmation of what I was

seeing pass in the view tube was in the still water of the toilet bowls I

used after being disconnected from the machine. One was from one last

dump there and then the one this morning at home.

Q: Can you give us advice about Lecithin? I have heard that it is a

supplement that breaks down fat intake and can prevent cholesterol

build-up in your body. This would slow down or eliminate the production of

stones from what I can gather?


Lecithin, approximately 2400 to 4800 mg a day, is something I've been

taking since November of 99, as a near daily routine.

Despite my best intentions to take it daily I do tend to get out of the

house with too much on my mind and therefore tend to forget to take my


The thing that lecithin does is something like the way dish detergent

does with fats, it keeps it emulsified. This helps in the prevention

of its

precipitating from the bile salt that the liver produces. But just

like the

ratio of water to detergent and the fats being cleaned off or out can

result in there being a precipitation of the fat on the side of a sink,

or in the case of a liver or a gallbladder there too. However, it isn't

a cure-all for the liver health enthusiast because there is a lot more

to the liver than just taking in this one essential fatty acid.

Lecithin is certainly worth taking on a daily basis to help the

liver's bile

to be able to hold the fats that are being taken out of the body, much

the same as the dish detergent is holding the fats in it, but it is

also necessary to get more essential fatty acids from other sources too.

It certainly can be noted that a lot of foods today are from

genetically engineered products with soy being just one of many.


However, prudent consideration of the purchase should merit the quality

most of us are looking to find.






Use of other things along with the essential fatty acids, and a diet

without the hydrogenated and saturated fats, can work over time to get

rid of

some types of stones. But it does take a lot of time for those that are

calcified. That is, those that are made from calcium deposits. They

just don't break down that easily nor do they flush out as easily as the

cholesterol type of stones.

If someone is trying to get out the calcified type of stone it will

mean laying on the left side rather than the right to hopefully get

the stone

placed at the neck of the gallbladder to get it into the common bile

duct and out of the body.

Some things that can be used are Gold Coin Grass, hydrangea root, and

chanca piedra.

The malic acid of apples is suspected of helping to soften stones too.

For some extra information, check out:


Dale , USA


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