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Healthy Gallbladder

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How do you maintain a healthy gallbladder? I think cutting way back on

sugar helped me. But just to make sure I cut out a lot of meat,

caffiene, dairy products, and high fatty foods. I exercise more and

keep them abs in better shape, sleep better, and drink more water,

watch my salt and eat a balanced nutritious diet. How about you? Any

secrets you want to share?

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I've only had one attack (3/12/06) and I hardly ever eat red meat any more.

Don't seem to be able to tolerate eggs unless they are cooked in something, like

puddings or custard. I use coconut oil for sautéing. Use olive oil. Take fish

oil capsules. Take A-F Betafood, Milk Thistle/Dandelion combo. I stopped

drinking coffee many years ago due to my Tachycardia problem. I do drink black

tea (iced) one glass perhaps 5x a week. I use a Rebounder and do Pilates and

Yoga exercises.


How do you maintain a healthy gallbladder? I think cutting way back on

sugar helped me. But just to make sure I cut out a lot of meat,

caffiene, dairy products, and high fatty foods. I exercise more and

keep them abs in better shape, sleep better, and drink more water,

watch my salt and eat a balanced nutritious diet. How about you? Any

secrets you want to share?


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--- It sound like you are doing some good stuff with your nutrition &

exercise, I believe that gallbladder health is a good indicator

of overall health. Thanks for your examples. Mike t.

In gallstones , " Amber " <amber@...> wrote:


> I've only had one attack (3/12/06) and I hardly ever eat red meat

any more. Don't seem to be able to tolerate eggs unless they are

cooked in something, like puddings or custard. I use coconut oil for

sautéing. Use olive oil. Take fish oil capsules. Take A-F

Betafood, Milk Thistle/Dandelion combo. I stopped drinking coffee

many years ago due to my Tachycardia problem. I do drink black tea

(iced) one glass perhaps 5x a week. I use a Rebounder and do Pilates

and Yoga exercises.


> Amber



> How do you maintain a healthy gallbladder? I think cutting way

back on

> sugar helped me. But just to make sure I cut out a lot of meat,

> caffiene, dairy products, and high fatty foods. I exercise more


> keep them abs in better shape, sleep better, and drink more


> watch my salt and eat a balanced nutritious diet. How about you?


> secrets you want to share?



> .




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I'm doing everything I can to remain healthy. I'm the one who had that bad

pesticide poisoning in 2003 and have lost half my lung function and am now on a

Rx for Tachycardia. I really think my GB problem came from my liver trying to

detox the poisons. I still get short of breath but, other than that, I'm doing

pretty well. I'm very active and can't wait for our weather to cooperate so I

can get back to riding my horse. And I just turned 70 on Feb. 8th!


--- It sound like you are doing some good stuff with your nutrition &

exercise, I believe that gallbladder health is a good indicator

of overall health. Thanks for your examples. Mike t.


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Wow, Amber! That's pretty amazing. Have you tried taking Mullein and

Lobelia for 3 months to clean the junk out of your lungs followed up by 3

months of Lung Support to build and nourish the lungs?

My husband was in Tower 1 on 9/11 and had some serious lung issues. He did

that protocol for 6 months and his lungs are in great shape now.

How did you develop pesticide poisoning? Also, I'd be taking probably 10

parsley a day for that tachycardia. I've had issues w/my heart, but when

I'm on parsley, my heart issues go away.



-----Original Message-----

From: gallstones [mailto:gallstones ]On

Behalf Of Amber

Sent: Saturday, February 16, 2008 10:56 PM


Subject: Re: Healthy Gallbladder

I'm doing everything I can to remain healthy. I'm the one who had that bad

pesticide poisoning in 2003 and have lost half my lung function and am now

on a Rx for Tachycardia. I really think my GB problem came from my liver

trying to detox the poisons. I still get short of breath but, other than

that, I'm doing pretty well. I'm very active and can't wait for our weather

to cooperate so I can get back to riding my horse. And I just turned 70 on

Feb. 8th!


--- It sound like you are doing some good stuff with your nutrition &

exercise, I believe that gallbladder health is a good indicator

of overall health. Thanks for your examples. Mike t.


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Wow, what a great note! Thanks. I'm going to forward it to my nutritionist and

get her opinion of this. No, I have not tried what you mention here. As to how

it happened, we live on a horse ranch and when our last cat died in 2003, we

hired a pest control company to come out here and spray every two months, inside

and out. I always left the ranch when they arrived (husband stayed home), but

it affected me anyway. I started getting sick and it just kept getting worse

and worse. I was choking, gagging with mucous, short of breath and vomiting

daily. I finally had to move out of the house! When I eventually put 2 and 2

together, we got rid of carpets, drapes, couch (my husband had them spray it

because I was breaking out in hives ALL over my body by then and he thought it

was fleas - NOT). To give you a clue, I call my problem Orkinitis.


Wow, Amber! That's pretty amazing. Have you tried taking Mullein and

Lobelia for 3 months to clean the junk out of your lungs followed up by 3

months of Lung Support to build and nourish the lungs?

My husband was in Tower 1 on 9/11 and had some serious lung issues. He did

that protocol for 6 months and his lungs are in great shape now.

How did you develop pesticide poisoning? Also, I'd be taking probably 10

parsley a day for that tachycardia. I've had issues w/my heart, but when

I'm on parsley, my heart issues go away.




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Happy belated Bday Amber =)

If you want my advice try the 1 to 2 ounces of food grade hydrogen

peroxide (35% H202). I mix this with 1 liter of water. Put in a

humidifier and go to sleep. I got a massive herxheimer the next day

because I was dumb and started at 2ounces instead of working up to it.

So maybe start at half an ounce in 1 liter of spring or distilled


I'd say we are all oxygen deprived (thanks to low 02 levels in the air

and pollutants) and pathogens take advantage of that fact. So doing

this I have found it to be the cheapest and most effective way to get

oxygen into the body and to kill any infection in the lungs. I

believe there is also systemic benefits as well as my whole body felt


Its an educated guess that many people have undiagnosed infections

which either cause direct damage and inflammation to the liver or

these infections generate biotoxins which pollute the blood and

eventually cause liver damage that way.

Another area I looked into is heavy metal toxicity. I never smoked

and never had mercury fillings yet after some IV chelation the mercury

in my blood was way too high. I'm sure this may have some negative

impact on various bodily systems as well as the liver.

My mom smoked for years before and during her pregnancy and she also

had 9 mercury fillings. I dont blame her at all because back then

people just didnt know all the damage that they can do to a fetus.

It's just important to know that these are all potential causative

reasons for why we are not well.

Just my 2 cents =)



> I'm doing everything I can to remain healthy. I'm the one who had

that bad pesticide poisoning in 2003 and have lost half my lung

function and am now on a Rx for Tachycardia. I really think my GB

problem came from my liver trying to detox the poisons. I still get

short of breath but, other than that, I'm doing pretty well. I'm very

active and can't wait for our weather to cooperate so I can get back

to riding my horse. And I just turned 70 on Feb. 8th!


> Amber





> --- It sound like you are doing some good stuff with your nutrition &

> exercise, I believe that gallbladder health is a good indicator

> of overall health. Thanks for your examples. Mike t.



> .




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Oh and I forgot to mention that my lung problems were caused by Lyme

disease, Anaerobic Strep and Staff from 2 root canals and Chlamydia

pneumoniae (apparently its a non STD).

I was getting hardening of lungs, shortness of breath and this feeling

of hypoxia where I just felt starved of oxygen.

All these symptoms either improved or went away entirely after using

the diluted food grade H202 in the humidifier.




> Wow, Amber! That's pretty amazing. Have you tried taking Mullein and

> Lobelia for 3 months to clean the junk out of your lungs followed up

by 3

> months of Lung Support to build and nourish the lungs?


> My husband was in Tower 1 on 9/11 and had some serious lung issues.

He did

> that protocol for 6 months and his lungs are in great shape now.


> How did you develop pesticide poisoning? Also, I'd be taking

probably 10

> parsley a day for that tachycardia. I've had issues w/my heart, but


> I'm on parsley, my heart issues go away.




> Tara



> -----Original Message-----

> From: gallstones [mailto:gallstones ]On

> Behalf Of Amber

> Sent: Saturday, February 16, 2008 10:56 PM

> gallstones

> Subject: Re: Healthy Gallbladder



> I'm doing everything I can to remain healthy. I'm the one who had

that bad

> pesticide poisoning in 2003 and have lost half my lung function and

am now

> on a Rx for Tachycardia. I really think my GB problem came from my liver

> trying to detox the poisons. I still get short of breath but, other than

> that, I'm doing pretty well. I'm very active and can't wait for our


> to cooperate so I can get back to riding my horse. And I just turned

70 on

> Feb. 8th!


> Amber


> --- It sound like you are doing some good stuff with your nutrition &

> exercise, I believe that gallbladder health is a good indicator

> of overall health. Thanks for your examples. Mike t.


> .




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Thanks. I will copy this, too, and send it to my N.D. (who is also my



If you want my advice try the 1 to 2 ounces of food grade hydrogen

peroxide (35% H202).

Another area I looked into is heavy metal toxicity. Brad


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hello all,

i had a severe pain in my back, small of my back radiating down few years

back after which i was ok till another attack which was more like spasm in

my right side groin area.i discovered i had gall stones by u/s,now i have

been following the posts in'ere quite religiously but am unable to

find betafoods and milk thistle where i live.

i feel feverish but when i chk my temp.its normal.the right side at the

corner and underside of my breast has dull ache all the time and i dont feel


i have large stones ,shall i remove my gall bladder or is thre a laser




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Have you done any of the flushes? That would be a good place to start. They

soften the stones so that they can pass.


i have large stones ,shall i remove my gall bladder or is thre a laser





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Check out http://www.illnessisoptional.com. I order supplements from this

company--which is called " Your Rx for Health " --at least once a month for my

husband and myself. They offer about a 20 percent discount on most of their



----- Original Message -----

From: minni alharthy


Sent: Sunday, February 17, 2008 3:14 PM

Subject: Re:Healthy Gallbladder

hello all,

i had a severe pain in my back, small of my back radiating down few years

back after which i was ok till another attack which was more like spasm in

my right side groin area.i discovered i had gall stones by u/s,now i have

been following the posts in'ere quite religiously but am unable to

find betafoods and milk thistle where i live.

i feel feverish but when i chk my temp.its normal.the right side at the

corner and underside of my breast has dull ache all the time and i dont feel


i have large stones ,shall i remove my gall bladder or is thre a laser




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Amber, thanks for all the informations you shared to keep us healthy

inexpensively. Been thinking all the while you're yet within the calendar




Amber <amber@...> wrote:

I'm doing everything I can to remain healthy. I'm the one who had that

bad pesticide poisoning in 2003 and have lost half my lung function and am now

on a Rx for Tachycardia. I really think my GB problem came from my liver trying

to detox the poisons. I still get short of breath but, other than that, I'm

doing pretty well. I'm very active and can't wait for our weather to cooperate

so I can get back to riding my horse. And I just turned 70 on Feb. 8th!


--- It sound like you are doing some good stuff with your nutrition &

exercise, I believe that gallbladder health is a good indicator

of overall health. Thanks for your examples. Mike t.


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No you dont want to remove the GB. Do yourself several GB cleanses and I

recommend your getting on HCL/Betine for your digestion. I have found

that by my using this I get rid of the pain because my body needs the

HCL (hydrochloric acid) to help digest my foods and especially anything

that is oily. I dont eat any greasy foods and use only olive oil and a

little extra virgin coconut oil. The olive oil is the best for the GB

though. You need to do flushes to remove stones in the gallbladder.

Castor packs are good to apply the area also to help loosen the stones

and cause their release easier too.

Most health food stores have the HCL/Betine.

Hope this helps.

--- In gallstones , " minni alharthy " <minnialharthy@...>



> hello all,


> i had a severe pain in my back, small of my back radiating down few


> back after which i was ok till another attack which was more like

spasm in

> my right side groin area.i discovered i had gall stones by u/s,now i


> been following the posts in'ere quite religiously but am unable to

> find betafoods and milk thistle where i live.


> i feel feverish but when i chk my temp.its normal.the right side at


> corner and underside of my breast has dull ache all the time and i

dont feel

> hungry.


> i have large stones ,shall i remove my gall bladder or is thre a laser

> therapy?


> regards

> mini




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Gee, I wish I knew what that meant. Anyway I'm glad some of my information can

help someone.


Amber, thanks for all the informations you shared to keep us healthy

inexpensively. Been thinking all the while you're yet within the calendar





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Hi, Amber, we usually say( jokingly) to someone, " youre still within the

calendar " meaning, hey! you're not yet over 31 years old...Yes indeed, you and

everyone here are source of beneficial information..good health to all.


Amber <amber@...> wrote:

Gee, I wish I knew what that meant. Anyway I'm glad some of my

information can help someone.


Amber, thanks for all the informations you shared to keep us healthy

inexpensively. Been thinking all the while you're yet within the calendar





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Hi, Amber, we usually say( jokingly) to someone, " youre still within the

calendar " meaning, hey! you're not yet over 31 years old...Yes indeed, you and

everyone here are source of beneficial information..good health to all.


Amber <amber@...> wrote:

Gee, I wish I knew what that meant. Anyway I'm glad some of my

information can help someone.


Amber, thanks for all the informations you shared to keep us healthy

inexpensively. Been thinking all the while you're yet within the calendar





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Thanks for the explanation. I'd never heard that phrase before. Where are you

from? I'd like to be 31 and have the knowledge that I have now.


Hi, Amber, we usually say( jokingly) to someone, " youre still within the

calendar " meaning, hey! you're not yet over 31 years old...Yes indeed, you and

everyone here are source of beneficial information..good health to all.



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Amber, I'm a Filipina., here Philippines. Been 1 year in this group. Joined this

due to GB problems too.

Amber <amber@...> wrote: Thanks for the explanation.

I'd never heard that phrase before. Where are you from? I'd like to be 31 and

have the knowledge that I have now.


Hi, Amber, we usually say( jokingly) to someone, " youre still within the

calendar " meaning, hey! you're not yet over 31 years old...Yes indeed, you and

everyone here are source of beneficial information..good health to all.



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Thanks. I'm in Texas. I guess I've been a member of this group for a couple of

years now.


Amber, I'm a Filipina., here Philippines. Been 1 year in this group. Joined

this due to GB problems too.


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