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Alternative Therapy

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Please rent " Crazy Sexy Cancer " with your wife and watch it several times! I

was diagnosed with BC 6 months ago & have taken the inspiration from the movie

to do a lifestyle overhaul. There are many, many types of alternative therapies

and it is impossible to narrow it down to one that will work for everyone, but

the first and most important thing is to do everything we can to eliminate

toxins from our diet & environment, and flood our bodies with nutrients from

whole, unprocessed foods. Start with green juicing every day and consider other

forms of detox including coffee enemas, saunas, and rebounding. Supplements are

also key, but so much info on them that you have to do lots of homework & sort

through it all to come up with common suggested doses etc. Also visit

www.crazysexylife.com to see what others who were inspired by the movie are

doing to prolong their survival & begin thriving in the midst of their disease.

Many of us are simply living with cancer for a long time - not " cured " per se

but thriving.

Good luck, keep reaching out for help. Read everything you can, and look beyond

conventional medicine for the best treatments.

baljeet singh wrote:

hello everyone

> my wife(32 years old) was diagnosed with breast cancer 2 years back and after

surgery.chemo and radiation she was on temoxifin . Now she has extensive bone

metastasis.pet scan shows all other organs are safe. Her current treatment

includes zoldria injection for bone strengthing. zoladex injection for ovary

ablation(as she was 80 % ER/PR +ve).and taxol in chemotherapy.despite all this

doctors has said she has a life of 2 to 5 years.

> can u people suggest any alternative treatment that can help cure her

disease.Speacially if any one has used it and get cured.it will be of great help

for me

> if u search internet for this u get so many treatments but with controversies

along with it like appricot seeds.on one site its written that having appricot

seeds kill cancer cells and on another site its written that its poisonous.

please help.


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I'm sorry to hear about your wife's mets. However, women with bone mets can,

and do, live longer than 5 years. Your doctor is a fool to give her an

" expiration " date. You may want to find a different doctor and make sure she is

being treated at a quality cancer center.

I belong to the YSC. It's the Young Survival Coalition. It is for women under

the age of 45 who are diagnosed with breast cancer. The bulliten board forums

are fantastic and there is lots of great information and support there. They

are all about traditional treatments, though. But there are many women there

going through the same thing who are the same age as your wife.

Some things to look at:

Vitamin D


Calcium D-Glucarate

These are all good supplements for women with breast cancer. Please research

them before starting them to make sure all is well. By the way, the vitamin D

needs to be D3 and it needs to be in high doses.

Have the doctors discussed radiation for the bone mets?

The next step is to look at diet.








> hello everyone

> my wife(32 years old) was diagnosed with breast cancer 2 years back and after

surgery.chemo and radiation she was on temoxifin . Now she has extensive bone

metastasis.pet scan shows all other organs are safe. Her current treatment

includes zoldria injection for bone strengthing. zoladex injection for ovary

ablation(as she was 80 % ER/PR +ve).and taxol in chemotherapy.despite all this

doctors has said she has a life of 2 to 5 years.

> can u people suggest any alternative treatment that can help cure her

disease.Speacially if any one has used it and get cured.it will be of great help

for me

> if u search internet for this u get so many treatments but with controversies

along with it like appricot seeds.on one site its written that having appricot

seeds kill cancer cells and on another site its written that its poisonous.

> please help.


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I have replied you directly to your email id.....AKP

baljeet singh <balli9000@...> wrote:

> hello everyone

> my wife(32 years old) was diagnosed with breast cancer 2 years back and after

surgery.chemo and radiation she was on temoxifin . Now she has extensive bone

metastasis.pet scan shows all other organs are safe. Her current treatment

includes zoldria injection for bone strengthing. zoladex injection for ovary

ablation(as she was 80 % ER/PR +ve).and taxol in chemotherapy.despite all this

doctors has said she has a life of 2 to 5 years.

> can u people suggest any alternative treatment that can help cure her

disease.Speacially if any one has used it and get cured.it will be of great help

for me

> if u search internet for this u get so many treatments but with controversies

along with it like appricot seeds.on one site its written that having appricot

seeds kill cancer cells and on another site its written that its poisonous.

> please help.


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I used an alternative medicine clinic in greensboro nc. they had a good overall

response to metastatic cancer. they used a three part program of nutrition,

herbal therapies and colonic therapies as well as acupunture, massage and talk

therapy. they have an out patient and in house intensive program. it is called

triad health and wellness. i do not know their toll free number but the direct

line is 336.987.5948. Dr. Teena McBride is the director and they have medical

doctors who follow alternative therapies as well as PhD level people for the

other therapies.

I hope this is of some help. let me know if i can help in some other way


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> Some things to look at:

> Vitamin D

> Melatonin

> Calcium D-Glucarate


> These are all good supplements for women with breast cancer. Please

> research them before starting them to make sure all is well. By the


> the vitamin D needs to be D3 and it needs to be in high doses.

I agree, those are important supplements. My wife is on all of those for

breast cancer.

Vitamin D - 9,000 IU/day - important for bones and increases

anti-microbial peptides, the body's production of naturally occurring

antibiotics. Get the 25-hydroxyvitamin D blood level checked. For cancer

aim to be in the 65-90 ng/ml range. Adjust supplementation up or down to

achieve this range. Optimal for healthy people is 50-65 ng/ml. Source:


Melatonin - 45 mg/day at bedtime, under the tongue for a few minutes for

best absorption. Source: DrLam.com. supplementclinic.com sells a high

dose Melatonin called Melamax (15 drops/day) which we use.

Calcium D-Glucarate - 1000 mg/day - this one is useful for detox of


Except Melatonin, divided doses with food is best.

> Try doing a google search on LDN. Jan

I also recommend the LDN. This would be a long term thing to take. It's

not expensive. Do a Google search for " LDN naltrexone " without quotes.

LDN (Low Dose Naltrexone) - 4.5 mg/day at bedtime, between 9pm and 1am.

People with cancer should start on the 4.5 mg dose, not lower.

> Increase your immune system by taking AHCC, Immune Extra, etc.

> Try to be 90% vegetarian and no red meats.

AHCC, Maitake Pro-D Fraction, etc with a whole body mushroom extract

would be good for increasing NK cells and immune system.

Avoid meat and sugar and refined carbohydrates. Choose mostly

unprocessed low GI foods.

> Expose sunshine for at least 25 minutes a day.

Particularly between 11am and 1pm when UVB is at a high enough level for

the body to produce enough vitamin D in the skin. You know you've

had enough once your skin turns the lightest shade of pink. Avoid

burning. And/or use Vitamin D3 supplement. So long as you get

25-hydroxyvitamin D into the 65-90 ng/ml range as above.

More info (Video) here:

And the powerpoint presentation.


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I was cured of metastatic breast cancer by using Healthquarters Ministries in

Colorado Springs, CO. The naturopath there is Dave Frahm, ND. You go stay at

the lodge in CO. and detox and learn about nutrition, fasting, supplements,

enemas, etc. He has a book called A Cancer Battle Plan that outlines the

program, but does not include which supplements to take. The program is not for

everyone. You have to be extremely disciplined in what goes in and on your

body. I understand your confusion and pray that you find a program that will

work for your wife.


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What type of breast cancer did you have? Do you have scans now? Where were

your mets?




> I was cured of metastatic breast cancer by using Healthquarters Ministries in

Colorado Springs, CO. The naturopath there is Dave Frahm, ND. You go stay at

the lodge in CO. and detox and learn about nutrition, fasting, supplements,

enemas, etc. He has a book called A Cancer Battle Plan that outlines the

program, but does not include which supplements to take. The program is not for

everyone. You have to be extremely disciplined in what goes in and on your

body. I understand your confusion and pray that you find a program that will

work for your wife.

> michelle


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