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I have a question

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Dear Jerri,

I was very interested to read your email and glad to hear about your

child's progress! I am new to this list and have not been able to see

Dr. G, but I am utterly convinced that my son's immune system has

caused his neurological problems. Having said that, I always

suspected that something was a little off with him from a very early

age (a few months of age even) because he was not as calm as I

thought babies should be and his sleep cycles were all mixed up for

four mos and he always had to be rocked or moved, always! Now that I

know what I know about metals (and chemicals), I have wondered what

role they have played. My son's problems did not correspond to shots,

but I have a mouth full of metal (fillings and root canals) and I

myself have a few autoimmune disorders. So I have wondered if for the

children that develop these problems and have not been vaccinated, do

their mothers have exposure to metals like mercury through their own

lives? I truly believe that something has changed in the environment

that has led to the explosion in the number of cases of autistic

children. One day, we will figure it out.

Kim in MD

> To A Hancock and NIDs List,

> I do remember reading the message you posted below. Due to being

overwhelmed at the time and computer problems I did not get a chance

to respond. I would like to happily report my younger son is

completely indistinguishable now due to Dr G and a terrific ABA

therapist we hired. My son was perfectly fine until about 23 months

of age. My older son was diagnosed autistic at age 4 so I was

watching my younger son like a hawk. He was pointing and

asking " What's this " at 18 months. I took a deep sigh, He's going to

be fine I thought. My older son never did these things. At 23/24

months he started regressing, he was using echolalia, stopped

pointing and asking, losing words and banging his head on the floor.

I must say this was the lowest point in my life. I really thought I

couldn't go on. After awhile of utter despair. I realized I already

know what to do. I got on Dr G's waiting list and had our therapist

start in. This was last December. We saw Dr G last February. My

younger son is now talking a blue streak, using his own language, not

hyper, sleeps well, is independent, and very happy. He is now 3 1/2

and just about fine. My older son is more of a challenge. There are

times he is absolutely fine and then there are times we have some

major regression. I know now these times are when his immune system

is overloaded. The last flu bug episode we went through

> my son seemed to be handling it pretty well (he used to get major

sick) but on the fifth day of being sick almost all his autistic

symptoms returned. We are getting him back to where he was but it has

taken several weeks. I am so thankful for Dr. G. I get more convinced

everyday he has this disorder figured out. I think anything anyone

can do to lighten the load on their children's immune system will

help them. Also to A. Hancock, there are many on this list who are

not patients of Dr G's and some of their regressions should not be

blamed on him. I was always encouraged by the emails from Marcia

Hinds and Pat Koulton. I had saved many of their emails but they are

on the old computer and I don't know how to access them. Their sons

are recovered and they are off living normal lives now I guess

because they do not post anymore. I'm sure there are many others.

None of us can know which of our children are going to recover. I

have heard of very severe children recovering and high functioning

children not recovering. Every child is so different and their

circumstances are so different. All I know is that the progress can

be minuscule at times but to me the alternative is far worse. I know

this disorder is regressive and to let my children lose ground

permanently is the worst case scenario for me. I think my younger

sons success has been from catching it early. Less damage was done.

My older son went several years before we knew and could finally

accept it and find help (he is 7 now and we started with Dr G at age

5) but I know whatever improvement he attains will be worth every

penny. No matter what age, I think it is worth it. I do feel Dr G's

protocol is a stop gap measure as he has told us, he is stopping

further damage. He is desperately trying to get the research through

that will give him better meds to heal the immune system. Well, I

guess I am writing a book here. I hope this helps, Jerri Gann P.S. I

recently went through our home videos and my older son started

exhibiting autistic symptoms at 23/24 months too. I wonder what kind

of correlation could be made here. I was trying to trace anything to

vaccinations (my older son was in a research program and received

five-in-one's and was given the MMR twice, I thought for sure this

was the cause) I did not vaccinate my younger son and my older sons

symptoms did not correspond with his shots. So I too believe now like

Dr G this is not caused by vaccinations but they can trigger it.

Anyway off I go again.



> Message: 16

> Date: Tue, 3 Feb 2004 18:24:35 -0800

> From: " Hancock " <adhancock@n...>

> Subject: Re: Re: I have a question


> Would these be the messages, appearing on the list on 11/07, to


> you refer?


> Archive Listing:


> 19449 Re: some clarification from those further down the path

> Hancock hancockslancaster Fri 11/7/2003

> 19448 Re: Some Clarifications from those further down the path

> adhancock hancockslancaster Fri 11/7/2003

> 19447 Re: Some Clarifications from those further down the path

> adhancock hancockslancaster Fri 11/7/2003



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  • 1 year later...
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Yeah, me too. What's up with that?Toni Frampton <toni_frampton@...> wrote:

does anyone use the chat feature in the sight? I have tried several times only to find I am alone.



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I've never heard of anyone using the chat room!

If anyone is interested, maybe setting a time to meet

would get it going.



--- Toni Frampton <toni_frampton@...> wrote:

> does anyone use the chat feature in the sight? I

> have tried several times only to find I am alone.


> Toni


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  • 1 year later...
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Please call your Doc as you never know. If it were me I would rather know

for sure even if it is a flare up, it's good to know for sure. Take care...

Laurie R.

On 6/4/07, dollsewldy <dollsewldy@...> wrote:


> I have had AS and Rheumatoid Arthritis for a number of years. I have

> been On Embrel for about 2 1/2 years now. Doing Very good Tell the last

> 2 weeks. WE have been having a lot of Rain here and I am having a lot

> of trouble and Pain With my back. When I stand my back hurts so bad I

> just about can not stay it. If I set I am ok but the min. I stand up it

> goes to hurting again. I did not no if this was something that went

> along with my AS & RA are should I call my DR to see if it was

> something new going on. Maybe just a Good Old Flair Up going on here!


> Thanks SueAnn East Texas




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I have AS and my hips are the worst, but I have lower back pain as

well. I'm on Remicade and MTX. I'm in SW Houston, yes I do worse when we

have rain. But I have had some really good weeks, even with the rain on

the Remicade. I just had my fourth infusion last week. We are trying to

sort out how often. I went 5 weeks this last time, we are hoping for 6

weeks this time. Also I'm not on the max dose, but close to it.

Kate G



At 08:56 PM 6/4/2007, you wrote:

>I have had AS and Rheumatoid Arthritis for a number of years. I have

>been On Embrel for about 2 1/2 years now. Doing Very good Tell the last

>2 weeks. WE have been having a lot of Rain here and I am having a lot

>of trouble and Pain With my back. When I stand my back hurts so bad I

>just about can not stay it. If I set I am ok but the min. I stand up it

>goes to hurting again. I did not no if this was something that went

>along with my AS & RA are should I call my DR to see if it was

>something new going on. Maybe just a Good Old Flair Up going on here!



> Thanks SueAnn East Texas

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Kate, I have Family that lives in Houston and around The Gulf.

my Hips are also bad they like Freeze Up if I walk to far like

around In a store. Sometimes in the house also. But My back has not

been this bad. We have had Rain just about every day For a month. I

took my Shot today and do feel better. I have a wheelchair I use

somedays I just got a scooter to use also. The scooter is nice to get

around the house in and to go out in. I've been to places I have not

seen in years. I am happy you are doing very well on the Remicade.

You dont take as much if it as I do on the emberl. I have to take a

shot once a Week. Thanks for the Reply SueAnn

> >I have had AS and Rheumatoid Arthritis for a number of years. I


> >been On Embrel for about 2 1/2 years now. Doing Very good Tell the


> >2 weeks. WE have been having a lot of Rain here and I am having a


> >of trouble and Pain With my back. When I stand my back hurts so

bad I

> >just about can not stay it. If I set I am ok but the min. I stand

up it

> >goes to hurting again. I did not no if this was something that went

> >along with my AS & RA are should I call my DR to see if it was

> >something new going on. Maybe just a Good Old Flair Up going on


> >

> >

> > Thanks SueAnn East Texas


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  • 7 months later...

I just had my ultrasound today at 12:00. My husband

saw on the monitor that i had a jelly bean size

something in he thinks my liver. Not my gallbladder.

Is that normal to have a stone in your liver. What do

they do for that. What are my options...please help!

very worried...


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  • 2 weeks later...

No . . . You should get a complete capsulectomy regardless of whether you had silicone or gel implants . . . especially if you are symptomatic. . . Even saline implants have a silicone shell . . That shell sheds silicone particles as it ages . .. and organisms contained by the capsules are removed with the capsule.Hopefully your implants can be removed "en bloc" . . . That means removing the capsules with the implants still inside.Contrary to what some docs tell you, the capsule will NOT be absorbed by your body. . . It could mimic a cancerous growth - requiring multiple scans in the future.Hugs,Rogene

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