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STORE FOR 'DENTAL' PROBLEMS...FYI ...who knows...cherlyme

In a message dated 8/9/00 9:09:40 AM, b10g7@... writes:

<<from another list.


A Russian oncologist, Dr Karach, gave a talk at a conference of the

All-Ukranian Association of Oncologists and Bacteriologists. This

~conference was convened by the Academy of Science of the USSR. Apparently

his talk kindled a lot of interest. You take a tablespoon of cold-pressed

sunflower oil and keep it in~ your mouth for 15 to 20 minutes, drawing it

through your teeth and chewing it all the time. When you spit it out it

should be a very thin white liquid. Under the microscope it reveals a lot of

bacteria, viren and toxins. You have to swill your mouth well and brush your

teeth. The sink has also to be cleaned as what you have spat out is supposed

to be highly toxic.

This oil swishing should be done in the morning, on an empty stomach. Can be

done three times a day, but I only do it in the mornings. Dr Karach has

cured many diseases with this simple method which, so it was said, has no

equal! Certainly worth trying.


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  • 4 weeks later...

Here is the article about Oil Swishing from Karma.

Have a wonderful day!


Hi Everyone, This might seem off topic, but, I don't really think it is because it deals with how to keep healthy! How can we do our breathing if we can't breath because we have a stuffed up nose! Putting your head into a steamy shower has been known to clear up stuffed up noses. That works fine if you already have a cold. But, in my opinion, I like to prevent myself from ever getting a cold. This is how I do it. I thought it would be helpful for other listers to have this information too. I know it is going to sound strange, but, I know you are willing to do strange things. I know this because you do one of these breathing programs and to the average person, well, enough said. You know where I am going with this. When I first learned of this, I did it several times a day. Now, I just do it when I feel something coming on, nip it in the bud that way. I probably should do it every day. I got this back in 1992 in a handout a friend of mine brought back from Germany. She got it from a Yoga teacher there. I copied it. All I can do is give you the information I have. It says it was taken from an article that was published in a German magazine, Fortschritt fur alle (Progress for All). I have never researched it out any further than what I am giving to you, because I personally followed the instructions that follow and I KNOW that it WORKS for me. So, I don't feel the need to get validity from outside sources. You have to decide for yourself. By the way, the testimonies are not mine, they were on the handout too. If I were to write one, it would be very similar to testimony # five. Folk Remedy Oil Therapy According to Dr. Karach

F. Karach, M.D., presented a paper before the All-Ukrainian Association. The meeting was attended by oncologists and bacteriologists belonging to that Academy of Science of the USSR. Dr. Karach explained an unusual simple healing process using cold-

pressed oils.

The results of this therapy invoked astonishment and doubt concerning the contents of his report. However, after further examining the workings of the oil therapy, one has but to then test it on oneself to prove its validity and effectiveness. It is most astonishing that such results can be effected with this absolutely harmless biological healing method. This simple method makes it possible to effectively treat the most varied diseases, in some cases enabling one to avoid surgical intervention and the taking of medications that can have harmful side effects.

The exciting factor of this healing method is its simplicity. It consists of swishing cold-pressed vegetable oil in the mouth. The healing process is accomplished by the human organism on its own. In this way it is possible to heal cells, tissue and all organs simultaneously; the body rids itself of toxic waste without disturbing the healthy microflora. Dr. Karach says human beings are living only half their life span. They could potentially live to be 140 to 150 years old.

He claims that the following illnesses can be effectively healed with the application of oil therapy: headaches, bronchitis, lung and liver conditions, toothache, thrombosis, blood diseases, arthrosis, paralysis, eczema, gastric ulcers, intestinal disorders, heart and kidney ailments, encephalitis, nervous conditions and female disorders.

The oil therapy is preventative as well as curative. Dr. Karach says: "With the oil therapy, I healed my chronic blood disease of fifteen years. With the use of this therapy, I was healed within three days of an acute arthrosis that had forced me to lie in bed."

If you can get it, the best oil to use is Hain Sunflower Oil or Spectrum Natural Peanut Oil. In the morning before breakfast on an empty stomach you take one tablespoon in the mouth but do not swallow it. The oil is slowly swished in the mouth and drawn through the teeth for fifteen to twenty minutes. It is thoroughly chewed and mixed with saliva as it is done in the Mayr cure. Chewing activates the enzymes and the enzymes draw toxins out of the blood. thus, the oil must not be swallowed, for it has become toxic. As the chewing process continues, the oil gets thinner and white. It is then spit from the mouth into the toilet bowl.

If the oil is still yellow, it has not been masticated thoroughly or long enough. After the oil has been removed from the mouth, the oral cavity must be thoroughly rinsed several times. It is preferable to use a cup of pure warm water to which has been added one-half teaspoon of salt and on-half teaspoon of baking soda. The teeth, gums and tongue must be brushed carefully. It is recommended that salt and soda be applied directly to the brush.

After rinsing, gargle with the warm salt-soda water. You can add cooler water to what remains in the cup, thereby diluting its strength. Then tip the cup under the nose and gently sniff up the water to clean the nasal passages. Gently blow the nos.

The sink must be cleaned because the spittle contains harmful bacteria and toxic bodily waste. If one were to see one drop of this liquid magnified 600 times under a microscope, one would see microbes in their first stage of development.

It is important to understand that during the oil-swishing process one's metabolism is intensified. This leads to improved health. One of the most striking results of this process is the fastening of loose teeth, the elimination of bleeding gums and the visible whitening of the teeth.

The oil swishing is done best before breakfast. To accelerate the healing process, it can be repeated three times a day, but always before meals on an empty stomach. The therapy is not harmful if it is repeated several times a day. Repetition hastens the healing process and renders it more effective.

How long?

This therapy should be repeated until one has returned to his original vitality and his sleep has been returned to a peaceful state. One who practices this therapy faithfully will awaken refreshed in the morning with no bags under the eyes. Normal appetite and improved memory are additional benefits.

Healing symptoms: Patients who suffer from chronic conditions may appear to get worse in the beginning. Dr. Karach emphasizes that a worsening of your condition may be a sign that the disease is in the healing process. It may even happen that your temperature increases. A word of caution: Whereas the oil therapy can be very helpful to people, it is not a substitute for ongoing care by a qualified health practitioner. Any serious symptoms that develop during the course of this treatment should be reported to your doctor to determine whether they are due to the healing process or to a worsening of your condition, which may require immediate medical treatment. How often? Questions as to the repetition and duration of therapy can only be answered on an individual basis. Acute conditions oftentimes improve quickly, within two to three days. Chronic conditions usually need longer therapy, sometimes up to a year. Never give up!!! Testimony 1

For fifteen months I had been having pain in my liver. It seemed to become more intense and frequent as the weeks went on. I had tried all the different remedies I knew - special teas, vitamins. Swedish Bitters, ginger compresses, and so on--but the pain did not go away.

After I prayed to Mother for help regarding this problem, a friend handed me a piece of paper describing an oil therapy from Dr. F. Karach. I decided to try it since nothing else had worked for me thus far. Each morning before breakfast, I took one tablespoon of sunflower oil and slowly swished it in my mouth for fifteen to twenty minutes. I repeated the procedure each night before going to bed. After spitting out the oil, I found it helpful to use my Water Pik to thoroughly cleanse the tongue and gums.

Three days after I had started the treatment, the pain disappeared completely! One week when I was extremely busy, I could only do the treatment in the morning and not at night. During that time, I noticed the recurrence of a slight pain in my liver, which disappeared again when I resumed the practice twice a day.

I have now been using the treatment regularly for 1 1/2 to 2 months. I am very grateful to Mother for making me aware of this therapy and hope that it will be helpful to all of you in treating whatever health problems you might have.

Testimony 2 I had been on chemotherapy for a whole year, which had left me weak and tired and very depleted. In October 1991, I started the oil treatment and noticed an immediate improvement in how I felt. My energy began to return and I was able to go back to work full-time plus overtime. I do not have a strong immune system and I feel this treatment is helping me in that area, even though I usually only have time to use the treatment once a day. Everyone around me has been coming down with the flu, but I have not had it. My housemate has tried the treatment, too. Every time she feels a sore throat coming on, she swishes the cold-pressed oil in her mouth and the sore throat disappears! Testimony 3 I want to tell you about my exciting experience in using Dr. Karach's oil therapy. About forty-five years ago, I tested oil products in a laboratory for the Esso Standard Oil Company. recently, I had a doctor test me for any residue that might be remaining in my body from this type of work. Since the tests indicated that I had a considerable amount of the residue in my body, he recommended that I take a supplement to remove it. I ordered the supplement but, interestingly, the order was lost. In the meantime, I learned of the oil therapy. So, I tried it for about a week (one to two times a day). Before reordering my supplement, I thought I should have my doctor test me again. Miraculously, he said, "There's not a trace of the residue left in you. It's all gone!" To say the least, I was thrilled! I have continued to use the oil therapy for its many other benefits, and as a preventative as well as a curative. I have noticed that I have not had any colds or coughs, unlike so many others around me. Testimony 4 I started the oil therapy one night when my teeth and upper and lower jaws were extremely sore--so much so that I feared my teeth were shifting and that I might have to have an extraction. I actually thought I might have to go to an oral surgeon. I followed the instructions and repeated the therapy the next morning and next night. When I awoke the following day, me teeth and jaws were very comfortable and the soreness never returned. Testimony 5 The idea of a simple, inexpensive, effective health therapy has always captured my interest. When I learned of the oil therapy, I started swishing immediately, experimenting with different oils.

I had been to the dentist for a checkup after five years. Although I didn't have any cavities, I had serious deterioration in my gums. I had tried the usual remedies of baking soda and sea salt. My gums would improve somewhat but the condition would never clear up completely.

For years I have also had postnasal drip and a film on my teeth in the morning as well as a heavy feeling in my mouth. Severe colds, flu and bronchitis have been a yearly experience. In general, I have had a difficult health history but have been on a good diet and work constantly on my health.

I don't do things half way, so I enthusiastically started the oil-

swishing therapy three times a day. In the evening, I would often swish for twenty minutes and follow up with an additional twenty minutes while reading or exercising. To my great joy, I immediately began to experience a clean feeling in my mouth each morning. My teeth felt like velvet and have become whiter. The gum condition cleared up in seven days!

During the swishing, I experience mush drainage from my sinuses. I have slept more soundly than I have in years. j I have noticed little troubles clear up and my energy has been good.

I takes concentration to keep the oil moving in the mouth, but this is necessary because the action of chewing and swishing activates the microorganisms out of the bloodstream into the saliva.

The scarping of the tongue with a spoon is something I have practiced for years. I feel it is an important part of the cleansing of the mouth from bacteria.

I am delighted with the therapy and looking forward to further changes in my body.

Testimony 6 I learned about the oil therapy from a friend. It made sense and seemed simple and inexpensive, so I immediately decided to give it a try. I have been doing this therapy twice a day for about two months now. I feel it is one of the main reasons I have escaped getting the flu while so many others around me have been sick, including my husband. I think it is also quite effective in clearing toxins and purifying the blood. I have observed that a blood condition that had been making me very tired and keeping me awake at night has improved a great deal. I certainly intend to continue doing the oil therapy on a long term basis. I have little to lose and, I think, lots to gain! Testimony 7 I must admit that I was a bit skeptical upon hearing about the oil swishing treatment. But it sounded so simple, and the possibility of improving my health stimulated my desire to try it for a while. After using this treatment for the last two months, I can truly say that I feel stronger and less vulnerable to the latest illness going around the neighborhood. I have also noticed that my digestion has improved. I can eat less and yet not feel famished before my next meal. It's a great little remedy. Have a great day! ~Karma




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  • 2 weeks later...

Hi again Rhonda,

That's wonderful news! No headaches! I read that " breathing " helps

many with whatever aliments one suffers, including headaches,

migraines and you name it! Good for you! Your body is obviously

responding nicely and you are getting rewards for you efforts! Way to


Tig :)

> I've read several posts regarding oil swishing. What is it, and


> is it good for? Curious minds want to know! BTW, since doing the

> breaths and stretches for about 3 weeks, I've noticed that my

> almost-daily headaches are gone!!! Yippeee!


> Rhonda :-)

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  • 9 months later...
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Hi Donna,

Of course if have done it, I don't pass on suggestions unless I have tried them myself first, if I do, then I say that I haven't tried it so people don't rely on my experience with it. I first started oil swishing around the date on the article. I did it every day for several months. It was remarkable. My husband did it, my in-laws did it. There might even be some people on this list who I have recommended it to and can tell their story with it. I also did it last year when I was doing that serious detox.

I use only cold pressed oil, I used HAIN brand Sunflower oil for years until last year one of the listers on my other list said they had been doing it with cold pressed castor oil. They said it had much faster results, they had been doing it with the Sunflower oil first as I recall. So, I switched to cold pressed castor oil. It was hard to do because it was much thicker than the Sunflower oil and the taste was much stronger, but it really did produce very quick results. I usually use it to drain my sinuses or ears. I have an ear that gets fluid in it from an old scuba diving injury.

When trying to detox my body, I use every means available and do a total detox. Saliva, skin, kidneys, liver, bowel, lungs, and I even ear candle to get things out that way too.

The oil swish is simple to do, just do it first thing in the morning on an empty stomach. I used to get up, step in the shower and swish while in the shower. People are less likely to want to talk to me then. :-)




-----Original Message-----From: Donna [mailto:ruthful@...]Sent: Friday, June 22, 2001 5:42 PMbowel cleanse Subject: Oil Swishing

KARMA! That is me yelling with enthusiasm. This is so interesting. Have you done this, or do you know anyone who has. I have a friend chemical toxins to get rid of. I am thinking this would be great for her. Do you know if there is an option for the oils?

What other wonderful things do you know that you aren't sharing. I will pray for the gift of "running off at the mouth" like me to pass to you. Ha.


-----Original Message-----


Have you tried Oil Swishing as part of your detoxing program? Here are the directions for how to do it. http://loaves-n-fishes.com/oilswish.htm




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>From: " Karma Tucker " <karma@...>

>>I use only cold pressed oil, I used HAIN brand Sunflower oil for years


>last year one of the listers on my other list said they had been doing it

>with cold pressed castor oil. They said it had much faster results, they

>had been doing it with the Sunflower oil first as I recall. So, I


>to cold pressed castor oil. It was hard to do because it was much thicker

>than the Sunflower oil and the taste was much stronger, but it really did

Is it ok to do with cold pressed olive oil???



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Hi Amal,

Yes, cold pressed olive oil will work. The problem with it is the strong

taste. It is hard to keep such a full bodied oil moving in the mouth for 20

minutes. I can't stand to use it, but some people don't seem to mind. The

Sunflower oil is pretty inexpensive and almost has no taste, it is a light

tasting and also not a thick oil, so it isn't gagging as the castor oil can

be. If all you have is the Cold pressed olive oil, I say, try it, if it

works.... Great!




RE: Oil Swishing

>From: " Karma Tucker " <karma@...>

>>I use only cold pressed oil, I used HAIN brand Sunflower oil for years


>last year one of the listers on my other list said they had been doing it

>with cold pressed castor oil. They said it had much faster results, they

>had been doing it with the Sunflower oil first as I recall. So, I


>to cold pressed castor oil. It was hard to do because it was much


>than the Sunflower oil and the taste was much stronger, but it really did

Is it ok to do with cold pressed olive oil???



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Karma, yes I have tried it and it is very strong. I don't know if I can find

cold pressed sunflower oil here but will try to look.



>>Hi Amal,

>Yes, cold pressed olive oil will work. The problem with it is the strong

>taste. It is hard to keep such a full bodied oil moving in the mouth for


>minutes. I can't stand to use it, but some people don't seem to mind. The

>Sunflower oil is pretty inexpensive and almost has no taste, it is a light

>tasting and also not a thick oil, so it isn't gagging as the castor oil can

>be. If all you have is the Cold pressed olive oil, I say, try it, if it

>works.... Great!




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<<Karma, yes I have tried it and it is very strong. I don't know if I can


cold pressed sunflower oil here but will try to look.



Hi Amal:

Don't know what part of the world you are in, but in the Pac NW it is

readily available in the Fred Meyer stores. (Think they are in other

locations too.) I had bought some earlier because I read that it was used

as an appetite suppressant. Haven't found that to be the case though.

Jim B

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Hi Jim B,

I'm in Athens Greece... can't find everything here!!


>>Hi Amal:


>Don't know what part of the world you are in, but in the Pac NW it is

>readily available in the Fred Meyer stores. (Think they are in other

>locations too.) I had bought some earlier because I read that it was used

>as an appetite suppressant. Haven't found that to be the case though.


>Jim B




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<<Hi Jim B,

I'm in Athens Greece... can't find everything here!!


Hi Amal:

Suspect that to be true. Someone on an earlier post mentioned cold pressed

olive oil. It does have a " taste " to it (one I like), but I'll bet that

it's available where you're at.

Jim B

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----- Original Message -----

From: " Vilik Rapheles " <vilik@...>

> Does that mean olive or flax are NOT vegetable oils? Can anyone

> enlighten me about this?


> ~^^V^^~

Dear Vilik:

Far as I know, from reading the few web articles about Dr. Karach and the

oil swishing therapy, his experience seems to be confined to using sunflower

oil. Whether there are some unique properties of that oil, I don't know -

but that seems to be the only one Dr. Karach used in his protocol. His

original research was presented in the Ukraine, land of lots of sunflowers.

hope this helps,

Colin Yardley

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I have used the HAIN Sunflower Oil for years. I recently tried cold pressed

castor oil and it worked very dramatically. It seemed to take the benefits

and heighten them for some reason. It was harder to do because the castor

oil is thicker and has a definite taste to it, whereas the sunflower oil is

light and almost no taste for me anyway.

Some people use cold pressed olive oil, but for me the taste would be awful,

so, I probably wouldn't keep it in my mouth for 20 minutes. I think any

cold pressed oil will work.




Oil Swishing

Wow...super article on swishing oils in the mouth. Thank you so

much! I'm way behind and almost deleted that whole digest. Sure

glad I didn't.

One question...the article recommends " cold-pressed vegetable oil "

and says:


the best oil to use is Hain Sunflower Oil or Spectrum Natural

Peanut Oil.


Does that mean olive or flax are NOT vegetable oils? Can anyone

enlighten me about this?


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I was a public school teacher for 15 years and I swished the whole time.

Other teachers would get really sick and miss a lot of days, especially if

the kids were coughing and sneezing on your face while they were at your

desk asking for help. I never missed a day of work. I just never got sick.

People would ask why, I would tell them, when I felt it coming on, I would

swish two or three 20 minute sessions and the symptoms would go away.

I also noticed that my sinus allergies would go away. If my sinuses are

stuffy, I just swish and at the end of the 20 minute session they are clear.

It also drains my ear of fluid. I used to scuba dive with my dad as a child

and I apparently didn't clear my ears well enough or something because I

have some damage in my right ear. It doesn't drain well all the time and I

have fluid sloshing around in there. When I swish, I can actually feel the

liquid drain down the side of my neck and the sloshing goes away.

I also noticed very white teeth and very smooth teeth.




RE: Oil Swishing

Hi Donna,

Of course if have done it, . . . snip


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In a message dated 6/25/01 11:06:18 PM Central Daylight Time,

karma@... writes:

<< I never missed a day of work. I just never got sick.

People would ask why, I would tell them, when I felt it coming on, I would

swish two or three 20 minute sessions and the symptoms would go away.


/X/X/X/X/X/X/XI DON'T KNOW how I missed it, but I've read so much about

swishing, but never found a post that started all this discussion,

apparently, because I can't find out how, what, where, when and why. It

sounds facinating. Someone please clue me in. susan

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Hi ,

I started it by asking if she had tried oil swishing to help herself

regain her health. The article I posted is located here





Re: Oil Swishing

In a message dated 6/25/01 11:06:18 PM Central Daylight Time,

karma@... writes:

<< I never missed a day of work. I just never got sick.

People would ask why, I would tell them, when I felt it coming on, I would

swish two or three 20 minute sessions and the symptoms would go away.


/X/X/X/X/X/X/XI DON'T KNOW how I missed it, but I've read so much about

swishing, but never found a post that started all this discussion,

apparently, because I can't find out how, what, where, when and why. It

sounds facinating. Someone please clue me in. susan

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  • 10 months later...
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Details on oil swishing plz. Thanking you in advance.

Dr Jim Bowen

--- spring48009 <spring48009@...> wrote:

> I'm relatively new to the group and have been

> reading through the

> archives. Want to thank the person who passed on

> the info on oil

> swishing. Am hoping it will help reduce or

> eliminate a cyst on my

> neck. Even if it doesn't. I love the clean feeling

> in my mouth and

> the way it whitens the teeth.

> Spring





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  • 4 years later...
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I used coconut oil this morning and yesterday - don't know if it's working or

not _ I feel slightly like crud today but my cycle started too so it could be

that LOL.


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> How about using coconut oil for swishing? I have tried it, but do

not know if it works or not. What is in the other oils that make

them work?




I found these on curezone.







What do YOU think? Ultimately that's what matters.

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> How about using coconut oil for swishing? I have tried it, but do

not know if it works or not. What is in the other oils that make

them work?





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...yes, yes and yes!!!

I used silver on my tooth and did not have to have a root canal..the silver

killed the infection. Also, killing infections is cloves...just put one in the

area and leave it. You might want to be ready to have worms come out...clove is

one of the things that some kinds hate!!!

Olive oil is what I used/use...it will take all of the ugly out. The more

toxins you remove that better. Doing it first thing in them morning gets that

stuff that built up over night out first thing. Now washing it down making the

body get rid of it yet again.

Keep working on it and you will see some great results.

rusalka2424 <rusalka2424@...> wrote: ---

In candidiasis , " Murray " <tadadzn@...>



> How about using coconut oil for swishing? I have tried it, but do

not know if it works or not. What is in the other oils that make

them work?





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I wish I'd known of the silver before having that danged root canal!

oh well. thanks for the info, Nieema. I think I'll try the clove as

well, continue with the swishing and I truly hope I don't see any worms.

> >

> > How about using coconut oil for swishing? I have tried it, but do

> not know if it works or not. What is in the other oils that make

> them work?

> >

> >

> >

> >

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  • 5 months later...

I believe there is something in this easy method..but I had to stop for a while

because it stimulated my liver too much..

but this would not necessarily be a problem for everyone..and I think its a good



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> I believe there is something in this easy method..but I had to stop

for a while because it stimulated my liver too much..


> but this would not necessarily be a problem for everyone..and I think

its a good method.


> anne



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