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Re: Had GB Removed in Emergency Surgery Friday

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Hi...I sent this message through once 48 hours ago & it didnt appear on the list

...so I am sending it again ...hopefully this time it will be OK...

It may be that the mods on this forum are very one -eyed about how people can

be healed ...If that is the case (and I hope not) ...maybe the mods here really

do know everything ..and maybe then they could get a job with the USA Food &

Drug agency, (the FDA)... & only let through the drugs & healing practices that

they understand & block everything they dont understand, or dont agree with...

We need more people like this ...(like a hole in the head).

I had the pains in my liver/gallbladder area for many years & I knowing just

enough health info to be dangerous ...cut my fat level way back & lived on a

very unhealthy diet for probably 5 years at least doing immeasuable damage in

the process.

After much more experience I know eat a very high fat diet & very low carb

.... & I can eat as much fat as I like without any discomfort at all in the liver

gall/bladderr & I am much healthier at 48 than I was at 30 y.old.

When I use to eat a high compled carvb & low fat diet ...the slightest amount

of fat could cause me pain the liver/Gallbladder area..(My diet back then was

considered very healthy by some ....millet, oat or buckwheat porridge ..some

fruit ...lots of raw vegatables, nuts etc ...everything considered to be

" optimal diet : by most texts/Authors etc.

I know eat a lot more fat especially saturated fat ...raw butter from

unpasterized milk ...quality virgin coconut oil...organic meat fat & or fresh

sardines etc.. & extra virgin olive oil.

I still have some of the high fat nuts ...eg macadamia & walnut are favorites

...soaked 24 hrs with celtic salt

I have heaps of non starch low carb vegatables ..eg cabbage family...zuccinis

, celery, lettuce etc.

I have no fruit (except lemons each morning) ..I have no grains ..I have no

legumes (except sprouted mung atm)

Basically no starch ..no high carbs no simple sugar carbs(ie no fruit except

lemons), .. & high healthy fat ...give this diet a try ..you might even find it

cures you too.

One of the reasons this diet is effective for a large number of people with

liver /gallbladder problems is because Candida is often associated with

liver/gallbladder congestion problems ...

Candida is a fungus that all humans have in thier gut as part of a natural

ecological system....For various reasons (often due to overuse of antibiotic but

also via other bad living options)...The Candida can convert from being a bit

player in your gut too literally taking over & crowding out the more friendly

bacteria that would ideally also reside in your gut in high numbers)

Candida feeds on sugar from any source ...(ie healthy carbs or unhealthy

processed carbs..Candida will thrive well on either ..so cutting the carb count

in your diet combats candida & hence combats a large toxic load on your liver

gall bladder (not too mention many other potential problems)

Overgrowth of Candida causes many problems among them it throws of a lot of

toxins which can contribute to a congested liver/gallbladder...so many people

with overgrowth of candida also have the liver /gallbladder symptoms....

For these sort of people ..(of which I was one)..a low carb high fat diet ( &

moderate protien) can help enormously.

For example tonight I will have 5 medium eggs & I will have raw butter with

the meal & probably later left over vegetables from lunch (zuccini/olive oil or

coconut oil ..celtic salt & some herbs)...the eggs are the only specifically

animal protien I will eat today ...for lunch I ate a large quantity of macadmai

nuts that had been soaked 24 hrs & blended the nuts in Vita-mix with small

amount of vegatables & use the blended mix as a dressing for the rest of the


No way I could have eaten this much saturated fat in 1 sitting without pain

....or this much fat in half a day ..ie macadamia nuts & olive oil (on

vegatables) at lunch & eggs & butter for dinner.

As for body fat I am 48 yr old & still no fat anywhere..you can count every

vein in my arms etc ..(Ive always been that way though ...but the point is the

diet is not going too add fat too you ...it is starch & simple sugars ..ie

insulin is what makes most people in the western world fat ..( & maybe

hydrogenated fats ...but I havnt eaten hydrogenated fats for 20 yrs anyway ...if

your still eating hydrogenated fat your not even past the first checkpoint yet).

But most people cut back on the necessary fats & still eat things like

oatmeal/sourdough non gluten bread ..sprouted essene bread etc etc ..organic

potatoes bake in thier jackets ..organic sweet potato ... & feasting on fruit ,

these sort of dietary habits may hinder your progress ..

Its worth trying a low carb diet ...many more people have candida overgrowth

today than realize it...

Good healthy fat is your best friend ...Carbs including so called " healthy

Carbs " ...may be your worst enemy....so many people today are brainwashed to

believe the opposite.

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It came through 48 hours ago. give the " Mods " a little bit more slack please.

they do the best they can, especially considering the voluntary nature and

having to have a life as well. No forums are going to be perfect (especially if

they have to cater to my " better judgment " ). We all need to pull and submit the

best we can. -D

----- Original Message -----

From: O<mailto:mike225@...>

gallstones <mailto:gallstones >

Sent: Saturday, January 26, 2008 6:07 PM

Subject: Re: Had GB Removed in Emergency Surgery Friday

Hi...I sent this message through once 48 hours ago & it didnt appear on the

list ..so I am sending it again ...hopefully this time it will be OK...

It may be that the mods on this forum are very one -eyed about how people can

be healed ...If that is the case (and I hope not) ...maybe the mods here really

do know everything ..and maybe then they could get a job with the USA Food &

Drug agency, (the FDA)... & only let through the drugs & healing practices that

they understand & block everything they dont understand, or dont agree with...

We need more people like this ...(like a hole in the head).

I had the pains in my liver/gallbladder area for many years & I knowing just

enough health info to be dangerous ...cut my fat level way back & lived on a

very unhealthy diet for probably 5 years at least doing immeasuable damage in

the process.

After much more experience I know eat a very high fat diet & very low carb

.... & I can eat as much fat as I like without any discomfort at all in the liver

gall/bladderr & I am much healthier at 48 than I was at 30 y.old.

When I use to eat a high compled carvb & low fat diet ...the slightest amount

of fat could cause me pain the liver/Gallbladder area..(My diet back then was

considered very healthy by some ....millet, oat or buckwheat porridge ..some

fruit ...lots of raw vegatables, nuts etc ..everything considered to be " optimal

diet : by most texts/Authors etc.

I know eat a lot more fat especially saturated fat ...raw butter from

unpasterized milk ...quality virgin coconut oil...organic meat fat & or fresh

sardines etc.. & extra virgin olive oil.

I still have some of the high fat nuts ...eg macadamia & walnut are favorites

...soaked 24 hrs with celtic salt

I have heaps of non starch low carb vegatables ..eg cabbage family...zuccinis

, celery, lettuce etc.

I have no fruit (except lemons each morning) ..I have no grains ..I have no

legumes (except sprouted mung atm)

Basically no starch ..no high carbs no simple sugar carbs(ie no fruit except

lemons), .. & high healthy fat ...give this diet a try ..you might even find it

cures you too.

One of the reasons this diet is effective for a large number of people with

liver /gallbladder problems is because Candida is often associated with

liver/gallbladder congestion problems ...

Candida is a fungus that all humans have in thier gut as part of a natural

ecological system....For various reasons (often due to overuse of antibiotic but

also via other bad living options)...The Candida can convert from being a bit

player in your gut too literally taking over & crowding out the more friendly

bacteria that would ideally also reside in your gut in high numbers)

Candida feeds on sugar from any source ...(ie healthy carbs or unhealthy

processed carbs..Candida will thrive well on either ..so cutting the carb count

in your diet combats candida & hence combats a large toxic load on your liver

gall bladder (not too mention many other potential problems)

Overgrowth of Candida causes many problems among them it throws of a lot of

toxins which can contribute to a congested liver/gallbladder...so many people

with overgrowth of candida also have the liver /gallbladder symptoms....

For these sort of people ..(of which I was one)..a low carb high fat diet ( &

moderate protien) can help enormously.

For example tonight I will have 5 medium eggs & I will have raw butter with

the meal & probably later left over vegetables from lunch (zuccini/olive oil or

coconut oil ..celtic salt & some herbs)...the eggs are the only specifically

animal protien I will eat today ...for lunch I ate a large quantity of macadmai

nuts that had been soaked 24 hrs & blended the nuts in Vita-mix with small

amount of vegatables & use the blended mix as a dressing for the rest of the


No way I could have eaten this much saturated fat in 1 sitting without pain

....or this much fat in half a day ..ie macadamia nuts & olive oil (on

vegatables) at lunch & eggs & butter for dinner.

As for body fat I am 48 yr old & still no fat anywhere..you can count every

vein in my arms etc ..(Ive always been that way though ...but the point is the

diet is not going too add fat too you ...it is starch & simple sugars ..ie

insulin is what makes most people in the western world fat ..( & maybe

hydrogenated fats ...but I havnt eaten hydrogenated fats for 20 yrs anyway ...if

your still eating hydrogenated fat your not even past the first checkpoint yet).

But most people cut back on the necessary fats & still eat things like

oatmeal/sourdough non gluten bread ..sprouted essene bread etc etc .organic

potatoes bake in thier jackets ..organic sweet potato ... & feasting on fruit ,

these sort of dietary habits may hinder your progress ..

Its worth trying a low carb diet ...many more people have candida overgrowth

today than realize it...

Good healthy fat is your best friend ...Carbs including so called " healthy

Carbs " ...may be your worst enemy....so many people today are brainwashed to

believe the opposite.

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Thanks for posting this. I think my liver/GB problems have originated

from my candida as well.

Overcoming candida is a huge challange for most of us. Doing the right

things is the easy part. Figuring out the right things to do is the

hard part. There are numerous books, websites, etc. that present more

varying opinions than I can count, many of them contradictory. The

fight is getting very frustrating for me.

All things considered, I feel pretty good. But I am concerned about my

liver/GB health more than anything else. And it will take months if

not years to get this candida thing under control.

Other than what you revealed in your post, what are your

recommendations as far as dealing with candida?

Thanks so much!

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Go to: www.knowthecause.com and sign up for their free newsletter. I just

finished proofreading the next issue, which will be out shortly. Learn from

that site about fungus and what you can do about it.


Thanks for posting this. I think my liver/GB problems have originated

from my candida as well.


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It doesn't sound like you eat a high-fat diet to me. But my main

question is about soaking nuts. I have been eating walnuts, almonds,

and pecans thinking that those are healthy for anti-candida diet.

Should all of those be soaked? If so, why? for how long?


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I'm not sure if you are directing this email/questions to me ...but anyway

here's my response.

" It doesn't sound like you eat a high-fat diet to me " ...

I agree with you in 1 sense for people on the unhealthy western diet which

has lots of hidden hydrogenated fats in processed foods ,my fat levels probably

arent that high...but relatively speaking from where I was before ...when I

assumed low fat was better for me ..(because high fat caused pain)...it is high

fat ...all depends on you perspective I guess.

Re nuts ...some Candida diets do not allow any nuts when you are starting out

and many do ...those that dont usually let you add them slowly as you improve.

Bee wilder candida diet dosent allow them initially if you are familiar with

this program...personally I think if you have candida you are probably better of

only selecting high good fat varieties at the most initially...Pecans /Walnut

/macadamia rate well

With all nuts/seed/grains it is best that you soak them before using

....here's a cut & paste from a site ...


" Many people find they cannot tolerate grains, seeds, nuts and legumes, or

products such as breads, cakes or bean dishes made from them. Do you suffer from

indigestion, flatulence, heaviness and other maladies after eating them?

Virtually all dry grains, seeds and legumes contain enzyme inhibitors, which

keep them dormant until they are soaked and start to sprout. They also contain

phytic acid (an organic acid in which phosphorous is bound) in the outer layer

or bran. Both the enzyme inhibitors and the phytic acid make dry grains, seeds

and legumes virtually indigestible. Phytic acid also reacts with many essential

minerals, such as calcium, magnesium, copper, iron and especially zinc, and

stops their absorption in your intestines. A diet high in grains that have not

been sprouted or soaked can lead to serious mineral deficiencies and bone loss. "

Re: Had GB Removed in Emergency Surgery Friday

Posted by: " fjnie1234 " Fred.Niehaus@... fjnie1234

Mon Jan 28, 2008 2:31 pm (PST)

It doesn't sound like you eat a high-fat diet to me. But my main

question is about soaking nuts. I have been eating walnuts, almonds,

and pecans thinking that those are healthy for anti-candida diet.

Should all of those be soaked? If so, why? for how long?


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" Other than what you revealed in your post, what are your

recommendations as far as dealing with candida? "

You starve the Candida with a low carb diet...

The other part I didnt really mention is anitifungals (..ie things that

kill/combat candida overgrowth )...(apart from just strengthening your immune

system which is number 1)

Raw Garlic,virgin coconut oil/Capryliic acid, Grapefruit seed extract, oil of

oregano, Pau D'arco Tea... are some common natural ones.

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The whole antifungal thing has me totally confused. Some people say to

rotate every 4 days while others say every 3-4 weeks.

I tried GSE for the first time and my tongue almost totally cleared up

within 5 days. It was like a miracle drug! Then on the 6th day, it

got worse again - dissappointing. Maybe the 4-day rotation is the best


Also, some say that antifungals also kill the good bacteria. So how

can you justify taking them?

Any thoughts would be appreciated!

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Thanks for your post. It is very helpful. The one thing that I

haven't figured out yet is my fat consumption. I had been consuming

oils - EVOO, coconut, and flax seed. The I read that oils are not good

for those candida sufferers with liver congestion (which is a large

percentage). I definitely have liver congestion.

How do we get enough good fats and avoid oils at the same time? The

question of the day!

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--- In gallstones , " fjnie1234 " <Fred.Niehaus@...>



> The whole antifungal thing has me totally confused. Some people say


> rotate every 4 days while others say every 3-4 weeks.


> I tried GSE for the first time and my tongue almost totally cleared


> within 5 days. It was like a miracle drug! Then on the 6th day, it

> got worse again - dissappointing. Maybe the 4-day rotation is the


> approach?


> Also, some say that antifungals also kill the good bacteria. So how

> can you justify taking them?


> Any thoughts would be appreciated!

You may have regressed after the 5 th day of your gse treatment due to

dietary indescretions ..I dont know ...but expecting an antifungal to

make any sort of lasting impression in anything short of probably at

least 3 months is unrealistic .

As for the rotation advice I am not too strict with that ...I

incorporate them into my diet wherever practical (re the garlic &

coconut oil)... & I use one of the other until it runs out & then

switch to another until that runs out ...

but I personaly pretty much always take some garlic & coconut

oil....(Virgin coconut oil has other benifits besides antifungal


My understanding is in most cases antifungals will often kill a

minor percentage of good bacteria as well as the bad ...but it is

still much more effective than not taking antifungals at all.

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--- In gallstones , " fjnie1234 " <Fred.Niehaus@...>



> Thanks for your post. It is very helpful. The one thing that I

> haven't figured out yet is my fat consumption. I had been consuming

> oils - EVOO, coconut, and flax seed. The I read that oils are not


> for those candida sufferers with liver congestion (which is a large

> percentage). I definitely have liver congestion.


> How do we get enough good fats and avoid oils at the same time? The

> question of the day!


Well I think I explained in my earlier first post that I do not agree

with the premise that fats are bad for candida sufferers with liver

congestion....(assuming they are good fats as I mentioned)

Logically you may have to work up to a higher fat diet slowly ...but

that is just common sense.

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Can the candida build up resistance to the garlic and coconut oil? I

think that I had read where candida can build up resistance to caprylic

acid which comes from coconut oil.

I do understand that there are numerous benefits to coconut oil, but

wasn't sure if I should be taking it all of the time because of the

resistance issue. I also wondered the same thing about garlic.


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