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RE: New and having issues

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Hi all,

I am new to the group. I have lost about 120 lbs in less than 8 months

time. I did this by following the 6 WBMO by Thurmon.

Basically it is a diet that involves 6 small meals a day, little to no fat,

no salt, no dairy, no sugar, no processed foods.

All and all it is a pretty good plan.

I am also hypothyroid and on levothyroxin.

I haven't had issues with my gallbladder until about 3 wks ago. OH LORD...I

have them now.

I have had quite a few attacks, 10-15 attacks during this 3 wk period. Most

of them in the last week.

Lately, this is all I eat: I do now have fat free cappuccino's with equal

(sugar sub), unsweetened iced tea with equal and fresh lemon, fat free plain

yogurt, steel cut oatmeal made from scratch, chicken, apples, plenty of

fresh greens and other veggies. Once in a while I have honey ginger salad

dressing but mostly just balsamic vinegar.

What aspect of this menu is causing these attacks? I have tried to do

eliminations and can't figure it out.

Should I try a gallbladder cleanse? Which brand if yes?

I really do not want to have surgery. I am not fond of DR either...bad




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Well, I hate to tell you now, but losing a lot of weight too fast is a trigger

for GB problems. You might want to try some of the GB flushes that are

mentioned on this site. Please do not rush to surgery. Once it's gone, there

is no going back.


Hi all,

I am new to the group. I have lost about 120 lbs in less than 8 months

time. ...I haven't had issues with my gallbladder until about 3 wks ago. OH


have them now.

Should I try a gallbladder cleanse? Which brand if yes?

I really do not want to have surgery. I am not fond of DR either...bad





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Hi Jo,

You have a long way to go, but information on how to get to a healthy

gall bladder is readily available. Unfortunately, you took a wrong

turn in eliminating your oils, even though they temoprarilly reduced

some symptoms. Elimination of the good fats long term make the real

problem much worse. It's not just what you eat that triggers the

attacks, but what you are not eating also. That's why the elimination

of specific things from your diet didn't show you a specific food to

stop eating. Your bile has to flow in order to keep from stagnating

and making stones. It has to flow to push out the chaff and sludge

that can form stones if left long enough. In order for bile to flow,

it has to be thin and properly balenced by good foods (supplements and

herbs help). In order fro bile to flow, good oils and fats need to be

eaten in the correct amounts each day. Once a gall bladder gets

diseased or full of stones, stopping the fats for a while stops the

gall bladder from contracting and causing pain, but the problem is

still there and getting worse.

I'm copying a file out of the list " files " section. You sound like

you are in the same condition that one of our list members found

himself in and he also decided to keep his gall bladder. You can read

the file below, or access the file along with other good reading at:


It's a little lengthy for a normal post, but you have to start

somewhere, and this is a good place to start.

Enjoy, and best regards, Vince

This interview have been conducted by email. Members of " Gallstones "

email support group (gallstones ) asked


about his experience with gallstones, liver health and liver flush.

Dale was diagnosed with Gallstones, Hepatitis C and Hepatitis B.

Q: Please tell us about gallbladder and liver attacks


I'm quite familiar with the feeling of a gallbladder and liver attack.

I had many from February to October of 1999. I can still remember the

diagnosis and my doctor's request that I setup a schedule, with a

surgeon that he knew, to have my gallbladder removed within a couple

of weeks after that diagnosis.

Well, I didn't get it taken out, I researched the web for information

and after

coming across Changs information on top of Hulda s and a

couple of

others I decided to do the gallbladder flush. Granted it really was a

leap of faith for me because I only had the scant information that I

was able to gleam

about the good the flushes could do, and have done for so many others.

Q: What would you suggest to person suffering gallbladder or liver



I would suggest that you get Dr. Cabot's book " The Liver

Cleansing Diet " for some very pertinent information regarding the

liver and how to maintain it. Dr. Cabot's book will certainly

enlighten you to the foods to eat, and just what the liver needs to

function properly. I pronounce, from the rooftops, the help her book

has been to me.

Some things to do right now are:

The top of the list is to avoid all saturated fats like those that


such as bacon grease does when it's poured from the skillet and cools.

Also avoid hydrogenated oils. These are usually oils that at one time

may have been

good for the liver but now work against it and over burden it.

Hydrogenated oils are those you get with deep frying or in such foods

as processed cheeses and margarines. Avoid other processed foods such

as breads that are not whole grain.

Supplement with lecithin, around 2400 to 4800 mg of lecithin a day.

Take two in

the morning and two in the evening with one or more 500 mg of taurine

taken anytime. These help to keep the cholesterol suspended, or

emulsified much the same as dish detergent works on the fats that are

washed off the dinner plates.

Take note of foods that stimulate the gallbladder. Certain foods will

tend to

cause a minor type of attack because of the good it's doing for the

liver and

gallbladder. Foods like cabbage, pecans, beets are pretty stimulating

and may

tend to at the least cause a discomfort but it's not because it's

doing anything bad, it's just stimulating the liver and/or the

gallbladder to function. When I was having my worst attacks in " 99 " it

took me awhile to figure out what good foods were causing me to have

attacks even though I was avoiding all fats. (Avoiding all fats,

including EFAs, wasn't a good thing but I hadn't read Dr. Cabot's book

at that time to know any better of what to eat)

Don't be afraid of eating foods that contain fats as long as the fats

that they

contain are of the type that are essential to the liver's good health.

One such

food is avocado. So, getting on a diet which contains essential fatty

acids can

actually cause the loss of inches. Since the liver is the fat burning

tool of the body when it's in good working order the body starts to

burn off excessive fat. I can assure you that I've lost my Sumo gut

since changing the types of foods I'll eat. I use to look like I was

pregnant. I still may not be as thin as I could /should be, but then I

tend to eat foods I didn't dare a year or so ago, but, I am able to

get into suits I couldn't button in front of me, with room to spare,

for quite a number of years.

There are some other things to consider too regarding the liver,

gallbladder, and colon synergistic. You will be wanting to eat foods

that contain a goodly amount of dietary fiber in the form of what it

called soluble fiber and non-soluble fiber. Soluble fiber is described

as that which will become like a gel in the intestines and absorb the

bile from the liver, like psyllium. Where non-soluble fiber is that

which will just move through the body without being changed much in

it's state, like the kernel shell of corn. You'll want this because it

will be taking out the excess fat that the liver will be depositing to

the intestines as a bile containing in it cholesterol. By having it

move through the system fairly quickly there is little reabsorbtion of

the cholesterol or fats, with the end result being a reduction of LDL

cholesterol the main reason for most gallstones.

I can't say enough about making sure of getting enough water each day

too. This

is also very important, along with exercise and a diet void of the

wrong types of fats.

Another great help for reducing the pain is the use of a Castor Oil

Packs. To make one you just need castor oil, a cotton roll, a sheet of

plastic (small trash bags work great), a towel, and a hot water

bottle. Use just enough cotton roll to go across the whole of the

abdomen at the lower rib cage, saturate the cotton with the oil, lay

it across the abdomen, and then put a plastic bag on top of that. Next

the towel is used because the hot water bottle may be too hot to start

with and the towel will damper the heat. When the temperature goes

down remove the towel and put the bottle directly on the plastic until

around a half hour to an hour of use is done. Save the roll of oil in

another plastic bag for use later as you can get a number of uses from

one cotton roll.

The Castor Oil Packs are also a very good precursor to the gallbladder

and liver

flush. It can be done most anytime during the period when the Epsom

salts or other cleaner is being used to clear the bowels.

There are of course other things to consider too, such as colon

cleansing and

parasite cleansing but for right now your greatest interest is getting

foods that will be working toward the health of the liver. When

that's being done the other things can be added to help the process along.

Q: In your experience, is it possible to pass larger stones by

flushing liver and gallbladder?


I have had some pretty severe attacks, four lead to hospital visits from

February to October of 1999. That is the reason I started learning

about how to do the flushes, and have had the great results that I

have had.

If you take a look in the Files at the gallstones group site

gallstones/files you'll notice there are

a number

of pictures posted of stones that have been collected and

photographed, I've

posted one there to, I have one picture that shows one stone of which

is around

17 to 18 mm in size. That's around 3/4 of an inch in diameter.

So, was I able to pass a large stone?


Will other people be able to pass as large gallstones?

That is up to their body, but keep in mind the stretching capacity of

the uterus when giving birth and you'll have a good idea of just how

elastic the bile duct is likely to be too.

It is only obvious to me that a large stone can pass because of having

passed a

large stone, several of them for that matter. When I had an MRI in

February of '99 I was told that it was 'A' stone and couldn't

ascertain the exact size of it from either the doctor or the hospital

radiologist. So, I first started with a diet close to void of fat and

along with that started taking herbs and other

concoctions to attempt to breakup the stone's size. I must have been


because in October when I had a liver attack because I'd avoided

taking in all fats for over a month the ultrasound showed that I had

no stones, that my gallbladder was healthy, as well as my liver

excepting the larger bile duct sizes that showed up... Gee, I wonder

if having a baby makes things a little larger for a while too.

The worst thing I did was avoiding all fats when the body needs fats

to run properly. I learned that from reading Dr. Cabot's information

in her book " The

Liver Cleansing Diet " , for which I sent just after the doctor reported

to me that my liver was now in bad shape. Blood tests showed that my

enzyme levels were not good and this was more than likely because I

had avoided all fats. Dr. Cabot's book pointed me to this fact. Fat in

the way of Essential Fatty Acids is necessary for cellular structure

and strength.

So, I would from my view say it's quite possible to pass very large

stones, to

the chagrin of a surgeon's knife.

Q: Dale, how about pain? Have you been able to avoid pain ¬ gallstones



To elaborate a little bit more on the subject of no more pain after

having flushed for a while, I'll try to explain so that it is repeated

one more time for the whole group.

Before my first gallbladder attack, that is the one that sent me to

the hospital, I had other more minor attacks. These were just

preempting what was to come; they were painful but nothing like the

times I went to the hospital. I had my first hospital visit on

February 16th, very early in the morning around 03:00. They did an

x-ray of my body in the abdominal area but found nothing. Three days

later I had another attack and this time they did an MRI and found my

gallbladder to be thickened and to have " A " stone, as they called it.

My follow up with the doctor got me a request to call a particular

surgeon within the next two weeks and schedule an appointment to have

my gallbladder removed. I never called. My doctor did however provide

me a prescription for pain medication to deal with any further attacks

even after I had started doing the flushes.

I ended up going the he hospital two more times over the next seven

months. The

third trip happened because I had fallen off the wagon, so to speak,

because I

was getting away with eating pretty freely whatever I wanted again

thinking I'd

gotten rid of my stones completely but I had only done one flush so

far. The third trip was on March 22nd of that year. From then on I was

being much better

about what I ate and when I ate. I would still have attacks and was

surprised at some of the attacks because I'd eaten good foods that

were not hydrogenated or of saturated animal fats. However, they did

contain foods that

stimulated the liver and gallbladder… and that was what caused me

attacks that

would have me taking up to four roxicets to get rid of the pain. I

always said if I had to have more I needed to go to the hospital for

that type of pain management.

The last trip to the hospital was on October 27th of '99', and the

problem wasn't because of having " A " or any stones.

I was having liver damage with Hepatitis showing its ugly head. I was,

according to an extensive ultrasound, stone free and my liver and

gallbladder looked perfectly healthy otherwise, except for the

enlarged bile ducts and the report noting AST, ALK, ALT and bilirubin

to be off the chart along with Hepatitis C and B showing in the mix.

It didn't show the C and B as now active just that it was there


Well, this prompted me to start studding a bit deeper into my new

liver problem. That was how I came to be aware of the Liver Doctor Dr,

Cabot and her book " The Liver Cleansing Diet " . I read her book

and it all came to light what I had done wrong in attempting to rid

myself of the gallstones. The worst thing I had done was to resolve

not to eat any fat products, what so ever. I literally avoided all

foods with any sort of fat.

The problem with avoiding all fats is that the liver needs fat. It

needs the fat to produce the cholesterol that is necessary for the

liver and body's cellular structure. Talk about feeling like a fool

for not taking more time to do more in depth research regarding

gallbladder cleansing. I went right out and got all kinds of fats to

eat. I mean to tell you I got avocados, flax seed oil, hemp oil, and

primrose oil. I started eating primrose oil while driving my truck. I

would get urges to have gulps of flax seed oil or hemp oil. My body

was craving it for months. I don't get those cravings now but I still

keep taking in fats as best as possible and avoid, like poison,

hydrogenated oils and saturated animal fats. Don't get me too wrong

here, I have, on occasion now, eaten some mighty fine prime rib but I

have also avoided eating the juicy fat that comes with it like I use

to do. I use to have to avoid eating things containing cole slaw and

pecans too because of how strong a stimulant they are for the liver

and gallbladder, but now I can eat these without any problem.

Some of the protocols that I used are these:

The standard oil and fruit juice flush using fresh squeezed grapefruit

juice and the most virgin of olive oils I could buy. I would often

preempt my flushes by fasting for twenty four to forty eight hours or

more and drink only fresh squeezed apple juice for that time period

with some other fresh squeezed juice

like my special drink of a twenty four ounce carrot juice drink

containing 1/4 of a beet, two celery sticks, one ounce of parsley, and

one half of a whole lemon. (must keep it stirred to enjoy the lemon at

all levels, - now my mouth's watering)

I also would do castor oil packs and have colonics, which would also

have ozone

insufflated with it after around an hour of being connected. The ozone

would be

added for approximately one half, to an hour, or the saturation point.

(saturation can be noted by an almost burning sensation in the throat,

or the

skin getting pretty pink, especially the palms) Usually there will be


liver dumps happening after the ozone is turned off and you start working

towards clearing out the bowels to be disconnected.

I also used colloidal silver and the zapper, but make my own colloidal


So, I hope this was the information of which you wanted. And I hope

you see there are more ways in which to approach keeping your

gallbladder inside you, and not thrown into a trashcan. It does

however take resolve, lots of it.

Q: Dale, what about weight gain or weight loss?


I lost my sumo gut and have been pretty successful in keeping it off

for the last three years because of my diet changes. Also by using the

flushing to help in keeping my liver and gallbladder working better it

has help in my keeping it off.

Q: Dale, there was a lot of debate on the formation of gallstones.

What is your



There certainly has been some very good debate of late regarding the

formation of bile stones. I can appreciate much regarding the points


but I just thought I'd drop a line regarding the way they form and why

they form.

I must say, one of the more interesting points was regarding the

stones forming

with the use of an oil causing as much bile to be dumped into the

intestines as

possible and that they then form from the oil and bile mix as it

passes towards

the exit point. This is quite contradictory to what the bile actually

does. It

would be like saying that mixing gasoline with grease causes the grease to

thicken into globs of grease.

However, this one article will pretty much explain quite a bit

regarding bile. I especially like the note regarding proteins in the

second paragraph of " What

Causes Gallstones " . http://healthlink.mcw.edu/article/950732863.html

Now as regards the formation of bile stones in the liver I thought

this article

would at least shed some light regarding its danger. But, I don't

endorse this

produce as I feel diet, exercise, and just plain common sense should

help most

people in dealing with bile stones of the liver, or gallbladder.


Primary Sclerosing cholangitis (PSC)


The fact that we, as humans, are all different and yet the same, can


effect the results of how a flush of the liver and gallbladder will

turn out.

Some of us have been subjected to various toxins earlier in life, or

are being

subjected to it on a daily basis today in the form of chemicals used

for various forms of cleaning, the foods that we eat, or just from the

air that we breath. Our skin is absorbing an amazing amount of toxins

without our even knowing it. Some toxins can have a vary adverse

effect pretty quickly as in the case of handling some chemicals like

bug sprays that affect the brain when ingested from either the skin,

nose, or mouth. The one organ that has to handle detoxifying of all

these chemicals is the liver. It is the main organ of the body for

input and output and the amount of input with everyone has been, and

is at the present time, different. Therefore just on this basis alone

we have differences of how an attempted cleansing of the liver or

gallbladder is going to turn out.

I now consider seeing small gallstones as a very positive effect of my

diet, exercise, and flushing. My earlier examples in " 99 " have been

noted by a pathologist as being gallstones, but they certainly were

not small by any means.


As regards the formation of stones in the liver, it happens but it doesn't

necessarily mean that all stones start forming in the liver and are

then transported to the gallbladder to become larger. That can happen,

but isn't quite as likely as it would be for them to form right there,

inside the gallbladder itself. It isn't because of the removal of the

water, and its becoming more concentrated, it has to do with the

information presented earlier in this letter as noted from the website

to which I'm pointing. It has to do with too much of one thing or

another being in the bile causing a precipitation of either the

calcium salts and bilirubin, or cholesterol. Looking at this picture

you can see that some liver stones get pretty darn big.


The simple fact that the removal of the water from the bile doesn't

have an

effect on the cause for precipitation of gallstones can be noted from

the fact

that you don't find any mention of that in any of the websites to

which I can

point, or anyone can find. It is like saying that a detergent becomes

solid when it has an oil mixed in with it and all the water is

removed, it just won't happen, it will be a concentrated soap

containing oil or an oil containing a soap, i.e. detergent. I use a

detergent to emulsify the grease and oil I get on

my hands when working on a vehicle or other grease latten object. I

can take

that grease-laden mix off my hand and leave it in the sun to attempt

to dry but it won't. It will get thick again but with the addition of

water it can certainly become an emulsive once again and wash off the

platter on which it may have been placed.

I am very fortunate in that my success with the flushing, and continued

maintenance of my liver has kept me in pretty good health, over all,

and especially considering that I was bedridden in " 95 " for two months

with CFS and

arthritis tearing me up. So, I can't help but to be a proponent of the

cleansing of the liver, gallbladder and colon as it has brought me to

the health I am able to enjoy today. And like so many, I just wish I'd

known what I do today when I was much younger so I wouldn't have to

deal with the pains I've acquired and continue to acquire as this body

ages to destruction. I can only hope that I can keep up maintaining

away from the pain that I know is sitting just off to the side if I

were to not keep up a healthy life style.

Q: What is the link between reabsorbtion of bile and diet?


You may enjoy some of the information presented on these pages

regarding the reabsorbtion of bile. The importance of these pages is

in the necessity of a

high fiber diet to help the body in getting rid of the cholesterol of

which it

may have in over abundance, in some cases.




Q: More about flushing?


I would like to help you to understand that flushing just starts the

cleansing process of getting the gallbladder and live back to a

healthy condition. It is much the same as trying to clean up an oil

spill it just isn't all gotten with one quick swipe of a rag.

I didn't like the idea of losing something with which I had started my

life and

so because of that started my research on the gallbladder and

alternatives to

having it cut out. I started flushing after doing some preliminary work of

detoxing and changing my diet from a high fat to a much reduced intake

of fat.

Of course at the time I really didn't understand the differences in

fats and my

misunderstanding led to some other problems later, after I was now

stone free,

and had a gallbladder that looked as normal as another gallbladder

would in an


I too thought that after having done my first flush I was totally

stone free and that I could eat a nice meal at a restaurant without

having to worry about the attacks again. Little did I know at that

time that it was going to be some months before that would be a

reality, and after a lot of attacks that would occur when I would fall

off the wagon, so to speak. Even though I now can eat pretty much with

impunity, I still will get warning notes of discomfort if I eat things

that are too fatty with hydrogenated fat or animal fat, which is a

saturated fat. But, I still have my gallbladder and it appears from my

movements that it's working just fine.

Flushing is something that the body would normally do without you even


concerned with the process if you happened to be eating the right

combinations of foods, along with exercise, and didn't have some

genetic predisposition to a

particular disease. So, I can certainly appreciate just how you feel

about being locked into doing something so distasteful as taking Epsom

salts, and then a concoction of extra virgin olive oil and a fresh

squeezed fruit juice.

The important thing to remember is the fact that stones didn't occur

without the body having something out of balance. So, sometimes it

just takes more time to get back the balance it needs to function

correctly, or at least good stubble. Flushing isn't a silver bullet to

good health that one shot does it. Shoot, even if you take an

antibiotic you have to take it religiously to hopefully kill a

bacteria infection, and if it happens to be a wound it may be

necessary to clean that wound daily while the healing process is

taking place.

Needless to say, but disease leads to dis-ease and that is from which

we're all

trying to get away.

Q: Tell us about colonic and liver flush!

11 Jan 2002 Dale:

I did have successful Gallbladder/Liver flush by use of a colonic.

This was done by fasting for around 21 hours and then drinking a mix of

grapefruit juice and four plus ounces of pure cold pressed extra

virgin olive oil around three hours before starting the colonic.

I was a bit disappointed to see as many stones as I did, but then I really

wasn't all that surprised either. I have been cheating too much as to

what I've

been eating of late and I'm sure that this successful but

disappointing flush

was the result of that cheating. I had numerous stones in the pea size

and lots

of much smaller ones too. Because of only being able to see some pass

on their

way by in the viewing tube I was not able to distinguish the chaff as


After being off the machine I had to relieve myself one other time

that night and it had around six of the larger stones with a number of

the smaller type with little chaff.

There is one interesting thing to note about all of this and that's

the fact

that for the olive oil to have become sapponified in a three to five

hour time

period would be next to impossible to have happened. In fact I did

have oil in

the stool as well as on the viewing tube glass. So, it simply moved

right on

through without time to change its properties.

I have found this process of flushing to be so much easier for me than


the Epsom salts to get the bowels clean, which is just another note to

recognize that Epsom Salts isn't always needed to get a good result.

Some who are familiar with colonics may be wondering how I could tell

the stones were passing in the view tube. Well, that comes from being

the one in control of the flow and supply valves and being able to

make the flow much slower or even stop (it's not to comfortable to

stop with it on a flow it but it's still possible, I just slow it).

These also didn't start to show up until around the hour and a half

time period, after the ozone started being used too. The confirmation

of what I was seeing pass in the view tube was in the still water of

the toilet bowls I used after being disconnected from the machine. One

was from one last dump there and then the one this morning at home.

Q: Can you give us advice about Lecithin? I have heard that it is a

supplement that breaks down fat intake and can prevent cholesterol

build-up in your body. This would slow down or eliminate the

production of stones from what I can gather?


Lecithin, approximately 2400 to 4800 mg a day, is something I've been

taking since November of 99, as a near daily routine.

Despite my best intentions to take it daily I do tend to get out of

the house

with too much on my mind and therefore tend to forget to take my


The thing that lecithin does is something like the way dish detergent

does with

fats, it keeps it emulsified. This helps in the prevention of its

precipitating from the bile salt that the liver produces. But just

like the ratio of water to detergent and the fats being cleaned off or

out can result in there being a precipitation of the fat on the side

of a sink, or in the case of a liver or a gallbladder there too.

However, it isn't a cure-all for the liver health enthusiast because

there is a lot more to the liver than just taking in this one

essential fatty acid. Lecithin is certainly worth taking on a daily

basis to help the liver's bile to be able to hold the fats that are

being taken out of the body, much the same as the dish detergent is

holding the fats in it, but it is also necessary to get more essential

fatty acids from other sources too.

It certainly can be noted that a lot of foods today are from genetically

engineered products with soy being just one of many.


However, prudent consideration of the purchase should merit the

quality most of

us are looking to find.






Use of other things along with the essential fatty acids, and a diet


the hydrogenated and saturated fats, can work over time to get rid of

some types of stones. But it does take a lot of time for those that

are calcified. That is, those that are made from calcium deposits.

They just don't break down that easily nor do they flush out as easily

as the cholesterol type of stones.

If someone is trying to get out the calcified type of stone it will

mean laying

on the left side rather than the right to hopefully get the stone

placed at the

neck of the gallbladder to get it into the common bile duct and out of

the body.

Some things that can be used are Gold Coin Grass, hydrangea root, and

chanca piedra.

The malic acid of apples is suspected of helping to soften stones too.

For some extra information, check out:


Dale , USA

Dale has not capacity to answer questions directed to his private

email address. Dale posted more then 200 supportive messages


> LOL! That is what I am reading now. I am living on guard right now


> it seems there isn't a day that goes by that I don't suffer in some

way or

> another. Symptoms range from right side pain that is tolerable, to


> back pain that keeps me awake, to severe attacks that make it extremely

> difficult to breathe. These extreme attacks are lasting about 50 min.

> I don't eat fatty food or foods with oil or foods high in

Cholesterol. Is

> there anything that triggers the attacks more than others?

> Thanks for you help!

> Jo


> -----Original Message-----

> From: gallstones [mailto:gallstones ] On

> Behalf Of Amber

> Sent: Wednesday, November 21, 2007 8:45 PM

> gallstones

> Subject: Re: New and having issues


> Well, I hate to tell you now, but losing a lot of weight too fast is a

> trigger for GB problems. You might want to try some of the GB

flushes that

> are mentioned on this site. Please do not rush to surgery. Once

it's gone,

> there is no going back.


> Amber


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